It's been about six months to a year since they won back the prison. Since then the group has brought in a lot of people and they've made a life for themselves. All that changes though when people start to turn without getting bit or scratched and James and the Governor return. Not only that, but Justin's been acting weird. His mark's getting worse for some reason and he's slowly getting sicker. With everything going on nothing will ever be the same for the family. Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, THE WALKING DEAD, Family, Alternate Universe, Angst, Brian/Justin, Horror, Cross Over, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Out of Character, Romance, Sci-Fi , Spoilers, Violence, What If Characters: None Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 16 Completed: Yes Word count: 40837 [Report This] Published: October 21, 2013 Updated: April 15, 2014
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