Lois and Carolyn, thanks for the beta...you’re the greatest! I would also like to thank everyone who previewed the chapters for me.
Author’s Comments: Just a note to let you know that there are only a few more chapters remaining in this story. I realize that it takes me a long time to tell a story, but, I admit, the length of this one was still a bit of a surprise, even to me. However, I needed this many chapters to permit the story, with all its characters, to play out to its logical conclusion. I thank everyone for their comments…even if they didn’t necessarily agree with me. (smile) And now, here is Chapter 41 of 43. Enjoy!
Chapter 41 – And Dinner Continues In The Middle of Sunday Dinner…(Day 63) After watching the tender moment between father and son, Debbie began to feel that the crisis had passed. Eventually, everything was going to be alright. Her next thought was about the dessert that had been delayed as a result of Michael's latest tirade. “It's time for dessert.” she announced. “I'm going to pop the pie in the oven. “Let me give you a hand,” Carl said, standing up to join her. “I'm glad that we got that all settled. I'm going to rescue Gus and Jenny from Molly and Hunter,” Brian announced. “Besides, I need some fresh air.” “Just don't be long,” Debbie reminded him. “Yes, Mother,” Brian responded in a singsong fashion. “Asshole!” Debbie simply said with a laugh. “I hope that everyone saved room for dessert,” she added. Everyone knew it wasn't a question. “Dessert sounds wonderful, Debbie,” Blake called back, as she was leaving the room. “Wait Brian, I think I’ll join you,” Justin said with that certain smile reserved only for Brian. “Gus and Jenny together can be quite a handful.” Once the Brian and Justin were out of earshot, Lindsay had something to say and she wasted no time in getting to it. “Well, I'm glad that everything’s all settled for you, Michael,” Lindsay began. “I'm glad that you and Daniel have worked things out, but I should warn you that you're in a lot of trouble.” “What do you mean?” Michael innocently asked, as if everything that had transpired all evening was quickly forgotten once Daniel had put his arms around him. After all, Michael's world was now okay, so he couldn't see any problems for anyone else. “Brian and Justin may overlook the things that you've said, but I'm not about to be that forgiving. You've said some hurtful things here today, and I don't think they can simply let them pass. You and I have spent a lot of time talking about things. You always say that you understand everything, and then you turn around and do just the opposite,” Lindsay protested. Melanie silently thought that Michael and Lindsay had more in common than she realized, but she simply observed what was about to happen except to warn her partner. “Lindsay calm down. I see nothing to be gained by getting into this now, ” she finally cautioned. “Michael made some horrible accusations,” Lindsay argued. “First, he accused Brian of being a drop-in dad. We both know that's not true. Brian loves and supports his kid, which is more than I can say about Michael. When was the last time that Michael decided to contribute anything more than a new toy to his daughter? She's not a doll, Michael, something that you play with. Sure, you fought to maintain your parental rights, but if it hadn't been for Brian, all of us wouldn't have made it this far, and he’s the one who gave up his rights so that we could be a family.” “Why shouldn't Brian pay? He has the money. He can afford it! You know I don't have any money.” Michael fired back. “And if things in Toronto are too hard for you, then you should move back here where you belong,” he added self-righteously. Ben decided to step in here, “Michael, stop it! You’re not being fair!” At the sound of Ben's voice, Michael froze in his tracks. “Ben?” Michael said softly, as if in all the commotion he’d almost forgotten that Ben was even there. “Melanie...” Ben interrupted, slowly calming his voice. “Michael and I have discussed giving you money each month for JR’s support and maybe for her college fund. But during the last few weeks, everything has been so disrupted that we haven't had a chance to follow through and to talk to you about it. Michael does understand the importance of contributing more than toys to his daughter, don't you Michael?” he asked sternly. Michael grumbled a response. “And Michael realizes that he was out of line when he accused Brian of being a drop-in dad. Everyone knows that Brian loves Gus and is a good father to him. Otherwise, Gus wouldn't be such a happy, well-adjusted little six year old,” he added. “Right, Michael?” Michael simply glared back at Ben. Lindsay now understood that without Ben, Michael had no concept of right and wrong, so she continued with her arguments. “And you accused me of not being willing to let Brian go. You know that Brian and I are friends. We have been friends since college. But Brian and Justin ARE a couple. They may have their ups and downs, but Justin isn't going to disappear. He and Brian are going to ALWAYS be together. That's the way things are. It's time we all accepted this and moved on,” she said with steely determination. “As a matter of fact, if you had simply wished Brian and Justin well, a few weeks ago, you and Ben would probably still be together now.” Being incensed that someone had figured out the fundamental reason why he and Ben weren't together, Michael tried to remind everyone that he was the victim here. Listening to Lindsay explain what he had failed to do weeks ago, once again, sent him into a rage. Now, in his anger, he wanted to retaliate by humiliating Lindsay in any way possible. “You say that now, but we all know that you don't want to let Brian go. You're as unhappy as I am, that he's with Justin. Let's face it, not only my dreams died weeks ago when Brian legalized his partnership with Justin, but your dreams and fantasies died too.” Michael shouted. “You thought you had a chance when you had Gus. You even thought you had a chance when you sent Justin off to New York, but somehow Brian and Justin managed to still be together. So, I wouldn't be so smug if I were you. You won't end up with Brian either,” he accused. “In case you haven't noticed, Michael, I'm very much in love with Melanie,” Lindsay proclaimed. “We have a life together and a family. I'm precisely where I want to be. Brian is Gus' father, and I will admit that I'm very glad about that, but don't confuse my feelings for Brian with yours. I'm a lesbian, and he's gay. I’ve been clear about things between us a long time ago. He and I are simply close friends,” she proclaimed with satisfaction, “Which is more than I can say for you, after some of the things that you've said here today. I wouldn't be so smug if I were you,” she added. “And as far as Justin and New York is concerned, he has a wonderful future as an artist. It's an opportunity that I didn't want him to miss. Evidently, I was right. His career is already on a fast track to success,” she boasted. “And Brian and Justin ARE STILL TOGETHER,” Jennifer reminded everyone, stepping in here to see if she could cut through some of the dramatics. “Is there a point here? Brian, Justin, and the children will be returning soon. So, the two of you need to quickly settle whatever your differences are. The rest of us are pretty tired of these petty arguments and everything else that Michael has put us through here today,” she stated calmly. Emmett, Ted, and Blake nodded their agreement with Jennifer, hoping that Michael would get a clue. At the point, Michael and Lindsay, once again, glared fire at each other. Daniel realized that he was dealing with a petulant fourteen year old, not the thirty plus year old son that he’d first met years ago. So, once again, he felt it was his duty to step in. “Michael!” Daniel said sternly. Michael immediately turned his attention back to his father. “Why don't we take a walk? I think we could both use some air,” Daniel insisted firmly. Michael was about to protest, but even though he'd only known his dad for a short time, and even though Daniel had a quiet manner about him, something within Michael knew not to argue. Instinctively, he knew that like Carl, Daniel was not a person to be trifled with. Finally, like a penitent child, Michael stood up quietly and led the way toward the front door. “Let me tell Debbie about our walk,” Daniel said quietly, as he paused and turned toward the kitchen. “Debbie,” Daniel said quietly. “Michael and I are going for a short walk. We'll be back in a few minutes.” She looked at him with total surprise. Since there wasn't time to go into a lot of detail, Daniel simply said softly, “Our son is in a lot of trouble.” That was all he said before he was quickly gone to follow Michael out the front door. *** A few people stood up to stretch their legs. Others took the opportunity to chat amongst themselves while they waited for dessert. A few moments later, Justin returned with Gus in hand, while Molly and Hunter were holding Jenny Rebecca's hands as she walked between them. They all made a quick stop into the bathroom to insure that all hands were clean before they came back to take their places at the table. Gus quickly settled in beside Justin, but Hunter was having some problem putting Jenny back in her high chair. He could see a tantrum coming, so he just gave in and held her on his lap. Jenny was now perfectly content. Molly and Hunter were so busy playing with Jenny that they didn't notice that Ben was no longer at the table. Surprisingly, Ben had decided to follow Brian outside. *** “Don't tell me that you've suddenly taken up smoking again, Professor?” Brian teased as Ben eventually caught up with him. “I was just getting used to thinking of you as Zen Ben again.” “No, not since the last time,” Ben admitted. “You really are a bad influence!” Ben laughed to himself as he remembered having this similar conversation with Brian immediately after the bombing of the club. “So professor, what can I do for you?” Brian asked. “You really don't waste time, do you? You just cut right to the chase.” “I've found that it saves a lot of time. Now, tell me, what's on your mind?” “You know Michael better than anyone,” Ben began. “I did…when we were kids, maybe… now, I'm not so sure anymore,” Brian said quietly. “Why?” “You do know, don't you, that he didn't mean the things that he said in there?” Ben quietly asked. “That's just it, Professor, he did.” “How can you say that?” “This isn't about being my best friend or even protecting me, like he usually claims,” Brian quietly revealed. “This is about Mikey's jealousy. He did the same thing when Debbie first started dating Horvath, you remember?” “And, how do you think he's going to deal with this having a father thing? And, how long before things get back to normal between him and Debbie?” Ben asked, while silently trying to process the jealousy issue that Brian had brought to his attention. “We both know that he suspected the truth four years ago, so he's had time to prepare himself to accept the probability that he had a living, breathing father. I know that he's looking forward to getting to know Daniel, so I guess they’ll work out their relationship sooner or later. But I'm sure you knew that based on what just happened in there. ” “And what is that?” Ben felt the need to ask. “Michael is sulking right now because he thinks that he’s entitled to it. It's as if he thinks that he has some right to be angry.” Brian confirmed. “Now that he's had his drama queen moment, we can all move forward,” he added with a smile. “Now, what about you?” he boldly asked. “If you're asking about things between Michael and me, that's none of your business,” Ben answered, with a corresponding smile. “Maybe,” Brian quietly admitted. “But I want to remind you that you, too, know how Michael is. After all, you did decide to marry him. He may have childhood fantasies, but he clearly loves you. Look at all that he did to win you in the first place. I'll admit that he has his head up his ass at the moment. I just wanted to caution you not to let your pride stand in the way of your own happiness. I know how it feels to be without that someone…I didn't like it very much.” Ben paused for a moment and remembered the time that Justin walked out of Babylon with Ethan. Ben had always suspected that Brian was in a lot more pain, during that time, than he would ever admit. Ben also remembered, seeing Brian and Justin dancing together, once they were reunited. Brian may have survived the separation, but it was clearly not something he ever wanted to happen again. And each separation after that, Brian learned to fight in his own way for the relationship. He had learned to hold on. After knowing Brian for so long and recognizing the simple fact that he was not known for sharing his feelings, Ben had to make note of what he’d just said, even if he didn't necessarily agree with it. “So Brian, when are you planning on telling the family that you're moving to New York?” Ben finally said, clearly changing the subject, with a smile of satisfaction. With his mask clearly in place, Brian simply asked, “Now, why would you get the idea that I'm moving anywhere?” Ben was clearly ready for that question. “Well, since you brought Justin back, you two have been practically inseparable.” “I wasn't aware of that…” Brian innocently quipped. “And for all Lindsay's meddling, Justin may actually be benefiting from being in New York. You sacrificed a lot by letting him go. But knowing you as I do, I'm clearly aware that you're tired of this separation. You wouldn't have legalized things with Justin otherwise. No, I think that you and Kinnetik are ready to take on New York, and that's clearly something that you would only want to do WITH Justin by your side,” Ben added with a smile. “So you think you have everything all figured out?” Brian asked with a grin. “Not everything,” Ben quipped. “But I'm glad that you've come to your senses.” “I see,” Brian said, taking a drag on his cigarette. “Don't worry… I have no plans to tell anyone,” Ben told him. “It's your secret to tell.” “Thanks. I don't have time to deal with any more family drama right now,” Brian admitted. “Things are moving too fast in New York. Justin and I are both heading back there tonight. We both have a ton of work waiting for us.” “I know…” Ben said quietly. “You and Justin only came into town to make sure things were okay for Debbie and Michael.” Ben paused for a second before continuing. “I don't expect you to admit it. I just wanted you to know that I realize what’s going on. And, if you need me to do anything to help, I'm here for you.” “Thanks, Professor,” Brian said, crushing out the last of his cigarette. “And I'll consider what you said too,” Ben finally admitted as he turned to go back inside. Brian simply smiled to himself. *** Brian decided to walk a bit in the back yard to stretch his legs and clear his mind. A lot of things had been brought up at dinner today, and Brian was definitely pleased with the way he’d handled things. He was sure that being so close to Justin had kept him grounded. Michael, in his anger, had gotten so much dead wrong, but Brian smiled to himself as he realized that Michael was right about one thing…he had changed. Brian decided to light a second cigarette…one that he could enjoy in solitude. That solitude was not to be. After a few drags on the cigarette, he looked up at the back door and realized that, once again, he was not alone. Lindsay had come out to talk to him. She walked up and took his cigarette to take a drag, before returning it back to him. “We haven't had a chance to talk,” Lindsay reminded him. “No, I guess we haven't,” Brian said quietly. “How are things in Muncherland?” he asked. “We hit a rough patch a couple of weeks ago, but you already know that. But we had a long talk last night, and two important counseling sessions with Elizabeth, so we're both holding on. It's going to take some work, but I think in the end that we'll be okay,” Lindsay admitted. “I love Melanie, I really want us to work.” “I want you to be happy,” Brian said quietly. Lindsay heard him, but needed to quickly change the subject. “So it seems you and Gus had a fabulous time this weekend. In case I haven't told you lately, you're a great dad. Please don't pay any attention to Michael's ramblings.” “Thanks for that,” Brian said with a touch of emotion. “You know Gus is a really great kid.” Lindsay couldn't resist a smile, for her faith in Brian had been proven, and Gus and Brian were really good for each other. “You know, I'm actually looking forward to Justin's shows, both in Cincinnati and in New York. I can't believe that he’s preparing for two shows so close together.” “Yeah, busy…busy!” “I know that you miss him, but you're doing the right thing,” Lindsay added. At that moment there was so much that Brian wanted to say, but instead he simply took another drag on his cigarette and asked a more pressing question, “Have you and Melanie thought about Gus going on vacation with us?” “We've both mentioned it to each other. But for weeks now, we haven't really been talking to each other, so we haven't had a chance to discuss it,” she said sadly. “I do agree with you that it would be great for him. Has Justin received a decision on his application to exhibit for the summer showcase?” “It's probably too soon to hear, but either way, we'll be in Milan on vacation. Paul and Jason have invited themselves along, so it would be great for Gus and Nicky to spend the time together.” “That would be an amazing vacation. I'll talk to Melanie.” “Thanks.” “So I hear that your riding is progressing,” Lindsay commented. “Congratulations!” Brian smiled. “And now Gus thinks that I should add horses to the stables at the house. He's already started to work on Justin and Thomas. He's already figured out that he was going to need allies on this one,” Brian said with a laugh. “Our son is very smart,” Lindsay added with a smile. “So, when are you going to get the horses?” “I haven't made a decision one way or the other. I keep hoping that he'll go back to Toronto with you and forget all about them,” Brian added with a laugh. “Nice try, Brian. He's your son. He's six years old. He imitates Justin every chance he gets. He's hung around Justin since he was a baby. I'm sure that Justin's determination has rubbed off on him, so I don't think there's much chance that Gus will forget about anything, but we'll see.” Lindsay said with a laugh, gently touching his cheek. “There's still time…” Brian mumbled to himself. “Speaking of time, how long are you going to let things go on between Michael and Debbie, before you step in?” “Who said that I'm going to step in?” “You have to. You can't let this situation drag on?” “They always eventually work things out, just as Daniel and Michael will work things out. Michael has to be allowed to have his drama queen moment. He also has to be allowed to try to work things out for himself. I have no intentions of interfering. And I'm getting a little tired of people telling me what I have to do.” “Sorry! It's just that you've always taken care of him.” “Lindsay, Michael is 35 years old. Have you forgotten?” Brian felt the need to remind her. “Maybe chronologically, but emotionally he's still 14 and expecting you …” “Stop it, Lindsay! I'm not going to do anything! Michael has a father and mother and husband…all who love him. He didn't have all those things at 14. Michael has changed, and so have I,” he said firmly. “Now, I'm going inside. You can do whatever the fuck you want.” And with that, Brian turned and walked back inside. He quickly located Justin chatting with Blake. They were discussing art therapy. Brian simply walked over and wrapped his arms around Justin from behind and leaned down and kissed Justin on the cheek. Instinctively, Justin simply reached back and ran his hand through Brian's hair. No words were exchanged between them, but with that touch, Brian could relax, so he released Justin and went over to talk to Jennifer on the sofa. “Quite a gathering, wouldn't you say?” Jennifer suggested to Brian as he sat down beside her. “I like Daniel,” Brian admitted. “He's going to fit in so well,” he added with a smile. “I agree.” Then Jennifer was lost in thought for a moment. “Speaking of Daniel, where did he disappear to?” Brian asked with mild curiosity. “Michael and Lindsay were arguing like spoiled brats, so Daniel decided to take Michael for a walk to calm him down. This was really a good thing because I think Ted, Emmett, Blake, and I were all ready to strangle the little weasel,” Jennifer reported. “Now, now, Mother Taylor,” Brian said with a laugh, fully understanding her feelings. “Mikey will eventually settle down,” he added, giving her a kiss on the cheek. He knew that she was upset, but he didn't want to get into it with her now. Jennifer wanted to change the subject, too, “How are things going in New York?” “I've been really busy with clients. At the moment I'm managing to live at Justin's apartment, but you know that can't last,” Brian said with a laugh. Jennifer heartily agreed as she conjured an image of Justin’s tiny apartment in New York, and then she thought about Brian’s preferred tastes. She knew that his ability to endure Justin’s apartment was a pure testament to his love for Justin. She also knew that Brian was right that it couldn’t last. Brian continued, “The office and living spaces are still a problem. I don't want Justin to take time away from his painting to help… he's already behind schedule. Eventually, I guess I'll set up the office in a hotel until this space thing is settled,” he finally admitted sadly. “No, you won't,” Jennifer challenged. “Look, Molly’s going to be with Craig this coming week. Why don't I work with the listings, maybe get with Cynthia? Maybe we can find some places with possibilities. Then you can make the final decision. How does that sound?” “Like the perfect solution,” Brian agreed, leaning over to kiss her again on the cheek. “Thanks.” “No thanks required. It's the least I can do for my favorite son-in-law,” Jennifer teased. “Well, Craig is probably never going to allow Molly to date, so I may be your only son-in-law.” It doesn't matter. You'll always be my favorite,” she said with a laugh, as she watched him walk away. *** Carl and Debbie were talking in the kitchen while they were waiting to remove the dessert from the oven. “Michael is in serious trouble isn't he?” Debbie finally asked. “He said horrible things about Brian and Lindsay. And did you hear the things he said about Sunshine, calling him a stray.” “He's obviously having a hard time adjusting to the legal union of Brian and Justin. Then, with Hunter and Ben's leaving too, I'm sure that he's in a lot of pain,” Carl tried to say convincingly. “You know how he is. He was like this when you and I first started dating, but eventually everything settles down, and now we're all okay,” Debbie quietly revealed. Then she hesitated for a moment, as if she was remembering that time long ago. “But then, again, he was seeing Ben. And now…I just don’t know…” “You have to admit that Ben is entitled to more in his life than being the voice of reason for Michael,” Carl suggested. “Michael has to be present in the relationship too. And right now, he's so focused on Brian that he can’t even see the truth.” “I know, but now Michael has Danny. This is something that's he's wanted all his life…maybe even more than he wants Brian,” Debbie mumbled to herself. “But right now, he's as willful as JR can be,” Carl said with a smile. “And for the first time, I can't find any way to blame Brian for this,” Debbie admitted sadly. “That's part of the problem, I think,” Carl said cautiously, for he knew that he had ventured into sensitive territory, and he needed to tread very carefully. “In the past, you've always looked for some way to blame Brian, so Michael's never had to assume any responsibility for the things that he's done. You or Brian would always cover for him. But this time, Michael made the mistake of verbally attacking Justin. I'd say, at this point, Michael is clearly on his own. We already know that Brian’s really over-protective where Justin is concerned.” “Don't worry…my Sunshine can take care of himself. He's proven that,” Debbie added. “Brian knows that, too. But, Justin shouldn't have to deal with all this. Michael has to come to terms with things,” Carl reminded her. “And he can't strike out at Justin every time he's unhappy. Nothing good will ever come of that. And I think Brian's tired of putting up with it.” Debbie just nodded. “I just wonder what Danny and Michael are talking about,” Debbie wondered aloud. “Daniel merely said they were taking a short walk. He didn't mention anything about talking to Michael,” Carl pointed out. “I know Danny. I heard the shouting going on at the table. The next thing we know Danny and Michael are going for a walk. Danny may have this quiet demeanor, but remember that Divina lurks inside. Let's not underestimate that,” she pointed out. Debbie took a moment to check on the status of the dessert in the oven. “After what I’ve seen, I’m not underestimating either Daniel or Divina,” Carl responded with a genuine laugh, “I wonder how many people have made that mistake before and lived to regret it?”