i was only 17 when i got my heart ripped clean i was just a baby then ~Justin~ *I have heard this song and I never really thought about it until today yes, I am laying my room okay well, daph's couch and I'm thinking. Brian threw me out again and what the fuck for because he has cancer. * love's so confusing the scenes are amusing i have to express how i feel ~Brian~ *That little twat coming in here and acting like nothing is wrong trying to baby me..What the fuck! I don't need him or anyone I am Brian fucking Kinney. Then he had the nerve to tell Mickey that I am sick. what was he thinking..That Little fucker I don't need him....but why do I want him here? * i was only 17 when i got my heart ripped clean how can i forgive you that ~Justin~ * Daphne says he is just afarid Well, Fuck him what does he think I am doing Dancing around singing little mary fucking sunshine. I'm fucking scared too. I have been in love with him since I was 17 and he just kicks me out no wait he threw me out..he has never done that. Sure he told me to get out when the loft was robbed and then he pushed me off the ledge at the Rage party but he has never psycally thrown me out. Fine if he wants to do this alone he can. He has michael. But Why Do I want to be the one to there for him? God, Damn Him. * love's so confusing the scenes are amusing i have to express how i feel ~Brian~ * Why did he have to tell michael..why couldn't he just leave it alone and act like he didn't know. I know I should have told him. How could I? How Could I admit to Justin that i was no longer perfect yeah I'm sure he wouldn't care but I would he is only 20 he should be with someone who isn't sick...of course i am sure the little twit would disagree with them..isn't he always.* one thing i know is true i'll never replace you a memory i rewind and play soleil ~Justin~ * I'm sure he did this for my "own good" of course isn't it always but it's not I need to be with him and I wish for once he wouldn't make my choices for me. I love that fucker I have tried to hide my feelings but it never works I have been with the person my own age I don't want that I just wish he would know that I want him. * love's so confusing the scenes are amusing i have to express how i feel ~Brian~ I hope he knows I do love him and I just hope he understands why I did this for him. He doesn't need to be with me fuck how is at the door.. ~Justin~ * That fucker shouldn't have the last word...Why does he get to decided that we are over. So fucking what he lost a ball..will he stop loving me yes loving me I know he does because of my gimp hand of course not then why would he think I would care if he has only one ball..oh wait of course he is the exception because he is Brian Fucking Kinney..* one thing i know is true i'll never replace you a memory i rewind and play