Michael's POV
Staring out the window, I watch the traffic pass by mom’s street. What is taking them so long? They should have beaten me here. With it being five after seven, I begin to really worry. I’m not as worried about them being late as much as I am about what the hell I’m going to do when they get here. How am I going to make things right with Justin? I shake my head. He cad be so stubborn and can hold grudges to the end of time in his drama princess moments. Plus it doesn’t help that Justin has been really moody this last week and has given me hot and cold, and sometimes both at the same time. I assume its wedding jitters. I mean, I know my stomach is in knots since the idea of this popped into my head. This whole wedding thing has been pretty stressful for both of us. Who knew how much work goes into setting one up? I don’t remember there being this much fuss when mom married Carl. And like them, Justin and I agreed to have a small and simple wedding too, but mom and Emmett wouldn’t have any of that. Though it’s still a some what small wedding, simple went out the door. Both mom and Emmett are really going all out. But like mom said, “How many times is my one and only son is going to get married?”, so we just let them and give our input when needed. Besides it helps mom not dwell the absence of Uncle Vic. I hear whistles and cat calls breaking the muffled chatter behind me. “Oh... aren’t you a handsome little devil!” mom exclaims in high pitched cheer that drowns everything else out. I turn around to see what all the fuss is about, and I find Gus is in the living room wearing his tux for the wedding. He looks good. Aunty Em is leading Gus in a series of modeling poses, and Gus is more than happy to show off, eating up the attention. I shake my head at the sight, but I can’t help but smile. With a roll of my eyes, I focus out the window again. Justin and I decided that Gus would be ring bearer and that we would only need a best man, no need for two. Well, to tell the truth, I just didn’t want Ian – who I knew Justin would have picked – to be in our wedding. So I guess it was my idea originally, but Justin didn’t seem to mind. There was no need for a maid of honor; though, I’m sure if Daphne was still around Justin would have wanted her to be ours. But anyway, we had both agreed on Emmett as our best man. He was one person who is the closest to both of us. God, I’m such a fucking idiot. I don’t blame Justin for being upset at me. He hardly even knows Brian. What was I thinking? I lean my head against the cool window watching the streetlights fight their way on. My breath fogs up the window. I make unconscious images of nothing in the moisture with my index finger along with spelling Justin’s name out. Maybe I’m dwelling on this too much, and Justin will let it slide. Even then, I still have the guilt from diner incident to carry. Man, I should have never changed my mind. “Come on, Mikey. It will be fun,” Justin pleads in my ear planting light kisses downward to my neck. “I remember my high school prom and ‘fun’ isn’t even close to word I’d use to describe it,” I explain shaking my head. He sighs, “So we’ll make new memories, better memories.” “I thought you didn’t want to go prom. When did you change your mind?” I say trying to ignore Justin’s actions as he continues downward consuming my exposed body. He groans into my neck. “Since your mother said I had to go. It’s a rite of passage and that it will scar me for the rest of my life if I don’t.” “Sounds like her speech hasn’t changed much over the years,” I state, amused- though not surprised. “So you will come with me,” he inquires hopefully running his hand up and down through the small dark patch of hair on my chest. “I don’t know... Don’t you think I’m a little bit too old to go to prom? Plus, what is everybody going to say if I show up as your date?” “Fuck them.” Justin’s eyes meet my gaze, “I don’t care what they have to say or think. The night is supposed to be about taking someone you care about. And you’re that someone for me.” I feel my eyes misting up. No has ever said that I mean so much to them; besides my family of course. “Please... Michael, it will be a night that neither one of us will forget.” He caresses my chin. “I promise,” he states leaning into my lips before kissing me, letting all my fears get buried in our passion. I feel tears dribble down my cheeks, and I sniff as I use my sleeve to dry my face. I wish he hadn’t promised that. “What’s wrong, Michael,” Emmett’s question startles me. “Nothing...” I mumble beneath my sob.
)=( Brian’s POV
The drive is rather short as my mind tries to wrap around of everything I’ve learned in the last half hour. Everything is so fucking overwhelming, and I’m beginning to regret this whole damn trip to the Pitts. Or do I regret leaving it... No. Fuck, I don’t do regrets. A part of me wants to stop the jeep and kick the three young men to the curb, and then drive back to New York without looking back, to say ‘fuck this shit!’ I don’t need any it. But with one glance to the back seat catching the gaze of silk blue eyes which instantly turn their attention back to the window, I know I wouldn’t be able to. I don’t know what it is about this blond that intrigues me, or why I let him get to me. I can’t believe I let my guard down in front from of him. What the fuck was up with that? I can’t seem to control myself around him. And why the fuck do my lips burn after touching his? I wonder if he’s going to tell Michael he kissed me. For the moment, I smirk, stealing another glance at Goldie Locks. All other thoughts drift away as I’m consumed with a disgusting yet pleasurable warm stinging, tingling feeling within me. It reminds kind of me of the beginning of a high. Blondie kissed me. Pulling up to Debbie’s, I quickly snap back to reality. Shit, I’m about to meet my son. Oh, why did I let Lindsay talk me into giving her my sperm? What the fuck was I thinking? I wasn’t thinking, hence the problem. Just look all the shit I caused. I left to get away from all of this shit, but I only seem to have made it worse. God, I’m too sober to deal with all this. Taking in a deep breathe, I head to face the music, dragging myself behind Blondie. A middle aged man, who I don’t recognize, opens the door, and we all walk in. Immediately the aroma of garlic bread fills my lungs. My nose cringes in disgust, and I try my best not to gag. But before I make a comment about the lovely scent, I hear father time catching up with me. “Daddy, Daddy!” shrieks a cheerful cry. I stop dead in my tracks as small figure comes bouncing in my direction. But to my slight relief and amusement, the boy runs into the arms of Blondie who instantly picks up him up, effortlessly. He smiles brightly at the bundle hanging tightly to him. “Grandma’s T.V. dead! Mikey kill it. Grandma not happy with him. Daddy Justy, fix it. Please... Daddy. Fix it.” he begs with Lindsay’s pleading eyes as he holds out the remote. “Sure, Gus. Da...” Blondie glances at me wearily before taking the remote. “Uh, umm... I will try to fix the TV.” “Yah...” squeals sonny boy squeezing the blond in tight hug following with a careless wet kiss Blondie’s cheek. I watch the two make there way to 52 inch T.V. screen where Blondie plops Gus down on the couch. Blondie starts talking to the ancient man who opened the door moments ago as they stand in front the T.V. Ian joins Gus, and Gus begins to tell him how Mikey killed the television. Where the hell Michael is anyway? “Well, well, look what the cat dragged in.” Ah, good ole Theodore. I shift my eyes upon Ted who is curled up in the lazy boy with a blond who looks familiar, but I fail to place him. Maybe he was an old trick of mine... only he isn’t my type so I rule it out. “New York not as fascinating these days?” Ted asks, sarcasm dripping from every word. “Oh, don’t tell me you ran out of tricks to fuck.” I shrug and shaking my head, “God, Theodore, I thought you would be six feet under by now.” “Yeah, well, as you see I’m quite alive and well.” And Ted does look well, for Ted that is. He motions back towards his blond who smiles back at him sharing a moment. Well, isn’t this cute. I feel like gagging. “For the walking dead,” I smirk. Ted nods. “Blake, this is the infinite asshole, Brian Kinney. And, Brian, this is Blake Wyzsecki, my boyfriend.” Well, shit, Theodore has got himself a widdle boyfriend. Who would have thunk it? Blake holds out his hand, and I shake it. “Nice to meet you, Brian.” “Likewise,” I force a smile. “Wow, that’s a quite shine you got there, Brian. Did your latest conquest leave you that souvenir?” “Something like that,” I utter with my eyes linger on the back of Blondie’s head. “Brian! Where the hell have you been?” Debbie yells angrily as she stares me down coming out of the kitchen with her hands on her hips. “It’s about time you got here. Dinner has been ready a half hour ago.” “Where do you think I’ve been?” I snap annoyed. She raises her eyebrow. “Oh, give me a break,” I huff. “No one said you had to wait. Besides, it’s not my fault.” “No, it never is. You’re always the innocent bastard, aren’t you?” She waves a finger at me. I answer with a cheeky smirk and press my tongue against my cheek in response. Shaking her head, she glances back towards the kitchen. “James Hunter Montgomery!” she shouts to close to my ear leaving a ringing tone as she retreats back in the kitchen. Christ! I rub my ear. “What have I told you about picking at my food?” “Uh... not to do it,” the kid replies sweetly. “But I’m really hungry, Deb. I’m mean if Brian drove any slower I swear we would have all starved to death.” I feel Debbie burning holes through me. “Did you get lost?” Ted asks in confusion with hint of amusement in his eyes. “Ha, ha you’re hilarious,” I remark in a cold chuckle as I make a retreat to back porch for a smoke where I find Michael and Emmett. It is obvious I’m interrupting a deep convention between them, but I don’t care. I’m not going back in the hornet’s net without first smoking a cigarette or two. Michael brightens up automatically as Emmett ignores me. “Brian!” Michael smiles. At least, he’s glad to see me. “We were about to sent a search party after you guys. What the hell took you so long to get there?” “Traffic...” I mutter as I embed a cigarette between my lips. Mikey nods in understanding. There is silence between the three of us as I light up. It’s too bad I don’t any joints on me. “Hi, Emmett,” I say smugly at the queen. “Oh, hi, Brian,” he says flatly coated in a sour tone. Michael eyes grow wide. “I thought you said you were okay with it.” “Oh, I am, Michael. I’m totally o-kay with it. I mean it’s your happy day after all. I’m still the wedding planner, or would you like to take that as well?” His eyes narrow down on me. I shift back and forth from the two not sure what the hell they’re talking about. “Oh my God, Brian is going be wedding planner to now?” he gasps. “What?!” I choke. There’s no fucking way I’m going to plan any God damn hetro-ism wedding. No, fucking way! “No, no, Emmett, you’re still our wedding planner,” Mikey assures him, but there is still doubt flecked in Emmett’s face. “Don’t fucking worry about that. It would take more than a cold day in hell for that to happen.” “Yeah, well, it appears New York as has made you a changed man. I never thought the day would come when Brian Fucking Kinney would attend a wedding let alone be in a wedding.” “Oh, I see. You’re all broken up because I was picked over you to be the best man,” I laugh. It’s hilarious if he thought he stood a chance against me or anyone else for that matter, but this could be the out I’ve been wanting. “But if you want it so bad you can have it.” “Really...” “Brian...” “Really. It’s no skin off my nose. Besides weddings are more you’re thing than mine.” “Well, if you insist,” he grins, “and if that’s okay with you, Michael.” “Yeah, I guess,” Michael sighs looking at me sadly. “Hey, what the hell are you all doing out there?” the teen demands in annoyance behind us. “Debbie’s about to make head rolls if you don’t get in there on the double.” Emmett quickly follows the kid in. I linger, taking my time finishing off the last of my cigarette, and Michael stays watching me in silence. Taking one long last inhale, I smear the cigarette on ground beneath my foot. “Was all that really necessary?” I exhale. “What are you about?” “Well for one, how about the little act that you and Emmett just put on,” I answer. He studies me for moment. Then he frowns and lowers his head. “Was it that obvious?” “Why did you ask in the first place if you didn’t want me to be your best man?” “No, I want you as my best man, Brian.” I raise a brow. “Honestly, I do.” “But...” “It’s just...” “Just-in.” He nods slowly. “Look, Brian, he just doesn’t know you, and we kind of agreed to have Emmett as our best man already. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be sorry.” I reach out and grab his chin. “It’s bullshit.” I lean in and kiss him lightly before resting our foreheads together. There is another question I want an answer to, but I’m yet again interrupted by Debbie. “MICHAEL!” Debbie yells. “We better get in before my mom goes on a killing spree.” “Yeah, and we’ll have to spend the rest of the evening finding places to hide the bodies.”
)=( Justin’s POV
My attempts to explain to Carl what happen to the TV were as clear as mud. “Just next time remember if you turn on the VCR, you need to turn it off when you're finish,” I tell him. Clicking through a couple channels, I find a rerun of the Power Puff Girls on the cartoon network. I heard a cry of excitement from behind me, and I turn my head to smile at Gus who is bouncing and clapping his hands. “Oh, Sunshine... you’re a genius,” Debbie claims in awe as she comes over to reward me with a red kiss. “And he has the SAT scores to prove it,” Ethan interjects. “What would I do without you?” she asks cupping my cheekbone in her palms. “You would probably continue to watch TV at my place,” Ted answers bluntly. “Probably,” she agrees. “Oh, lookly! Justin got the TV working again. Oh my God, is that Power Puff Girls? I love this show. Bubbles is just cutest thing. Say, isn’t this the episode where...” “I told them, Debbie,” Hunter interrupts Emmett. Hunter isn't much of a fan of the show. “So like can we eat now?” “Of course, kiddo. T.V. off. Everyone up to the table.,” she orders. “We’re going to have supper while it’s still warm.” “But Grandma...” “You can put that butt in a chair, sweet heart. I’m sure the girl puffs will be on again. But right now it’s time to eat.” Gus sadly sighs as he follows her, Hunter, Ethan, and Carl. “You own me twenty bucks, Em.” “Twenty bucks...?" “It took him less than two minutes,” Ted sings pointing at me. “Oh... he didn’t. Did you?” I shrug, and Blake nods. “Jesus... Well, if my TV ever goes on the frits, you’re the first person I’m calling.” “Ah... Em, where’s Michael?” I inquire looking for him. “Back porch with Brian.” I frown. “But you’ve got nothing to worry about. Michael and I took care of it.” Care of it? “Care of what?” I ask, but Emmett didn’t hear me as he walks with Ted and Blake into the kitchen. Instead of joining them, I head to the hallway to see if I could steal a glimpse of Michael through the window. Michael looks sad talking with Brian, and Brian reaches out suddenly and holds Michael’s chin up as he leans in to kiss him. Watching them embrace, I feel the air being sucked out of my lungs, and suddenly breathing is a mystery to me. It was a brief contact between them, but it might as well have been lifetime. I’m not sure what to think for the lack of oxygen to my brain is abolishing every coherent thought from my mind, leaving me with just the pain in my chest. It’s not until they start coming in that I’m finally released from my trance. With the first blink, I notice how wet my eyes are as I become aware of the gravity pull of the planet, and I have to reach out to the wall at my left side to steady myself. I begin greedily gasping in air, creating a burning sensation through my body, like I’m breathing for the first time. Feelings sweep through me – hurt, anger, and sadness. I hear my name being called out, and I quickly dry my eyes and carefully make my way to the table, only stumbling a bit. I push my emotion back down my throat as I take a seat next to Gus.
Debbie’s lasagna is one my favorites, but, for the second time today, I have no appetite. Stabbing my fork into the lasagna for the billionth time, I glance over at Gus purring away happily with his yum-yum in his tum-tum song. Gus has eaten more than me. In fact, he is wearing more than I have consumed. Taking my napkin, I attempt to make his face half way presentable again. Still humming, Gus grins widely up at me with his kool-aid lips before moving back to eating. I look at him sadly. He’s looks a lot like Brian. Brian sits across from Michael in between Ted and Carl trying to eat as little as possible, making a bit of a fuss about the pounds of weight he will put on from eating supper. If you ask me, he could use an extra few more added onto his slim frame, and, despite the scene he is making out of it, I think Brian is enjoying the lasagna as much as Gus. Like his bickering is his yum-yum in the tum-tum song. You know. But what really puzzles me the most is how Brian is avoiding Gus like the plague or something which wasn’t what I was expecting. And poor Gus is oblivious to Brian’s presence, completely lost in his own little world. I envy Gus. I wish I could join him because all I keep thinking about is Brian kissing Michael... about me kissing Brian. I’m mad at Michael for letting Brian kissed him, but, maybe even more, I mad at myself for kissing Brian. What I did is far worst than what Michael did right? God, I can’t believe I kissed him. In some weird sense it seemed like the thing do at time, but what scares me is that I wanted to kiss him. Why? Well, that’s what I’ve been trying to figure out since the incident. I haven’t been able to look Michael in the eye yet. I keep myself busy whenever I feel Michael’s puppy dog eyes upon me, begging my forgiveness from earlier today. I know I shouldn’t be ignoring him; especially, in the presence of Brian, but I can’t help it. I feel so guilty for what I did. I can’t believe I let Brian Fucking Kinney get to me like that. Damn him! This is totally his fault! I mean, who knew that a man who’s such an in your face asshole can be such a weak and scared person? And I hate him even more for it, for making me feel sorry for the man that thinks he has hide who he really is. I let out a heavy sigh, and Michael puts his hand on my arm, offering me his comfort. Without even looking in his direction, I instantly pull away from his touch, apparently causing a scene at table earning me everyone’s uninvited attention. Great... It’s Debbie who breaks the awkward silence which has fallen upon the table with the exception of Gus who’s still lost in the food heaven. “Are you still not feeling well, Sunshine?” she asks in her motherly way. “No, I’m not. Sorry,” I answer with a very weak smile. “Well, it’s not everyday you have a near death experience,” Emmett says trying to be supportive, but it only reminds me of my past. “No,” I reply softly trying to hold back the hurt, “not everyday.” Then like he had just realizes what he had said, he blurts out, “Oh, Justin, I...” “Don’t worry about it, Em,” I remark quickly before excusing myself to the bathroom. I need to get away from everyone for a minute, but I’m not even half way up the stairs before they start hounding Michael on what’s going on with me. They knew there has to be more than me choking at diner for my actions. I’m sorry I left Michael to deal with all that. Sometimes I wish they would butt out of our lives, but that wouldn’t be their style; especially, not Debbie’s. My eyes leave Michael to find Brian staring at me with concern. His gaze is unnerving yet somewhat comforting as I continue up the stairs. I unconsciously continue the eye contact with him until he is no longer in sight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Edited by The Slash Faerie