Brian was looking at Liam for a brief moment as he drove the kid to school. He wondered how it had befallen on him to talk to Liam about what had happened the night before. “Liam, what did you see last night?” Liam looked at his father and frowned. He looked down afraid to upset his father. Timidly he uttered, “You were making Papa hurt.” Brian sighed knowing that he was threading into uncharted subjects with his oldest son. “No,” he said. “I wasn’t doing that.” “I heard him,” Liam told him. “And he was making these sounds and you were on top of him.” Brian wanted to die. “I was not hurting your father.” “What were you doing?” Liam asked shyly. “I was...making...well, your father and I love each other,” Brian said as he pulled over. He couldn’t be driving for this. “I know that,” Liam said. “You say it all the time. And you love us too.” Brian nodded. “Well,” he said. “There are many kinds of love. I love all of you because you’re my kids.” Liam nodded and smiled. “Your father and I, we have a different kind of love,” Brian didn’t know what he was saying. He was very nervous. “Why?” Liam asked. “Because we’re adults and we’re married. So, when two people are in love with each other they do certain things to show that they love each other.” “What things?” Liam asked. Brian stared at his kid like he was some kind of alien. “Well...we do...intimate things that happen between two adults. We kiss and hold each other.” Liam pouted. “But you’re on top of papa all the time when we’re watching a movie or when we’re at the park and you hug him and he never makes those sounds.” Brian swallowed unsure how he could explain further to his son. “What were you doing to him?” Liam asked yet again. He didn’t want his father to hurt his papa. Brian opened his mouth and nothing came out. “Dad?” Liam asked. Brian frowned as he heard his son calling him dad instead of daddy. He could tell that Liam wasn’t a baby anymore. “We were having sex,” Brian said in almost in a whisper. “Oh,” Liam said. “That’s how babies are made. We’re going to have another baby?” Brian nodded slowly and frowned. “Wait who has told you about sex and babies? And no, we’re not having another baby.” “Kevin,” Liam said. “He says that his parents had sex and he got a little sister. That’s how you guys do it.” “Right,” Brian answered still a bit stunned that his kid had a concept of what sex was. “Well, I think that...from now when you come into our room you should knock. Sex is something that happens between two adults who love each other.” “Why?” Liam asked. “Because it’s private and it happens only between your father and me,” Brian told him. “Okay,” Liam said as he nodded. “Do you and papa have sex all the time?” Brian opened his mouth again and not a sound came out. “What?” he asked when he managed to speak. “Well, you said I had to knock all the time,” Liam pointed out. “It is just in case we’re… busy,” Brian said. “Okay,” Liam replied. “Liam, I want you to remember that sex is something that should only be done by two adults who love each other. No one should ever try to touch you or make you feel uncomfortable. Do you understand?” Brian asked. “Um… but I thought if you love each other it’s okay to kiss and hug,” Liam said innocently. Brian couldn’t help but smile at that moment remarking how closely Liam resembled Justin. “A kiss or hug is okay as long as you’re comfortable. But, no one should ever hurt you or touch you if you don’t want to be touched,” Brian lectured him. “Well I don’t like it when girls try to kiss me at school it’s gross. Is that what you mean?” Liam questioned. Fuck! Brian thought to himself. Justin is so going to owe him for missing this father son chat. His ass is going to be mine, Brian thought. But then realized that’s the reason he currently found himself in this predicament. Sighing Brian tried again and said, “Liam what I mean is that no adult or anyone for that matter should touch you on your private parts. And if it happens it’s okay to tell me or papa. We won’t get mad, I promise. Papa and I both love you and we want you safe and around for a long time.” “Okay dad,” Liam said settling back happy that he understood that his papa wasn’t hurt. He couldn’t wait to tell Kevin his parents had sex and were having a baby. Brian noticed Liam’s relaxed demeanor so he resumed driving. When he dropped Liam he felt like their stressful discussion had left him drained and slightly embarrassed. He couldn’t even look at his own son. “Jesus, fuck!” When he got to his office he busied himself by working nonstop. When it was time to go pick Liam up he wasn’t sure if he wanted to. He was scared that Liam would have more questions. His cell phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. He picked it up when he glimpsed Chris’ name on the screen. “What is it?” “It’s me Chris,” the man said. “I’m...right now.” “Wait,” Brian told him getting up. “I can’t hear you.” “I’m on the road,” Chris said. “Brian?” “Yes,” Brian replied. “Jill had to go because his mother was in an accident and he brought the boys to me,” Chris said. “The girls are with Jennifer. Can you hear me?” “Yeah,” Brian said. “I do now.” “I’m on my way to the clinic,” Chris told him. “I need help.” “What are you talking about?” Brian asked. “Brian,” Chris groaned. “I’m with Sheridan, Andrew and Keefe. And Keefe has a fever.” “Okay, I’ll meet you there,” Brian told him walking to his desk. “Give me a few minutes.” “No problem,” Chris told him. “Okay,” Brian said and hung up. He looked at his watched. He had to pick up Liam in a few minutes from school. He dialed Justin’s cell phone number. “Hello lover,” Justin said. Brian smiled. “Hey, Sunshine, I need a favor.” “What is it?” Justin asked as he pushed Tiernan’s stroller. “I’m like five minutes away from your office.” “What?” Brian asked. “Where were you?” “I was at the diner,” Justin told him. “And we decided to take a stroll.” “We?” Brian teased. “Where are the quads, do you know?” “With Jill,” Justin said frowning. “You know that.” “Jill had an emergency,” Brian explained. “Come here. We’ll go pick Liam up and head for the clinic.” “The clinic?” Justin asked frowning as he hurried his step. “Keefe has a fever,” Brian explained. “Damn,” Justin said. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” “Love you,” Brian told him. “Later.” “Okay,” Justin answered. Brian grabbed his things and went to tell Cynthia that he was leaving but she wasn’t there. Brian always left one hour before work so he could go pick up his son. He went towards Ted’s office and knocked on the door before he went inside. “Brian?” Ted yelped. “What the fuck?” Brian asked as he looked from Ted to Thomas. “Brian,” Ted whispered. “I’m going to the clinic to see Keefe because he has a fever,” Brian looked at the man unable to say anything else. “Okay,” Ted told him meekly afraid of Brian’s reaction. Brian looked at them once again before he left. He didn’t know what he was going to do. Ted and Emmett were each his friends. He decided to deal with his new discovery at a more opportune moment since his priority was his own family situation. *** Melanie sat down in Vivian’s apartment. They had gone out a few times. She still didn’t know what she was doing with the woman. She was so different from Lindsay and the things she thought she had wanted. Vivian lived completely in her own world. “Do you want something to drink?” Vivian asked from her bedroom while she changed her shirt for the second time. “Okay,” Melanie told her. “Then get it,” Vivian said smirking. “Okay,” Melanie said slowly. She got up and walked to the kitchen. “How do I look?” Vivian asked when she came out. “Stunning,” Melanie told her. “You’re so getting me into bed,” Vivian assured her. Melanie laughed. “Jesus.” “What?” Vivian asked. “Are you not ready to move on?” “I didn’t say that,” Melanie told her. “I’m not used to hearing it. That’s all.” “Are you shitting me?” Vivian asked as she walked over to Melanie who was serving herself a glass of water. “You don’t have women taking off their panties and throwing them at you.” “Vivian,” Melanie hissed. “Jesus woman.” Vivian laughed as she grabbed Melanie’s waist. “I had a dream where I was doing that precise thing.” Melanie arched a brow. “Relax babe,” Vivian muttered. “Mmm, I want you so much,” she muttered and pushed Melanie against’ the fridge. “I think we’re going to be late,” Melanie told her. “Fuck it,” Vivian told her and kissed Melanie hard. She couldn’t satisfy her need for kissing the woman. “Mmm,” Melanie was turned on. When they pulled back they were panting. “We’re going to be late,” Vivian told her. “I don’t care,” Melanie told her. Vivian pulled away. “Come on,” she said as she pulled Melanie with her. “We’ll go to the restaurant and come back here. It’s going to be a night to remember, trust me.” Melanie smiled as she let Vivian wrap her arms around her while they walked to the door. She couldn’t wait to be back with the woman alone. *** Justin was cleaning the kitchen when Brian walked in. “Everyone is sleeping,” Brian announced. He came behind Justin and hugged him. “Mmm,” Justin murmured. “That feels good,” he said as Brian sucked on his earlobe. “Jill called a few minutes ago,” Brian said. “He said that his mother is going to be okay and that he’s coming back to work. He said that he will have to leave exactly at noon after you come home though,” he informed him. Jill had originally worked until noon when Justin came home from school. But after Justin had seen that he needed more help Jill would stay until Brian arrived around four and he would go to college starting around six. He assured Brian that it would be only for a few days until his mother was better. Justin nodded and turned around. “I have no problem with that.” Brian and Justin kissed briefly, the kiss ending because Justin pulled back. “What’s wrong?” Brian asked. “That’s what I was going to ask you,” Justin pointed out. Brian frowned and let his arms drop away from Justin. “Brian?” Justin asked. “Something happened today at work,” Brian muttered. His arms went back to holding Justin. “You can tell me anything you know,” Justin said. Brian nodded. “I...I saw Ted and Thomas kissing.” Justin sighed. “Jesus fuck.” “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do,” Brian said. “I mean I want to tell Emmett and yet I don’t want to rat out on Ted. Even though Ted is acting like a rat and deserves to suffer the repercussions.” “Emmett told us that he thought that Ted was cheating on him,” Justin said quickly. “Fucking hell,” Brian sighed. “What the fuck is Ted thinking?” Justin bit his lower lip. “What do you think it is?” “What?” Brian asked. “Is Thomas a trick?” Justin pondered. “An affair? Or is it something more?” “I don’t know,” Brian answered. Justin licked his lips. “Maybe you could talk to Ted.” “And tell him what?” Brian asked. “I don’t know Brian,” Justin replied. “Maybe you could find out if it is serious or if he’s just fucking around on Emmett.” Brian pinched the bridge of his nose. “Maybe you could talk him into leaving this guy before Ted losses everything,” Justin suggested. “I really don’t know. But I don’t want to see either one of them getting hurt.” “I know,” Brian muttered. Justin and Brian continued looking into each other’s eyes. “If you ever stop loving me I’ll cut your cock,” Brian told him. “Same goes for you,” Justin said. They smirked at each other. Brian sighed. “No, seriously, I think that if you ever feel like you don’t want to be with me...” “Brian, I love you so much,” Justin said. “I don’t ever see that day coming.” “Still,” Brian replied. “We don’t know what might happen tomorrow. If you ever stop loving me I think I want to know instead of you sneaking around.” Justin sighed and nodded. “Same goes for you.” Brian kissed Justin. “Let’s talk about something else.” “How about this right here,” Justin muttered as he grabbed Brian’s hard cock. “Mmmm,” Brian moaned as his tongue slipped inside Justin’s mouth. “Papa!” Keefe said tapping Justin’s leg. “Jesus Christ,” Brian said as he pulled back. “What are they doing? Taking turns.” Justin bent down and picked Keefe up. “What’s wrong?” Keefe rubbed his eyes trying to fight off sleep. “It-chest,” Keefe hissed as he waved his broken arm. “I know honey,” Justin said. “Do you want to sleep with us tonight?” Brian narrowed his eyes at the blond as he took one of the wooden spoons to reach his kid’s itch and quench it. He was moving closer when suddenly the cast hit him on his eyebrow fast and hard. “Fuck,” he hissed. “Brian,” Justin chastised him as he turned around to sit Keefe on the kitchen island. “It hurts,” Brian complained. Justin took the wooden spoon and asked where it itched to his son. Keefe told him and Justin slowly tried to scratch him. “The doctor gave him that plastic thing,” Brian pointed out. “Where is it?” “I don’t know,” Justin said and shrugged. “I swear that this house swallows things into a bottomless black hole.” Brian was still rubbing his eyebrow. “Sorry Daddy,” Keefe said. “Thank you.” Justin nodded and kissed him. “Let’s go to sleep.” Brian went to check that everything was locked up and then set the alarm. When he got to the room Keefe was asleep on top of Justin. Brian offered to take him to his bed but Justin shook his head. He said that he wanted to enjoy his little boy. Brian lay next to them and caressed Keefe back. They talked for the rest of the night how one day the kids would be old and wouldn’t need them anymore, so they enjoyed little moments with them each time more. *** Debbie was happy to have her family eating and talking. She had introduced them to Arthur and everyone seemed to like the man. She looked at Chris and Tobias and was happy for them. The blond had come to talk to her about Tobias and she was so happy that Chris had found someone. She was starting to get worried. She knew that Chris and Michael had loved each other deeply but it was time to move on. “We’re buying a new house soon,” Justin announced. “I’m not surprised,” Emmett said smirking. “When are you going to give us more grandsons?” Craig asked. “No way,” Brian told them. “We closed shop.” The table laughed. “And here we thought you were going to have like seven more,” Melanie teased. “I would really dig my own grave,” Brian said. “And leave me alone with all of them?” Justin asked with a big smile. “I don’t think so.” “Tiernan is crawling like a pro,” Debbie pointed out. “Jesus,” Chris said. “Time moves so fast.” “I know,” Justin told them. “We’re gong to be celebrating their very first birthday soon. I can’t wait.” “Ah,” Sheridan yelled and ran over to Brian. Brian picked him up and shook his head at Keefe. “Don’t do that. I can’t wait to have that cast off. He’s a menace with it.” “I want up,” Keefe said. “You’re not going to hit your brother,” Brian warned him as he picked the boy up on his lap. “Well,” Debbie said suddenly. “We have something to tell you.” “And what’s that?” Jennifer asked. “Arthur and I...” Debbie started as she took the man’s hand. They all waited patiently sitting in the living room, curious as to what the woman would say. “We’re going to get married,” Arthur finished. “Wow,” Chris muttered and got up as he walked over to Debbie. “I’m happy for you.” Debbie got up and hugged him. After that hug everyone started hugging her and shaking Arthur’s hand. “Hey,” Molly said when she sat down and picked Liam. “How are you?” “Okay,” Liam said smiling widely. “I have something to say too,” Melanie told them. “Is this a night for confessions or something?” Ted asked. Brian looked at the man briefly, finding the irony in his remark. He and Ted had a long talk already. He told the man that he needed to think things through. Ted couldn’t keep seeing Thomas yet stay with Emmett pretending that nothing was happening. He needed to make a choice before things got fucked up. “What is it honey?” Emmett asked Melanie. “I met someone,” Melanie said. “That’s great to hear,” Chris told her. “So you’re building another munchville,” Brian teased. “Shut the fuck up, Brian,” Melanie said in a deadly tone. Justin rolled his eyes at Brian but smiled nonetheless. “Her name is Vivian,” Melanie said. “She works for you, Brian. She’s Dan’s sister.” “That woman,” Brian muttered. “Well, she’s something else. Good for you.” “What do you mean something else?” Debbie asked. Chris and Tobias muttered at each other before they got up and walked to the kitchen. Jennifer who had been holding Illona went to take the sleeping girl upstairs. “She’s taller than Mel,” Brian said. “Red head and freaking nuts.” “Brian,” Justin said shaking his head. “No, it’s true,” Melanie admitted. “She’s fucking insane but she’s also very amazing.” “Fuc ing!” Andrew yelled. “Melanie!” Chris yelled from the kitchen. “Sorry,” Melanie said biting her lower lip. A few of them laughed. “She’s very intelligent,” Brian told her. “I haven’t fired her because she’s creative and works hard. Her office is a mess though.” “Tell me about it,” Ted muttered. “But I like working with her.” “Okay, who wants coffee?” Debbie asked getting up. “I wouldn’t mind some,” Craig answered. “I think we should go,” Emmett said getting up. “Alicia, honey, it’s time to go.” Alicia got up from where she was coloring with Liam and Abe. “Yeah,” Ted muttered as he got up. “We’ll leave in a while,” Brian whispered to Justin. Justin nodded and got up to get the kids ready. Debbie came back with a coffee for Arthur and another for Craig. She went to get one for Jennifer who was coming down the stairs and one for Brian as well. She knew the man was addicted to coffee. She was putting sugar in the brunet’s coffee and she heard Chris laughing at something that Tobias was saying. She heard Sheridan suddenly screaming and Brian’s voice telling him to calm down. She smiled as she heard the different conversations in her house. She knew at that moment no matter what life may bring in the future, right now her life was great.