Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Penname: Astrid [Contact]
Real name: Astrid
Status: Member
Member Since: December 01, 2014
Beta-reader: Yes

I discovered QaF in the summer of 2014 and been hooked ever since. When I was watching it for the first time, I did it in the all night long marathons - from dusk till dawn, then walk with my dog in the morning and QaF again. I watched the whole series in maybe a week. And many more times after that. Now I rewatch it when I'm sad or happy, lonely or bored, at home or during travelling. My fellow passangers on trains and busses must feel weird watching the porny parts of the episodes over my arm, but who cares.
And I love QaF fanfics. I started reading them as a way of dealing with the bittersweet show ending which left me sad for days. I like angsty stories, but preferably where the angst comes "from the outside" rather than from Brian and Justin themselves. I love gapfillers and what ifs, especially related to the Season 1. And sometimes fluffy and humorous stuff as well. I don't think I need to say that I'm absolutely crazy about Brian and Justin.
I can be a beta for your stories, although English is not my first but second language. However, I studied translation and I know English grammar and spelling etc. pretty well.

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