Time will tell

“Why so soon?” Justin asks as he watches Brian search the internet for a hotel in the Netherlands. “Why not?” Brian shrugs, putting out his cigarette. “Well for one thing, I’d much rather marry you without this fuckin’ cast on my leg.” Frowning, Brian looks over at his lover sitting on the bed. “It’s not that bad, Justin.” “Compared to having both my legs in casts? Yes, you’re right: not that bad. However, we’re talking about our wedding day, asshole.” “Eeek, bitchy bride moment.” “Shut up.” The door knocks and Molly walks in, “Okay, I’ve decided what I’m going to wear.” “For your birthday party?” Justin asks. She nods, dropping on the bed beside her brother, “So everything is done.” “So why aren’t you smiling?” He asks. She shrugs. “Moll…” She shrugs again, “It’s stupid.” Justin smiles, “Tell me anyway.” Sitting up, she sighs, “I just wish… you know… that Mom and Dad would be there…” “That’s not stupid,” Justin comments. She shrugs again, “I know, but…it kind of is… and I also wish my friends could be there too…” He nods, “You can call them in a few days.” Justin was relieved to hear that Lily, Thomas and their unborn baby had survived the ordeal. Brian had waited Carl and Molly had left the room before crying in relief. Justin was elated for Brian. Maybe they could finally put all this behind them? All that was left was changing their names. She nods, “Yeah, when I become Molly Wanstall.” Justin smiles, “It has a nice ring to it, you know.” “Mom was lucky she had a name that could go with anything… Jennifer Wanstall, Jennifer Taylor…” Molly remarks as she looks at her nails. “Just like your name.” Justin adds. She smiles wistfully. “Still…I’ll miss Taylor.” “You can always drop your middle name, Molly.” Brian finally speaks up while clicking the ‘print’ button on the computer. She’s thoughtful, “Molly Taylor Wanstall.” Justin grins, “Sounds regal.” “Really?” He nods, “Totally.” “Are you fucking with me?” “Molly!” Justin admonishes before laughing, “Shit, I really don’t know where she gets such a fuckin’ dirty mouth from,” he comments to Brian with a playful smile. Sticking her tongue out, she then adds, “What about you? Justin Wanstall? I don't think I can get used to that." “He’s not changing it to Wanstall,” Brian states, distracted by the mountains of papers he has just printed out. Picking one up, he skims the information, “He'll be Justin Kinney.” “Says who?” Justin asks, feeling defensive. Looking up, Brian asks, “Why not?” “Why not Brian Taylor then? Or Brian Wanstall?” Justin asks with irritation. “What the fuck, Justin?” Brian wonders where the hell this attitude is coming from. “So that’s what he sudden proposal was all about?” Justin snarks. “Pardon?” Brian suddenly feels the need for another cigarette. Reaching for his pack, he pulls a stick out. “You shouldn’t smoke,” Molly comments, “It’s bad for you.” “Thanks for the tip,” Brian states with the stick between his lips. Taking a lighter, he lights the cigarette and enjoys the comforting feeling of smoke inside his lungs. Justin shakes his head, “All this talk about how much you didn’t want to lose me…” “Was true, Sunshine.” “And this rush to get married? And for me to take your last name instead of my mom’s?” “Fine, take fuckin’ Wanstall then!” Brian announces in frustration as he stands up. “I don’t want Wanstall!” Brian stops and just stares at the angry blonde in front of him. He isn’t sure whether to laugh or shake the twink. With a frustrated sigh, Justin shakes his head, “I just feel that you are rushing into this whole marriage thing to keep me safe, not because you really want to marry me; but because you feel compelled to marry me: like it’s the decent thing to do or something.” “I’ll take that as my cue to leave,” Molly states suddenly as she quickly exits the room. Inhaling his cigarette, Brian continues to stare at his lover and wonders if Justin could be suffering from post concussion syndrome. “First off, I have never done anything because I felt it was the decent thing to do. Decent is not a fuckin’ word I even use.” Walking over to Justin, he continues, “Secondly, I already told you why I want to marry you, and I will not fuckin’ repeat it.” Sitting down, he takes his fiancé by the hand and with a long exhaled breath, “And lastly, yes rushing the marriage is somewhat because of what’s going on BUT I wouldn’t rush this, if I didn’t want to marry you this soon.” Justin is about to speak, when Brian places his finger against Justin's lips and continues. “I do what I want, Justin. And I want to marry you. You can change your name to whatever the fuck you want, I don’t care. Just marry me.” Finally, Justin smiles. With a relieved sigh, Brian smiles back. “So is 'drama princess time' over? I’d like to decide where the fuck we’re tying the knot.” “You’re so romantic,” Justin says, wrapping his arms around his lover. “I love you.” “Of course you do.” Kissing him on the forehead, he gets up and brings the stack papers to the bed. “Did you call them?” Justin whispers, looking over at the door to Molly’s room. Brian nods, “Yeah. Everything’s set.” “Almost everything,” Justin states as he starts to go through the papers.


FYI: The actress that played Molly in season 1 (not sure if they changed actresses in season 2 or not) is Haylee Wanstall. She was five years old when she debuted on Queer as Folk. I actually found this cute little interview of her from when she guest starred on Monk: http://www.eviltwinltd.com/Monk/interview1.htm Hmm..I think they must have changed the actress for season 2... because the girl that played Molly in the scene where Justin is destroying his room looked to be 11 or 12.