A small series of segments, concerning a "What if" situation. This is an example of an Alternate Universe story, where events varied with startling consequences and characters followed a different path from the original plot Categories: STAR WARS Characters: None Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 18523 [Report This] Published: November 16, 2016 Updated: November 16, 2016
Dating from that infamous day in a Theed power station, paths diverge, promises are broken, hearts are betrayed; then fate - and deliberate mischief - step in, and destiny thwarted takes its pound of flesh. Categories: STAR WARS Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Prince Xanatos, Qui-Gon Jinn Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 7 Completed: Yes Word count: 84872 [Report This] Published: November 14, 2016 Updated: November 15, 2016
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