Brian had worked hard to get his doctorate, and after an internship at the local hospital, was ready to make his mark on the world. His parents had vehemently disapproved of his career choice, which made Brian want to pursue his chosen path all the more. They felt a degree in psychology was worthless, because it was not a lucrative field. Since Brian’s family was wealthy, they had expected him to uphold the family name, and enter into a profession worthy of their current social and financial status. Brian detested his parents’ pretentious life, and decided long ago to devote himself to helping those less fortunate. At last the first day of Autumn had arrived. Brian had anticipated this day for months. He was eager to start his new job as a counselor at Riker’s Island, having been hired to work in the Juvenile Facility, which housed young men between the ages of 13-17. Brian knew that this position would be more challenging than his experience at the hospital. During his year and a half there, he had encountered adolescents who were out of control due to a lack of parental involvement. They were mostly spoiled, rich kids, who were bored or rebelling to gain their parents' attention. This was not the case at Riker’s. Nothing could have prepared him for the hardcore teens he would meet, and the horrific stories they told. Brian quickly acclimated himself to his new surroundings, and decided to meet with the therapy groups he had inherited from the previous counselor. He was also told by the warden that he had free reign to work individually with a few of the boys. The first group of boys were 13-15 years old. He had reviewed their files, and learned that three were petty thieves, two were prostitutes, and one had been a drug dealer at his local high school. One common thread was that they had all lived in, or run away from dysfunctional homes. Brian initially met with some resistance, but overall felt that he could work with these youngsters. They seemed to crave attention and guidance, especially from a man. Most did not have a father figure in their lives, and at 29, Brian was going to have to be the “masculine influence” that would provide a positive role model for them. This made him laugh to himself, because although he had not disclosed this information to his new boss (because it was none of his fucking business), Brian Kinney was an out and proud gay man. He had taken great pains to keep his professional life and private life separate. Brian was not as hopeful with the second group. It consisted of five 16 and 17 year olds, who were streetwise beyond their years. All were repeat offenders, their crimes ranging from setting fires to stabbing someone multiple times. As he introduced himself, he was not surprised when he was greeted with insults and indifference. Brian recognized it for what it was, defense mechanisms they had developed to protect themselves from getting hurt. He realized that it would take a lot of hard work to reach these young men. After his charges left, Brian couldn’t help but inquire about the quiet intense boy with the blond shaggy hair, and blue sapphire eyes. He was absolutely stunned by his beauty, and the wild feral look he detected in his eyes. Brian was informed by the guard that the young man’s name was Justin Taylor.