six hours of separation/time zones

“Holy shit, Justin, have you seen this view?” Molly exclaims as she stands in front of the glass wall overlooking the beach. Looking up from his magazine, Justin nods, “I was thinking we could rent a boat later this afternoon.” Molly turns back to her brother and grins, “Awesome idea!” Looking back to the window, she presses her nose against the glass until Justin begins to laugh. “Molly! Don’t do that to your nose!” He continues to laugh, shaking his head. Smiling, she walks over to the table where he’s sitting, “So when will Brian be here?” “When he’s done with his business meeting in Pittsburgh,” Justin replies, returning to the magazine. “I don’t get why they couldn’t just do it over the phone… I mean, that’s how he does most of his client meetings,” she muses. He shrugs, “New, big client. He’ll fly back when he’s done.” He purposely avoids looking at his sister, knowing full well that he wasn’t the most seasoned liar. And though he didn’t like keeping secrets from her, he really wanted her to enjoy their time in Denmark as their first family holiday together and not as a hide-out. Sitting on the table, she nods, “I get it. It’s just…it’s not much of a first Taylor-Kinney family vacation without the Kinney part.” He forces a smile, “He’ll be here as soon as he can, Molly.” Snickering, she points at him, “Oh my God, you’re sooo mad at him! I can totally tell! Ha ha ha! That’s so cool.” Justin can’t help but laugh out loud, “How is that cool?” “Your first fight as a married couple,” she coos before laughing some more. Shaking his head, Justin tries to stop chuckling, but his sister’s laugh is contatigous. “Just promise me one thing.” “What’s that, Sis?” “If he has to sleep on the couch when he gets back,” she begins, trying to sound serious, but failing miserably, “make sure he’s wearing pajamas!” “Molly!!!” “Bright polka-dotted ones!” She continues, still giggling like mad. “Let’s go shopping and look for some!!” Justin laughs hard, grabbing his sides, “Stop! I’m getting a visual!” He starts to wipe the tears from falling from his eyes. Catching his breath, he shakes his head, “That’s cruel and unusual punishment.” She nods her head, covering her mouth to stifle the giggles, “I know, but it got you to stop being so mad at him.” Smiling, he nods, “I guess so… but he’s still an asshole.” “And I’m sure you’re let him know when he gets back.” “Abso-fuckin-lutely.”