VERY IMPORTANT Whatever is underlined is something that it’s being said, but not out loud. Whatever is underlined plus in italics is something that it’s being said in both forms. Whatever is in bold letters is written down.
Brian looked at Justin and knew that the blond was upset. He didn’t know what he had done or if something had happened to get Justin in such a mood, but he was going to find out. “Daddy!” Eric said walking behind Justin. Brian watched him and smiled. Eric looked up and smiled. He got in Brian and Justin’s bed after a few tries and then started bouncing. “Don’t do that.” Justin said but really wasn’t paying attention. Brian raised a brow but didn’t say anything. He picked Eric up and walked with him to the boy’s room to put him to sleep. When he came back Justin was already in bed. “Is he sleeping?” Justin asked. “He fussed a little bit. I had to tell him a story.” Justin smiled faintly and nodded. “So, what’s going on?” Brian asked as he got in the bed. Justin looked at him and frowned. “What do you mean?” Justin asked. “Don’t play with me, Justin. I know you.” Brian said. Justin looked away. Brian made Justin look at him again. “Tell me.” “I think…that you are spoiling Eric. ” Justin said. Brian rolled his eyes. “I’m not.” Brian assured him. “I just think that you should stop it, Brian. You are giving him everything he asks for.” Justin explained. “You never say no to him. ” “I do too.” Brian said. Justin arched a brow. “What is so bad with that?” Brian asked. “You can be the strict parent.” Justin frowned. “I don’t want him to grow up to be a spoil brat. ” Justin told him. Brian rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. “I just want him to have the things I didn’t.” Brian said. Justin took a deep breath and moved closer to Brian. “We have to teach him that he can’t always have everything he wants.” Justin said. Brian nodded. “I promise, I’ll tone it down.” Brian said. Justin smiled a little. He crawled into Brian’s lap and smiled at the brunet. Brian pushed them back and kissed Justin hard. Justin pulled away and smiled as a thought entered his head. He caressed Brian’s face and knew that he would have to talk to Erica soon. He had the perfect gift for Brian’s birthday, if he could convince Erica to do what he was thinking. *** “Hey you. ” Hunter said sitting down in front of Justin in the cafeteria. “Hi. ” “What’s with you? ” Hunter asked. “Nothing. ” Justin signaled. Hunter arched a brow and smiled. “I can tell something is bothering you. ” Hunter told him. “You look kind of down. ” Justin took a deep breath. “You can tell me, really. ” Hunter assured him. Justin looked at Hunter and bit his lower lip. “Are you having problems with Brian? ” Hunter asked. “It’s not that. ” Justin said. “It’s just…he is spoiling Eric. ” Hunter frowned. “And that’s a bad thing? ” Hunter asked frowning. “Well, it’s just…I…” “That is not you wasting the money. ” Hunter said seeing through Justin. Justin took a deep breath. “I don’t have anything to give. ” Justin said. “The little money I make at the dinner is for stupid things. I don’t pay any bills or anything important. It’s frustrating. He gives Eric everything he needs, his clothes, his food, medicine, toys, you name it. Before Brian it was Mom that worked her ass off to give those things to Eric. I just want it to be me. ” “You are so weird, Justin. Anyone else would kill to have that. ” Hunter said. “It’s just…never mind. ” “There is more. ” Hunter said. “Eric loves him so much. Half of the time he is with him because he is the one that hears Eric when our son is calling for us. I don’t. He can give Eric everything I can’t. ” Justin said. “I don’t spend as much time with my son as I used to. ” Justin sniffed and pushed back his tears. “Is this about the operation?” Hunter asked. “You are scared. ” Justin frowned. “I don’t know. Maybe. I don’t know why I am feeling this way. Brian is fucking great. ” Justin said. “You are right. I should be happy that he wants to take care of us. ” Hunter frowned, seeing how upset Justin was. Then he opened his eyes and knew what it was. “You are mad at him though. ” Hunter said. “For being able to hear. ” “No. ” Justin said quickly. “Yes. ” Hunter said. “Because now your kid is growing up and he will know what that means. And it terrifies you that he would love Brian more than you. ” “You don’t know shit! ” Justin told him. “Did you just scream at me? ” Hunter asked after seeing Justin’s lips move. Justin sighed. “Have you told him? ” “Not in so many words. ” Justin said. “I just talked to him about not buying Eric so many toys.” “Then how is he supposed to know. ” Hunter asked. Justin looked at Hunter and frowned. “He’ll think I’m an idiot with all my insecurities. ” Justin said. “You are, but that’s beside the point. ” Hunter said smirking. Justin laughed a little. “Thank you for your honesty, I think. I guess I should say something to him. ” Justin said. Hunter nodded. “I’m thinking of asking Erica to sign her rights over to Brian. I think I’m ready for that. But I am going to have to talk to Brian about the way I am feeling first.” Justin signaled. Hunter smiled. “Yeah. That would be a good idea.” Hunter told him. “You are a good friend. ” Justin said smiling. “I just want you to be happy. ” Hunter told him. Justin and Hunter smiled at each other. Justin was happy. He just had to make sure he talked to Brian before it got out of hand. *** Justin knocked on the door and waited. He gave Erica a little smile when she opened the door. Justin went inside with Eric. They sat down in the living room after Erica got them something to drink. “He is looking more like you everyday.” Erica said. Justin smiled. “You came here for a reason.” Erica said suddenly. “Yes. I did.” Justin told her. “Justin, I can’t understand you.” Erica told him. Justin took a deep breath. “I wanted to ask you something.” Justin said. “What?” Erica asked. Justin took a deep breath. “I am with someone.” Justin said. “I know.” Erica said not sure what Justin wanted. Erica looked at Eric sleeping and smiled a little. “Well, I want you to…to sign over your rights to him.” Justin said. “What are you talking about? I already did.” Erica said. Justin wasn’t sure what he thought she was saying. “Justin?” Erica said and then opened her eyes wide. “Oh my god. You didn’t know.” Justin swallowed and didn’t know what to say or do. He couldn’t believe what she was telling him. *** Brian opened the door and walked in. He looked around and then at his watch and wondered where Justin was. He’d had to stay at the office longer than he expected, Justin should have been at the loft. He wondered where the blond had gone so late and with Eric. Brian was about to call the blond when his cell phone rang. “Hello.” Brian said. “Brian, get your butt over here now.” Michael told him. “What’s going on?” Brian asked scared. “He knows.” Michael told him. “Knows what?” Brian asked. “Who? What the fuck are you talking about?” “Justin.” Michael said. “He knows about what you did. Erica told him.” “Fuck.” Brian said. “I’m on my way.” Brian didn’t know what he was going to tell Justin. He knew that at some point he was going to have to tell him what he had done, but he wasn’t ready yet. He knew that Justin was going to be really pissed. He had gone behind his back to do something and hadn’t told him anything. Justin hated it when he didn’t trust him. Brian knew that it was going to be very bad. *** Justin looked up at Ben when the man got up and walked to the door. Justin frowned when Brian came in. “You guys should talk.” Michael told Justin. Justin glared at Michael and crossed his arm. “Daddy!” Eric said waving from Michael’s arm. “Daddy, sad?” Brian walked over to his son and kissed him. “Daddy is okay.” Brian told him. “I’ll go into the other room and you guys can talk.” Michael said. Brian gave him a small smile. Ben and Michael moved to their bedroom with Eric. “Justin.” Brian said. “I don’t know what to think, Brian.” Justin said. Brian tried to walk closer, but Justin walked back. “Baby, I…” “I went to see her so I could ask her to sign her rights over to you. I wanted you to have them. To be Eric’s daddy.” Justin said. Brian smiled slightly at Justin’s confession. “I wanted to surprise you. Guess that backfired.” “I was…” Brian tried to say something, but he really didn’t know what to say to his blond. “What do you have to say? ” Justin asked. “I had to do it.” Brian told him. Justin shook his head not sure what he was feeling. “You went behind my back. Why didn’t you tell me? ” Justin asked him. Brian took a deep breath. “I don’t know. I was scared, I guess.” Brian said. “I’m sorry.” “What did you do? ” Justin asked. “She just gave you the rights. ” Brian cracked his jaw before he closed his mouth and frowned. “Tell me. ” Justin said getting angry. Brian closed his eyes for a moment and opened them up to look at Justin. “I paid her.” Brian said. Justin frowned. “How much? ” Justin asked. “It’s doesn’t matter.” “How much! ” Justin demanded. “Two million dollars.” Justin’s jaw opened wide. He ran his fingers through his hair and felt so small. Brian had everything he could ever want. He had the looks, the power, and the money. The money to give Eric everything he wanted and Justin had nothing to give his son. He couldn’t even keep him own son if it wasn’t for Brian. These were Justin’s thoughts and it made him feel so useless. “Justin, say something.” Brian said after a while. “You are the perfect daddy, Brian. ” Justin hissed. “What are you talking about, Justin?” Brian asked. “You can hear him. You can buy him whatever he wants. You are the perfect daddy. He loves you so much. And now on top of all that, you can take him away from me and you would be within your rights. ” Justin said sobbing. “Why would I take your son away from you, Justin?” Brian asked trying to reach the blond. Justin pulled back and started crying. “Justin.” Brian said not sure what was going on. Brian had a feeling that this was about so much more than he having Eric’s parental rights. Justin sat down and cried. Brian took a deep breath and sat on the coffee table, making sure he was in front of the blond. He cleaned Justin’s tear and made the blond look at him. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I did what I thought was best. I didn’t want her to take Eric away from you. From us.” Brian explained. “I was going to tell you. I just didn’t know how. I’m sorry, baby. I really am sorry for not telling you. But I’m not sorry for doing what I did. I couldn’t let her take Eric away from you.” Justin bit his lower lip. He had to be thankful that Brian had done it. He just was so pissed that he never told him anything; that Brian would be such a better father than he could be. “As for being the perfect daddy, I’m not.” Brian said. “You are the one that’s great at this. You think you have to have money to love your son. God, Justin. You made damn sure your son had everything he needed. Just because you can’t hear him doesn’t mean you love him any less, does it?” Justin shook his head. “I wish I could give him everything you are able to give him. I wish…” Brian stopped Justin. “You love him, Justin. You love him so much and that’s more than enough. I wish my parents had loved me half as much as you do him. You are always there for him. You protect him from harm. You are a wonderful dad. I know that one day you will have an excellent job and will be able to give him anything he wants. Until then, I want you to let me take care of him and you. He loves you so much, Justin. He wants to be just like you. And I want to take care of the two of you. It’s not a contest, Justin. This is our family.” Justin smiled at Brian. “I’m sorry too. I should have told you how I felt before. ” Justin said. “I was just scared that he would love you more…than me…but then it sounded so stupid. I think it’s great that he loves you…is just…I don’t know. ” “We are able to love two different people just as much. Just like I love you and him and Gus.” Brian told Justin smiling. Justin smiled back. “Eric’s learned to love me, Justin, and to count on me now. In the beginning, he would come to me because you were with me. He kissed me and touched me because you did. He would follow me around because you did. He smiled at me because you did. He still does that sometimes. I imagine that he was wondering ‘why my dada is always with this guy’.” Justin smiled. “Because dada loves him very much.” Justin said. Brian pulled Justin closer and kissed him. “I’m not trying to take Eric away from you. I’m just trying to love him as much as you do. I want us to be a family, baby. Because Eric needs you more than anything and so do I.” Justin nodded. “Are you still mad at me?” Brian asked raising a brow. Justin took a deep breath. “I’m just a little shock and let’s leave it at that.” Justin said. “Can you kiss me some even thought you are stunned?” Brian asked raising a brow. Justin smirked and rolled his eyes. He sat on Brian’s lap and smiled. He knew he had such a wonderful man but is still scared him. “Justin, I’m learning.” Brian told him. “I’m going to make tons of mistakes and I want you to know that no matter what I love you and that I am going to do what I think its right for us because I love you and Eric. I just want the best for my two blonds.” Justin smiled and kissed Brian. They kissed for a few minutes until the door to the bedroom opened. Michael let Eric run to them. “Wat you doin?” Eric asked looking at his dada who was sitting on Brian’s lap. “Me wan up.” Justin picked him up and held him. “We should go home.” Brian said knowing real well they still had a lot to talk about. Justin nodded and bent his head to kiss Brian one more time. Eric moved towards Brian and kissed him too and smiled and looked at his dada. “Kissy, daddy.” Eric said giggling. “The Taylor man can’t resist me.” Brian said smiling. Justin rolled his eyes and got up with a little smile. Brian got up and glanced at Michael who was looking at them with a smile. “We’re going home.” Brian told him. Michael nodded and watched them go. He was happy that everything was okay.