Michael and Ben went with Brian to Ethan’s apartment to get Justin’s things. Brian had protested at first, but Michael knew the murderous look in Brian’s eyes was a dangerous thing and insisted. Michael knew that should they run into Ethan, Brian might kill the younger man if no one was around to stop him. Brian walked up the stairs to the apartment. It was quite now. No yelling. No sirens or police or paramedics. No need to pound on the door. Justin had given Brian the key. They got almost to the door when Ethan emerged from the apartment. Brian was on him before either Michael or Ben could react. Brian slammed the younger man into the door jam. Ethan’s head bounced off the solid door with a loud thump. Ethan vaguely realized that Brian was holding him about six inches off the ground when he could look into the man’s angry hazel eyes. “You little fuck.” Brian ground out between clenched teeth. “I ought to beat the living shit out of you right now.” Ethan’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to say something but Brian just bounced his head off the door jam again. “How does it feel mother fucker? You like this? Is this what you want?” “Brian.” Michael shouted as he and Ben rushed toward the two men. “Stop. Brian, stop. You’re going to kill him.” “He deserves it.” Brian hissed. “For what he did to Justin. Little fuck.” He bounced the younger man’s head off the doorframe again. “Brian!” Michael tried to pull Brian’s arms and pull him off Ethan to no avail. Ben moved to the opposite side of Brian also trying to dislodge the angry ad exec from the younger man. The two were finally able to pull Brian’s arm’s away from Ethan enough for him to fall to the floor. He held the back of his head as he gasped for air. “Let me go!” Brian screamed as he struggled against duel sets of arms holding him away from Ethan. “Let me the fuck go!” “Brian.” Michael shouted. “Damn it. Stop it.” “Fuck you, Michael. You know what he did to Justin. Let. Me. Fucking. Go.” “You won’t do Justin any good if you’re in jail.” Ben rationalized. Brian looked from Michael to Ben and back. He calmed almost at once. He pulled away from them glaring at the man of the floor. “I’ll call my Mom.” Michael said moving to stand between Brian and Ethan. “She can get in touch with Carl. He’ll take care of Ethan, Brian. Okay?” Brian nodded still trying to control his temper. He continued to clench and unclench his fists. Ben stepped over Ethan and into the apartment. After a few minutes, he returned with a bag full of Justin’s stuff. Michael was just hanging up from calling Horvath. “Carl’ll be here in a few minutes.” Michael said. Ethan was still holding his head but was now sitting up against the doorframe. He starred at Brian like a wounded animal that had been cornered. Brian glared down at him. Michael was sure that he and Ben would have to intervene again, but Brian moved to the stairs. “I’ll wait for Carl downstairs.” He said. “If I keep looking at him, he won’t live long enough to make it to the police station.” -- When Carl Horvath pulled up to the address Debbie had given him, he saw Brian standing at his jeep. The younger man appeared to be talking to himself. Horvath climbed out of his car and slowly walked over to where Brian was. "Brian." Horvath called as he approached. "You okay?" Brian nodded running his hand through his hair and turned to face the hood of his Jeep. "So, where is this Ethan asshole?" Brian jerked his thumb in the direction of the door behind him. "Top floor." Brian added. Horvath nodded and headed into the building. He swore softly when he saw that there was no elevator. Taking a deep breath, he started up. Once at the top of the stairs, Horvath saw the opened apartment door, a kid sitting on the floor leaning on the doorframe, and Michael standing with Ben keeping a watch on the kid. Michael turned when he heard the detective. "Thanks for coming Carl." Michael said. "No problem, Michael." Horvath looked at Ethan. "You must be the notorious Ethan." Ethan flinched away from Horvath. "I've heard a lot about you, son." Horvath then turned to Michael. "Deb wants this boy's balls in a jar." Michael smiled and nodded. "No doubt." Michael agreed. "Can you stand up, Kid?" Horvath asked. Ethan nodded and slowly stood up. "Okay, now, turn and face the wall. I gotta pat you down." Ethan stalled for a moment or two before doing as instructed. "Do you have any weapons, illegal drugs, needles, knives or other sharp objects in your pockets that I need to know about, son?" Ethan shook his head no. Horvath patted the younger man down and as he'd said, Ethan was indeed clean. Horvath then cuffed Ethan's hands behind his back and led him down the stairs with Ben and Michael following close behind. Horvath read Ethan his rights as they walked. "Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?" Horvath asked. Ethan just nodded seemingly taking the right to remain silent to heart. "Ethan Gold you are under arrest for assault. Do you understand the charge?" Ethan would only nod. Horvath walked Ethan to his car and put him in the back seat. Ethan remained tight lipped through it all. He didn't even make a sound when he hit his head on the roof of the car. Horvath saw that Brian had started to pace next to his Jeep. "Brian." Horvath said as he walked over to the other man. "Can I count on your's and Justin's statement as soon as possible tomorrow?" "Definitely." Brian assured. "We'll come down to the station as soon as Justin is released from the hospital." "All right then." Horvath confirmed. "But, if Justin doesn't feel up to it, just call me and I'll come to you." Brian nodded, but his eyes never left the man in the back of Horvath's car. "Michael, tell your mom I'll call her as soon as I can, okay?" Michael nodded. Horvath climbed back in his car and drove away waving at the three men as he went. He couldn't help but notice the look Brian was giving the kid in the back seat. Once they were out of sight of the building, Ethan started to talk. "I want a lawyer as soon as we get to the station and I'll need to call my parents and . . ." "I liked you better when you weren't talking." Horvath said earning him a glare from Ethan. "You'll get everything you need once we get down to the station. Until then, shut the hell up before I turn this car around and let Brian take care of this his own way." "Is that a threat?" "I don’t make threats. Do you want to face Brian right now?" Horvath smiled at the profanity that Ethan muttered as continued on to the police station.