Ethan knows, the second he sees Justin Taylor, he’ll be with him forever. Ethan knows, after his first real conversation with Justin about Brian, that he could give him the romance he needed. Ethan knows that Brian Kinney doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. Ethan knows that Brian Kinney never loved the blonde, because if he did he never would have pushed him into Ethan’s arms. Ethan knows that Justin loves him more than he ever did Brian, and he knows that Justin would have left Brian after Ethan and Justin’s first night together if he didn’t feel guilty because Brian bought him all those things. Ethan knows, that Brian knows this, and that’s why he bought them in the first place, so he could keep his blonde-boy ass until he got tired of it. Ethan knows that Justin would have forgotten about Brian completely after they got together if Brian wasn’t paying his tuition. Ethan knows there’s nothing noble about being poor and that even if he has to be in the closet for the rest of his life, he could still give Justin more than Kinney ever could have. Ethan knows that after everything he went through his Brian, and all the crap that Kinney put him through Justin would forgive him no matter what he did. The thought passes across his mind while considering his admirers proposition. Ethan also knows that Justin isn’t in Harrisburg that night. As it turns out, Ethan doesn’t know too much.