REV. TOM’S SERMON Welcome, everyone. Happy Holidays! Now, I personally believe that the holiday season is about love, the celebration of life, and kindness towards your fellow man…and woman. However, over the years, people have turned the holiday season into a time of hunting and persecuting those unlike themselves. “Christians” have slandered innocent people for not conforming to their ideas of what a good person is. Is this what Jesus wanted? I think not. Jesus, himself, was one who suffered persecution and longed for peace and love for all. It saddens me what has become of this time of year. Well, I’ve decided to make a fresh start. I choose to celebrate the beauty of the human race and love all, including myself. Therefore, I have a confession to make. I am a homosexual. I have always been a homosexual. I did not choose to be gay. This is just the way I was born. I believe in my heart that Jesus loves me and will always love me as long as I am a good person. I have chosen this time to come out due to an incident involving a friend of mine. He is currently in the hospital due to an attack by a member of our congregation’s heinous actions when they saw my friend on the street with his son. Now, this friend of mine has already been through enough physical trauma, emotional distress, and close encounters with death for five lifetimes. Therefore I find his assailant’s actions even more despicable and unforgivable. Anyway, that is why I have chosen to come out today. My friend, who has already dealt with so much at such a young age, has had to deal with discrimination since before he was legally an adult, has always been strong and courageous and I felt this was the least I could do for him and his family, to be honest about myself. Thank you very much for your time and I wish you all very happy holidays.