“So, we’re all set for a week from Saturday?” Brian asked Justin as they were lying in bed a few nights later. “Yeah.” Justin said then yawned. “I sent out the invitations this morning.” “Great.” Brian yawned. “Tired, huh?” Justin said laying his head of Brian’s chest. “Oh yeah.” Brian said running his hand through Justin’s hair. “But, I’m pretty sure I can get everything set up so that I have both next Saturday and Sunday off. We’ll need at least a day to recover, I’m thinking.” “More than likely.” Justin agreed. “Luckily, I don’t have to be at the diner until three o’clock Monday afternoon.” “What about class?” “I only have one class at noon.” Justin said turning on his side as Brian spooned in behind him. “Well, if you don’t feel up to it, you could just blow it off.” Brian said startling Justin. “You never want me to miss class.” Justin said turning to look at Brian. “Well, if I don’t go in ‘til late, and you blow off your class,” Brian said conspiratorially, “then we can stay in bed long after John heads off to school.” “Oh, I like the way you mind works.” -- “Justin.” Jennifer called from the kitchen. “Yeah, Mom.” He answered as he walked in the door. “How does that look?” She showed him one of the party trays she had put together the night before. “That looks awesome, Mom.” Justin said and Jennifer smiled. “Most of the hot hors d’oeuvres are in the oven staying warm.” She said pointing toward the dual wall ovens. “The food is done, so all you have to do is take it out, let it cool for a few minutes, and dig in.” “Thank you so much for your help, Mom.” Justin said giving Jennifer a kiss on the check. “It was my pleasure.” Jennifer said smiling. “I haven’t done this in a while and it was kinda fun.” She smiled and looked at the clock. “When will everyone be here?” “Around two.” Justin said. “Where’s Brian?” “Outside telling the pool guy how to do his job.” Justin said with a shrug. Jennifer chuckled. “He’s a bit -.” “Of a control freak, I know.” Justin completed innocently then nodded his head. “Well, I’m going to leave this in your capable hands and go get Molly.” Jennifer said gathering her purse and jacket. “She over at Regina’s house again.” She looked at her watch. “I’ll be back in about an hour and we’ll help you set up.” “Wasn’t she supposed to go to Dad’s this weekend?” Justin asked. “Yes, but I told Craig we had plans today, so he’ll have two weekends in a row after this.” “Is he, you know, okay with Molly?” Justin asked. “Mostly.” Jennifer said nodding. “Sometimes he tries to ask Molly about you or says something about you to Molly, but she usually doesn’t say much because, as she puts it, ‘it’s really none of Dad’s business’. “He hasn’t been nasty about it, has he?” “Not really.” Jennifer smiled sadly. “But, even if he tried Molly would shut him down. She’s very protective of you with her father. Makes me very proud.” Justin smiled. “She loves you and her father, but she isn’t going to take guff from either of you about one another.” “Pretty tough, huh?” “Must run in the family.” Jennifer said her smile widening. “Well, gotta go. See you in an hour or so.” “Great.” Justin said kissing his mother on her check. “Drive safely.” Jennifer climbed in her car and waved as she back out of the driveway. -- Debbie, who arrived with Michael, Ben and Hunter right at two, immediately went into ‘how-can-I-help’ mode. “Debbie, sit down, you’re a guest.” Justin said taking the tray Debbie had already picked up. “Everything that should be set up is done.” “I just want to help.” Debbie explained. “I know, but you don’t have to serve today.” Justin argued. “Now, go sit down.” Debbie pursed her lips as if to start a fight, but was distracted by Molly. “Come on, Debbie.” The young girl said. “Melanie’s here with Jenny and I think Lindsay just got here with Gus.” Debbie smiled at the mention of her granddaughter and headed toward the front door with Molly leading the way. Molly looked back at Justin and winked. Justin smiled, mouthed the words, ‘Thanks, Mollusk’, and then turned toward the patio door to call Brian. As he opened the door a small brown-haired blur ran past him. “Daddy!” Gus squealed as he launched himself at his father. “Hey there, Sonny-Boy.” Brian said laughing barely maintaining his balance as he caught the bundle of energy in his arms and whirled him around. Not to be outdone, Jenny Rebecca toddled through the patio door and made a beeline for Michael. She was almost to him when she was distracted by seeing Gus in the air and then hurried over to have her turn, too. “Up, up.” She called as she giggled making her way toward Gus and Brian. “You want some of this, too, JR.” Brian called setting Gus down on the ground again. Brian knew the nickname bugged Melanie, which was why he used it. “Come on then.” Jenny tried to hurry lost her balance for a second nearly falling before straightening up and launching herself at Brian’s leg. He bent down grabbed her by the ankles and held her up to his face upside down. This was the toddler’s favorite game with ‘My By’. She laughed as he swung her back and forth by the ankles. “Brian!” Melanie called. “Stop that! You are going to drop her on her head!” “I haven’t done it yet.” Brian said turning Jenny over in his arms. She put her arms around his neck and planted a wet baby kiss on his cheek. He turned to her and blew a raspberry on her neck causing her to dissolve into high-pitched squeals of delight. “Go see Daddy.” Brian said putting Jenny down who then did make her way to her father without the distraction of someone having more fun than she was. Melanie walked over to where Michael was making faces at Jenny as she sat in his lap. Jenny smiled at her father then grabbed his nose and squeezed. Brian moved in behind them and kissed Melanie on the cheek. It never failed to surprise and fluster Melanie whenever Brian showed the lease bit of affection toward her. It had been a year since Jenny’s birth, and her break up with Lindsay, but everyone still treated her and Jenny as a part of the family. Debbie wouldn’t have had it any other way and if truth be told, neither would Brian. “Hello, Mel.” Lindsay said with a small, sad smile. “Lindz.” Melanie said smiling back. Brian shook his head. Cwazy Wesbians. He thought as he moved toward the house. “You coming, Sunshine.” Brian called. “Yeah, just gotta pee.” Justin said heading toward the downstairs bathroom. “Need any help in there?” Justin rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Never hurts to ask.” “Be out in a minute.” The doorbell rang announcing the arrival of more family, so Brian went to open it to reveal Ted and Cynthia. “Let me guess you two are dating.” Brian teased. “Not likely.” Cynthia smirked. “I’m saving myself for you, Darling.” They both laughed, as Ted looked extremely uncomfortable. As they slid by him, Brian saw Emmett sauntering up the walk. “Hey, Em.” Brian called. “Hey, Sweetie.” Emmett called back quickening his pace. “You guys picked the perfect day for this. It’s gorgeous out here.” “You didn’t walk did you?” “Hell, no.” Emmett scoffed. “It’s nice, but not that nice.” Brian smiled. “Is everyone here, yet?” “Pretty much.” “Well, then I get to be the ‘fashionably’ late one.” Emmett smiled. Brian just shook his head and followed Emmett to the backyard. “Daddy.” Gus called when he saw Brian coming out of the house. “When do we get to go swimming?” “Well, if no one has any objections, then we can go right now.” Brian said looking at Lindsay who smiled and nodded. “Okay, anyone who’s swimming go get into your suit.” “Yay!” Gus said hurrying past Brian to get his swim trunks on. “Gus, wait for Mommy.” Lindsay said running after him. “What about you, Kinney.” Melanie said. “You getting in the pool, too.” “Of course.” Brian said. -- Thirty minutes later everyone was dressed out and in the pool. Debbie was sitting on the edge with her feet in the water. Melanie sat on the steps with Jenny. John was doing cannonballs in the deep end with Hunter as Gus and Molly watched. Gus had wanted to do cannonballs, too, but Lindsay had said no. Ben sat on the edge with Jennifer making sure that John and Hunter paid attention to where everyone was before jumping in. Michael swam up to Melanie and Jenny. He picked up Jenny and started out toward the middle of the pool, but Jenny started to fuss. “It’s okay, Baby.” Michael said trying to soothe the toddler. “Maybe you should bring her back, Michael.” Melanie said. “No, she’ll be fine.” Michael countered. “She just has to get used to it.” “No, Dada.” Jenny cried. “Mama! Mama!” She screeched as she reached back toward Melanie. “Calm down, Baby.” Michael said softly. “It’s only water. See, it’s fun.” Michael splashed Jenny a little and she started crying harder. “No!” Jenny shrieked and tried to push away. When Michael passed Brian standing in the water next to Debbie, she called out to him. “My By! My By!” When she violently lurched toward Brian, Michael lost his balance. Jenny and Michael both disappeared under the water. “Michael!” Someone shouted, but Brian got to them quickly and pulled them up. Michael sputtered as Jenny pushed with all her might grabbing Brian on his arm. “My By!” She screamed. Brian grabbed the frightened child and pulled her to his chest. Her tiny body hitched as she silently sobbed against Brian. “My By.” She said softly then sniffed. “It’s okay, JR.” Brian soothed as he made his way back to the Melanie. “Look. Mommy’s right here.” Brian handed Jenny to Melanie. Melanie thanked Brian and wrapped Jenny up in a Tigger beach towel. Jenny nestled herself against Melanie’s chest. She popped her thumb in her mouth her breath still hitching. “Jesus!” Debbie said popping Michael in the head when he got close her. “You trying to give me a heart attack.” “It was an accident.” Michael said. “She just zigged when I zagged is all.” “Maybe you should have given her back to Melanie when she asked you to.” Debbie said angrily. “I thought she’d like the water.” Michael said in his own defense. “Well, you might want to remember that, other than the womb, this is the first time she’s been in the water.” Debbie countered as Michael sulked. -- “Daddy!” Gus shouted to get Brian’s attention. “Watch!” Brian watched as Gus jump into the deep end of the pool where Hunter was waiting for him. Gus got a little water in his mouth making him cough a couple times, but then he smiled up at Brian. “Did you see that, Daddy?” Gus said sounding extremely proud of himself. “I jumped in.” “You sure did, Sonny-Boy.” Brian said. “Just don’t do that unless there is someone like Hunter there to help you, okay?” “‘K, Daddy.” Gus said climbing out of the pool for another jump. “And, you -.” Brian looked at Hunter warningly. “I know.” Hunter scoffed knowing that should something happen to Gus, Brian would rip his nuts off. “This food is fabulous, Baby.” Emmett was saying to Justin when Brian walked over. “Are you cheating on me?” He pouted. “No way, Emmett.” Justin said putting his arm around Emmett’s shoulders. “My mom and I did most of it ourselves.” “Really?” Emmett asked enthusiastically. “Maybe I ought to hire you and your mom.” “How are you and Darren doing with the business?” Brian chimed in. “Great.” Emmett smiled widely. “I have a whole slew of parties to plan. And, Darren has enlisted the help of a friend of his to assist with the preparations.” Emmett lowered his voice. “Who is absolutely dreamy, by the way.” Justin laughed and Brian just smiled and rolled his eyes. “Unfortunately, he only has eyes for Darren. Who couldn’t care less.” He paused and sighed dramatically. “Such is the story of my life, I guess.” “Speaking of which.” Cynthia said smiling. “I want to throw a huge party for my sister-in-law. A baby shower. Could I get your card?” “Sure.” Emmett said handing Cynthia the card. “Thanks.” Cynthia said. “It’s very cool being Aunt Cynthia. This is the third time, and I never get tired of it.” “Maybe you should have one of your own.” Lindsay offered. “Nahhh. I like being able to give the child back when he’s tired or hungry or wet.” Cynthia said laughing. “Although, should the right sperm donor come along,” she gave Brian a meaningful look, “I might see my way fit to having a baby.” “Never gonna happen.” Brian said shaking his head. “Such is the story of my life.” Cynthia said mimicking Emmett’s dramatic sigh. Brian laughed and walked over to Michael who was sitting by himself staring into space. “Hey Mikey.” Brian called. “Whatcha doing sitting over here all alone?” “Nothing.” Michael said angrily. “Doesn’t sound like nothing to me.” Brian said attempting to tease his best friend. “It’s nothing, okay.” Michael shrugged. “Just go back to your perfect party and your perfect partner and be you very own perfect father-figure self.” “Whoa.” Brian said putting his hands up. “What the fuck?” “Jenny loves you.” Michael said through clenched teeth. “Yeah, so?” Brian asked confused. “You wouldn’t understand.” Michael said as he attempted to push passed Brian. “Hold up, Asshole.” Brian said grabbing Michael by the wrist. “What the fuck is this all about?” “Jenny goes to you.” Michael said looking to where Jenny lay curled up asleep in her mother’s lap. “When she wants to have fun, when she’s scared or hurt. She goes to you. First.” “Is this about the pool thing?” “Partly.” Michael said. “But, it’s more than that. You’re ‘My By’.” Michael spat. “And, you have a problem with me getting along with your daughter?” Brian asked amazed. “Well, you don’t have to worry about her. She might be close to the right age for me, but she’s the wrong gender.” “I told you, you wouldn’t understand.” Michael muttered. “Then explain it to me, Michael.” “Jenny is my daughter. My flesh and blood and she’d rather be with you.” Michael spat. “You didn’t even want anything to do with your own son, but my daughter loves you more than me.” “What the fuck do you mean I don’t want anything to do with Gus?” Brian asked unable to hide his anger. “You know what I mean.” Michael said. “You were just the sperm donor. I was supposed to be the ‘Dad’.” “You know, I recall a similar party where you said certain things that got you knocked on your ass.” Brian stated flatly. “You trying to relive old memories?” Michael flinched slightly and stepped back away from Brian. “No.” He whined. “I – ah – fuck it.” He pushed passed Brian and disappeared into the house. Brian just shook his head and went back to the party. “Where’d Michael go in such a hurry?” Lindsay asked as the back door slammed. “Don’t know.” Brian shrugged and walked over to one of the lounge chairs and sat down heavily. Justin frowned and walked over to Brian. “Something wrong?” He asked. Brian shook his head, but Justin knew better. “What is it?” “Sunshine-.” Brian warned. “Just tell me.” Justin countered. “You know you will eventually anyway.” “Mikey got pissed because Jenny wanted me after he plunged her in to the fucking pool.” Brian ground out. “He thinks she loves me more than him. And, then he brought up a whole lot of bull shit about how I didn’t want Gus.” “What the fuck?” “My sentiments exactly.” Brian said exasperatedly. “The last time he did this -.” Brian trailed off suddenly realizing that Justin didn’t know what caused him to punch Michael at the Muncher’s anniversary. “Never mind.” He dropped his gaze to him folded hands. “Brian, what?” Justin said lifting Brian’s chin. “What?” “It isn’t important and it was a long time ago.” Brian said taking Justin hand and kissing his knuckles. Justin nodded and let it drop even though they both knew he’d be bringing it up again later. “Where the fuck is Michael?” Debbie called as she pulled her feet out of the pool. “I think he went inside, Deb.” Justin called to her. She nodded and headed inside, too. Justin headed back over to where Hunter, John, and Gus were playing tag. Brian saw that the other boys had enlisted Justin into their game and smiled. “My By.” Jenny called as she toddled toward the lounge chair he was still sitting in. “Hey there Angel.” Brian said as she pulled herself up on the chair and sat on the chair between his legs. “My By, sad?” She asked looking near tears herself. “No, just a little tired.” “Me seepy?” Jenny asked. “You sleepy, Baby?” Jenny nodded then crawled up onto Brian’s chest. Within a few minutes they had both dozed off. -- “Justin?” Melanie whispered and gestured toward Brian and Jenny. Brian was lying on the lounge chair sunglasses perched on his nose as Jenny lay on his chest her head tucked under his chin, her mouth was opened slightly. Brian’s right hand was on her back keeping her stable. Jenny’s right hand was holding onto Brian’s ear. “Oh my God.” Justin smiled. “He’d die of embarrassment if he knew how adorable he looked right now.” Melanie chuckled. “Think I should try and take her and lay her down inside?” “Probably. Although I hate to move them they look so peaceful.” “I’ll take care of mine and you take care of yours.” Melanie said grinning. Justin smiled and walked over to the chair. Melanie gingerly lifted Jenny up and off of Brian who stirred and tried to hold on to her. Justin lay down in Jenny’s place as Brian enveloped Justin in his arms. “Jenny, Angel, either you’ve grown a nine inch cock, or -.” He opened his eyes and was taken aback by the glow that surrounded this new angel lying on his chest. “Hey.” Was all he could manage. “Hey.” Justin said softly kissing Brian’s lips. “Have a nice nap?” “Mmm-hmm.” Brian sighed. “What time is it?” “About four.” Justin said nuzzling closer to Brian. “Think we can get them all out of here soon.” Brian said in a seductive whisper. “Probably.” Justin said his head on Brian’s shoulder. “I figure they should all be gone by seven at the latest. Then I can tuck you in properly.” Brian stretched a bit then ran his hands through Justin’s hair lifting his chin up and kissing him more deeply. “You two need to get a room.” Debbie said giving Brian’s hair an affectionate ruffle as she passed by. “We have a whole houseful.” Brian shot back. Debbie just chuckled and sat down across from them. -- About an hour later, Lindsay and Gus, and Melanie and Jenny started saying their good-byes. Gus hugged Brian and Justin and John then ran over to hug everyone else. “He must be your kid.” Debbie teased. “He likes to spread his love around to everyone.” “Huh?” Gus said confused. “Ignore your Grammy Deb, Gus, she’s being silly.” Lindsay said smiling. She gave everyone good-bye hugs as well. Debbie and Emmett headed out with Jennifer and Molly. “See you later, Mollusk.” Justin said. Molly turned and hugged him then shyly shook Brian’s hand. “What is it with you an the Taylor kids?” Justin asked once they were out of earshot. “What?” “Molly has such a huge crush on you.” Justin said. “Well, lucky for you I’m only interested in one of the Taylor kids.” Brian smirked. Justin turned to wave as Jennifer pulled away. “Where the hell is that son of mine?” Debbie said. “He’ll be out in a minute, Deb.” Ben called as he and Hunter appeared at the door. “He’d better hurry if he wants to say good-bye to his daughter.” Melanie said. She handed Jenny to Debbie as she got the car seat set up. “I’m here, I’m here.” Michael called as he rushed out the door. He crossed over to Jenny and Melanie and gently kissed Jenny on her cheek. She didn’t even move. “Love you, baby. See you later, Mel.” “See you.” Melanie said as she put Jenny in her car seat, kissed everyone good-bye then climbed into her car. Lindsay strapped Gus into his booster seat then waved as she headed out, too. “You know, those two should really get their shit together and get back together.” Debbie said as she watched Lindsay and Melanie’s cars disappear. “Stay out of it, Ma.” Michael said. “They’ll work it out by themselves.” “Yeah, but -.” “No, buts.” Michael said. “Melanie has already told me that it’s none of anybody’s business.” “I just want them to be happy.” Debbie said sadly. “And, they will be.” Michael said firmly. “Well, see you, Kiddo.” Debbie said kissing Brian on the cheek. “And, see you at the diner Monday, Sunshine.” She added. “Right, Debbie.” Michael, Ben, Hunter, Debbie, and Emmett all packed into their car and headed out. “I had a really great time, Boss.” Cynthia said as she headed toward her car. “See you Monday.” Brian nodded. “Great party, Brian.” “Glad you enjoyed it.” Brian said shaking Ted’s hand. “Monday.” “Monday.” Ted headed off to his own car parked a ways down the street. “Well, John, did you have a good day?” Justin asked. “Yeah, everybody is great.” John said. “And, Hunter is a trip. Hot, too.” Two pairs of eyes stared at John in shock. “Got you.” He said finally. “Why you -.” Brian said as John laughed and ran towards the house with Brian in hot pursuit. End chapter three