‘Career Day’ Brian saw the words on a slip of paper sticking out of John’s backpack. Curious, Brian pulled the paper out and started reading it. It seemed that the class was going to have a Career Day the following week and parents were encouraged to participate. Brian frowned as he looked over where his nephew was sitting at the counter eating a snack and drinking a glass of milk as Justin prepared dinner. “John?” Brian said walking over to the boy. “What’s this?” “Nothing.” John said dismissively. “It’s just something our class is doing. It’s no big deal.” “Says here that parents are encouraged to participate.” Brian said indicating the line printed near the bottom of the paper. “Why didn’t you say something?” “I figured you’d be too busy.” John shrugged. “Mom and Dad always were.” Brian pressed his lips together to keep from saying anything against his late sister and her less than stellar choice in husbands. “I don’t have to be too busy.” Brian said. “I can come. I can even set up a presentation about what I do at Vanguard.” “That’s okay.” John said. “You don’t have to and besides it’s kinda short notice.” “I can make up something spectacular in seconds.” Brian said ignoring Justin’s smirk. “I do it all the time at work.” “It’s really no big deal, Uncle Bri.” “You don’t want me to come?” “No, it’s not that.” John said wiping milk off his upper lip with the back of his hand. “It’s just that, well, Mom never went to things like this. She said it was a waste of time. And, Dad, well, he was hardly ever around, so -.” Brian shook his head in disgust. “And, I figured you wouldn’t care.” “John.” Brian said waiting until the boy looked up at him. “I’m not too busy. I can come.” “Really?” John asked doubtfully. “Why?” “Because I want to show off in front of a bunch of 7th graders.” Brian said with a smirk. John snorted. “Well, if you were there, it probably wouldn’t be as boring as it usually is.” John rationalized. “It’d be kinda cool actually.” He looked over to Justin. “You could come, too, Justin.” “Oh yeah.” Justin scoffed. “I can regal them with stories of waiting tables at the Liberty Diner.” “Or, you could be my lovely assistant.” Brian teased. Justin rolled his eyes and mouthed ‘fuck you’ causing John to laugh harder. “Its next Wednesday, so that gives us, what, 5 days to work with. Easy.” “Cool.” John said. “I’ll let Ms. Keller know.” “Great.” Brian said smiling as John turned back to the counter and snagged a carrot from the ones Justin was cutting up for the roast. With that settled, Brian went into the bedroom to change out of his work clothes. Brian smiled when he heard his nephew and lover laugh about something. The domesticality of it all was not lost on him, but he chose not to think about it too much. Parenthood. Coupledom. He shrugged as he undressed and stepped into the shower. Fuck it. He was happy. That’s all that truly mattered. End Chapter 1.