It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way
Justin sat in the hospital room, staring at the door. He refused to talk to anyone (mainly because they kept bringing up Brian). It was as if the world had miraculously started to revolve around him. His chest hurt like a bitch, he hadn’t had the guts to look and see what the damage was under the hospital gown. The door opened and the nurse walked in. If Justin had been straight he would have been inclined to fuck her but he’d had enough breeder sex to last for a lifetime. It wasn’t long before he was doped up on pain meds and was, once again, a very happy Justin. Justin POV Molly was the first to arrive. I have to say, I’m slightly scared, she has that self satisfied, smug look on her face. She did something, now I just need to find out what. “Did you get laid?” If this was a Japanese cartoon, she’d have sweat dropped and fallen off the bed, “WHAT!?” she squeaks, looking at me as if I’d just sprung about six heads. “Are these particularly hard questions? Did you get laid? You look like it” She blinks then shakes her head, “No! I just had a good yelling at someone”, she said and I nodded, “Lemme guess, Brian?” I should have known. I hope he’s okay. Hopefully Molly didn’t get violent. I shift on the bed, “I love him”. She stares at me. It’s coming, I can tell. “WHAT THE FUCK JESTER!? ARE YOU INSANE!?” Told you… “HE BROKE YOUR HEART! I SWEAR I SHOULD HAVE CASTRATED HIM…..TWICE!” she yells, her cheeks turning fairly red, “Mollusk, calm down…” I giggle, silently praying the nurse doesn’t kick her out. She opens her mouth to yell again and I meep, ignoring all pain to slap a hand over her mouth, “SHHHH!” Once I know they’re no danger of her screaming, I lean back, looking proud of myself as I grin, “I’m out tomorrow!” I announce happily, through half lidded eyes. “Yeah Jester, sleep now”, she whispers, all anger gone as she sits beside me while I sleep. God I love that girl. To bad a) I’m her brother and b) I’m gay.
Father figures we are You're a shooting star you've come so far I was once in your shoes In a closet like you I had nothing to lose Hey man gay man pick up the soap Get on your knees and pray Hey man gay man Really should load You've got to cease to delay The gay way
Molly POV He looks so peaceful. Like an angel, his blonde hair fanned out on the pristine white pillow. How can anyone not love him? Want to be with him? Stupid Brian. I absentmindedly stroke Justin’s hand as he sleeps, my own eyes getting heavy. He’s going to have a cow when he gets out tomorrow. He’d been asleep for two weeks and in hospital for four and the Pitts had changed a bit. Sighing softly, I rest my head on his hip, my eyes closing as I drift off. The hospital matron that seems to have adopted my brother comes in to drape a blanket over me, this isn’t exactly the first time I’ve been in this position. God I love Justin.
It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way Hooray! For the man! Justin opened his eyes to see the nurse taking his vitals, “Can I get dressed now?” he whispered, not really wanting to be in the hospital longer than he should be. He was passed a pair of cargos and a top that Molly had obviously brought with her. Dressing was sore but he managed to do that and brush his teeth, all before Molly woke up, rather disorientated due to the disappearance of her pillow, “Wha‘shup?” she mumbled, rubbing her eyes and stretching, “Justin?” Her brother nodded as he leant on his crutches, which were to stop any unnecessary pressure on his chest, “Can we go?” Justin POV We walked out, or in my case limped out, the hospital and down towards Liberty when I froze, my eyes taking in the scene around me. “Umm okay, when I crashed the car, it was August, and I’ve only been out of action for four weeks so…when did I die?” I ask, looking about at the brightly colored decorations lining the street. Molly looks at me oddly, “Die?” I nod, “Well, in my mind, this is what Homo Heaven looks like, only, everyone’s in tie-dye….is that bad?” I ask, a grin on my face as she giggles. “No dummy, its September” Blank look from me. “You know when everyone rejoices?” Raised eyebrow. “Christ Justin, its Pride!” I blink slowly, then realisation hits me. “OOOOOOH!” Shaking her head in disdain, she pushes open the door to the diner when I almost die of horror. If I thought the street décor was bad, the diner’s is a nightmare. I rather awkwardly duck under a low hanging streamer, “Molly….I think we’re in homo hell now…too bright!” I whine, allowing her to lead me to the gang. Oh Molly…no. Please keep you’re mouth shut. “Look who I brought…” Thank you very fucking much. I ‘oomph’ as Emmett all but tackles me round the waist, my grip on the crutches tightening so as to stop me toppling over, “Ack, hi to you Em…” I managed to gasp out before Emmett pulls back. Phew, I can breathe. “SUNSHINE!” Ah fuck…spoke too soon. Now Emmett’s been replaced by Debbie and I nearly howl in pain, “Chest Deb, watch the chest!” I groan, rubbing said body part as she springs back from me like I was a leper. Grunting, I slip into the booth beside Mikey, leaning against him slightly. Not that he seems to mind of course.
Ooh, strong man queen of the balls some brotherly love is a pleasure for all Come out open your eyes it's a matter of size Hey man gay man pick up the soap Get on your knees and pray Hey man gay man really should load you've got to cease to delay The gay way
Brian POV It’s Pride. What joyful fun. I’m sat here in the diner with my friends, who all seem hyper to say the least. Now Justin’s here. And he has the bad boy look. His blonde hair is hung over his eyes, his lip is stitched and his bruises make him look hot. Okay Kinney, stop staring! I look at Mikey who, needless to say, looks far too happy to have Justin leaning on him. Oh Christ. MIKEY’S CRUSHING ON MY SUNSHINE! …… My Sunshine? God… “So, what are we all proud of this year?” I find myself asking. Everyone starts talking at once and I wish I hadn’t bothered now. Only Justin’s quiet, shifting in Mikey’s arms slightly, a pained grimace passing across his features, missed by everyone but me. “You okay?” He sneers, “What would you care?” he asks, rather coldly. “I don’t, I’m being civil”, I bite back before I can stop myself. A look of his flashes in those big blue eyes before it’s replaced with a stony look as he looks away. Emmett POV “Oh, the marching’s starting, Justin you’re marching with us!” Said blonde looks at me with an unamused look on his face, “Ha ha Emmett you’re not funny”, I deadpans as I shrug, “Who’s being funny? I‘m serious, we‘re all marching with P-Flag” He shrugs, “I’ll hobble along behind as usual…” he mumbles as we all get to our feet, Molly helping her brother. I like Molly, we’ve been talking since Justin’s accident and we both want Justin and Brian together. It’s obvious they love each other but, typically, they’re too damn stubborn to admit it. I open the door for the blonde before following him out, leaving Brian with Michael . Debbie leads us to where the P-Flag division is, and we march relatively slowly for Justin, Molly beside him, smiling up at her brother. I wish my siblings had been as understanding. She’s like Justin’s personal fag hag. He has two, Daphne’s appeared on his other side. Two girls who would do anything for him. I have Ted but well…he’s a fag and thus cannot be a hag.
It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way Okay to be gay! Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way Sing hallelujah (sing hallelujah) It's getting to ya (it's getting to ya)
Justin POV Everyone looks so happy. So, proud. Which is an odd thing considering it’s Pride. I grin to himself as he limped beside his two girls. Then a figure in the crowd caught his attention. “Shit! Molly! It’s mom!” Molly’s head snapped up, as she squeaked, “Deep breath Justin, maybe she won’t see us?” “JENNIFER, HEY JENNIFER!” Thanks Deb, so much for /that/ idea. Wait, why’s my mother at Pride anyway? She doesn’t know I’m gay…right? “Justin honey you look wonderful”, she greets, kissing my cheek, “Uh thanks mom, what the hell are you doing here?” She pauses, ha silly woman. “Why Justin, I’m a member of P-Flag. After all, I saw you with that boy once…” I freeze. “BRIAN!?” I find myself shrieking, which is amazing considering we’re still marching, a fake grin plastered on my face as I look ahead, only my eyes are on my mother. Said brunette glances over, obviously having heard his name but I ignore him. “You saw me with…with…” I lower my voice, “Brian!?” Well that’s one way to tell your mother you’re gay. We finish our march, and my chest is killing me, “Mollusk, pills please?” I all but whine as she pops a couple in my mouth as I’m led into Woody’s. And there he is. The last person I’d ever want to see again. My ex boyfriend from back in New York. Ethan. Perfect. “Shit, shit, shit, shit…” is the mantra passing my lips as I find myself shuffling undoubtedly closer to a very confused looking Brian, “What’s up?” Momentarily in wonder as to how I ended up nestled quite happily under his arm, I kick myself, “My ex, is like…over there and he’s watching and it’s creepy and he‘s evil, and he‘s greasy and he‘s a weasel and…” I gasped for breath as Brian laughs, “And?” I lower my voice to a horrified squeak, “…and he’s a fiddler!” The teenager gasps dramatically, “NO!?” he says, mock horror on his face as I slap his shoulder, “It sounds like someone’s killing a cat, it’s so not pleasant…ack he’s coming over…EMMETT!?” I squeal, shuffling behind the fairy so both he and Brian are blocking chin rat from me. “Justin?” So much for hiding. “What?” I snap, the rest of the gang (bar Molly and Brian) looking at me in shock. This is the cold side only Ethan, and Brian at times, get to see. “What are you doing here?” Well he was never the smartest of people our Ethan. I sigh, “Oddly enough, Ethan, I live in the Pitts now”. A happy smile appears on his lips and for once, I am slightly scared, that’s never a good sign. “That’s awesome, me too!” I let my head flop forward, “Just fucking perfect….” I mutter, a sigh passing my split lip. “Can I go now?” I ask in a sickly sweet voice, “See, it’s Pride and for some, utterly strange reason, I’m celebrating it with my ‘friends’ ‘cause I’m proud of them. Then again, you wouldn’t know what that’s all about considering all the friends you ever had were mine and they only put up with you because I made them. Although I wish I hadn’t bothered you pathetic closet case!” He looks at me oddly, then nods, “You make it out to be like you were so perfect Justin. Well newsflash, I cheated /once/ whereas you cheated every night” I growl, startling Emmett and Michael. “You knew that though! You knew about my whore-ish tendencies when you asked me out. You knew I couldn’t hold down a relationship. But still you wanted commitment and rings. That’s not who I am. I don’t believe in love! Never have, never….” I trail off, realising how fucking hypocritical I’m sounding. Especially considering I’m in love with Brian fucking Kinney.
Hey! Ho! Mo! Hey! Ho! Mo! Hey! Ho! Now remember There's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way It's okay! Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way
Brian POV I watch as Ian walks away, a smirk on my lips. Wow, Justin. A man after my own heart. Too bad he already has it. The gang leaves to the streets where everyone’s partying. He hands his crutches to his mother, who looks ready to yell at him but he raises a hand and walks towards me. I give him the once over and smile. “Hey stud…wanna dance?” He grins at me and nods, taking my offered hand as I lead him into a space. Many people are watching, including Ethan who’s on the other side of the street. My arms slip round his waist, giving him a safety net should he feel pain. His hips move against mine as his arms slip round my shoulders. “Look…I’m sorry for being a dick, I never meant anything. I’ve never usually believed in love before…” He smiles up at me, love in those pools of blue. “Neither did I Brian, you made me human…I’m not asking for monogamy, just for you to give us a chance?” I consider it before nodding. “I can do that…no promises but I’ll try” With a smile, he leans forward, pressing his lips against mine softly. I have my blonde back. I’m happy. For the first time, I’m enjoying Pride.
West is where you should go To San Francisco I get that you know Would you gather my face So united we stand in a gay parade Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way It's okay to be gay!
************** Song: “It’s okay to be Gay” by Tomboy