~~~~~~~~~~ “Fuck Woody’s. I’ve been robbed. Get your ass over here,” Brian said as he hung up the phone and looked across the loft. ‘Or what’s fucking left of here,’ he thought in anger. He knew that there was only ONE explanation at to what happened, and that little twink was going to get what’s coming to him. “I let the fucking shit stay here, and this is the damn thanks I get? Dammit!” Hearing the door open, Brian turned to see Justin walk in. Watching the young man look around, Brian tried to keep his anger in check. “What the fuck? What happened? Brian,” Justin asked as he made his way over to the couch. Brian walked over to Justin and stood in front of him. “What the fuck does it look like happened? I was fucking robbed.” Justin sat there for a second, and thought about what Brian said. He thought back a couple of hours trying to understand what had happened. “Maybe I forgot to set the alarm?” he thought out loud. Just then the door opened again, and Michael came walking in. Ignoring his friend, Brian kept his attention directly on the blond in front of him. “Forgot to set the alarm?” Brian and Michael started to make their way over to Justin, and Justin could only look up at Brian. “I … I thought I did,” he said. ‘I know I did. I just know it… didn’t I?’ he thought. “Thought you did or you didn’t? Where the fuck did you go?” Brian asked the young blond. He was trying to hold in his anger at the little shit. Never before had he felt like he wanted to hit someone… he had never felt like his father. “My sister’s birthday party,” Justin began. “Then I kinda.. walked around,” he finished. He noticed the look between Brian and Michael, and realized at that moment that it didn’t matter what he said. Brian wouldn’t believe him anyway. Justin wasn’t anything to Brian. He was – as Michael liked to call him – the trick that stayed too long. “Well while you were kinda walking around, I kinda got robbed,” Brian said, letting his anger show. Michael tried to calm Brian down, but Brian wouldn’t have anything of it. Justin tried one last time to let Brian know that he didn’t mean for it to happen. It didn’t matter that he was almost positive that he had set the alarm; he knew that he had to try to salvage this before it got out of hand. He’d find out what happened later. “Look I didn’t mean to do it. I’m so sorry.” “I told you when I said you could stay here there were rules. Now you got five minutes to pack your shit… none of which of course was stolen, and GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” Brian stormed off, leaving Justin and Michael alone in what was left of the living room. Justin took a deep breath, and turned around so he could gather what stuff he had laying on the couch. Looking back toward the bedroom, where Brian was, he then walked toward the open door and left. Once he reached the street, Justin looked around trying to figure out where he was going to go, as the tears threatened to fall. He quickly made his way over to a payphone near-by and dug through his pockets for fifty cents. After dialling the number he silently prayed that the person was there. He didn’t want to deal with any more adults right now… no matter who they were. “Daph. Look, can you come and get me… no, I’m at the loft… Just… I’ll tell you about it later, just please… I can’t stay here anymore… Thanks, Daph… I owe you… Okay, see you soon.” Hanging up the phone he leaned against the wall and sat down. This had to be the worst day in his young life. No matter what he did, no one wanted him. Not his parents, not Brian. ‘Where am I going to go now?’ He asked himself. Justin knew he couldn’t go to any of Brian’s friends, since they were HIS friends. So that left out Melanie and Lindsey, and Deb… He couldn’t go live with Emmett because Michael was there. Never before had the young man felt so alone. Daphne pulled up to the curb, and Justin put his bag into the back seat. Neither one spoke as they drove away from the loft. For that Justin was grateful. He wasn’t ready to get into a discussion about what he was going to do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had been two days since Justin had last stepped foot in the loft. He knocked on the loft door, hoping that Brian was there. It was an emergency after all. The door slid opened, revealing Brian behind. “What the fuck do you want?” the older man asked. Brian looked like hell – wearing a bathrobe, and his hair in complete disarray. Justin just stood there, trying hard not to beg for forgiveness, and beg to stay. Squaring his shoulders, he just looked up at Brian. “I just came to get my uniform for school. I forgot to take it with me, and I need it for tomorrow.” Brian nodded, and stepped away from the door allowing Justin to come in. Justin walked into the loft and headed straight toward the bedroom. Avoiding looking toward the bed, not wanting to remember all the time he had spent there, Justin reached into the closet and pulled out his two uniforms that hung there and his shoes. “Thanks. I can’t believe I forgot them. Now I can make sure that they are in my locker at school… so I can be ‘politically’ correct,” Justin babbled. Justin wanted to say something more… to try and make Brian understand that he was sorry. He still didn’t think that he had forgotten to set the alarm, but the proof was there. Who else could have done it? Justin stepped down from the bedroom, and looked over at Brian sitting at the kitchen counter slaving over a list. Justin figured that it must be the list for the insurance company, and the guilt he felt grew. “Well… um… I’ll get out of your hair now. I’m sorry, for everything,” Justin said. Making his way over to the door, Justin stopped with his hand on the handle. “Take care of yourself, Brian. Thank-you for everything you’ve done for me… I can never repay you.” Taking a deep breath when no response came, Justin shook his head and opened the door. “Later.” he whispered closing the door on that chapter of his life. As he walked down the stairs and out of the building, Justin knew he shouldn’t be angry. Brian had every right to be upset with him, but the young man had hoped that he would say something… even if it was in anger. In fact, Justin wished that Brian had yelled. Anything was better than the silence, the feeling of worthlessness that he had received instead. Without looking back, Justin made his way toward the bus stop. Since the night he was kicked out of the loft, Justin had been sleeping anywhere he could. The night before he had found a small shelter, not far from St. James. He had told Daphne that he had a place to go and that she shouldn’t worry about him. He hated lying to his friend, but the last thing he wanted was for his parents to see what he’d done with himself. In effect, Justin had nowhere he could go… no one wanted him. He was all alone, and that scared him. The first order of business was to find a job so he could get an apartment or at least be able to rent a room somewhere. He had no idea what he would do, but he knew that he had to do something and fast. He didn’t know how much longer he could go on the way he had the past two nights. ‘If I don’t have something by the end of the week… then I’ll just leave,’ Justin decided. ‘I’ll go to New York or somewhere and get a job there. I could dance… draw… something.’ With a plan in mind, Justin felt better about the next week. No matter what, by the end of the week, he would know where his life would lead him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Well there’s something valuable missing that can’t be replaced,” Lindsey’s words echoed though Brian’s mind long after the sound of the loft door closed. He stared down at the piece of paper that he had in front of him, and shook his head. Everyone had been giving him shit for kicking Justin out. Deb had read him the riot act, Emmett had refused to even acknowledge him – not that it was a big loss, and not Lindsey. Brian was pissed. Lindsey had promised that she would help him with the list for the insurance company and all she had done was piss him off more. What the hell was he supposed to do? Let the kid stay when he didn’t follow the rules? What if it was their place that had been robbed? “Justin’s not my fucking responsibility,” Brian said as he ripped the paper off the pad and crumpled it up in his hand. “He’s most likely back home with Mommy and Daddy anyway. Why the fuck should I care?” The thought of Justin being in that home, knowing what the young man would have to endure, caused Brian to pause. He couldn’t get out of his head the words Justin’s father had told them. The rules that Justin would have to live by if he lived in that house. Sudden flashes of his own childhood came to the forefront of his mind, and Brian quickly shook them off. Justin wouldn’t be in that type of situation. The kid was smart enough to get away. ‘But where would he go?’ came the small voice in Brian’s mind. “It’s not my problem.” he answered himself. Deciding that he wasn’t going to get much more accomplished, Brian headed up to the bedroom to change. He’d go to the office and look through his files there for receipts, and forget about that damn twink. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emmett stood behind the counter, phone clipped to his belt, and earpiece firmly in place. “You can’t be serious… That doesn’t sound like something Justin would forget. Now you all know how anal Brian can be…” “His life revolves around being anal.” Ted laughed. Emmett shook his head, and rolled his eyes. “What I mean is I’m sure living with Mr. Perfect, Justin had that little detail drilled into his head a thousand and one times.” “Amongst other things.” Ted added. “Who cares?,” Michael added. “Justin fucked up, and now he’s out of our lives. Frankly, I say good riddance.” “Michael!” Emmett gasped. He couldn’t believe his friends. No one had seen Justin since the day before the ‘event’, and Emmett was beginning to worry. It seemed to him that he was the only one. Well he had heard that Lindsey had a few choice words to say about Brian, but that was beside the point. He had hoped that someone would give a shit about the young man who had quickly become part of their family. “Don’t you even care that he might be living on the streets… who knows what’s happening to him.” Emmett heard Michael laugh slightly, and he couldn’t understand his friend’s hatred of the young man. Justin had done nothing to Michael… well except the one thing that was never allowed to Michael – Brian. “Who cares? It’ll teach the little fuck to not just barge into people’s lives and take over. Brian did everything for that shit, and this is how he repays Brian? I for one am glad he’s gone.” Emmett just shook his head. It appeared to him that he’d get no help from either one of the men, so he quickly ended the call stating he had a customer he had to care for. Dialling another number, he decided that he would see if there was someway he could try and get some help. Justin had quickly become a part of their ‘family’, and Emmett wasn’t going to let any one of them suffer. “Lindsey, sweet-heart, I am so glad to catch you,” Emmett said as the woman picked up the other line. “Emmett, what can I do for you?” Linds said through the phone. Emmett was thrilled to hear a pleasant voice… especially after the last call he made. “Actually, I was wondering if you have seen Justin at all? I know he baby-sits for Gus, and I was hoping that you had seen or heard from him.” Lindsey’s sigh came through loud and clear to Emmett, telling the man everything he needed to know. “I haven’t seen him. I went by Brian’s today, and he doesn’t seem to care!” “Michael and Teddy are the same way.” Emmett said with sadness in his voice. “Lindsey… I’m worried about him. Where is he staying? He can’t go home… I’m scared that he might be sleeping on the streets.” “I’m sure he has somewhere to go, Em,” Lindsey reasoned. “He knew he could come to us if he needed a place. We’ve taken him in before, and he knows that he’s always welcome.” Emmett shook his head. He hoped and prayed that Lindsey was right, but something deep within him told him otherwise. “I’m not so sure.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin slowly made his way out of the school, with his bag over his shoulder. He was tired and hungry. Hobbs and his friends were making his life a living hell, and since Justin had no place where he could unwind, he was feeling overwhelmed. All Justin wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep the rest of his life away, but that’s where his biggest problem lay. He had nowhere he could go… He had no bed. Reaching the bus stop Justin climbed onto the first bus making his way toward the library. He figured he would spend a couple hours there doing his homework, then change and head over to Babylon. He briefly wondered if they needed any dancers. Since he had left Brian’s he had tried every place that he could think of looking for a job, but he was always told that they didn’t need anyone right now… to try again some other time. Frustrated, Justin got off at his stop and walked into the library downtown. Sitting down at one of the tables in the back, he placed his bag down and sighed. He could feel the tears that had been threatening to fall since that awful day, begin to trek down his cheeks. He angrily wiped them away and pulled out one of his books. ‘It’s not worth it… crying isn’t going to make things right… so quit being a little faggot and do something about it.’ he told himself. Justin hated that he was so emotional, crying over the littlest of things, but he didn’t know what he could do to change it. All Justin knew was that he couldn’t go on the way he had these past five days. Something had to change and quickly The only meal he got during the day was the one at school, and what little money he did have had to go to the laundry mat. Deciding to give himself a few minutes of self-pity, Justin placed his head down on his folded arms. Allowing the silent tears to flow, Justin wondered how he had let his life get so screwed up. He had hit his dad….he had betrayed Brian’s trust. Justin knew he couldn’t live with his father’s rules, and his mother had all but told him that she had to think of the family. That meant that he had to either follow the rules, or he wasn’t a part of the family. ‘And Brian…’ Justin began. The older man had taken him into his home when no one else wanted him… and Justin had betrayed him. Justin could’ve sworn that he had set the alarm, that the robbery wasn’t his fault, but he had no way of proving it. He even doubted his own story at times. Who was to say that he didn’t forget? He had forgotten that it was his own sister’s birthday, and he had left the loft in a hurry. Justin sat up and wiped his eyes on his shirtsleeve. ‘Pity party over with, Taylor. Get over it, and move on.’ He told himself. Justin decided that if he didn’t have a job by the end of the night, then he would just leave. He had to get enough money for a bus ticket, and along with the credit card that Brian had handed him one day and never asked for back, Justin figured he could hide out for a couple days. ‘If I’m lucky, Brian will report it stolen, and I’ll go to jail. At least I’ll have a roof over my head and food to ea.’ he reasoned. Game plan in mind, Justin finished his homework, and headed out of the library. Tonight… one way or another, he would know where his life would take him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin made his way toward Woody’s, feeling dejected. No matter what he had tried with the man, he couldn’t get a job. He was too young, he should just go back to mommy and daddy, the man had told him. ‘Like that will ever happen,’ Justin cursed. What Justin needed was some quick cash, a quick escape. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could go on the way he had been. His days consisted of waking up – wherever he had found a place to stay the night before – heading to the school to shower and change before everyone really showed up. Then he would follow through the motions of school, friends, whatever. After school, Justin would normally change out of his school uniform and head to the library to do his homework so he could then look for a job. He hated that he was so young. Since he had not turned 18 yet, trying to find an honest job was almost impossible. Either he was too young, too inexperienced, or his school schedule didn’t fit the work schedule. It was always one excuse after another. All Justin knew was that he had to come up with something fast. The quicker he got some money the quicker he could get out of Pittsburgh and start over. Making his way into the bar, Justin made a quick sweep praying that he wouldn’t see anyone from the old ‘gang’ there. He really wasn’t in the mood to talk to any of them – let alone see them. Finding the place bare, he made his way over to the bar and with the last of his money ordered a beer. Luckily the bartender didn’t ask him for ID, because Justin knew that it would not have worked. He needed to get a new fake ID since the guy at Babylon kept it, realizing that it wasn’t real. “Hey,” some guy quietly said as he sat down next to Justin. Justin looked over at the guy, and did a quick inventory. The man wasn’t bad looking – five eight, maybe one-ninety with dark brown hair, and brown eyes. Justin figured the guy was most likely around mid-thirties. Not really his type, but the way Justin was feeling at that moment it really didn’t matter. “Hey,” he replied back. “Wanna get out of here?” the guy asked. ‘Straight to the point.’ Justin thought. Justin looked around the bar, and a cold reality set in for him. He knew what he could to get the money he needed, but the question was, could he actually follow through with it? It wasn’t like he had been with a lot of guys before… although he knew that there were a lot of guys that would do almost anything to just spend one night with him. Justin had seen the looks that were given to him – the look of pure hunger – and he knew that just the idea that he had been with Brian would heighten the desire. He had heard the talk at Babylon and throughout Liberty Avenue. How Justin had been the one person that the ‘great’ Brian Kinney had more than once. Justin figured that that fact alone had the men in Pittsburgh interested. What did Justin have that they did not? What did Justin do that had made Brian Kinney return time and time again? For once Justin was grateful of his ‘association’ with Brian. Deciding that he might as well just take what he can get… he’d deal with the emotional onslaught later. Taking a deep breath, he turned toward the guy, “What are you looking for?” Justin was grateful that the guy seemed to catch on quickly to what the hidden meaning behind the words were. “Everything,” the guy replied. “How much?” Justin smiled slightly, “Two hundred.” Justin wasn’t sure if the price was too high or not, since he had never taken money for sex. All he knew was that he had to get some money and fast… he HAD to get out of this damn city. It wasn’t like anyone would care one way or the other if he were here or not. The guy smiled at Justin, stood and nodded toward the door. “Well let’s go.” Justin stood, took a deep breath and prayed he was doing the right thing. Well not the right thing, per say, but the only thing he could do. As he walked out of the bar, he didn’t notice Emmett walking toward him. He didn’t see the shocked and worried look on the man’s face. He didn’t realize that things were about to get worse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was three days later, when Emmett stood in Woody’s with the guys. For the past three days he had seen Justin leave with a different man each night, sometimes more than one. He was worried about the young man, wondering what it is that he was trying to do. Emmett hated that it seemed like – with the exception of a few – no one really cared. He knew that Lindsey, Mel, Vic and Deb were worried about the teen, but to everyone else it appeared that Justin never even existed. “What is he doing?” Ted asked, spotting Justin standing in the corner of the bar talking to some guy. “Who the hell cares? He’s no longer in our lives so why do you even care?” Michael angrily asked. The all watched as Justin and the man began to walk out of the bar, causing Emmett to sigh. He knew exactly what Justin was doing, and he felt anger like he had never felt before. He was angry at Brian for allowing this to happen. He didn’t understand why Brian couldn’t have found a way to let Justin stay in his life. Why Brian didn’t even care enough to check up on the teen. They all knew that Justin wasn’t allowed back at his parent’s house, and it angered Emmett that no one had bothered to check to see where Justin was staying – well no one but the five that actually cared. “Michael, what did Justin ever do to you? He’s just a kid and now he’s a kid with no place to live thanks to whoever didn’t set Brian’s alarm. Because I’ll tell you honey, there is no way that it was Justin who fucked up about the alarm. He’s not some dumb blonde kid, like you seem to think. He’s a very bright young man, who was conscious of the concession that Brian had made to allow him to live in the loft. And now he’s taking the blame for something he didn’t do because he’s that kind of person. He is completely smitten with Brian and would never in a million years hurt his feelings by letting him know that he had nothing to do with the alarm not being set.” Out of the corner of his eye, Emmett watched as Brian made his way into the bar, stealing a quick glance over at Justin and moving on. Shaking his head, Emmett took a deep breath trying to calm himself. “Some of us care a whole hell of a lot, Michael honey. That kid’s been through a lot lately, and if Brian was any sort of man, he would at least check up on him.” “Why would he do that? That little shit isn’t Brian’s responsibility… he should just go home.” Michael said as he watched Brian make his way over to them. “We’re better off without him, right Brian?” “What?” he asked as he turned toward the bartender to order. “Michael was just commenting on how nice it is to NOT have Justin around anymore. How we’re better without him.” Emmett said letting his disgust show slightly. Brian just nodded slightly and grabbed his beer. “So how’s the pickings tonight, boys?” Brian asked. Emmett just shook his head, hating that things had ‘gone back to normal’ – that Justin was so easily dismissed. He wasn’t going to argue with his ‘friends’ but he couldn’t stay and drink with them. “Well boys, it’s been fun, but I have an early morning tomorrow.” Michael looked at Emmett, confused. “But we just got here.” he whined slightly. “Later.” Emmett said as he waved good-bye. He decided that if no one else cared about what Justin was doing, he would find out for himself. Someone had to try and help the teen out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the next couple of days, Emmett had tried to catch Justin and talk to the young man, but it seemed like Justin was avoiding him. Every time that he came up to the young man, Justin would turn the other way and disappear. He had talked to Deb and Lindsey and they stated that they had been having the same luck. Emmett decided that he might have to try and talk to Brian… maybe the man could at least try and talk some sense into the teen. Tonight Emmett swore to himself that he would get something done. Standing at the bar at Babylon, Emmett kept an eye out for Justin while he was half listening to Michael talk about Dear Doctor David, and Ted complain about Worshafter. “Has anyone seen Justin tonight?” Emmett casually asked. “Haven’t seen him for a couple of days.” Ted answered. “Why do you even bother to ask?” Michael complained. “Justin is out of our lives… for good. Why do you always have to bring him up? No one cares about him, he’s gone. Justin is not going to come back… he’s finally figured out that he doesn’t belong. Trust me, I made sure that he wouldn’t come back.” Michael let slip. Emmett turned toward Michael, wanting to know what the man was talking about… what he had done to ‘ensure’ that Justin did not return. “What did you do?” Emmett asked. Michael looked over at Emmett, slightly ashamed he said anything. The shame was quickly levitated and slight anger appeared in his eyes. “I did what needed to be done. Justin was just using us… using Brian. The kid needed to realize that all he was, was just a fuck… nothing more. I did him a favor. He would’ve been hurt in the long run if he kept up the thought that Brian actually cared about him. He’s better off knowing now than waiting until later.” Without any notice, Emmett and Ted watched as Michael was pushed away from the bar, and was face to face with a wave of blond fury. “You son of a bitch! Fucker! You did it, didn’t you? You fucking set me up!” Michael caught his balance and moved so he could be face to face with Justin. Emmett could tell that Michael was wishing that he had kept his mouth shut… that the older man was trying to think of a way out of it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Michael yelled back at Justin. Justin shook his head, disgusted. “You just couldn’t handle the fact that I fucked Brian… that he wanted me. You are still pining away for him to finish off the hand-job! Well let me tell you this, Michael… Brian’s never going to fuck you… you can get that out of your head right now.” Michael moved closer to Justin. “You don’t know shit, kid. I’m Brian’s best friend… you’re nothing!” Michael yelled, pushing Justin away. “So do us all a favor and get lost.” Justin’s fist moved quickly, striking Michael right in the face. “Fuck you! You’re pitiful. You hang around, like a sick puppy dog, just waiting for any scraps that Brian will give you. If anyone needs to get lost and get a fucking life, Michael… it’s you. At least I’m not as sad as you are.” Justin said as he turned and grabbed a hold of some guy’s hand behind him. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” When Justin started to walk away, he ran right into Brian. “What the fuck is going on?” Justin only shook his head, and pulled on the man’s hand. “Ask your ‘Best friend’.” Justin replied as he walked away. Brian glared at Michael then turned toward where Justin had headed. By the time he got toward the front door, he could see no sign of the young blond. “Fuck!” Turning he headed back into the club, and made his way over toward the guys. “Does someone want to explain to me what the fuck is going on? What the hell that was all about.” Brian asked as he reached for a beer that was placed in front of him. Emmett looked over at Michael wondering if the man would mention anything about what was revealed. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Michael said. Brian looked at Michael like a father would while scolding his son. “Mikey?” Michael looked at Brian, hating being scolded. “I didn’t do anything wrong. Why am I being treated like it?” “Did you,” Brian asked raising an eyebrow. “Did you do something that you shouldn’t have?” Michael looked at Brian. “No,” he simply said. Then turned and walked away. Michael didn’t feel like being ridiculed by Brian or anyone. Michael felt he did the right thing, no matter what anyone else thought. Brian just turned back toward the bar, slowly slipping his drink. Emmett watched the whole scene, and shook his head. “Aren’t you going to do anything? Justin’s hustling… and you know that Michael had something to do with all of this… how can you just stand there and do nothing?” Brian glanced out around the dance floor, looking for the night’s conquest. “What am I supposed to do? Justin’s a big boy… he’s not my responsibility.” Emmett felt like he was ready to do something that he had never done – hit someone, but he took a deep breath. Realizing that there was nothing that he could do… nothing that the men around him would do about it, he just resigned himself to the fact that it was up to him. “Fine. But I for one am going to do something about it.” With that, Emmett left Ted and Brian behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin walked into the small bar, a place that he had never been before. After the mess at Babylon and finding out what really happened, Justin knew that he couldn’t deal with the guys anymore. Since the moment that he had walked into the loft the day it was robbed, Justin knew that things would change drastically for him. He just didn’t think that they would end up like this. He had known that Michael resented him – hated him even – for what he represented in Brian’s life. But he didn’t think that Michael would stoop to this level. Shaking his head, Justin made his way over toward the bar. ‘It doesn’t matter. Tomorrow I’ll be gone. Never to return,’ Justin told himself. After ordering a drink, Justin sat down on one of the stools. He had enough money now to get by for a couple of days. Nothing would stand in his way of getting out of town and away from his fucked up life in Pittsburgh. Brian wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore, and most of all Justin wouldn’t have to see Michael ever again. He still couldn’t believe that he had actually punched Michael. “Hey,” came a voice beside Justin. Looking over Justin saw an elderly man – slightly overweight, but not obnoxiously though – with balding hair. Justin nodded toward the man, not even trying to both pretending he didn’t know what the man wanted. “Want to get out of here?” he asked Justin. Taking a deep breath, knowing that he still had hours before he had to be anywhere – he nodded and followed the man out of the bar. “What’s your name?” Justin asked. Normally he didn’t bother trying to know their names, but for some reason he just had to ask this time. “Kenneth Rikert, and tonight you’re mine,” the man said as he opened the car door for Justin. Taking a deep breath, Justin got in. This would be the last time he would EVER sell himself. This would be the last time that he let someone that he didn’t care about touch him. Never again would he allow himself to feel this way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin made his way out of the school, and headed directly toward the bus stop down the street. The sooner he got there, the sooner he could be at the bus station and gone. He had everything he owned -- needed -- in his backpack, and money from a week of hustling. Now it was time to move on. It was time for him to get the hell out of Pittsburgh, and away from all the people who had once cared. He had the credit card he had taken from Brian in his wallet – in case of emergencies. He hoped he would never have to use it. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to know where he was going. He had told Daphne about his plans, but he knew that she wouldn’t tell anyone – at least he hoped she wouldn’t. All Justin wanted was a fresh start… time to get his life in order. “Hey,” came a voice to Justin’s left. Turning slightly Justin saw the black jeep, and cursed his luck. Deciding to ignore the other man, Justin kept walking. He only got two feet when he felt Brian grab a hold of his arm. “Don’t fucking walk away from me what I call you.” Justin turned and ripped his arm out of Brian’s grasp. “Like you care? Please!” Brian kept his face blank as he looked down at the young man. “What I’d like is a fucking explanation. What the fuck was that shit last night?” Justin laughed and shook his head. He couldn’t believe that Brian would come all this way to ask HIM for an explanation. “Listen… It doesn’t matter. I’m sure dear ol’ Mikey explained everything to you already. So why are you even bothering me? I’m out of your life… just like you wanted. So let me go and live it the way I want to. I won’t bother you ever again… I expect the same damn respect from you.” Brian looked at Justin with a raised eyebrow, letting the young man know that he wasn’t buying the act. “You know what… forget it. I don’t have to explain anything to you. You want answers… ask Michael. I’m done. I’m finished. Have a good life, Brian. Hope you choke on it.” With that Justin left Brian standing there without so much as a backward glance. Silently he was praying that Brian would do what everyone felt he would do and leave Justin alone. He hoped that Brian wouldn’t turn around and follow him and demand to know what really happened. Justin now knew the truth, but he also knew that Brian would never believe him. If Michael had told Brian that he had nothing to do with the loft getting broken into, Justin saying anything different would look bad. Justin decided that he didn’t stand a chance. There was no way Brian would choose him over Michael… He was nothing to Brian while Michael was his best friend. How could he compete with that? Once he reached the corner and didn’t feel Brian behind him, Justin took off – running the rest of the way toward the bus stop. The need to get out of Pittsburgh having increased a hundred fold within a few short seconds in Brian’s presence. Justin wanted nothing more than have the man take him in his arms, and take him back to the loft. Justin wanted whatever he could get from Brian. But he had too much self-respect for himself than to lower himself to being a kept-boy. He knew however , that the more time he spent in Brian’s presence the weaker he became. He loved Brian… even if no one believed him. He wanted Brian, all of Brian. ‘Maybe in a few years when he’s all grown up.’ Justin thought as he stepped on the bus and looked out the window and laughed at the thought at the older man growing up. All Justin knew was that by tomorrow he would be in New York, starting anew … without anyone’s help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brian stood there watching as Justin walked away from him. When the young blond disappeared, Brian silently cursed. He had thought that Justin would just break down and tell him… tell him what he already knew. The night before, Brian had stood back listening to the guys and watching Justin out of the corner of his eye. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he was a little upset about Justin’s current situation and how the kid was handling it. Brian wanted to make Justin understand that he had to take responsibility for his actions. When he had heard Michael brag about ‘making sure’ that Justin was gone, Brian felt the anger rise within him. Before he could confront his ‘friend’, Justin was there yelling at the man. Brian just stood back, hidden, listening to the scene unfold. Everything that he had believed up to that point was being shattered, and Brian didn’t like it one bit. When he had confronted Justin both in Babylon and just now, Brian had thought that Justin would sit and brag about what Michael had said. Tell Brian all about how Michael had set him up, but the kid didn’t. Brian wasn’t sure what to make of it, but he knew that something had to be done. Michael had betrayed him, and it was not something that Brian could easily forget. All he knew at that moment was that he had to do something about Justin… Michael would have to wait until later. Brian turned around and headed back toward the school. He knew only one person who might know what the kid was up to. He only hoped that the young lady would talk to him. Daphne walked out of the school, and started to make her way toward her car. “Daphne,” came a voice to her left. Turning around, Daphne was greeted with the sight of one of the hottest guys around. Smiling , she quickly made her way over toward Brian. “Brian, hey. Justin’s not here… he already left,” she told him. “Yeah, I saw him. You don’t happen to know where he is going do you?” Brian asked. He decided to play her ‘like’ of him to the fullest, as he came up into her personal space, and laid an arm across her shoulder. Daphne blushed slightly, thrilled to have this good looking guy paying attention to her. Her happiness was short-lived however, when his question broke through her mind. Stepping away, she looked up at him then quickly away. She had always had problems lying, so she averted her eyes and began walking toward her car. “He said he was going home.” Brian laughed slightly and shook his head as he followed the young teen toward her car. “And where would that be? Don’t lie, Daphne,” Brian began grabbing a hold of her arm and turning her around so they were face to face. “I know he doesn’t have a place to stay, in fact I’ve seen him leaving with a different person each night.” Daphne looked up into Brian’s hazel eyes, and for once tried to figure out what Justin saw in this man. “Oh… really? And now why wouldn’t he have a place to stay? It’s not like you kicked him out for something that he didn’t do… for something that YOUR ‘best friend’ did. And now you want me to betray MY best friend to ease your conscious? No.” she said trying to get away from the man beside her. “Listen… I don’t give a shit about yours or Justin’s little drama moments. The little shit’s getting himself into trouble and everyone seems to think that I need to fix it.” Brian told the young teen. Although what he had told her wasn’t entirely true, it was all be could come up with. Brian wasn’t exactly sure why he felt the need to find Justin and fix this, because it wasn’t his problem. He didn’t do guilt, and that was what it looked like the reason behind his actions was. He wasn’t sure why he felt the need to do this, but it sure as hell couldn’t be guilt. Guilt was a wasted emotion, and Brian believed that it wasn’t the reason why. Daphne lowered her eyes, and took a deep breath. “Are you going to bring him home? Are you going to fix this?” she asked. Brian closed his eyes for a brief second, just hating the sound of those words. He hated that this kid was asking him these questions, and Brian wasn’t about to explain what he was thinking and feeling. He decided that just giving her the answer she wanted and hoping that she believed him was the best course of action. “Yes. Now where is he?” “He’s gone to New York.” “What?!” Brian cursed. “What the fuck is that twerp doing going to New York?” Daphne just shrugged slightly. “He just told me that he was going, that he doesn’t plan on coming back. He’s got enough money – which I don’t even want to know how he got it – and he’s going. He’s most likely already gone.” Brian ran his hand over his face. He couldn’t believe that Justin would be that stupid. The kid was smart, not dumb enough to go to New York at his age. The kid hadn’t even graduated high school yet. “Any idea where in New York he’s going?” Brian asked knowing just how big the city was and how difficult it would be to locate him. “All he said was Chelsea… that’s all I know.” Daphne told Brian. “He told me he’d call once he gets settled there. You know, to let me know where he was at, and how things were going.” Brian shook his head. “Yeah, and that could be months from now. Fuck!” “Oh… he did say that he still had the credit card you gave him a while back for emergencies. He told me he didn’t plan on using it, but he had it. Couldn’t you like track that or something?” she asked wanting to help find her friend. Daphne thought that Justin’s idea was stupid, but she felt for friend and the mess he was in. “If he uses it. I guess we can only hope he does.” Brian told her. Deciding that he had to head to New York so he could try and find the teen, Brian said his good-bye and left with a promise to have Justin call her when he got back. All he could do now is try and see if he saw the kid – who was located SOMEWHERE in New York, possibly Chelsea – and hope that he used his credit card. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin walked through the crowds, trying to find a nice, cheap hotel. He had to try and figure out what he was going to do. He had to get a job, but Justin knew that without a high school diploma it would be difficult. However, Justin was determined. He had to make this work. There was no question. Finding a hotel, he walked into the lobby area, and smiled at the woman behind the counter. “Hey.” “Can I help you?” the woman asked. “Ah, yeah, I’d like a room.” Justin told her. The woman started to type something into her computer. “Smoking or non?” “Smoking if you have it.” “For how many nights?” Justin thought about it for a minute. “Um… three. I am checking out some of the colleges you know… seeing what’s around.” he lied. Justin figured he would try to eliminate the whole ‘where are your parents’ crap. If they believed that he was only there to look at colleges, then they shouldn’t question it. The woman looked up at Justin and gave a small smile. “We’ll need a credit card.” she told him. The first thing that came to Justin’s mind was a simple ‘fuck!’ He had hoped that they would just take cash. Justin began to try and figure out the amount of time he had. If he used the credit card, Brian of course would find out when the bill showed up. ‘Not that he’ll care where I am, but he sure as hell will be pissed that I’m using it.’ Justin figured. Deciding that he would just have to send the money to Brian BEFORE the bill showed up, he might actually survive – cause Justin knew that Brian would be out for blood. Pulling out the credit card, Justin handed it over – silently thinking of his finances, and how quickly he can get a job. He was grateful that Brian had put him as an authorized user on the card… why the young man wasn’t entirely sure. ‘Just another of the world’s biggest mysteries.’ Signing the paperwork, and taking the key, Justin grabbed his backpack and headed toward his room. He knew he should call Daphne and let her know that he had made it, but for some reason he didn’t think he could stand to hear his friend’s voice. Not now, anyway. He only hoped that the longing in his heart for home would lessen. He wondered again where his home was. He didn’t have a home anymore. No one wanted him… no one even cared if he was around or not. No one but Daphne. He would miss her most of all. Life, however, was not fair. His life had been turned upside down the night he met Brian under that streetlamp on Liberty Avenue. He thought it would be okay… that things would work out. Instead of being smooth sailing, Justin had found his life crashing in around him. Between school, his parents, Brian… and now Michael… Justin wondered what life would’ve been like if he had never snuck out to go to that place -- if he had just gone on pretending. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ After traveling all night, a blown tire, and no shower or coffee, Brian arrived in New York and parked his car. He was tired, sweaty, and on a mission – to find Justin and bring the shit home. He knew that if he felt guilt he would feel bad for what happened. Brian knew that he did the only thing he could, the only thing that had made sense at the time. How was he supposed to know that the ‘enemy’ was his own best friend? Brian knew that his life had just blown-up in his face. The one constant in his life for years had betrayed him. He never would have thought that Michael would – could – do what he did. Mikey had set out to purposely fuck Justin over. His ‘best friend’ had purposely allowed his loft to be robbed, and let Justin take the fall for it. Feeling the anger build within him, Brian took a deep breath in order to calm himself. Brian decided that he would deal with Michael another time… he needed time to plan the perfect way to confront him – but now he had to find Justin. The young man did not deserve what had occurred to him. Justin did nothing to be subjected to Michael’s petty jealousy. Michael would just have to realize that Brian would never fuck him. Pulling out his cell phone, he dialled the credit card company, silently praying that Justin had in fact used the card. Brian gave the person all the required information and waited for some positive news. Smiling, Brian closed the phone and started walking toward the hotel in Chelsea the card was used at. Walking into the hotel, Brian went straight toward the receptionist. Leaning against the counter Brian smiled at the young woman behind it. “Can I help you sir, ” she asked, blushing slightly. She was thrilled that this good looking man was checking her out – or so she believed. “Yeah, I’m looking for someone who checked in here earlier. Justin Taylor.” Brian told her. “Oh,” she said quietly. “It’s not policy to give out names of our clients. I’m sure that…” “Look, my brother forgot some things that he needed, and I just want to make sure he gets them.” Brian lied. “He used the credit card I gave him, and I just wanted to make sure that he’s okay with everything. You know how kids are.” he laughed. ‘Just fucking give me the room number.’ Brian cursed. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take before he went up the stairs and knocked on every door in this damn hotel. One way or the other he was going to find Justin, policy or no policy. The woman looked up at Brian and shrugged. “Well I don’t see where it could hurt this one time.” Typing something into her computer, she looked up Justin’s room number. “He’s in room 312. Would you like me to ring him for you?” Brian shook his head. “Nah, I’ll just go up there. Thank-you.” he said with a wink. After turning around, Brian rolled his eyes. He couldn’t believe how easy it was to get the information, and hated security in these places. He would definitely have to talk to someone about ensuring that didn’t happen the next time he had a business trip in New York. After getting off the elevator, Brian made his way toward Justin’s room, and knocked on the door. He could hear the TV being shut off inside, and the lock being removed. ‘At least the kid has sense enough to dead bolt the door.’ The door opened, revealing Justin in a white terry-cloth robe. Brian pushed Justin away and walked right into the room, looking around. “Wanna come in?” Justin asked. “Why not, since I’m paying for it?” Brian stated. He knew that if he got Justin on the defensive, then they might both be able to get out of this without all the bullshit. Brian knew he was wrong to take it all out on Justin… he knew now that Justin was innocent, but he wasn’t about to beg for forgiveness either. Justin walked into the room after shutting the door and made his way over to the nightstand beside the bed. Reaching for his wallet, he pulled out some money and handed it to Brian. “There… we’re even. I would’ve given them the money, but they only accepted cash. I figured I’d send you the money before the bill came. Now can you get the fuck out?” Deciding to not take the bait, he walked over to the small table and took the cup of coffee. “Did you really think you’d get away with this?” Justin just stood there and stared at Brian. He couldn’t believe that things had turned out this way. He had wanted a fresh break from everyone, and yet he had found himself the day before still relying on Brian’s help – even if it was his credit card and Justin knew he’d pay the man back. “Who told you? No wait, don’t answer that. I know who. Why the fuck are you here, Brian? You didn’t give a shit when you kicked me out of the loft, so why the fuck are you here? I thought you’d be happy that I’m finally out of your life.” Brian drank from the cup, wishing it was something stronger. He realized that he would need a whole hell of a lot more to deal with all the drama in the room. “You’re going to pack your shit, and we’re going back.” he told Justin. The less he said – he decided – the better. Justin was going back, even if Brian had to tie the kid up and throw him in the jeep. “Back? Back to what! My parents don’t want me. You… don’t want me. My life’s a fucking mess, Brian! Plus, how the hell can I go back after what happened? Michael is only going to keep trying to make my life a living hell, and frankly I have enough shit to deal with.” Justin told Brian. “Look don’t worry about, Michael. I’ll deal with Michael.” Brian informed Justin. “I know what happened, and Michael will be dealt with. You don’t have to worry about him.” “Where the hell would I live? It’s not like I can go home… I can’t live with you. I have nothing, Brian.” Justin said, trying to keep the tears from falling. He hated that he wasn’t strong enough… was so emotional. Justin had told himself that he would be stronger… that if he ever saw Brian again it would be different. He never had any intention of letting the older man get to him again. Brian began to make his way over toward Justin, looking down at the young man. Brian admired Justin’s strength, even when he knew that all the kid wanted to do was curl up and cry his eyes out. Looking at the young man now, he saw the same determination and hurt that he had seen the night Justin confronted his father – the same night Justin started living with him. “We’re going to straighten that out. First thing we’re going to do when we get back is find you a place to live. I have somewhere in mind. You’re going back to school, and you’re going to graduate. Let me worry about the rest.” Justin shook his head, and moved toward the bed so he could sit down. “I can’t, Brian. I can’t go back there. There’s nothing for me there.” Brian turned so he could look at Justin, finally realizing how hard the teen’s life must be like. In the past couple of months since they had known each other, Justin has had his life turned upside down. He had been rejected by his family, abused at school, and now he had been rejected by Brian. Things had been hard, and Brian knew that it would only get worse. Justin had a hard road ahead of him. Brian only hoped that the teen would make it through. The last thing he wanted was to feel guilty over causing the kid any more problems – he knew that if Justin hadn’t met him then he would still be living it up at the country club. The night they had met had changed the young man, and not entirely for the better. “You have friends and family who are worried about you. So let’s go. Pack your shit, and let’s go.” Justin looked up at Brian and nodded. He figured that he had nothing else to really do… nothing that he could do. No matter how hard things were back in Pittsburgh, he was rational enough to know that life in New York would be a hundred times worse. Deciding that he needed to test the waters where Brian was concerned, Justin smiled slightly to himself. He had to know if Brian still wanted him. If Brian didn’t then he’d stay in New York… but if there was a chance… “You look like shit. You should take a shower.” he said standing in front of Brian. Brian raised his arms and took a whiff. “Yeah, I must smell like shit.” “Yeah,” Justin quietly said. Slowly he began to untie the belt on his robe, and bit his lower lip. “Looks like you had a rough night. You need any help?” Brian looked at Justin, and stopped the teen’s hands from completely removing the belt. Smiling slightly, Brian pushed Justin’s arms away, and used his own hands to finish the job. Pulling the robe off of Justin’s body, Brian roughly pushed Justin down on the bed. Justin sat up, and began to pull at Brian’s white button down shirt, ripping the buttons so he could get it off. After throwing it on the floor next to his robe, Justin began to pull Brian’s wife beater off – kissing the exposed flesh as it appeared. He loved the taste of Brian. He could never get enough. Licking his way up Brian’s chest as he pulled the material up and over Brian’s head, Justin could feel Brian’s eyes on him. “You don’t smell like shit… you smell perfect.” Justin said as he licked his way up Brian’s neck. “You taste perfect.” Once he reached Brian’s lips, he dove in – pushing his tongue into Brian’s mouth while his hands began to pull down Brian’s pants. “So hot.” Justin whispered against Brian’s mouth. Feeling Justin’s lips leave his mouth, Brian tried not to groan in frustration. The teen was driving him mad, and all Brian wanted to do was fuck him… now! But Justin had other plans as Brian felt the sting of Justin’s teeth on his nipple, and the smoothing heat of his tongue. Brian quickly pushed Justin away and down on the bed. Putting the teen’s arms down on the bed above his head, Brian began his own assault. Making sure that Justin’s hands stayed where he had put them, Brian looked up into the young man’s eyes. “Leave ‘em.” he breathed against Justin’s ear. Feeling Justin nod in agreement, Brian began to move down Justin’s body. He started off placing open-mouthed kisses down the smooth flesh of Justin’s chest, stopping to circle his tongue around the perk nipples. After running his teeth across them , Brian took the small gold ring into his mouth and pulled slightly. Hearing the hiss of pain and pleasure from the young man, Brian began to move further down his body toward the treasure that lay in golden hair. “Brian,” Justin moaned as he felt Brian take his member into his hot mouth. “Oh God.” he breathed. “Please, Brian… now.” Justin felt Brian move away slightly and watched as the older man placed the condom over his long hard cock. He found his legs thrown over Brian’s shoulders, and felt the latexed bulb of Brian’s cock push quickly into him. Pain quickly turned into pleasure as Brian began to pump in and out of Justin’s tight hole, not allowing the young man a moment to adjust. “Yes.” Justin hissed, feeling the long, hard strokes hitting him deep inside. Reaching up, Justin grabbed a handful of Brian’s hair and crushed his lips against Brian’s. They fought for supremacy, both trying to get the upper hand. Feeling a sharp stab of pleasure as Brian hit his prostate, Justin pulled back and cried out in ecstasy. “Brian!” Justin called out. Brian reached out and pulled Justin’s mouth back toward his own, using his tongue to mimic the movement of his hips. Pounding hard and fast into the young man from all directions. He wanted to possess the young man, make Justin his. He felt Justin tighten around him, as the young man fought to control the urge to come. “Yeah, come for me… So hot… oh fuck,” Brian called out as he felt Justin shoot his load between their sweaty chests. “Oh yeah,” Brian hissed against Justin’s neck. Biting down on the delicate flesh, Brian let go – allowing the waves of ecstasy flow through him. Crashing down on top of Justin, both men tried to catch their breath. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian, lightly running his hands up and down the wet surface of his back. Closing his eyes, Justin allowed exhaustion to take over his body – falling into a peaceful slumber. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brian looked over at Justin, admiring the youthful body beside him. Justin was good looking, there was never any doubt about that. Brian wasn’t sure, however, why he kept coming back to this kid. Yeah, he knew that Justin was a great lay, that the kid definitely knew how to please him, and the kid had energy to burn, but Brian normally didn’t go for twinks. Why was Justin so different? Brian wondered why he even cared. He never would’ve come all the way to New York to try and straighten things out with anyone else. So why Justin? Looking down at the sun-kissed blond hair, and ripe round lips, Brian wondered why he cared? He had never been drawn to anyone like this before, and it scared the shit out of him. Brian knew that he couldn’t allow himself to get too attracted to Justin… the kid would have to learn to live on his own… learn that the only one you can really count on is yourself. Brian swore to himself that he would help Justin with that. He did owe him that much for fucking up his life the way he had. Blue eyes, slowly opened and looked up into Brian’s hazel eyes. “What time is it?” “Just after nine. Come on, get your shit, we gotta get back.” Brian said as he got up off the bed and walked toward the bathroom. By the time Brian was finished with his shower; Justin had already changed and was packed. Brian led Justin out of the room, checked out and walked back to the jeep. Justin reluctantly sat in the passenger’s seat, and looked out as the jeep started its trek back to Pittsburgh. Brian figured that Justin had a lot to figure out himself, and left the mindless chatter alone. An hour into the drive, Justin’s voice broke the silence. “Where am I going to stay?” Brian glanced over at the teen, he had not moved since they had started out – still staring out the side window. “Deb’s.” Brian told him. Justin shook his head and let out a breath. “Michael’s going to be pissed.” “Yeah well, fuck it. You need a place to stay, and Deb offered.” Brian left it at that. He didn’t’ want to get into the whole Michael bit, not when he was still trying to figure it all out himself. Not that he would discuss it with Justin to begin with, but he definitely wasn’t going to talk about it when he didn’t know things himself. Justin nodded slightly. “As long as he leaves me the hell alone, I don’t care.” “Don’t worry about Mikey. I’ll…” “I know… I know. You’ll handle Michael. I’m just saying he better stay the hell away from me, is all.” Brian glanced over at Justin again, and laughed slightly. “With the black eye you gave him, I’m sure he’ll think twice before confronting you again.” Justin finally turned toward Brian and smiled. “Really? He had a black eye? Yes!” he smiled. Both just looked at each other and laughed, joking the rest of the way back to Pittsburgh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Sunshine!” Deb called out as soon as she opened the door. “Come in.” Justin looked back at Brian as the two stepped into the house. “Thanks, Deb. I appreciate you letting me stay here.” Justin followed Deb into the kitchen and sat down in one of the chairs. “I don’t know how I can repay you… you know , for letting me stay.” Deb sat down in a chair across from Justin and reached across the table to hold his hand in her own. “It’s not a problem. You’re family, and family takes care of their own.” Justin saw Brian lean against the counter, beer in hand. The older man seemed unfazed by the whole situation. “I talked to your mom, and she’s all for it.” Deb told him. Justin smiled slightly, grateful that something might finally start to look up in his life. He was glad that his mother was okay with it since the last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt her. “Thanks.” he replied. Deb turned toward Brian and smiled. “You did good, kid. Doing something right for a change. I’m proud of you.” Justin smiled as Brian walked up to Deb and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “Oh thanks, Deb. You’re so kind.” he said sarcastically. Justin could see however, how much Deb’s words meant to Brian. “Now, why don’t you move along so I can explain the rules of the house to the newest member of our family.” she said. Justin watched as Brian began to walk toward the door, feeling a sudden loss. “More rules.” Justin cringed. He wondered briefly if he would have just been better off staying in New York. Watching Brian walk out the door, Justin knew that he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End Next on QaF: Episode 111: Michael’s Birthday approaches and Brian has a surprise for his ‘best friend’.