The family celebrated Christmas and Hanukkah at the hospital. Everyone had a great time filled with love and laughter. Finally the time came for Justin to go home. He and Brian were more than ready to leave. When they finally reached the house, Brian, against Justin’s protests, carried the younger man into the house and up to their bedroom. They spent the rest of the day and night in bed worshipping and cherishing each other with they bodies, mouths, words, touches, and looks. When it finally came time for them to sleep, they drifted off securely attached to each other with Justin’s head pillowed on Brian’s chest. Just before they both slipped into slumber, Justin whispered, “I love you, Brian.” Brian, with a soft smile, responded with “I love you too, Sunshine. Happy Holidays.” “Happy Holidays, Brian,” were Justin’s final words before both men permitted sleep to overtake them.