April 2010 *** “That god damn no good fucking son of a bitch.” “What's the matter Brian? By the way Gus is in his room. He stopped by on his way home from school and asked if he could spend the weekend with us. Since you slammed the door he'll probably be down here to see what's going on.” “That's subtle reminder for me to watch my language isn’t it Sunshine?” “I wouldn’t give you a hint Brian, what makes you think that I would?” “Almost 7 years of living with you, and that goofy grin you‘re sporting.” “I know how you want Gus to think you're perfect; so yes I was warning you about his presence. Brian you do know that he knows that we aren’t perfect? I think he even knows that we kiss once in a while.” “Well if I can deny that Sonnyboy is growing up then I can deny that he knows that I‘m not perfect. You and me kissing; why would he think that?” “Have I told you lately how much I love you? As careful as you've been, over the years, to not kiss me when he's around I’m pretty sure that he's caught us a few times. What's the problem that caused the swearing in the first place?” “That so called partner of mine, even after all of this time, after all the success and money I’ve brought to Vanguard, still won’t treat me like an equal partner; hell he doesn‘t even treat me like an unequal partner. You would think I'd be use to how he treats me after all of these years but it still galls me when he treats me like shit.” “What happened today to bring on this latest rant? You do know Brian that this isn’t the first time you’ve come home furious with Vance. I don‘t think that I can remember you ever coming home happy with Vance.” “I know, I know but today was almost the last straw. He gave me an assignment I would've found insulting the first year I worked for Ryder. I think that he's trying to make me quit. I wish I knew why he's been such a fucking jerk.” “Well Brian you always can walk away. We certainly wouldn‘t starve while you look for a position with another firm.” “I don’t know Sunshine you still eat like the proverbial horse. I'd never give him the satisfaction of running me off. I guess he never got over the fact that I forced him to make me a partner when I got the Brown Athletic account.” “It isn’t worth the aggravation Brian.” “I know but I’ll be damned before I give in to the bastard.” “Daddy if you are so unhappy why don’t you start your own company?” “Sonnyboy how long have you been in the room?” “Not long but I could hear you as I came down the hallway, you were almost shouting Daddy.” “Why're you here tonight, not that I mind Sonnyboy?” “Mommy and Mama are having some meeting at the house tonight and those meetings get much too lesbionic sometimes. Mama said it was OK with them if I spent the weekend if it was OK with you and Uncle Justin. Uncle Justin said I could stay; is it all right with you?” “No Sonnyboy, I think you better head on home to your mother’s house so that you don’t miss supper.” “OK Daddy, I guess you have plans. I’ll see you next Friday then.” “Gus get your butt back here, I was just kidding, of course you can stay here for the weekend. You can stay here forever as far as I’m concerned. Don’t tell your mothers I said that, they might take me up on it.” “Daddy I knew that you were bluffing, I was just seeing how far you would let me go before you folded.” “You little scamp.” “Now Brian that's my nickname for the boy. You have Sonnyboy you can’t use little scamp too.” “Did you two plan to gang up on me?” “Gus did we plan to gang up on your Daddy?” “I don’t remember planning anything Uncle Justin.” “Well then he won’t think we planned anything when we launch a tickle attack at the same time. I’ll take his left side you get his right side.” “Sunshine, Sonnyboy, don’t even think about it.” “One, Two, Three attack.” *** “OK I give up you two, I can’t laugh anymore. You won this round but you haven’t won the war. Keep your eyes open you never know when a sneak attack will come.” “I’ve never known you to give up quite so quickly Brian.” “I’ve never been tickled attacked on two fronts before this afternoon. Where do you two want to go for supper?” “I’ve got a roast in the oven Brian we can’t go out.” “Yes we're going out Sunshine, do whatever you have to do with your roast to save it for tomorrow but tonight I want to go out on the town. Gus do you have anything dressy in your closet here or will we have to go by your mother’s house first. We're going first class tonight. We'll eat at a fancy restaurant and then go dancing.” “The restaurant part will work Brian but we can’t go dancing with Gus.” “Why not? Sonnyboy are you grown up enough to go to a dance club with Justin and me?” “I’m nine years old, almost 10, Daddy. Of course I’m old enough to go anywhere with you and Uncle Justin. I don‘t know how to dance though but we did square dance in school once.” “We’ll have to do something about that then. I’ll teach you while Justin puts the roast away.” “One Kinney that can’t dance is enough Brian. We'll enroll him in a dance class so that he can learn how to really dance instead of doing whatever it is that you call dancing. Is that OK with you Gus?” “Why don’t you teach me Uncle Justin, everyone has always told me how well you dance.” “Don’t worry I'll help you but if you take a dance class you can learn more types of dancing than I can teach you. What dance club are you thinking about going to Brian?” “Babylon of course.” “You have to be kidding, Melanie would have you short of two testicles 10 seconds after she hears about it and Lindsay would help hold you down.” “We’ll go to Babylon first before it has time to get too wild and then go to the restaurant. We won’t be there very long and it won’t hurt the boy to see the place where you first tried to tame me. It still amazes me that you had the testicles to steal my tricks. How does Babylon sound to you Sonnyboy?” “Intense, but Uncle Justin is right Mama and Mommy won’t be happy. What're testicles?” “Sonnyboy you can’t make your parents happy all of the time. Besides I can handle their wrath. I want to dance with your Uncle Justin and I want to do it at Babylon, so that's what ww're going to do. Do we have to go by your mother‘s house or do you have a suit here?” I've a suit here Daddy, but won’t I just get in the way if you and Uncle Justin are dancing? What're testicles?” “Don’t worry I’ll have it under control. Why don’t you go take a shower and get dressed in your suit? Justin you do what you have to do with the roast and then you go get dressed.” “Brian are you sure you know what you're doing?" “Yes I do, I always know what I’m doing. Get going the both of you. I want to be out of the door in less than an hour, I have to make some calls, and then I’ll get ready too. Last one ready to go has to buy dessert.” “That's really a safe bet on your part Brian, we all know you'll be last and that if given half a chance all you'll order for dessert is flavored ice. So the last one ready has to pay for whatever the first one ready decides to order. Everyone has to eat a serving of whatever's ordered.” “It’s a bet, Sunshine.” “Emmett, this's Brian. Funny Emmett yes it is Brian Kinney and I have too called you before. I need a favor tonight. Justin, Gus and I are going to Babylon and I need someone to watch over Gus while Sunshine and I dance. It won‘t be for long since we have dinner reservations for eight. Thanks Emmett I'll owe you.” “I’m ready Daddy so I guess I get to order dessert.” “That was the bet Sonnyboy. We don’t have to go to Babylon if you don’t want to go.” “Of course I want to go, I’m sure that I'll spend a lot of time there when I’m older. But you have to promise to dance with me and to get Uncle Justin to dance with me too.” “That's a given Sonnyboy but you promise me that you'll only talk or do anything with someone you know and I mean people that you know right this minute not someone you meet tonight. I know that you think that you're grown up but nine isn’t as grown up as you think.” *** “Sunshine have you ever taken longer than me to get ready?” “There has to be a first time for everything Brian. I had problems fitting that roast into the refrigerator or I would have been done before you like usual. Gus, go get in the Jeep.” “Brian are you really sure about taking Gus to Babylon?” “To be honest no, but it would break his heart if I backed down now. I’ve arranged for Emmett to be there to watch him when he isn’t with us. We won’t go near the back or the bars so it should be OK for the few minutes we'll be there. He wants to dance with both of us. He also told me that he expects that he'll spend a lot of time there when he's older. He really is sure that he'll be gay. Does he really know what being gay means?” “Of course he expects to be gay what else should we expect. I don’t know what he thinks being gay means. To tell you the truth though I don’t even want to think about what'll happen when a twink Brian Kinney look-alike shows up at Babylon ready to trot.” “Did you have to put that idea into my head? But Kinneys are never ready to trot. We better get going though, I hope you have plenty of money because I hate to imagine how much dessert that boy is going to order.” *** “Thanks for coming Emmett I’m going to be in big enough trouble just for bringing him here; I hate to imagine what'd happen to me if anything happens to Sonnyboy.” “Why did you bring him Brian?” “My mouth started saying things before my brain could stop it. We won‘t be here for more than 30 minutes so it shouldn‘t be too much for him to handle.” “Daddy, Uncle Justin really is a good dancer. He even made me look good. You better go dance with him now before one of the other guys steals him away. There certainly are a lot of guys staring at him. Hey Aunty Em, are you here to look after me?” “Perceptive little twinky aren’t you Gussy?” “Gus Aunty Em Gus, but of course Daddy was going to get someone to watch me while he's busy dancing with Uncle Justin. They look good together don’t they but does Daddy really call that dancing?” “We've been wondering about that since before you were born. Honey would you do me the honor of dancing?” “Sure Aunty Em but could we go over to that stairway so I can stand on it and be able to look into your eyes while we're dancing?” “Sure can honey. Just take my hand and hang on while we push through the crowd.” “Oh my god, where is he?” “Who Brian?” “Gus, he isn’t where I left him, I’ll kill Emmett.” “Don’t worry Brian they are over at the stairway dancing. I wonder who figured out that Gus 3 steps up the stairway lets them dance on an even footing.” “If I know anything that was Sonnyboy’s idea. This certainly wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had. I’ll dance with him the next song and then we can go eat. Why didn’t you stop me Sunshine?” “I couldn’t have stopped you anymore than I could have stopped a runaway train. Everything has worked out fine. Look at him he's dancing better than you ever have.” “Don’t rub it in Sunshine or I'll have to get even with you tonight after Gus is asleep.” “Promise or threat?” *** “May I cut in?” “Sure Daddy, you and Aunty Em have a good dance.” “I meant with you Augustus.” “I know Daddy, just pulling your chain. I’m having a wonderful time but I’m almost ready to go.” “Daddy that was fun but you should take dance lessons with me, you can use the help. Do you want me to keep our dance trip secret from Mommy and Mama?” “No Gus tell them about it, they'll hear about it anyway. I imagine that all of Liberty Avenue has already heard about your appearance. Gossip is the only thing in the Universe that travels faster than the speed of light. Have you figured out what you're going to order for dessert? Justin is buying so don’t worry about the cost.” “Your Dad has to eat whatever you order Gus so don’t worry about the calories either.” “I have to wait and see what desserts are on the menu guys but don’t worry I won’t bankrupt you Uncle Justin or make you eat too many calories Daddy.” *** “Gus did you have a good time tonight?” “Let’s see Uncle Justin, I got to eat in the fanciest restaurant I’ve ever been in. I got to order the classiest dessert I’ve ever eaten and watch Daddy eat an entire serving of a dessert. I got to watch my Dads actually dance and kiss each other in public; but best of all I got to dance with you and Daddy in a real gay nightclub. I’ve had better nights.” “You're getting better but that was just a bit too obvious Gus. I’m glad you had a great time. You do realize that you won’t be going back to Babylon for many years.” “Well duh, I don’t want to go back until I can go without a babysitter and more importantly I know why it's fun to dance with another guy in a smoke filled club. It was fun to dance with you and Daddy but that was because it was you and Daddy and I like doing anything with you guys. Good night Uncle Justin I‘m tired and I need to go to sleep. I love you and tell Daddy that I love him too.” “Good night little scamp, we love you too.” *** “Brian you lucked out.” “What do you mean Sunshine?” “While he had a good time dancing with you and me he doesn’t want to go back until he knows why it's fun to dance with another guy. He certainly impressed the clientele though, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the crowd so quiet. I don‘t know if it was because of Gus, because he's your son, or simply the idea of a nine-year-old at Babylon.” “Well it isn’t every night that they get to see King of Liberty Avenue, his consort Sunshine, and the crown prince. Not that they are going to see the crown prince there again anytime soon. How could I have been so stupid? “I don’t really know Brian, you weren’t thinking with your head and you weren’t thinking with your dick. I guess you were thinking with your vanity.” “Sunshine I should revenge myself for the unprovoked tickle attack of this afternoon and that vanity comment but I’m really in the mood to be ravaged. Are you up for ravaging me?” “Are you kidding? Why in the world would I want to top you? Why would I want to stick my dick into your body in either or both orifices? Why would I want to bring you to unbearable levels of pleasure? Why would I want to thrill myself by using your body for my own pleasure while pleasuring you?” “Justin this line of bull would work better if your dick wasn’t so hard you could use it to hammer nails into a 2x4.” “It's always amazing how it gives my true feelings away. But Brian there's a pretty good sized tent on your side of the bed too.” “Well Sunshine I think that our dicks are telling us something. We better listen to them. You ravage me and then I’ll ravage you.” “Brian why're we talking like a pair of Vikings getting ready to sack an Irish farmhouse full of virgin farmhands?” “I don’t have a clue Sunshine.” “Well then you are going to be ravaged like you have never been ravaged before.” “Promise or threat?” *** “Where've you been Brian? It isn’t often when I wake up on a Saturday morning and you aren’t still asleep in my arms. Especially after being ravaged like you were ravaged last night.” “I think you set a new record Sunshine, 3 times, of course the last one really wasn’t much in the way of ravaging but more in the line of cuddling with a physical connection.” “Well by then I didn’t have the strength to do more than just hold you tight with as much slow movement as possible. It reminded me of the first time we made love after the bashing. That's one of my favorite memories of all time.” “I enjoy that memory as well Sunshine. To answer your question I've been at the office. Trying to figure out exactly whatwould be necessary to open a new ad agency. I never realized how many items are required to operate a quality operation. From a building to office supplies it's mind boggling.” “So you remembered what Gus suggested before you got the bright idea of taking him to Babylon. I still can’t believe we did that.” “You can’t believe it, I’m the one who is going to have to face the wrath of the Munchers.” “We really must've tired him out since I haven’t heard anything from him and he isn’t one to stay in bed late on a Saturday. I better get up and get breakfast ready, though I suppose brunch would be more accurate.” “You get cleaned up and I'll go wake Sonnyboy up. Shit! Justin he isn‘t in his bed. You sure you didn‘t hear him get up? Where could he be?” “Brian calm down, he'll be in the house somewhere, he probably was just extra quiet so as to not wake us up. He’s probably watching TV with the earphones on.” “You’re probably right Sunshine, that wasn’t like me, and I guess I really am feeling guilty about the Babylon adventure.” “Are you going to just stand there all day?” “Well, as long as you are standing over there naked I’m standing here staring at you.” “Then throw me my robe so we can go look for Gus and ask him what he wants to eat.” “Spoilsport, catch.” *** “Hey guys, it's about time you woke up. Dancing takes that much out of you?” I’ve got everything ready for breakfast Uncle Justin.” “What?” “Don’t worry I didn’t do anything dangerous. I didn’t use a knife and I haven’t cooked anything. I’ve just got everything ready so all you have to do is cook it. I’ve got the eggs and milk scrambled up in a bowl, the bread counted out for toast, bacon slices counted out on a plate, the table set and the milk glasses in the freezer so they'll make the milk extra cold when it's poured. Don’t worry Dad I only counted one of each for you, I know you ate a lot last night so you won’t want toomuch this morning.” “Well Sonnyboy for your information I had a very strenuous night so I'm extra hungry. So you better add a couple more of everything for me.” “Three eggs, Daddy, you never eat three eggs.” “I do after a night like I had last night.” “Brian!” “OK I’ll add the extra Daddy but I’ll be watching to make sure you don’t waste any food.” “Gus who's the parent here?” “Me!” “Justin when did you teach Sonnyboy how to light up a room with a Sunshine smile?” *** “Well Sonnyboy did I clean up my plate or what? Everything was delicious by the way.” “I’m glad you enjoyed breakfast Brian. It always makes me feel better when you actually eat a whole meal.” “Justin I eat what I want to eat. After 7 years you should be reconciled to the fact that I won’t eat as much as you want me to eat.” “I can always hope Brian, I can always hope. I can find out what Gus did to make the eggs especially tasty so that you'll always want more than one piddling egg.” “I think it had more to do with an Irish farmhouse than how Gus mixed up the eggs.” “What are you talking about Daddy?” “Nothing Sonnyboy, just grownup talk.” “Something you don’t want to explain to me then.” “Yes that's a good assessment of the story Gus.” *** “Now that I’ve gotten everything cleaned up we can go to the living room and figure out what we are going to do for the rest of the day.” “Do we have to do something Uncle Justin?" “No Gus we can just laze around the house all day. I‘ve got to put the roast back in the oven though so I need to know when we're going to eat so that I'll know when to start it.” “Regular supper time is OK with me Justin, I need to work on these figures I got from the office. It'll probably take all afternoon just to get an idea if starting my own agency is even possible.” “I’m going to go see if any of the guys want to play in my tree house.” “OK Gus but be careful when yo're in it. We haven‘t checked for any damage caused by last winter yet.” “Don’t worry Daddy I’m not a baby I'll check for anything dangerous before we actually play in it. I went dancing at a club after all. Wait until I tell the guys about that. Daddy why did you gasp like that?” “No reason Gus I just thought about something I forgot to do at the office while I was there.” *** “Supper'll be ready in an hour Brian. How's the figuring going? Hey Gus did you and your friends have a good afternoon?” “Sure Uncle Justin we played Monopoly and Risk and then we just talked about our plans for this summer. I didn’t say anything about last night though.” “Why not Gus?” “I knew what Daddy’s gasp meant Uncle Justin.” “He was right though about your mothers finding out, so don’t try to keep it a secret from them.” “I don’t know why they'll get mad, it isn’t like I saw anything or that anything happened. I was never out or your sight or Daddy’s sight, or Aunty Em’s sight and most of the time all three of you were watching me. Uncle Justin do you really enjoy going to that smoky place?” “Not as much as I used to Gus. I'll probably enjoy tonight more, just the three of us watching television and talking.” “Damnation, there simply isn’t anyway this is going to work.” “What's the matter Brian?” “Starting a new firm, from scratch, is simply too expensive. I would have to borrow too much money to make it work.” “Are you sure, we don’t have any outstanding debts so you should be able to get a loan. Your reputation in the industry should make any bank willing to take the chance that you'll be successful.” “Using every penny I have in the bank, all of my savings, except for Gus’ college fund, even using the house as collateral for a loan there simply isn’t enough. While I've no doubt that I could get a loan for the amount necessary; it would be much bigger than I would be comfortable owing. I guess I’m stuck with Vance until he makes me quit.” “Brian I've a fair amount of money put away. My artwork has been selling well. That should help with securing a loan.” “No way Justin, I’m not going to use a penny of your money in some risky attempt to start a new company just because I can’t stand working with Vance.” “You won’t even discuss it? You don’t even know how much I have.” “It doesn’t matter, you could have more than I need and I wouldn’t use your money.” “Brian Kinney I don’t believe you said that.” “What did I say, I’m not going to risk your money just to help me out.” “Well then you can just fuck yourself, I’m out of here. You god damn selfish bastard.” “Justin what's the matter?” “Talk about adding insult to injury, but then why doesn’t it surprise me that you don’t know what you just said to me. Gus don’t forget to tell your Daddy to take the roast out in an hour.” “Uncle Justin don’t leave, Daddy didn’t mean what he said.” “Sunshine what the fuck's the matter with you?” “I’m leaving Brian don’t come looking for me, I’ll be back when I’m ready and not before.” “Daddy aren’t you going to go after him?” “No Sonnyboy, Brian Kinney doesn’t chase after anyone. Besides when he gets in a mood like this he can‘t hear what I‘m saying anyway.” *** “Emmett, isn’t that Justin sitting at the bar?” “Why Teddy I believe you're right, I wonder where Brian is? I hope they learned their lesson last night and didn’t bring Gussy to Woody’s.” “What did they do last night?” “You didn’t hear, I would have thought every gay person in Pittsburgh would have heard about the King of Liberty Avenue presenting his 9-year-old son to the throngs of Babylon.” “They took Gus to Babylon, well that explains why Justin's sitting alone.” “What do you mean Teddy?” “Melanie has already murdered Brian.” “Teddy you can be funny when you try.” “I wasn’t trying to be funny I really meant it.” “Don’t be silly Melanie wouldn’t kill him, castrate him maybe but she wouldn’t kill him. If she killed him who would she have to pick on?” “Hey Michael we're going over to talk with Justin.” “Hi Justin, where’s Brian, I can’t remember the last time the two of you were more than 10 feet apart when out in public.” “Emmett I don’t know where the bastard is. I left him at home, I suppose the prick is still there.” “What's the matter Justin?’ “What did you do this time Boy Wonder?” “Michael stick a pool cue up your ass and then go jump out of the window and land on it.” “I just asked a perfectly valid question.” “Well then go ask your fucking best friend in the world what the god damn hell he did. Of course he probably doesn’t have a fucking clue.” “Bye guys see you later.” “Well the little shit couldn’t even wait 10 seconds to run tattling could he?” “Justin how much have you had to drink? This isn’t like you at all, you usually know how to tune Michael out when he's acting like a twit.” “Well Em I’ve been here an hour or so, this's my second orange juice.” “You aren’t drinking? Brian really must've screwed up this time.” “The worst part is that he really has no idea what he did to piss me off so much that I ran out of the house like a drama queen.” “What'd he do sweetheart?” “He still fucking thinks I’m a little boy that he has to protect all of the time. I’m making good money between my illustrating job and my artwork but he won’t even consider using my money. No Mr. Big Shot Brian Kinney is the only one who can provide for our family.” “Justin you aren’t going to leave him over this are you?” “No Ted I’m just venting, I’ll go home in a few hours when I cool down enough that I can try talking to him again. Everything had been going so well, we had such a wonderful time last night, even considering the stupidity of taking Gus to Babylon.” “I almost fell over when he asked me to come and watch Gus while the two of you were dancing. A nine-year-old at Babylon, that has to be a first. How did Gussy like his dancing adventure?” “He loved being at an adult place with Brian and me but he doesn’t want to go back until he can go without a babysitter. More importantly though he doesn’t understand why anyone would want to go to such a smoky place just to dance with other guys. Talk about being relieved when he said that.” “Hopefully he'll tell Mel that and she won’t kill or mutilate Brian.” “At this moment I would help Lindsay hold him down while Mel wielded the knife.” “Justin you really aren’t that angry are you?” “No Emmett I’m not, but he did make me so angry, not so much that he refused to consider using my money but that he didn’t have a clue as to why I got mad. I suppose I should be used to it, when he's 100 and I’m 88 he'll be treating me like a little twink that doesn’t know enough to come out of the rain.” “He isn’t that bad Justin.” “I know, and I've cooled off enough that I could go home now but Michael would be there and I might feel the need to pull most of the hair off of his body starting with that stupid chest rodent. Do you guys know what was the most scary thing about taking Gus to Babylon last night?” “What honey?” “The thought of what it's going to be like if Gus does turn out to be gay and wants to go to Babylon, or any of the other clubs, when he turns 16. Can you imagine the terror of every twink in Pittsburgh who has to go through the Brian Kinney inquisition in order to date Gus? Of course no one in Pittsburgh'll ever dare to actually have sex with Gus knowing what Brian would do to anyone that touched his Sonnyboy. ” “Hell Justin you're going to be stuck with that whether Gus is gay or straight Brian'll interrogate any girl that wants to date his Sonnyboy, of course there're probably more girls that would stand up to Brian than gay twinks that would stand up to him.” “I hadn’t thought of that but you're right except that after the first time Brian interrogates someone Gus really cares about he'll make Brian see the error of his ways. Gus can manipulate Brian almost as well as I can. Well guys it's been enjoyable but I better be leaving, Michael'll have told Brian where I am by now and Brian'll probably come looking for me. Of course we all know that Brian doesn’t chase after anyone for any reason. So he won’t be here looking for me but he'll have had an unexplainable urge to come to Woody’s. If you see him tell him that I'll be home before the old curfew.” “Curfew, what curfew?” “Bye guys.” *** “Mom what're you doing at the Liberty Diner on a Saturday evening?” “I’m waiting for Debbie to finish up her shift, if it's any of your business. We're going to a movie.” “It just surprised me to find you here.” “Speaking of surprises why're you here without Brian and Gus?” “Why do you ask that?” “I know that Gus is spending the weekend with you two and I’ve already heard the gossip about last night. I probably wasn’t here two minutes before I heard that surprising item. What were the two of you thinking? Taking a nine-year-old boy to a gay nightclub.” “Are you going to give me time to answer any of your questions? “Do you have any answers Justin?” “Of course I have answers. I’m here alone because I’m hungry and I left Brian, with Gus, at the house to figure out why I’m angry with him. We took Gus to Babylon because Brian let his vanity conquer his common sense. But don’t worry Gus was never in any danger, we weren’t there very long and he was very unimpressed with idea of dancing with another guy in a smoky club. I guess Emmett isn‘t his type.” “Be that as it may be Lindsay and Melanie are not going to be happy with either of you.” “Well Brian can stand up for himself, right now I’m angry enough to not care what they do to him.” “What'd the big lug do this time, Sunshine?” “Deb he still can’t think of me as anything other than his little Sunshine. My money isn’t good enough to help him. How many times has he helped me over the years and the first time I can help him he won’t even think about it. Hell I probably don‘t have enough to make a difference but he could've at least considered my offer. He wouldn‘t even think about using my money for something to make him happy. No I‘m just little Sunshine who needs to be taken care of.” “Honey you aren’t going to do anything silly are you?” “No Mom I still love the idiot and I'll go home tonight. I was just waiting to cool down enough that I'll be able to talk to him. I didn’t want to scare Gus by storming in and giving Brian a piece of my mind as loud as I could possibly shout. I probably upset him with the way I stormed out as it is. The little scamp thinks we are pretty much perfect, I certainly spoiled that image for him.” “Why're you here then Justin?” “Well Deb your pride and joy is probably already tattling to Brian about me being in Woody’s by myself so I figured I had to get out of there before Brian comes looking for me. Though he probably doesn’t know why I got mad in the first place and he doesn’t chase after anyone.” “I’m sorry sweetheart I wish Michael could get over his jealousy of you and Brian. I think that if Ben hadn’t been killed in that train crash then Michael would've been able to get past his desire for Brian.” “That's the worst part Deb, he knows full well that he's never going to get anything sexual from Brian. He hasn’t tried to get Brian into bed since before I left Brian for Ethan. He simply doesn’t want Brian to be with me because that says that Brian changed for me when he wouldn’t change for him. What's the special tonight Deb? I ran out of the house before I finished supper, I hope Brian remembered to take the roast out of the oven.” “Well Jennifer that proves we don’t have to worry about our boys. If Sunshine were truly angry enough to leave Brian he certainly wouldn’t be worrying about whether the big lug took a roast out of the oven. The special tonight is a Pork Cutlet with mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, and bread. I‘ll have Ronny come take your order since my shift is over and your mother and I have plans.” “Thanks Deb. Mom I'll try to see you more often. Is Molly going to be home tomorrow? I’ll bring Gus over to see his Aunt Mollusk, if she's going to be there, when I take him back to Mel and Lindsay. It just occurred to me that he's probably going to want to start riding his bike between the two houses. Where has the time gone, he'll be the big 1 0 this September.” “As far as I know she should be home, she has a big paper due this week so she should be working on it. While she'll be thrilled to see Gus, you know how much she dislikes the fact that you got Gus into the habit of calling her that.” “Why do you think I got him to do it?” “Justin you scamp.” *** “Hi Mikey what brings you here on a Saturday evening?” “Do you know where Justin is?” “Well Mikey he's a grown man, I don’t have to keep track of him every second of the day.” “He’s at Woody’s, getting drunk and flirting with every man that talks to him.” “I doubt that Mikey. Would you like to eat supper with Gus and me? We're having hot roast beef sandwiches.” “Didn’t you hear what I said about Justin?” “I know that Justin left this afternoon because I did something to get him angry but I know that he'll come back tonight once he has cooled down.” “Mikey I think it is time you went home, Daddy and I have plans after supper.” “Sonnyboy, mind your manners.” “OK Daddy. Mikey would you please go home. Daddy and I have things we have to do tonight.” “I don’t believe this Brian, tell the boy to mind his own business.” “I think you probably better go Mikey, thanks for coming by.” “You're letting a little boy tell you what to do now. Bye Brian I’ll see you soon; that's if your two little boys let you out of the house.” “Bye Mikey. When is that man going to grow up and realize that Justin and I are a couple and will always be a couple.” “What did you say Daddy?” “Nothing Gus I was just talking to myself. That was very rude of you to tell Mikey to go home. Do you want anything on your sandwich?” “Brown gravy is what goes on a hot beef sandwich Daddy.” “Well Sonnyboy gravy isn’t something I really want to tackle tonight.” “Uncle Justin was going to teach me tonight but I guess that isn’t going to happen. Daddy do you really not know why Uncle Justin got mad?” “No Gus I don’t but that's nothing new.” “Daddy how could you not know?” “I suppose that means that you know?” “Of course I know, I would've been just as mad as Uncle Justin if you had done it to me.” “What did I do then?” “You told Uncle Justin that he doesn’t matter in this family.” “What're you talking about Gus? Justin knows better than that?” “Yes he knows but don’t you think it would hurt all the more when you tell him that you don’t think he matters?” “Gus are you going to tell me what I did or not? “Only if you promise me that you'll chase after him and make him happy.” “It won’t be the first time I’ve chased after Justin, and I'll try to make him happy, I love making Sunshine happy.” “I thought you said you don’t chase after anyone?” “Sunshine isn’t anyone Gus. What did I do?” “Daddy if I offered to give you the money from my horsy bank to help you start your own agency what would you do?” “Gus why did you pick out a horsy bank instead of a piggy bank like every other kid in America?“ “I don’t remember Daddy but when I filled the first one and had to get a second one I picked another horse because it bothers you.” “Why would you pick something because it bothers me?” “It's fun to pick on you and you know that I don’t mean anything by it Daddy; but what's your answer to my question?” I would tell you that I wouldn’t risk using your money since it's your money. Oh my effing god; I really wasn’t that stupid was I? “Yes Daddy you were. You told Uncle Justin that you wouldn’t even think about using his money to help you in your business career. You told Uncle Justin that he's still the boy in your relationship. That you'll always take care of him but he can never take care of you.” “I did didn’t I? Sonnyboy are you sure you're only nine? Let’s eat these sandwiches and then I'll drop you off with your mothers and I'll chase after Justin and make him realize that I didn’t know I was being so stupid. He'll accept that explanation since it isn’t the first time I’ve done it.” “Daddy I would prefer that you take me to the Diner and I'll stay with Debbie until you and Uncle Justin make up. Then Uncle Justin can teach both of us how to make gravy tomorrow.” “OK Sonnyboy; sounds like a plan.” *** “Sonnyboy I’ve been thinking that I would use your money if you offered to loan it to me.” “Thanks Daddy but I doubt if my few hundred dollars would make a difference. It's the thought that counts though.” “You've hundreds of dollars in your horsy banks?” “No Daddy I have spare change in my banks but I've $376.51 in my savings account.” “Where did you get that kind of money?” “Let’s see, I've a Daddy who buys me fancy clothes and gives me money on my birthday and Christmas. I haven’t spent much of it Daddy and Mama started putting it into the savings account as soon as I could sign my name on the deposit slip, and the savings account pays interest.” “Sonnyboy I think I should get Justin to teach me how to buy presents for a boy as well as how to dance and to make gravy.” “He would really like that Daddy. Daddy isn‘t that Debbie walking down the street?” “Looks like her to me. HEY DEB wait up a minute.” “Hi guys why're you following me down the street?” “Hi Debbie, hi Grandma Jen; where're you two going?” “We're going to a movie Gus.” “Could I go with you? Daddy needs someone to look after me while he chases after Uncle Justin and apologizes for being stupid this afternoon.” “Sonnyboy you don’t have to spill all of our dirty laundry.” “Sorry Daddy I didn’t think, doesn’t that prove I’m your son?” “Gus, you brat. Ladies you can stop laughing now.” “Brian you don’t have a chance. Between Gus and Justin they have you fenced in.” “Sure Jen push the knife in even deeper. Deb you can quit laughing anytime.” “Brian you don’t have far to go to chase after him, Justin's in the Diner. Tread carefully the ice is pretty thin on Lake Sunshine.” “Thanks Deb, could you drop Gus off at the house after the movie and stay with him if Justin and I aren’t there?” “No problem kiddo but I don’t get many dates with such a handsome young fella so I might find something else to do with him after the movie. We won’t keep him up too late though.” “Gus try to keep these ladies from getting into too much trouble.” “Brian.” “Brian Kinney you asshole, sorry Gus.” “Don’t worry Daddy I’ll keep them in line.” “Gussy.” *** “Justin, I’m sorry.” “You think that's going to be enough?” “No but it's a start.” “You really think so.” “I hope so Sunshine.” “Brian I’m still pretty angry with you.” “Justin I’m pretty angry with myself. Let’s get out of here. The Liberty Avenue gossip mill's going into overtime; what with our little adventure last night and idea that we had a fight today.” “OK I’ll go with you but not to the house. Where's Gus?” “Gus is escorting your mother and Deb to a movie.” “That boy is really getting a grownup weekend. Goes to a gay dance club on Friday and takes two women on a date on Saturday.” “He’s been the most adult member of the family this weekend, at least of the Kinney part.” “The Taylor part acted childishly too Brian.” *** “Why're we going to the Munchers?” “We aren’t going there Sunshine just the general neighborhood.” “Why this neighborhood?” “Justin I need to prove to you that I’ve seen the error of my ways and I thought of the perfect place to do it.” “Brian why're we stopping at this little park?” “Don’t you remember what happened here 7 years ago? Just go sit in the sandbox.” “The sandbox? Is Gus going to jump between us again?” “You do remember? Seven years ago a little blond angel figured out how to make two stubborn men admit what they really wanted. Tonight that same blond angel made one overly proud man admit to himself how stupidly he had acted earlier in the day. Justin you would've been so proud of Sonnyboy, he told Mikey to go home and then he proceeded to let me know what I did that hurt you so much. I don’t know why I was so stupid. You have to know that I really don’t think of you as a little boy anymore, I never thought of you as a little boy. I just didn’t think. You would think that I would have learned to think before I talk but that may never happen. I'm just so used to taking care of myself and those I love that it didn’t occur to me that you would want to take care of me when you could. I’m so sorry that I hurt you in that way. If you're still willing I'll add whatever you have available into what I have to see if we can start our own agency.” “Of course I’m willing, I hope I've enough to matter but what hurt was your immediate dismissal of my offer of help. Gus sent Mikey home; he really is my son after all. The main reason I left the house was that I didn’t want to have a screaming match with you with Gus there to watch his perfect Dads act like a pair of idiots. I know how much you value your independence and your ability to take care of your family but you're going to have to let me help once in a while. What do you mean our agency?" “You should have seen him run Mikey off. He figured out before I did that Mikey was there just to tattle on you and to cause trouble between us. Gus wasn’t going to have any of that and he politely told Mikey to go home. Why can’t Michael accept that we're a family? Justin anytime I don’t let you help you're going to have to make me see reason. I love you and I don’t want to risk that in any possible way including my own stupidity. It'll be our agency if we both put up money to found it. I would also expect you to be the head of the art department as well as be a partner.” “Certainly I'll head the art department but I'll only be as much of a partner as my money's a part of the total spent.” “What does that mean?” “Simple Brian we'll not be equal partners unless I put up an equal amount of money and that's very unlikely to happen.” “I guess I can live with that but I insist that you have the right to buy more shares until we're equal, if you want to, in the future. Who knows you might sell a painting for a million dollars someday.” “I can only wish but I suppose you could pose naked again, that might be a painting I could sell for a million.” “It's good that the lighting is poor in this park, I wouldn’t want you to see me blushing. You can paint me naked anytime you want Sunshine.” “Brian do you remember what we did the last time we were in this sandbox?” “Yes I do. I think we did some serious fooling around in the sand. Does that sunshine smile I can see, despite this poor lighting, mean that you want to repeat history?” *** “Gus it's about time you got up, it's almost noon.” “Daddy those two women almost wore me out. I’ve never stayed up after midnight before. I didn’t know there were so many things to do so late on a Saturday.” “What all did you do Gus?” “After the movie we went to the arcade. Then we went bowling, grandma Jen is very good Uncle Justin. Then we went to a coffeehouse where we listened to some guys read poetry then Debbie noticed that I couldn‘t keep my eyes open so she brought me home. I don’t really remember how I got into bed.” “I hope you enjoyed the weekend Gus, you won’t get to do so many adult things for a while.” “That doesn’t’ matter Uncle Justin I'll remember everything I’ve done for a long time. I mean I got to drink coffee for the first time, even if it had 5 times as much milk as coffee it was coffee. I got to eat at a fancy restaurant and order dessert. I got to dance with my Dads at a real gay dance club. Most importantly I was able to help my Dads get over a stupid fight.” “Gus I've a feeling that you'll be helping me and your Uncle Justin for the rest of our lives. Just don’t let it go to your head.” “Daddy.” “Gus what do you want for dinner? I told Mom I would bring you over to see Molly before I take you back to your mothers” “Uncle Justin did you forget that you were going to teach me how to make gravy? Daddy's going to learn too.” “I guess that means we're going to have hot beef sandwiches then.” *** “Brian I’m back, and Melanie had heard the gossip and was ready to carve me up in practice for your surgery. Gus saved our skins though. He told her that while it was your idea you gave him the option of not going and that he wanted to go. That you made sure he was never out of the sight and reach of one of us or Emmett. What saved our skins though was when he told her that he didn’t understand why we wanted to dance with another guy in a smoky club. When I left he was telling her about his date with the older women.” “Justin if we use the money you have saved and figure in how much you would be likely to make at the agency and selling artwork there's still no way that we can get a loan big enough to start a quality business. Or if we could get a loan that big I wouldn’t be comfortable with how much it would cost every month. We could start a shoestring company but that wouldn’t prove anything. It was a good idea though; maybe in a few years after we’ve saved some more we can try again.” “Brian I just had a thought; why don’t you see if you can buy Vance out. That wouldn’t cost as much as starting a company from scratch would it?” “Sunshine that's brilliant, why didn’t I think of it? Don’t answer that question, I know the answer, you're bright one in the family.” Epilogue Gardner Vance was more than happy to sell his share of the company. Vanguard Advertising became the Kinney-Taylor Ad Agency on July 1 2010. Brian Kinney had 8 partner votes; Justin Taylor had 2 partner votes. Brian delegated 4 of his votes to Augustus Brian Peterson-Marcus with Melanie Marcus acting as his advisor; over the years Justin invested in the company until the partner votes were split evenly.