Justin’s POV I roll around and sigh contently. It's very cold this morning but I'm wrapped around this big soft and fluffy duvet and it's keeping me warm. I suddenly frown and sit up. I'm naked under the covers. I push them away and frown. Someone gave me a bath and I smell of strawberries. I roll my eyes knowing it was Brian. He's obsessed with having me smell of fruits and god knows what, every other week. I don’t remember how the fuck I got here. The last thing I remember was Brian hitting my head against the floor over and over again. I get up and I know I am in a new room. I search for the door and when I find it I try to open it but it's locked. I kick it a few times but it’s not budging. "Damn it!" I yell angrily and then turn around. There are windows in the room and I can't help but smile. When I go to them I pull the curtains back and my smile dies. There are bars and I know then that I was put in this room for a reason. It’s a fucking cage disguised as a damn room. “Damn you, Brian!“ I turn around and arch a brow as I look around the room in the dark. I am in one of the rooms that are in the basement so the sun’s light doesn’t reach it. I can make out a few things but my mind tells me that it can’t be. I find the light switch and when I hit it, my eyes open wide. The room is mostly white with light tones of gray and black every now and then. At one of the corners there is a lounge. Something that is probably from Italy or some other country that Brian is fixated with. Then there is the bed and in front of it an entertainment center. I walk to it and run my hands over it but don’t turn anything on. It’s all pretty high tech and very slick. Then I see it at the other corner of the room just a few steps away from the bed. There is a palette resting on top of a desk and many paints around it. There’s even a set of brushes in different sizes and textures. I walk closer to inspect it and then look at the easel standing next to it. There is a big sketchpad set up on it and a stool in front of it. I notice a few plastic drawers and they are filled with what it looks like art equipment. I feel tears coming to my eyes because I've never had something like this in my life. Not even back at the Macklin Mansion. I had a few sketchbooks and I drew in them from time to time. I hear the door opening and I don't even look to see who it is, I don’t have to. Brian stands behind me and puts his arms around me pulling me close. I feel like I'm going to vomit now. He reeks of blood and when I turn around he's covered in it. "What the fuck ever happen to you?" I ask angrily. "There was this cow and he didn't want to obey," Brian tells me. He calls humans cows I don’t even know why. I have never asked because I don’t know what fuck up answer he’s going to give me. “He’s never going to disrespect anyone ever again,” he informs me and gives me a smile. It's that horrible childlike smile that I hate so much. "Do you like it?" Brian asks me. "What?" I ask taken aback. "Your special room," he tells me like I'm stupid. "I found all of this in a magazine. Ben showed it to me and I got you everything I could…twice!" I stand there for a few seconds trying to figure out whatever happened to Brian. Maybe when he was little he was dropped too many times in the head. Maybe once he was turned the human in him was completely vanished from the bane of his existence. Maybe he's always been crazy. This man has always made my life miserable and then he turns and buys me something. Why? Why would he do that if he hates me so much? "Don't you like it?" Brian asks. "I can get you something else. I know you like to do pretty pictures." That's it! I launch myself at him knocking him back. I start punching him as hard as I can. I'm so mad at him. Brian turns us around and grabs me by the neck. "So you do like it," Brian whispers and smiles pleased with himself. "I knew you would." "You don't know shit about me!" I yell at him. The thing is that I really do like it. I am in love with the idea of me sitting in front of the easel and paint for the rest of eternity. And that only makes me hate him more. It’s so horrible that the one person I hate so much in this world gives me something that makes me so happy. "I know you," Brian tells me. "You're my special boy." "No!" I hiss. "I'm not your special anything! I'm not!" Brian stares at me for a second and then punches me hard. I fall back on my back and groan. "You're a brat," he tells me. “I don’t know what’s happened to you. I know I’ve been punishing you but you have to pay for what you did. You understand that don’t you?” I guess I do. I mean if someone killed me I think I would be pretty pissed and if I got the opportunity to take revenge I would. I think that’s fair but he’s always tortured me so there is no excuse. “That day that you killed me…” he says and stops. “Why did you do it?” I look at him like he’s nuts. I did it because I wanted to be free. Because he was a monster and it needed to be done. I get up and I’m about to tell him when he turns around and starts hissing at the door. I think he's totally nuts. I wouldn't be the least surprise if he went and attack it. The people in this house do stupid things all the time. Then I feel it too. I don’t know exactly how to explain it but I feel like this every time danger is coming. Then the door bursts open and men that I've never seen before come into the room trying to kill Brian. I know I said that if the time came for me to help I would and I was going to. Until one of them tried to kill me as well. Then I learn another very important thing in life. Better said than done shouldn't be taken lightly. I said I wanted to die but as they come at me I fight with everything I have. One of them shoots me twice and when he's about to cut my head off with his blade Brian jumps on him and with his bare hands rips the man's throat out. "Take that you silly bastard," I hiss before I get up. Brian grabs me by the wrist and pulls me to him and inspects me quickly. "You'll live,” he says with a smirk. “Ahh,” I yell when Brian pushes his fingers into the wound and pulls the bullet out of me. I hold on to him when he reaches for the second one. It hurts so much and I can’t stand it. I fight him off but he holds me tight and manages to get it out. Then he takes me out of that room and into his. He pulls some clothes from his drawers and throws them at me. “Get dress,” Brian tells me. “Your boots are in the closet.” I grab my leather pants and put them on. He’s watching my every movement. I put on my shirt and then my jacket. I walk to the closet and grab my boots. Once I’m done I look at Brian that hasn’t moved from his spot. “What happened that day?” Brian asks. I push my hair behind my ears and wonder what the fuck he’s talking about. “What?” I ask. “That day that William broke into our room,” He says. I look at the floor and quickly back at him. “I hate you,” I tell him calmly. “You know that.” “No,” Brian says. “For fuck sakes, Justin. You’re not making any sense,” he says crossing his arms. “Something happened that day. Think about it.” “You’re the one not making any sense,” I tell him. “So, today you didn’t help them because?” Brian asks. “Think about that. You always swore to protect me.” “I did not,” I tell him. “You did!” he hisses me. I frown. “They were going to kill me too.” “What?” he asks confused. “You were afraid that they were going to kill you and helped them kill me because of that?” “No,” I tell him. “I mean now. The only reason I fought them now is because they tried to kill me.” “Right,” Brian whispers and walks to the closest. He pulls out my sword and gives it to me before he pulls out his. He’s really good with it. When I look at mine I remember that it was him that gave it to me. How could I have forgotten that before? I’ve always carried this sword and protected it more than anything but if I had remembered that it had been a present from him I wouldn’t have care so much. “I’ll keep you safe,” Brian whispers to me and then pulls me into a kiss. For a moment I’m shock out of my mind and then he bites down. I grunt and pull away and he grins at me. “Fuck you!” I hiss at him. The door opens and Ben rushes inside. “We’re under attack,” he says. “I know,” Brian replies. “Let’s go,” he says as he pulls something else from the closet. “Get everyone out, Ben,” he instructs. Ben nods and runs out of the bedroom. “Here,” Brian says pushing a gun into me. I can hear people screaming and others growling. I hear the sound of someone running and there are people fighting, the sound of the metal blades in the distance is almost like music. And it doesn’t matter what’s happening around us the only thing I can think of is the gun in my hand. He gave me a damn gun! I am in shock for a second before I point the gun at him. He growls at me. "Now it's not the time for games, Justin," he tells me calmly. "Fucking Christ, sometimes I think you're really like Kevin." Not times for games! I feel like slapping him silly over and over again. We get outside into the hall and Susan is running with Emmett close behind her. Brian looks to where they come from and Michael appears. “Move!” Michael shouts and we’re running. I wonder what the fuck is going on. I don’t even know how these men managed to get inside the house. I stop suddenly and look back. There is something wrong. I start walking slowly back and step in front of a door to one of the rooms. I hear someone talking, a man telling someone to go to the right and not let him get through. I hear hissing and I know someone is in there and he’s calling to me. It’s Kevin. When I look back Brian is standing there staring at me. Then there is a guy running up to Brian and he starts fighting him and two other more. I enter the bedroom. Suddenly my body fills with rage as I see what’s in front of me. Three guys are surrounding Kevin ready to kill him. Kevin is squatting and hissing at them while he inches back. I don't know what happens to me but in seconds I send them to meet their maker. Then I stand there and regret what I did but I couldn't stop it. They were going to kill Kevin and he's...god, he's my brother now. This is so fucked up. "Pretty," Kevin says happily. He moves closer to me and stands straight. He kisses me on the cheek and smiles. "Pretty," he whispers now like he's thanking me for saving him. "Come on," I say grabbing him by the wrist and start pulling him out of there. It takes me a while to find myself out of the fucking mansion and Kevin is not helping arguing that he wants his toy. I'm not sure what that means; it could be a real toy and then again it could be just some poor soul. I had to know that Brian was going to be living in the biggest house he could find. The people that attacked us are not from the Macklin family. I don't know what's happening. As I stand outside I don’t know what to do next. "Justin, hurry up," Brian says. "I don't have all day." I hiss at him and walk towards him. Ben is already in the car with a redhead I've never seen before. We all get in the car and Ben drives out of there. Kevin is in the backseat with Brian and I. He's crying on top of our sire's chest. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with him but I want him to stop. "What is wrong, baby?" Brian asks him. For a moment I feel my ears turning hot and I glare at Kevin. I don't know why but Brian calling Kevin baby pisses me off. I don't know why. God, I wish I wasn't there. I wonder what would happen if I jump out of the car. When I look back there is a van following us. Okay, I'll think of another plan. The only reason I got inside this damn car is because I couldn’t stay. My life was in danger and they were a way out. "It hurts," Kevin complains as he rubs his arms. "It hurts." Then I realize what's going on. Kevin's been a vampire for only three years. He's a baby, practically. The sun is shinning outside and to him it must have felt like he was burning alive. I remember the first time that happened to me. I was grateful that Brian was my sire for the only reason that he comes from a powerful lineage. Not many vampires can go into the sun and walk around. There are the ones that step out and burn up and die. The only way they can survive it is after centuries of acquiring power. It's different with all of us. Brian’s childes, his grandchildes and whatever comes after that are saved from dying due to the sun. His blood is that powerful. I feel my skin a bit irritated but nothing I can’t handle. It's not like I was out for hours. When I look at the redhead I notice that he has a dark blue blanket covering his body. So I know right away he’s not that old. I focus on him and find out that he’s only about two weeks old. "Where are we going?" he asks and then turns to look at me. "And who the hell is he?" he asked pointing at me. "Who the fuck are you?" I ask him. "I'm Maximilian," he says. "I'm father’s favorite." “No,” Kevin yells really hard. “I’m daddy’s favorite,” he says and snuggles closer to Brian. "I'm Brian's favorite!" I yell at them. I cross my arms and lean back. Where the fuck did that came from, Justin? I can't believe this. I hate my life. I want to die! Yeah, I know, better said than done. Ugh! I hope we crash and burn. Why the fuck did that came out of my mouth? Oh god I’m never going to forgive myself for that. "Don't fight boys," Brian says as he keeps on caressing Kevin. "You don’t have to worry because there is plenty of me to go around for all of you.” “I don’t want any part of you,” I spat out. Brian glares at me and then turns to look back. “Ben, they’re still after us.” “I know,” Ben replies calmly. "More," Kevin yells when Brian pulls away. "Toughen up, childe," Brian instructs him. "You're not a baby." "More," Kevin whines and Brian slaps him. "I'm the baby," Max says from the front seat. I really hope that we crash and he breaks through the glass and gets to be very painful for him. I so hate him. "No," Kevin says shaking his head. He wants Brian to keep soothing him but our stupid sire won’t do it. He’s an asshole. "You're just a puppy," Max spits at him. Kevin kicks the back of Max's seat. Brian punches him and tells him to stay still. "God, Brian!" I hiss. "You're a fucking asshole! Don't touch him." Then Max reaches back and grabs me by the hair. "Respect our father!" "Ah," I yell at the pain as I try to pull away. "Don't touch!" Kevin yells and starts hitting Max. "Stop it!" Brian hisses. "Jesus," Ben says and suddenly I hear him laughing. "Shut up, Ben," Brian screams at him. Brian pulls Maximilian hands away from me and when I try to punch the redhead Brian stops me. Kevin starts patting me and saying pretty so many times that I want to puke. Then suddenly Kevin tries to hump me and Max laughs. I really want to die! At some point Ben is able to shake off the tail on us and then we go to the hide out. It’s some big old abandoned warehouse. We go inside and I can see a few vampires that managed to get here as well. Some of them I know from before but others are new faces. Brian puts me, Kevin and Max in a room on the second floor and tells us to behave. Yeah right! When he comes back Max is on the floor and I’m punching him while Kevin is biting one of his legs. “Stop this madness,” Brian says and picks Max up. The little shit wraps himself around Brian and I do the only thing I can. I tackle them to the floor and start punching Max as hard as I can before Brian pulls me away from him. “Stop it,” Brian hisses. Then he picks Max up and puts his battered body in the corner. When Brian comes back he tries to hold me but I pull back. “Fuck off, Brian!” I yell at him. “I’m hungry,” Kevin says. “I’m going out with Ben,” Brian says as he walks in front of me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and makes me look at him. “You’re in charge and you better take good care of everyone.” Then he’s gone and I stare at the closed door for a long time. Is not that I’m afraid of being blamed if something goes wrong or that I can’t take control of the situation. The fact that Brian left me in charge tells me very clearly that he’s gone insane. He’s lost it. I hear Max moaning and smile at that. He deserves it for being so…stupid! “I’m hungry,” Kevin repeats. I roll my eyes and walk over to him. I push my wrist into his mouth and he drinks from me. After a few seconds I pull away. The little prick can suck pretty fast. I tell him to go to sleep and he goes over to where Max is and lies next to him cuddling with him. I see Kevin licking Max’s face while he whispers bad boy to Max. I want to point to him how wrong that is, that Max was making fun him and he shouldn’t be nice to him but I don’t. I just leave them there and go outside. I go down the stairs and then move to the middle of the first floor. Everyone that was able to escape here comes around and surrounds me. I was planning on just waltzing out of here but maybe Brian is not as crazy as he looks and sounds. They are watching me and for a moment I think they are ready to attack me. After all I’ve been killing vampires for over a century. What they do next surprises me. Some of them bow, others lower their heads or they eyes, but everyone is showing the respect they have for me. Me?! I have to be in another fucking dimension. Why would they have any kind of respect for me? I know I’m one of Brian’s childe but he treats me like shit and everyone must know that. “If you need anything let us know,” Susan says to me. It’s weird the kind of power that makes someone feel. It courses through your veins fast until you feel a head rush. You can easily get drunk on the feeling. Then I grin wondering how long it would take me turn them all against Brian. I’m sure they would love to get rid of such a dreadful fiend like him.