Hey guys! I told you ... I have not forgot about you. I promise. And just to prove it, here's chapter eight. I hope my long ... LONG ... break didn't deter any of you from reading. I just went into a really bad place mentally, and started thinking that everything I was writing was horribly bad. BUT ... I finally got chapter eight done, and I told myself that this time when I wrote it, I would not delete it. And I didn't. Even though I felt the urge a few times. ANYWHO ... I'm done with my big long run on crap. Haha. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ... I love all of you who stuck with me! =) Thanks to Jess for beta-ing, and Amanda (qaffanfictionprojects) for the bunny!
Chapter Eight Mason glanced around Justin's apartment. "This is a really nice place," he said, turning to face Justin. "Your brother has good taste," he added. Justin smiled and nodded. "The pizza should be here anytime now, and they're bringing soda, too, since I finished the last one," Justin said. Mason nodded, taking a seat on the couch. Justin followed him, and he closed all his books and turned to face him. "So, your brother's on a business trip now?" Mason asked. Justin nodded. "Yeah, he's in … um … New York. I don't know what he's doing out there, and I don't really care," Justin said. "So, what's up?" he asked, trying to change the subject so he didn't get caught in a lie. Mason shrugged. "Nothing," he said. Justin raised a brow. "So, um, what did you want to talk about then?" "I don't know. I just thought we could, you know, hang out," Mason said with a shrug. Justin frowned. He didn't remember what he did with his friends when they were in high school. "You know, listen to music and stuff," Mason clarified. Justin nodded. "Okay, but I don't think you'll like much of what I have. I'm really into techno," Justin stood up and put a cd into his cd player, letting the techno thumpa thumpa fill the apartment. "Are you kidding me? I love techno!" Mason said, sitting forward and taking his jacket off, a little more comfortable. Justin smiled. "Ah, he is gay," he teased. Mason smiled. "Yes, I am," he said, looking at Justin. Justin offered a smile, and then sat down on the ground. "So, who do you have the hots for?" Mason moved to lay on his side on the couch, facing Justin. "Who do I have the hots for?" Justin repeated the question, and then laughed. It had been so long since he talked with someone about who he thought was hot. He used to have these talks with Daphne all the time, but that was a long time ago. Looking at Mason, he realized that Mason never got to have these talks. With anyone. So he decided to humor him. "Um … well, obviously Brad Pitt. I mean, who doesn't have the hots for that guy?" Mason laughed. "True, he's hot. But then again, a lot of male celebrities are. I could go on and on forever telling you names of hot celebrities. You know who's really hot?" he asked. Justin shook his head. "Who?" he asked, taking a sip of his water. "Mr. Kinney … the computer teacher," Mason said. Justin put his hand over his mouth to keep from spitting out his water from laughing. "Mr. Kinney? I don't know …" he trailed off. Mason shook his head. "Oh yeah. He's fucking gorgeous. I heard he's gay, too," Mason said. Justin tried not to smirk. "Yeah, I heard that, too," he said. God, if only Brian could hear this. He couldn't wait to tell Brian that he's got a teenage jock lusting after him. "The man's perfect!" Mason insisted. Justin laughed. "Nobody's perfect. But yeah … I wouldn't mind being up against the wall in a bathroom stall with him," Justin said, his cock hardening as he remembered all the times he actually was up against the stall wall with Brian. Mason laughed. "You and me both," he said, his head resting in his hand. "Did you fool around with any authority figures at your old school?" Mason asked. Justin thought for a second, and then nodded. "Yeah, I did," he said. Just then, there was a knock on his door, so he got up to go pay for the pizza. He brought the large box into the living room and put it on the coffee table, opening it and grabbing a piece. "I'm fucking starving," he said, eating it as he moved into the kitchen to grab two glasses full of ice for the soda. "Who did you fuck around with?" Mason asked him as he came into the living room again. Justin set the glasses down on the table and opened the 2 Liter of Coke and poured it into the glasses. "Um, one of my teachers. He was so hot," Justin said, sitting down. "You fucked around with a teacher! No way, that's crazy!" Mason said. Justin smiled. "It's not that crazy. He was really young. It was his first year teaching," Justin was making up a story. Mason shook his head, smiling. He picked up his second piece of pizza and started eating it. "Nothing that interesting ever happens at our school," he said. "Oh yeah? I remember hearing something about one of your students being murdered," Justin said, trying to sound nonchalant about it. Mason nodded. "Yeah … Jason Kemp. You know what's creepy? I had the hugest crush on that guy, too. And then I hear that he was murdered. It's like … wow," Mason said, shaking his head. "Oh, so you knew him?" "Yeah, we talked a few times. He knew about me, but he didn't say anything. We fucked around a little bit, too." "Wow," Justin's interests were definitely perked. "Did he ever say anything about people that made you wonder if they killed him?" Mason shrugged. "A few, but then once I thought about it, it was like … impossible," he said. Justin nodded. He needed to come up with a way to dig further without sounding like was digging. "Like who?" he asked, looking into the pizza box and grabbing another piece. "A few of the jocks … he told me that he'd given a few of them handjobs and then they freaked out." "Yeah, that sounds like what happened to me back at my other school, too," Justin said and Mason nodded. "I hate jocks," he said quietly. Justin laughed. "What?" "You are one!" Justin reminded him. Mason started laughing too. "Oh yeah," he said, and the both of them laughed. ----- Brian stood on the catwalk, as always, at Babylon. The catwalk was pretty much his. It was his spot. Where you could always find him. If he wasn't in the backroom or at the bar, that is. He took a long gulp from his beer and looked down at the crowds. Somebody had to strike his fancy. He was hornier than he'd ever been, and he just wanted to get his rocks off. As his eyes roamed over the crowd, he felt somebody move to stand next to him. Glancing over, he rolled his eyes when he saw his friend Michael. "Brian! Where have you been? I haven't seen you here in forever! And you never call me back!" Michael whined. Brian groaned. "I've been busy, Mikey," he said. "Busy with your boyfriend?" Michael asked. Brian turned to look at him. "What?" "Emmett told me. I'm happy that you found someone, Brian, but don't let this person change who you are." "He's not changing who I am, Mikey," Brian insisted. Michael shrugged. "Alright," he said, leaning down next to Brian. "So where is he?" "He's at his place. He's got some work to get done, and then I'm going to meet up with him later." "And he knows that you're here?" "Yes, he knows that I'm here. Not like that matters." "Am I going to meet him?" "Maybe," Brian spotted his target. Grinning, he straightened himself out and patted Michael on the back, handing him the beer. "Say hello to the professor for me," he said, turning around and going down the steps, moving closer to the guy. As he got closer, he came up behind him and put his hand on the guy's hip, grinding his hard cock into his ass. The guy turned around and smirked at Brian. "Hi, I'm Jer-" he started, but Brian cut him off. "I don't need to know your name. Backroom?" Brian asked. The guy nodded and Brian grabbed his belt loop, pulling him in that direction. As soon as they got back there, Brian moved into a corner and leaned against the wall, unbuttoning his pants. The trick took over and unzipped them, reaching inside to pull out Brian's hard cock. "You have a great cock," he said, then immediately went to work blowing Brian. Brian leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. "So I've been told," he said, losing himself in the pleasure. ----- Justin looked at the empty pizza box on the table and shook his head as he let out a burp. "I can't fucking believe we ate that whole pizza," he said, taking another sip of his soda. Mason laughed. "Me either," he said. "I feel like such a fucking pig," Justin laughed. Mason shook his head. "Nah, it's not that bad," he said. Justin made a face. "Anyway," he burped. "Have you ever fucked around with an authority figure? From our school?" Justin asked out of curiosity. Mason nodded. "Yeah," he said, getting off the couch and taking the cups into the kitchen. "You don't have to do that, Mason. I can do it," Justin said. Mason shrugged, coming back into the living room. He sat down next to Justin on the floor. "It's no big deal," he said. Justin smiled. "So, tell me. Who was it?" he asked. Mason didn't answer, he just leaned in closer and placed a kiss on Justin's lips. Justin, shocked, didn't move for a moment. When Mason pulled away, he had a smile on his face. Justin licked his lips and glanced into his lap. "What?" Mason asked, his smile fading. "Mason … don't take this the wrong way … but this wasn't where I saw this headed. I have a boyfriend," Justin said. He left out the fact that he was 26, and it was illegal. Mason's face fell. "Oh … um, I'm … I'm sorry," he said, standing up and grabbing his coat. Justin stood up, too. "Mason, it's alright … I should have told you … you don't have to go," he said. He wanted to get more information out of Mason. But Mason obviously wasn't going to stay. He pulled his jacket on and headed to the door. "I … uh, I do have to go. I have some stuff I need to get done," Mason said. Justin nodded. "Hey, it's okay. Really … it's okay. You can call me, we can hang out again. I like you, Mason, but as a friend," Justin said. Mason nodded. "Bye, Justin," he said, opening the door. Justin waved. "Later," he said. He sighed as he closed the door. He was so close! ----- Brian walked out of Babylon after that satisfying blowjob, holding a number in his hand. Shaking his head, he threw it out and shoved his hands into his pockets, heading towards his jeep. Once he got inside, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Justin's number. After a few rings, he heard Justin's voice. "Yeah?" he answered. Brian smiled. "Hey Sunshine. Are you done making nice with the high school kiddies?" he asked. "Yeah … he's gone." "Alright, well then I'm coming over. I'll be there in a few minutes." "Alright, see you then," Justin said. Brian noticed he sounded distracted. "Hey, are you okay? If you don't want me to come over, I won't," he said, although, he really wanted to go over. "No, no, I'm okay. It's just … some of what that kid had to say is running through my head. I'm still in investigative mode, I'm sorry. Yeah, come over. I'll talk to you about it then," he said. "Okay, I'll be there in a bit," Brian said, and hung up, driving towards Justin's apartment. When he got there, he parked in front of the building … lucky parking spot! He headed upstairs and knocked on the door. Justin was sitting on his couch, his mind running over the things that Mason said. He said that he did fool around with an authority figure at the school. God, why couldn't he have answered the question before he kissed him! Shit. Now, Mason might not be comfortable around him anymore, and he won't get the information he needs. Fuck! He heard a knock at his door and he sighed, standing up and moving over to open it. Pulling it open, he smiled when he saw Brian standing there. "Hey," he said quietly. Brian smiled. "Hey," he replied. Justin opened the door further and Brian moved past him, into the apartment. As Justin closed the door, he felt Brian behind him and the next thing he knew, he had his back against the door and Brian was ripping his clothes off. Justin grinned, this was just what he needed to get his mind off the case. ----- Afterwards, Brian and Justin were laying in Justin's bed under the covers, and Justin told Brian about what happened with Mason. Brian kept cracking up at the fact that Mason has a crush on Justin, and Justin kept smacking him. "Shut up!" Justin laughed, smacking Brian when he started chuckling again. "I'm sorry, Justin … it's just so funny," Brian laughed. Justin rolled his eyes. "Hello? Enough about that. Have any teachers or anything ever said anything about sleeping with a student?" Justin asked, running his fingers over Brian's chest. Brian shook his head. "Not that I've heard, but I don't really pay attention when the teachers gossip," Brian shrugged. Justin sighed, laying his head on Brian's chest. "I'm never going to figure this out," Justin said. "Yes, you will. Just give it time," Brian said, turning Justin's face up to look at him. Justin smiled and leaned down, kissing him. "So, how was your trick at Babylon?" Justin asked. Brian laughed. "He was hot. But I don't think he'd ever given anyone a blowjob before. He was sloppy as fuck," he said. Justin laughed. "Well, you know, expertise is hard to find these days," Justin rolled over on top of Brian and started kissing down his body. Brian licked his lips and closed his eyes, anticipating the great blowjob he knew he'd get from Justin. "Hey," Justin said before he closed his mouth over Brian's cock. "Hmm?" Brian asked, opening his eyes and looking down at him. "Did you check his ID? Make sure he was of age?" Justin teased. Brian laughed, shaking his head. "Shut up and blow me already," he said. Justin saluted him. "Sir, yes, sir!" End Chapter Eight 12-12-05