Brian's POV
I finally tear my gaze from his perfect ass as we enter the apartment. The first room is open and splits into the kitchen, dining room, and living room. The place is cluttered with comic memorabilia. A few paintings hang on the walls, mixed with more comic memorabilia. Am I supposed to be surprised by this? Yeah, right. This is Mikey we’re talking about. "...over there is the bathroom. Our bedroom is over there and on the side is Gus' room. You'll be staying in his room. I'll show you were you can put your things." Who the fuck is Gus? Following that plump ass again, we walk into... "Oh my God..." Christ, they are putting me in kiddy’s room. Just my fucking luck. I wonder why Michael didn't mention he had a kid or . . . . does the kid belong to blondie over there? He doesn't really look like either of them though. He must take after his mother. He's kind of a cute little fucker– for a time bomb, that is. Glancing over the pictures that litter the walls and dresser, it looks like the entire "family" has adopted the boy, the little runt too. I shake my head. Geez, what the fuck happened to Mikey when I left? I’m really beginning to think that Michael has been abducted by aliens or something. It seems a hell of a lot more probable than this . . . environment I’m finding myself in. Fuck, he is fucking living the ‘American dream’. He has his dream job, a kid, and a... hot partner. God, I think I may get sick. This is far too hetero for my taste. I pick up a picture of Michael, Justin, and Gus, and stare at it intently. There's something wrong with Michael's living fairy tale. It is just too perfect. No, not perfect. It's all wrong. Michael and Justin . . . Gus . . . Or is it just because I want it to be wrong? No, there is something clearly wrong here.
)=( Justin's POV
Trying hard not to smile, I watch Brian's reaction as he scans the room. Maybe Brian won't want to say in Gus’s room. Then he can leave and stay in some over priced, flee bag motel. Oh, I hope so, or it's going to be a very long weekend. "Who's kid?" "What?" "I said who's kid? It that a particularly challenging question?" Oh my God. Brian has no idea who Gus is. He hadn’t even bothered to learn his own son’s name! I open my mouth to point out that Gus is the son he abandoned, but quickly snap it shut. Why should I tell him? He surely didn't give a shit back then so, why would give a shit now? Besides, Gus belongs to Michael and me now. We have the papers to prove it. The fucking asshole. I bet he doesn't even know about Lindz and Mel. I let out a deep sigh and try to calm down. Then again, every child needs a father, but not every child gets one. Brian Kinney doesn't seem to be father material. Michael is a better father than Brian could ever dream to be. But I'm shocked that Michael didn’t even bother to tell Brian that we had adopted his son. Maybe I'm worrying about nothing. Michael doesn't fully trust Brian. I have to smile about that. I'll leave it up to Michael; he can tell Brian who Gus really is. "Michael's and mine,” I reply, meeting his intense gaze. "Really,” he asks with a chuckle. He arches a challenging, yet elegant eyebrow holding my gaze. "Really." "And which one of you gave birth to him," he laughs in amusement. I frown. What a smartass. "His mother thought it would be best for him to be with Michael and me." Lindsay had left Gus to Michael in her will if anything were to happen to her and Melanie. Melanie couldn't bear raising Gus without Lindsay, so she gave him to Michael. Soon after, Michael had insisted that I become Gus’s guardian too, and we have been a family ever since. Brian nods and begins to pick up Gus’s toys one by one to examine them. "So where is Sonny boy?" "He's spending the night with a friend." God, does he have to touch everything? He could at least put everything back the way he found it! Or is that too much to ask? I begin moving things back where they belong.
)=( Brian's POV
Queers don't get married. We don't try to live straight lives. That defies all the wondrous pleasures of being gay. And I'm going to open the lovely couple’s eyes and show them that they are living a lie. I’ll show them both that this life they’re leading isn't real. Maybe then Mikey and his twink will realize that they’re making the biggest mistake of their lives. What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't help them see the light? What is it that they named me in their comic book? Oh, yes, I'm Rage. I chuckle. It is practically Rage's duty to show these two queers what it is to be queer. God, it sounds like I'm doing some Bravo TV show, Queer Eye for the Queers. Yeah . . . that’ll be the day. "So why did you propose to Mikey?" "I didn't. Michael did." "You got to kidding me?" Really, Michael, what hell has happen to you? "No, I'm not kidding you. Why is that so hard to believe?" "It’s just such a un-Michael thing to do," I sigh. I can’t believe this. "Or maybe you don't know him as well as you thought you did,” Justin’s cold voice answers. I grin, "Maybe . . . but you didn't know Mikey back then." "No, I didn't, but you don't know the Mikey now. Don't tell me you expect everything to be the same as when you left. Well, I'm sorry to inform you, Kinney, but the world continued to turn without you. And just because you decide to take some trip down memory lane here, don’t forget that you were the one who abandoned everyone." "I didn't abandon them . . ." "Oh, really. Please enlighten me then. Tell me, what did you do then? Did you visit? Did you write? Did you send emails? Did you call anyone before last week?" Touché, isn't he? "You don't know anything,” I bite out in response to his little tirade. "I know more than you think." I arch my eyebrow, and reply sarcastically, "Really." Somehow I highly doubt that. "I know you’re here to try to break us up. But you’re wasting your time." "Am I?" I smirk. He's not dumb. No wonder he is in such a cheerful mood, and all this time, I thought he upset about the back room incident! Justin nods. "Whether you like it or not, we are in love." God, there is that four letter word again. I mentally cringe at the thought of it. "And there's nothing you can do about it." "Well, I better just grab my stuff and go, because I don't stand a chance against that,” I say sarcastically at the edge of laughter. Justin is clearly not amused. He’s glaring daggers at me, and if looks could kill, I’d definitely be six feet under right about now. "How old are you?" I snicker. "Twenty one," came his terse response. Shit, he’s only twenty one, but he could pass as a fifteen year . . . Wait, that means he was only seventeen when . . . Damn, Michael, you are full of surprises, aren't you? Now the picture is coming in more clearly. Justin has never really experienced life. I bet Michael was his first. "You're too young and Michael is too naive to realize that love doesn't really exist. You are both in for a rude waking." "How do you know? Have you ever been in love with someone besides yourself? Someone whose needs you’re willing to put before your own?" I'll admit he got me there. He smirks. “I didn't think so. Do me favor and keep your words of wisdom to yourself. As far as I'm concerned, you are full of shit and have yet to lead me to believe otherwise." I don't know if I want to slap him or spank him. "Have you ever been with anyone besides Mikey?" Justin hesitates as I believe I see fear flash across his eyes. Hmm . . . I've found something here. "Yes . . ." Liar. "So humor, me who have you been with besides Mikey?" I smirk wrapping my arms together against my chest. Justin breaks eye contact with me. "It's none of your business." "Right." Justin walks in front of me. "Look, you don't know anything. You think I haven't been betrayed by love. Well, I have. I know what it feels like to be unwanted by those you hold dear. Just like you, I've been let down by those who were supposed to love me unconditionally. Yet, unlike you, I think, no, I know people are not all the same. That two people can love one another, because I seen it first hand. And it is one of the most beautiful things on earth. It was what kept me going. So I'm sorry, Kinney, if your shallow mind keeps you blind from it, but maybe you should open your eyes once a while, see what is really there before refusing to believe it. " "My eyes are open." "And what do you see?" Without thinking it through, I grab Justin and lock lips with him laying a hard long kiss on his soft lips. What is it about this blond that makes me want to . . . God, he is so. . . Separating our lips, we both suck in air to fill our lungs. I stare right into his piercing big blues reflecting my shock with his. Clearly, I'm not the only who feels something. Then I lean in to kiss him again, but he moves his head. I brush my hand across side of his face and move his face back to me. He shakes himself free, but I'm not done. I grab his left arm pull him back to me, but when I swing him around, my face makes contact with his right fist. "Fucking . . . Christ! Fuck . . ." I yell out in pain as I cover my left eye with my hand. "Shit. I'm so sorry," he gasps. "The fuck you are," I say angrily as I feel the blood drip down my face where the ring cut right below the corner of my eye. The blond has fucked up my face. "Well, I . . . Umm . . . I'm sort of sorry,” he utters. "Sorry is bullshit," I mumble in response.
)=( Justin's POV
Shit. Shit. Shit. How am I going to explain this to Michael? I'm so fucked. Why the fuck did I let him kiss me? The kiss was . . . Damn it. Why the hell does he keep kissing me? Oh, right. He is messing with me, trying to get me unglued. Fuck and he has. Come on, Justin, you can't him let him win. Well, at least, he knows not to kiss me again. Shit, look at his face. Oh man . . . Michael is going to have a fit. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up," I sigh shaking my head at the pathetic sight before me. He glares at me but follows me into bathroom. As I dampen a wash cloth, I hear him mumble some comment about the Superman shower curtain. Yeah, I do think Michael is a little obsessive about comic books. I'm not that into the world of comics myself, but it makes Michael happy. It also makes Michael easy to shop for, but sometimes I do wish that everything didn’t have to revolve around comic books. I thank God that I can afford my studio. It is my escape from all this. It is what keeps me sane. "Ahh . . ." Brian groans at the touch of cloth that I dab on his cheek in attempt to wipe off the blood. "Sorry," I mumble trying my best to be careful. "Sorry is bullshit," he tells me again. "Whatever." I still feel a little guilty, but just a little bit. The asshole did sort of deserve it in my opinion. Brian continues to whimper in pain as I uncover the pea size cut from the blood. It is probably a 4th of an inch deep. The flesh around the cut is pink and is swelling up pretty quickly. "You fucked up of my face," he grumbles as he takes a quick glance at the medicine cabinet's mirror. "It's probably going to leave a scar." "Yeah, but I think you'll live." I open the medicine cabinet and reach to grab bactine . . . "Oh, thanks, doc, I feel a lot better knowing that." . . . But I take out the clear iodine instead. "Oww . . . Fuck that shit stings." "Oh, come on, stop being a baby," I grin. "Having fun at my expense?" "May-be," I smile wider, probably grinning like a fool as I put a bright yellow Batman band-aid over the cut.
)=( Brian's POV
Just look at him . . . Just look at that smile of his. He could direct traffic with that. Justin's too pleased with himself. "So do I get a lollypop now," I tease seductively as I tilt my head. "Lollypop? Well, umm . . . I think we have some jolly rancher suckers in the candy drawer if you're serious." "Well, I was thinking more of a blow pop,” I grin wickedly pressing my tongue against my cheek. "Oh well, we don’t . . .” I grab his crotch giving it a nice squeeze as I keep eye contact. His eyes go wide and he gasps. Scowling, Justin removes my hand from his groin which I have made hard. It’s a beautiful sight. Shit, I'm getting hard just looking at it. “Do you want another black eye," he hisses angrily. I put my hands in the air. "But admit you want me to?" "What the hell you mean I want you to? All I want is for you keep your hands off of me." I can see fear and anger in him as he tries to stare me down. I smirk biting my tongue and shaking my head. Only inches from him, I lean in grasping both of his wrists and push him against the wall before he can fight me off. "Let go of me," he cries. I pull Justin’s arms over his head. "Not until you admit it." "Admit what? That you are an asshole!" I shove my groin against his causing a short moan escape his pouty lips. "Fuck you," he utters. "Now that's more like it. But I'll be the one on top," I inform him. He eyes close and begins to breathe in heavy. Then he suddenly starts shaking. What the fuck? "Justin?” I quickly let go of his wrists. He would have collapsed to the floor if I hadn't caught him. What the hell is wrong with him? "Justin, are you okay?" Well, that was a dumb question. "Justin!" His eyes flutter open.
)=( Justin's POV
Teary eyed, I try to focus on the pair of puzzled hazel eyes of the person holding me. I feel light headed. My heart races hard again my chest. It takes a few moments to realize where I am and who I'm with. "Let me go, you fucking asshole," I cry as I struggle to free myself. He releases me, and I stumble away fighting to keep my balance. Brian grabs me again. "Don't touch me!" I yell. "Okay, but you should sit down." "Don't fucking tell me what to do!" "Fine." Shit. Great going there, Justin. I lean up against the wall and try to regain my bearings for second. I push myself off the wall to leave the bathroom only to become very light headed again. My sight blurs, and this time I don't fight Brian off as instinctively catches me from falling, and holds me tightly. Whether I like it or not, I need his help at the moment. I bury myself into him ashamed. He rubs his hand across my lower back. Despite myself, I find his touch soothing. Slowly, I calm down. Brian is probably loving this. "Feel better," he asks softy. "No, thanks to you," I snip. He sighs, "Look, I didn't mean . . ." "Sorry's bullshit," I snap earning a smirk from him.