WARNING: Light BDSM A huge thank you, to my wonderful beta Lois, for her time and talent. Justin's POV Don't let them see you fidget. Don't look them in the eyes. Don't say a word. Don't relax your position. And under no circumstance, don't show any fear. I can do this; I have had three years to perfect my role. I'm a slave, a pet, and a boy toy that has no real life, well not one that is my own. I'm property, owned by my master and up till three years ago I was just an ordinary gay boy who did all the things normal kids do. I played basketball with the boy who lived two doors down from me in my suburbia home. I was the oldest of two children and the only boy to the biggest bigots that had ever graced their appearance at the country club. I loved to ride my bike to my best friend Daphne's house and sketch drawings of my family and friends. Then my world ended when my parents found out I was gay and they banished me to the streets of hell to fend for my self, I was fifteen. But I wasn't living on the streets for long before a man picked me up and for in exchange for sex I got a shower, food and a warm bed. He was my first and soon to become my new master and owner. Charles Gray was my whole existence and with out him to take care of me and protect me I would have died on the streets. But he took me in and gave me a home. Did I love him, well no, but I cared for him. But three weeks ago that ended. It took a car accident for my life to crumble. I know what you are thinking. This is your chance. RUN! Well it's not that easy. Not when this is all you know. This is my life. I know you think it's all fucked up but it's not. Everyone is either dominant or submissive. I happen to function better when I have my master making all my choices for me. He tells me when to eat, what to eat, where to eat, what to wear, but when we are at home I wear nothing but my collar. I can never leave with out his escort and never talk unless spoken too. There are whole lists of rules and I don't have time right now to tell all of them to you because we are almost to my new master's home. But the number one rule above all others, never disobey the other rules. The punishment can be cruel. We are almost there. We are just waiting for the elevator to stop and soon I will meet my new master. I hope he is kind, gentle, and please let him be cute. I know of another slave whose master is mean and really fat and repulsive. But Dale Stevens, who is Charles Gray's lawyer, said Gray went to college at Penn State with my new master so he can't be too old. Thank god! Mr. Stevens is the man I have been staying with for the last three weeks till they could find my new master and when they did, they sent him a letter stating that master left him his prize possession in his will. So here I am ready to start my new life. Mr. Stevens leads me out of the elevator by my leash and we walk to the door of my new owner. He looks down at me and reminds me to mind my manners. I know what he is saying, remember the rules. Well no shit! I want to make a good impression on my new owner. He knocks on the door and the door slides open and before me is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. He is tall and thin but he has a great body, brown hair with hazel eyes. He's dressed in blue jeans, a black wife beater, and bare feet. He is totally hot! I can't help staring at him through my bangs because I can't raise my head. I hope he is the one we have come to see. Mr. Stevens tells me to stay and so I stand in my stance position with my head lowered to the floor and feet slightly apart with my hands behind my back by the door. I let my body relax so I don't look tense. "Mr. Brian Kinney I presume?" Mr. Stevens asked as he takes off my leash. "Yes, will you please have a seat?" Brian asked while he led the lawyer to the couch. I hear them talking and I try really hard to hear what they are saying because I want to know what my fate will be. I hope this gorgeous man will take me as his slave because I can't help my body from shuttering from the thought of what will happen to me if he doesn't. His home is a large loft with very nice furniture and an equally large kitchen. I'm glad for the nice kitchen because I'm expected to cook for my new master. I want a kitchen that is equipped with everything I will need. The loft is huge but there isn't a lot of furniture, but it is clean. There is a lot of floor space that I will have to mop but that's ok. I don't mind the cleaning and cooking; it is part of my duties. Mr. Stevens is opening his briefcase and pulling out the papers my new owner will have to sign and he is now reading to him the copy of the will that states to him all the properties he now owns. He is signing the paper work as he listens to the lawyer. Mr. Stevens is now getting to the part about me but I hear him pause as he hitches up his glasses. His glasses are always falling down his nose but what do you expect? They are really big and they don't fit well on his thin long nose. Mr. Stevens is around sixty and very tall with a small head and greasy hair that is thinning on top. It was once black but the gray had taken over. He has tiny eyes that are too close together. But he is very kind and he has been polite to me. He never once expected sex from me. I think it is because he too, has a life long slave. Her name is Grace and she is thirty-nine and a wonderful cook. I loved staying with them but I need my own master, not a borrowed one. Well here it comes. I can tell that Mr. Stevens has finally gotten to the part about me because my new master is now pacing in front of the white leather couch. Please take me.....please! Brian's POV I took this day off so I could meet with this lawyer guy who has written me a letter to tell me that Charles Gray, my old college buddy was killed in a car accident and left me some things in his will and he needs to meet with me at my earliest convenience. So after several phone calls we set up this little meeting. I let the lawyer in and I'm a little surprised at the hot blonde he has with him. He is short with a tight body. He is absolutely gorgeous. His blonde hair looks silky soft and a bit long that brushes his collar to his shirt that is white silk and his pants are leather that fits firmly to his lower body. Even his boots look like white suede. But the only color I could see was the blue diamond collar that was around his neck. Fuck he's hot! I'd fuck him! But what throws me for a loop is, this old guy takes a leash off this kid then walks over to the couch to sit down after I ask him to take a seat. The lawyer is very professional and gets right down to business as he pulls out the paper work that I need to sign. He tells me that Gray left me five million dollars and with that I lean down to the papers that are lying on my coffee table and start signing on all the dotted lines. Five FUCKING million dollars! I could open my own advertising agency or just fucking retire at the sweet young age of twenty-nine! So while I'm scheming on what to do with all that money I let my mind wonder. Until I hear him say something about I can have the money but only under certain conditions. Well that got my attention. Maybe I should have waited on the signing of the papers or had my lawyer look them over. "And now we get to the last of your inheritance.... I, Charles Edwards Gray give Brian Kinney my most prized possession, my slave, Boy. He shall own Boy by all legal rights until the day he dies, puts him up to an auction to be sold or he turns him out. Boy comes to Brian Kinney with all personal possessions and the cash amount of five million dollars to be paid directly to Brian Kinney on the day of the signing of ownership. And with the signing comes an instructional video made by me on how to care for his new slave." The lawyer said as he read the last of the will to me. "What!.........oh fuck no!........I can't take him....I would make a horrible dominating leather daddy. And I have never had a pet in my life." I tried to stay calm to explain to the lawyer that I wasn't going to take the boy. "Mr. Kinney I know you are hesitant on taking up such a large task but I assure you that Boy is well trained and Charles left you this video to help you." Mr. Stevens said as he pulled a video tape out of his briefcase and handing it to me. "How to care for your pet....I'm glad he still had a sense of humor." I told the lawyer when I read the label on the tape. " So tell me Mr. Stevens, what will happen to this kid if I don't take him. Will I still get the money?" I asked the lawyer. "No, you get nothing" "And what happens to the kid?" "He would get sold at auction at the next society meeting. There is a master/slave society that you would be expected to join and they would take care of it for you. And if he doesn't sell then he would be turned out. And if that happens then they take him back to where his master found him. And since he was found living on the streets then that is where they will leave him. With only the clothes on his back since his master owns all his possessions. But you signed the papers Mr. Kinney so he is now yours until the next society meeting. I will contact the society and they will contact you in the next couple of weeks to set up a meeting with you and your new slave to see how you two are getting along. At that time you can either keep him or sign him over to the society and they will take care of him. You will lose what ever you have left of the five million and it will go to his new owner or if he gets turned out, then it will be divided among the board of trustees of the society." So that's just fucked I thought to myself. You can't own another person. Not only is it wrong, it's against the law. But here I am with a new slave until I decide what I'm going to do with him. "Fine, contact your friends and I will meet with them." I replied. I look up at the blond boy and through all this he hasn't moved. He just stood there stone still with his head bowed and his hands clasped behind his back. I wonder how he feels about all of this. Does he want to be free? So I walk over to him and raise his head with my finger. I had to gasp in a quick breath on the beauty of this kid. He is absolutely gorgeous. I don't think I have ever seen eyes that blue. "What is your name?" "Boy" Whispers the blonde slave. He drops his head down submissively. "What is your real name?" "Boy" I turn to the lawyer who still sat on my couch. "What is his real name?" I asked the man. "That is his real name. His old master was able to get his name legally changed, his old name no longer exists and so no one is allowed to speak it. And all records have been lost or sealed." The lawyer replied back, lifting his bushy eyebrows challenging me to push the issue. But fuck that, I will get it from the kid when this shit bag leaves and then I will return him to his family and away from those bastards that want to keep him a prisoner. "How old are you?" I asked the boy. "Seventeen" Whispers the boy. "Shit!...........only seventeen. How old where you when Charles made you his slave?" "He was fifteen Mr. Kinney and I know what you are thinking...yes that is young but it was consensual by the master and slave." I nod my head and tell the lawyer that I want copies of all the paper work to go over with my lawyer and to call me in a few days. He tells me that within the next couple of hours two men will arrive with all my new slave's possessions and I will have to go through them to keep what ever I think my slave would need and throw out the rest. I tell him ok as I walk him to the door. He shakes my hand, then hands me the gold chained leash that was once hooked to Boy's collar when he arrived and then tells me good luck as he walks out the door. Brian's POV "Please have a seat till I figure out what I'm going to do with you." I told the young boy as I walked over to the small bar I had next to the wall and poured me a tall glass of Beam. I kept my back to him while I downed two glasses of Beam. I thought I had my self under control as my mind wandered to the current mess I found myself into. But by the time I turned around, the blue eyed boy was kneeling by the couch on his knees with his head bowed and his hands resting in his lap to cover his naked groin. He was beautiful. His entire body was pale and his skin looked soft and perfect with out a blemish or mark on him as I could see. I had to admit he made me rock hard just seeing him kneel submissively naked on the floor. I had to admit no matter how much he appealed to me and I wanted to drag him to my bed and fuck him into the mattress, this wasn't my type of game. I love light bondage as much as the next queer but this was something different, something more controlling, and permanent. I can't see someone ruling over someone else and keeping them as a slave. No I believe in just fucking them and kicking them out of my bed. This slave shit was insane. I know how the game is played; I even know some of the rules, but I have never gotten into this shit, it's too much responsibility. Too much like a marriage. I walk over to the boy and tell him he doesn't need to kneel on the floor, he can sit on the couch and put his clothes back on. I had to bend down closer to hear him whisper to me as he never raised his head. Justin's POV When Mr. Stevens left I could feel my heart speed up in anticipation on what was coming next. And when he told me to come in and have a seat, I really tried to keep the small smile of my face. I couldn't stop it from coming so I just hoped that he wouldn't see it as I stripped off my clothes and neatly folded them in to a orderly pile by the front door where they where supposed to be placed when ever I come in the front door. Then I slowly walked to the couch to kneel down into position to wait for my master to instruct me to his next wishes. I know when he turned around and noticed me kneeling on the floor because I thought I could feel his heated glaze burn into my skin. But when he walked over to me and told me sit on the couch and put my clothes back on, my heart sunk and I could feel it break in to a million pieces as he rejected me. "Do I not please you master." I whispered. Oh no I thought, I just broke a rule. A very important rule, never question your master and never speak with out being spoken to first. Oh no he will be so displeased with me. I haven't even been in my new master's home for an hour and I have disgraced him and my training as a loyal, obedient slave. "Master I apologize for questioning your command." "Sorry is bullshit" "Sir I will take what ever punishment you think I deserve for my disobedience." I told my new master trying to be brave and not let my fear show in my voice. "Listen Boy, I'm not familiar with this whole master/slave thing so we will both have to muddle through it the best we can, so you might have to explain to me some of the rules. I know some, but not all." "Permission to speak sir." "Ya go ahead" "May I suggest you watch the tape my master Gray left you." "Right, the tape" My new master walked over to his TV/VCR to put in the tape and with the remote in his hand, he settled down to watch the tape on how to care for his new pet. I sat by his leg waiting patiently for him to finish. I don't think he realized as he started to watch the tape what was expected of him or of me, but I think he does have some interest in it because at some point he had his hand on the back of my head rubbing my hair and the back of my neck. He has a very gentle touch and I tried to keep all my moans quietly to myself. Brian's POV By the time the tape was done, I was in awe at the boy kneeling on the floor by my leg. On the tape he had such control and it was no wonder he could kneel in that position for three hours with out once moving. My friend Gray (What everyone called him back in college) started in the tape telling me the basic rules that the boy had to follow and what was expected of me. Then the tape went into everyday life for Gray and his slave. It showed the boy getting up from his mat on the floor by his master's bed in the morning before his master got up to take a shower and cook breakfast for his master. By the time he was done, Gray came into the kitchen to sit at the kitchen table to eat. His breakfast was already waiting for him with his morning coffee. The boy had already brought in the newspaper and Gray had opened it up to read it while the boy knelt by his feet. Every once in a while he would feed the boy tiny bits of his breakfast with his fingers. That part had made my cock jump in my pants watching his gorgeous mouth open up and his wet tongue to roll out taking the food into his hot mouth. Then out came the tongue again to lick his master's fingers clean. When the meal was finished, he unzipped his pants and took his cock out and with out a word, the blond boy sucked him off, not taking pleasure for himself. As he finished and Gray zipped back up, he placed his left over breakfast into a bowl and the boy crawled over and lowered his head and with his hands behind his back, he placed his face into the bowl and ate his breakfast. When he finished, he stood with his bowl and quietly did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. After he gave the boy his instruction for the day, he left for work. I know Gray was a president CEO for a phone company he owned after his father passed away six years ago and now I wonder who will now run the company. But I guess I no longer care because I now have my own worries to think about. The tape showed other aspects of the boy as a slave but what had me squirming in my seat was when Gray fucked the boy. I had to admit it was totally fucking hot. He had so much control in the bedroom or where ever he was being fucked, but what surprised me was ability to hold off his orgasm. He would whimper and slither on the bed but not once touch his hard cock. But when his master told him to cum, he would arch his back and let out a high pitch scream as he would spray all over himself and his master, not once would his cock be touched. But one day he had forgotten to do one of his chores and when his master called him upon it, he stood in front of his master and told him that he didn't have time. Well he was brought to the bedroom where he was tied naked face down on the bed, and was whipped ten times for his disobedience and after his punishment Gray took him in his lap and held him till he stopped crying. I could tell in Gray's fucked up way he cared for the boy. Gray said in the beginning of the tape how to discipline the boy and that was to never hit him with your fist and never draw blood. The bond between master and slave was about caring and trust. If you couldn't trust yourself not to take it too far, then your slave couldn't trust you. And he had to trust you to put his need and safety above all others. And in turn he would take care of your needs. The tape ended and I just sat quietly till I heard the door buzz to say that someone was here. I had forgotten that his stuff was arriving so I walked over to let them up. When the moving men left, I closed the door behind them to stare at the meager belongings that the boy owned and then I called him over and we both knelt on the floor and went through his stuff. "Ok so we can just hang up your clothes in my closet after I make room but I really don't know what to do with the rest." I said as I looked at the two remaining boxes that contained nothing but whips, handcuffs, shackles, paddles, dildos, butt plugs, and various other toys and restraints in different colors, sizes, and styles. There is even a leather swing in there. But as far as I could tell there is no other stuff for the boy, you know like normal stuff. No books, music CDs or any of that normal stuff. "Don't you have any other normal stuff like CDs or a CD player? Normal things a boy your age would have." I asked the young boy. "Master I own nothing, this is your stuff. Like you own me. A slave can have no proper possessions. This stuff is here because my master Gray allowed for this stuff to be here. It is your right to keep it if you want or throw it away. I don't have normal boy things because I'm not a normal boy, I am your slave." The young boy replied in a soft voice. I walked back over to the coffee table and picked up the check for five million dollars and held it up to the boy. "This check is rightfully yours. With it you can have your freedom." "Master I don't want my freedom. I don't need it. This is where I belong. The money is yours to do as you wish. Just like I am yours to do as you wish. This is my life, the only one I know. Please master even though it is your right to do with me as you will, I implore you, don't turn me out." The boy said as he knelt, resting his forehead to the floor, his arms straight out in front of him. HOLY SHIT! I have to admit seeing Boy on his knees with his head bowed to the floor begging me to let him stay and be my slave was the hottest thing I have ever seen! I want to fuck this kid in the worst way! I have only done really light bondage like tying up a trick and maybe blindfold them and I have even spanked a couple, but this is really all too new to me. I just might have to change some of the rules around to fit my life styles but I can make it work. "Fine, then we with put it in the bank and I will take you shopping. We will have to get you some clothes and personal items. But I love to shop and I would love to see you in some great designer clothes, so we can go this weekend. But right now, as much as I hate to say this, we need to get ready to go; I have to be at Deb's in an hour for dinner and if I don't show up or if I am late she with make my life hell. So I will help you find something to wear and we will head over there...oh shit this is going to be a fucking mess trying to explain who you are." I walk Boy up to my bedroom to change and he just quietly, with out a word, puts on the clothes I lay on the bed for him to put on. So if it will always be this easy then I can handle having a slave. No bitching, no whining, and no hassles, but for some reason I don't think it will always be this easy. Just wait till we get to Deb's and face the gang.