I pick up my beautiful blonde and spin us around, we end the dance with the most sensual kiss of my life. Hmmmm…..that was a nice dream. Why are my sheets suddenly so scratchy? I open my eyes and squint at the light pouring into the room. Fuck! I wish someone would close the damn blinds. I look around me, drinking in my surroundings and the previous night comes back in such a rush it makes me dizzy. Fuck! I’m in the hospital. What is that smell? Oh god it’s me. I realize I am still soaked in Justin’s blood, only now it has dried and makes my clothing stiff. I dare to look over at Justin. He still looks peaceful, but he has a little bit more color today. That is good — right? I can’t kiss his forehead; it is covered with gauze now, so I kiss his cheek. I move slowly across his cheek to his lips, oh these lips. The sweetest things I have ever tasted are Justin’s lips. Oh and his ice cream covered cock. “Ahem”, I look up to see Jennifer standing in the doorway. I wonder how long she has been there. And does the hospital sheet conceal the raging boner I have from kissing her son. I look at her and realize she must have gone home. She is in different clothing. “I brought you some clothing Brian”, I finally realize that she is carrying an over-night bag. It looks a little familiar. “Sorry Jen,” I reply “I don’t think I will fit into Justin’s hand me downs, and I am not wearing something of Craig’s.” “They are yours Brian. I came in a few hours ago and took your keys. Luckily Justin had given me the security code when he lived with you.” That little shit. “You have a nice place. I like the painting.” Did I just feel myself blush? No. Okay good. “Any change?” She looks so hopeful I hate to disappoint her. “No. He didn’t stir all night. He’ll be fine Jen. He has to be. He woke up briefly in the ambulance last night. He’ll come back to us.” “Do you love him Brian?” Damn she’s forward. “Sorry Jen. If I have something to tell Justin, I tell him first.” “Tell me what?” My head whips around so fast it hurts “Ow! Fuck!” “You want to fuck? That’s not new.” “Justin? Oh my god Justin honey, you’re awake!” “Mom?!? Brian why is my mother in your bedroom? And why do the sheets feel so scratchy?” Little shit. He scares the shit out of his mother and I, then wakes up and starts complaining about the sheets? Well they are uncomfortable. Still he’s a little shit. “Ahem!” Whoops I hadn’t realized that I had swooped down to capture his lips with my own until his mother made that noise. I’ve heard that throat clearing noise too much in the last 24 hours. 24 hours….oh thank god he didn’t make us wait 24 hours to see if he was going to be okay. Okay Kinney stop kissing him now — his mother is watching. As I break away from the kiss I gaze at the most beautiful person I have ever known, and he smiles. The wattage from that thing could light the hospital! The hospital. He doesn’t know where he is. Fuck. “Justin. Look around you, this is not our bedroom.” Shit did I just say OUR? Maybe he didn’t notice. Nope that increase in wattage proves he heard me. Fuck! He slowly looks around the room taking everything in. He looks at his mother. He looks at me. Then down at my clothing. Oh fuck — why couldn’t I have changed before he woke up? “Mom, can I talk to Brian please?” “Sure honey. I’ll be in the family waiting room. Brian I’ll put your bag in the chair.” She walks over and kisses his cheek, then looks at me. I think that look meant I shouldn’t tell him what happened. But how can I not? If he asks I will tell him. I look back down at him and he is staring at me. “Brian, don’t worry. I remember everything.” He lays his hand against my heart. Oh god. Do it now. Say it now. “Justin I may never be able to say it again, but if I don’t say it now, I will never forgive myself. I love you. I’m not sure how or when it happened but I knew it to be true last night. That dance was the best moment of my life. It felt like a birth; the beginning of something for us. Later — was going to mean so much more than it sounded like I promise. You said it was the best night of your life. Well it was the best night of mine too. Like I said I might not ever be able to say it again, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I just, It’s just, I … uh” “Brian, breathe. I love you too. Thank you for saying it today. I believe you will say it again. I think once you start saying it you won’t be able to stop. You love me. I love you. We can deal with the rest later. We can think about the rest later. For now, just kiss me. We will deal with ‘later’ — later.”