Cynthia’s POV It’s been a week since I heard Justin had been hurt. Brian’s thrown himself into his work and I swear, if he fires me one more time I will hit him. Why does he blame himself? It’s not as if he was the one that caused the explosion is it? “CYNTHIA!” With a sigh, I stop typing and grab the files off my desk that I assume he wants before bracing myself to enter. If he throws that plant at me again… “Yes Brian?” He’s glaring up at me, the blackness around his eyes evident as he rubs his temples in exhaustion. The poor mans taken this the hardest out of everyone. Honestly, you’d think he actually cared more about Justin than he lets on. “These boards aren’t right!” Typical. Justin better hurry up and wake up. Michael’s POV I’m worried about Brian. He hasn’t been out to the clubs with me or the boys. He hasn’t tricked and that scares me. He’s changing into someone he’s not and it’s all Justin’s fault. You’d think now Justin’s back in a coma he’d go out and fuck the whole of the male population of gay PA like he did last time but he’s not. When I see him now, he’s either on his way to work or the hospital. Never Woody’s, Babylon or the Gym. Christ, he’s spending more time with GUS than he is with me! I hope Justin never wakes up! Debbie’s POV My poor little Sunshine! If I’d taken him out the diner with me then this would never have happened. He wouldn’t be lying in a coma with a million and one bandages over his back. They had to put him in a brace to realign his ribs. I just hope Brian’s willing to look after him when he comes out, God knows I’d be more than willing. Jennifer’s a mess. She hasn’t slept for fear something should happen when she does and she hardly ever eats. Emmett’s an emotional wreck, Ted can barely keep him together. Michael…well, Michael I suspect is happy about this. After all, with Justin out the way Brian can be his. A fact which he’s reminded us of several times. I wouldn’t be surprised if Brian punched him. Dr. Scott’s POV It’s not nice, watching someone you know suffer. He hasn’t moved for a week and I don’t think he’s coming out of it. His body suffered severe damaging from the explosion. What’s even worse is watching someone who obviously loves this boy, sitting beside his bed every night in the hope he’ll wake up. Brian’s great, he talks to him, keeps him up to date on what’s happening and how everyone is. Last night some important people came to see him. The two youngest (I think the older man called them Greg and Sara?), were a mess. They took one look at him and started to cry. Mr Stokes took it badly, I assume he sees young Justin as a sort of ‘baby brother’ figure. He just walked out, a lost look on his face. Personally I just hope he wakes up sometime soon. Slowly I go into check his vitals, clipboard in hand. It’s not everyday a consultant spends all his time on one patient, but I’ve seen Justin before and it’s not fair for someone so young to be hurt so often. There’s a spike in his heart monitor which catches my attention. Though not as much as his twitching hand and before I know it, I’m looking into the most intense pair of blue eyes. It’s a miracle. It really is! Running out the room, I grab the phone in the nurses station. “Mr Kinney? He’s awake!”