Brian sat wearing a paper gown in his doctor’s exam room. He hated the damned things. It was short and he hadn’t been able to tie the back very well, so he knew his ass was hanging out. His biggest problem was with coming to the doctor in the first place, but it had become a habit. Every six months like clockwork. Brian would get his blood taken, have a sonogram done, then go to his exam a few days later. Everything had been going extremely well, and he was afraid that his good luck might not hold out. He shook his head to clear that thought the hell out of it. Just as Brian was about to get up and go find his damned doctor, Dr. Walters opened the door and came in. “Good morning, Brian.” He greeted pleasantly. “And, how are you feeling today?” “Hey, Doc.” Brian smiled. “I’m just fine.” “That’s good. Good.” He sat down the chart he’d been holding on the counter by the sink. He washed his hands and pulled on a pair of rubber gloves before turning back to Brian. “Okay, lie back.” “That’s usually my line.” Brian muttered as he followed the doctor’s instructions. “Bend your knees.” The doctor instructed. Brian was really not pleased with the exam that was to follow. If the doctor had been gay, Brian might have believed that he enjoyed it just a little too much. First, he took Brian’s sac in his hand and rolled it around in a most non-sexual way. Then he would twist first Brian’s real ball then the prosthetic. It didn’t hurt, but it definitely felt weird to have someone touch his balls that he wasn’t going to fuck. “Any problems with the prosthetic?” The doctor asked. “Uh-huh.” Brian frowned. “Could there be?” “Not normally.” The doctor said pulling his hand away. “Some men are uncomfortable with it. But, I believe it’s more psychological than anything.” “It hasn’t made a difference with me.” Brian smirked. “Justin says he can’t really tell any difference between it and my real ball, so . . .” “Okay.” He said. “Step on the scale please.” Brian walked over to the scale and waited. The doctor made an adjustment or two then looked at Brian’s chart. “Weight’s still normal.” He said then scribbled something on the chart. “You’ve been going to the gym?” “Why, doc, you noticed, I’m flattered.” Brian smiled his patented tongue in cheek smile. “Yes, I’ve been going to the gym. But, as you suggested, I’ve been taking it easy. Justin wouldn’t let me over do it even if I wanted to.” “Good for Justin.” The doctor said off-handedly. Brian arched his eyebrow. “Your labs are excellent, by the way. Your blood test and sonogram show no signs of recurrence or spreading.” Brian nodded. “I still want to see you in six months, though. And, should you start to feel sick or anything out of the ordinary, you are to come in straight away. There are no guarantees. I can’t tell you that there won’t be a recurrence, but this is the halfway point. Two more clean check ups and you will be officially cured.” “You mean we won’t have to have our standing ‘date’ anymore, doc.” Brian smirked. “This is serious, Brian.” The doctor said. “I know.” Brian said nodding. “But, if you think I’m going to act like I’m already dead, you’re sadly mistaken.” “Well, a positive attitude can’t hurt.” The doctor said. “You can get dressed now.” Brian walked over to the coat rack where he’d hung up his clothes. He pulled on his briefs then pulled off the offending paper gown tossing it to the floor before pulling on the rest of his clothes. “Stop by and have Judith make you another appointment.” The doctor said as he exited the room. “See you in six months.” Brian exhaled loudly. He could breathe again. He was never really aware of how tense he got about these doctor visits until after they were over. Now, all he wanted to do was stop by the diner for lunch and a heaping helping of Sunshine. -- Justin sat in his first class of the day ignoring pretty much everything his professor was saying. He had been working on autopilot all morning. His mind not on art, but on Brian’s doctor visit. It had been a year since Justin had first discovered the lump and even though Brian was healthy and there had been no sign of recurrence of the cancer, Justin would still worry until he was able to speak to Brian at lunch. “Mr. Taylor?” Justin was ripped from his thoughts by his highly annoyed professor’s voice. “I’m sure you aren’t paying for this class just so you can day dream.” Justin blushed and looked around at his classmates. “Sorry.” Justin said. “No sorry needed, Mr. Taylor, just please pay attention.” She said haughtily. “Some of what I’m teaching just might be on the final.” “Yes, Ma’am.” Justin said and forced himself to listen as best he could. -- Brian entered the diner at a little past noon. He was starving. He’d been unable to eat breakfast with the butterflies he was feeling over his doctor’s appointment. Something he would never have admitted to Justin, but Brian had the distinct impression that Justin knew about his apprehension anyway. “Hey, Brian.” Michael called as soon as Brian entered the door. “Hey, Mikey.” Brian said as he slid into the booth opposite them. “So?” Mikey said anxiously. “So, what?” Brian asked noncommittally. “So, what’d the doctor say?” Michael asked chomping at the bit. “I haven’t even been able to talk to Justin yet, Mikey.” Brian said exasperatedly. “I believe I’ll wait for my ‘partner’ to get here from school before I say anything. If that’s all right with you?” “Don’t get so testy.” Michael said. “I was just asking. How am I supposed to know you haven’t talked to Justin yet? I thought you two were joined at the hip.” Brian rolled his eyes and looked up as Debbie walked over to take his order. “Hey, Kiddo.” Debbie said putting her arm around Brian shoulder and giving him a one armed hug. “What’ll be? The usual?” “No, actually.” Brian said ignoring the odd look Michael gave him. “I’d like a bowl of vegetable soup and a small salad - oil and vinegar on the side and a large unsweetened ice tea.” “Coming right up.” Debbie said smiling. “Oh, and Deb, Justin’ll be here in a few minutes, so can you get him a bacon cheeseburger with fries and chocolate shake.” “Sure thing, Sweetie.” “Where does that kid put all that food?” Michael huffed. “I store in my ass for the winter, Michael.” Justin said as he came up from behind them. He smiled at Brian before leaning in to give him a quick kiss. “And, what a fine storage compartment it is.” Brian confirmed by patting Justin’s ass causing him to blush and sit down quickly. “Brian.” He hissed. Brian just smiled and nudged Justin with his elbow. Justin rolled his eyes then smiled one of his mega-watt smiles. “So, what did the doctor say?” “I am still cancer free.” Justin smiled and threw his arms around Brian’s neck giving him a hard happy kiss. “And,” He continued, “I’m at the midway point. Two more positive checkups and I’m officially cured.” “You couldn’t just tell me that?” Michael said disgustedly. “I could have, but I figured I should wait for my ‘partner’, Mikey.” Brian frowned. “And, how was class this morning?” “Slow.” Justin said. “My mind was on other things.” Brian nodded and rested his forehead against Justin’s. “Hey Sunshine.” Debbie called as she walked to the table carrying his and Brian’s order. “Hey, Deb.” Justin said. “Brian was just telling us that his doctor says he’s still cancer free.” Michael blurted. “Thank you, God.” Debbie said looking up toward the ceiling her hand over her heart. “How are you feeling, Baby?” “I’m fine.” Brian said. “Never better.” “Good.” Debbie said satisfied. “You all are coming to Sunday dinner, right?” “Sure thing, Deb.” Justin said. “John’s coming, too. His dad has to work a double shift, so they don’t get the whole weekend together.” “Well, that sucks.” “Yeah, but they do get Friday night and most of Saturday.” Justin explained. “Well, the more the merrier I always say.” Debbie said with a smile. -- “Uncle Bri, can I ask you something?” John asked as he was filling up the dishwasher after dinner. “Sure, what’s up?” Brian said looking up from the copy he was proofing and setting the file on the counter. “Do you and Justin, like, ever celebrate an anniversary or anything like that?” “That’s a good question.” Brian said thoughtfully. “The trouble would be when to celebrate it, though.” John looked confused. “Well, we could celebrate the night we met which is also Gus’ birthday, but it wasn’t like we expected to become a couple or anything then.” John nodded. “And, the time that Justin moved in with me after the bashing wasn’t really the best. I wanted to help him, but I was still pretty selfish then and that’s pretty much what led to Justin leaving me for Ian.” “Who’s Ian?” John asked as he filled the detergent cup in the dishwasher’s door. “‘Ethan’,” Justin said from the doorway, “was a very big mistake I made.” He looked Brian in the eye. “I guess I had some growing up to do.” “Me too.” Brian said. Justin grinned. “So, that happened just before the accident?” John asked. “A few months before, yeah.” Brian confirmed. “And, you guys got back together after Uncle B got custody of me?” John frowned. “Yeah, but that’s not exactly a good time to celebrate anything.” Justin said. “I mean what with your mom and all.” “Yeah.” John nodded. “But, don’t you guys want to celebrate you being together?” “I do.” Brian said softly. “To me it’s a day to celebrate when I wake up and Justin’s still here.” Justin stared at Brian like he’d grown a second head. Brian pulled the stunned man to him and kissed him softly on the lips. “Wow.” John said. “That’s cool.” Justin coughed and turned toward the sink to hide the deep red color that had tinted his features. “It’s not about a specific day, John.” Brian continued his hand resting on Justin’s shoulder. “It’s about accomplishments. That’s what you celebrate not just days of the year. That’s my biggest beef with birthdays. Anyone can age.” John snorted a laugh. “It’s what you do between those birthdays that’s more important.” “Like your business and stuff, right?” John asked. “Yeah, the business is important.” Brian began. “But, there are other things, too. Being a good partner. Being a good guardian. Being a good father. Those are the things I work on everyday and that I’m succeeding is a pretty good reason to celebrate, but not just one day out of the year.” “Oh.” John said thoughtfully. “Besides, John, we aren’t like straight couples.” Justin said having finally recovered enough to speak. “We aren’t married. We don’t plan to be, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t committed to one another. It just means that we’re together because we want to be not because we’re bound by law.” “My parents, your grandparents, were married for, well, forever.” Brian explained. “But, you heard what I said about them to the Burkes. They didn’t love each other and they sure as hell didn’t love us. They stayed together because of your mom and me. Because of the scandal a divorce would’ve caused. And, I’m pretty sure, we were just ploys to keep the old man from walking out of mom in the first place.” “That’s fucked.” John said shaking his head. “Yeah, it is.” Brian agreed. “But, even in homes where parents do love each other and love their kids, things can change.” Justin said then bit his bottom lip. The memory of his father’s rejection still painful to talk about. “My mom and dad loved each other and they loved Molly and me. I lived in a very normal, very happy home.” He continued. “However, the very second that I didn’t live up to my father’s expectations, and the very second that my mother refused to take his side about it, my father rejected us. He disowned me. Divorced my mother. And, to this day refuses to have anything to do with me.” Justin shook his head. “That’s fucked, too.” John said shocked. “Yeah.” Justin agreed. “I’m pretty sure the only reason he’s still civil with Mom is because of Molly.” “What does Molly think about you and Brian and stuff?” “Molly’s a great sister.” Justin said with a huge smile. “She doesn’t care about me being gay or that I want to be with Brian. In fact, she has a pretty big crush on him.” Brian rolled his eyes. “No shit.” John said smiling mischievously at his Uncle. Justin just smiled and nodded. “Are your mom and Molly going to be at Debbie’s this Sunday?” “I don’t know.” Justin said. “Mom, said she’d try to make it, but weekends are pretty busy for realtors. She might stop by, though, to grab something to eat between clients. But, I think this is Molly’s weekend with Craig.” “Oh.” John said then paused thinking. “I still say that you guys need an anniversary. I mean so I can help you celebrate, you know?” “I’ll tell you what. Justin and I will see what we can come up with.” Brian said suddenly understanding what John was really asking. Justin started to say something but Brian stopped him with a small shake of his head. “Okay.” “You have homework to finish?” Brian asked. “Yeah.” John said as he headed into the living room. “What was that all about?” Justin asked. “You hate anniversaries and the like.” “Yeah, but I got the distinct impression that it’s not really about us.” Brian explained. “It isn’t so much about us being with each other as it is about us being with him.” “Huh, I never thought about that.” Justin admitted. “But, how are we going to handle this? You know we don’t have a real anniversary.” “I know.” Brian said. “But, maybe it doesn’t have to be our anniversary as a couple, maybe we could celebrate us as a family.” “Okay.” Justin said. “And?” “Let me think about it and see what I can come up with.” Brian offered. Justin just nodded, started the dishwasher, and headed into the living room as well. -- Brian sat at his desk staring at a picture of himself with Justin, John, and Gus. It had been taken at the zoo a few weeks ago. Gus’ mouth was smeared with chocolate ice cream and John had put bunny fingers behind Brian’s head, earning him a nudge in the ribs, and Justin was laughing. Something which made the blond look even more stunning if that was possible. It had become Brian’s favorite picture. He’d had it blow up and framed and it was the only picture that he had ever thought to put on his desk at work. Brian’s mood lightened as he looked at his boys. His boys. He smiled and scolded himself for such a lesbionic thought, but that’s how he saw them. As his boys. He picked up the picture and thought about what John had said the night before. Well, if John wants a celebration, I’ll just have to give him one. A thought crossed his mind. He pursed his lips then smiled. “Perfect.” He said aloud then turned back to his work. -- “I’ve been thinking about what John said last night.” Brian told Justin later as they climbed into bed. “Oh, yeah.” Justin said as he pulled off his pajama bottoms and tossed them over the end of the bed. “I think I understand what it is he really wants.” Brian continued pulling the covers back and climbing into the bed. “He’s not used to the Kinney way of only celebrating accomplishments.” Brian held the covers open for Justin to climb in next to him. “And?” “Well, I got to thinking today at work.” Brian explained as Justin nestled his head under Brian’s chin and draped his arm across Brian’s chest. “Us being together – you and me, and us and John – well, I think that’s pretty big accomplishment.” Brian felt Justin’s hair brush his chin as he nodded. “So, I think we should have a Family Celebration Day. Kind of like a reunion only for us. All of us. You, me, and John, Linz and Gus, Melanie and Jenny, Mikey, Ben, and Hunter, Ted and Emmett, Debbie and Carl, Jennifer and Molly, John’s dad, everyone.” “That sounds pretty cool.” Justin said around a yawn. “We can have it here.” Brian said. “The house is big enough. We could have it catered or we could make the food, or whatever.” “Are you sure you can withstand the whole family here for an entire day?” Justin teased. “Usually, I’d say fuck that.” Justin chuckled. “But, this isn’t about just me. It’s about us. It’s about John. I think he just needs to feel like he’s a part of a family again. He’s met everyone, but he hasn’t really spent much time with them.” “Okay.” Justin agreed. “And, I think catering would be the way to go. Less hassle; less bullshit. And, there’s always the pool for everyone to play in, too. And, you are right, the house is more than big enough. So, lets do it.” “Only, let’s get everything organized and ready to go before we invite anyone.” “Yeah, about the time we send out invitations, everything would fall apart.” “Like the munchers’ wedding.” “Which you almost single handedly saved.” “Yeah, it’s good to be King.” “Well, Your Majesty, if you’re the King, what am I?” “Keeper of the King’s royal scepter, of course.” Brian purred. “And I think it needs tending.” Justin chuckled softly, moved up to kiss Brian lightly on the lips before disappearing under the covers. End chapter one.