Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Penname: apipsc [Contact]
Real name: Ana Filipa
Status: Member
Member Since: July 02, 2013

Portuguese, 27, found Justin and Brian at tumblr (2012), finally in 2013 I choose to see the series. Fell in love at first sight. I do not agree at everything they did, but I'll stand by them until the day . 

Brian and Justin were the first for me in lot of things - first gay series, first time writting fanfiction, first time spending months reading fanfiction, first time I ever have, reading mpreg [yeah, I'm one of those]. And I regret nothing.

I'll only post complete stories, even if it's a chapter a day (:

Until a beta-reader steps forward, all stories will be unbeta'ed, so .. you know, if you want to be my beta poke me :D

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