Lois and Carolyn, thanks for the beta...you’re the greatest! I would also like to thank everyone who previewed the chapters for me.
Author’s Comments: Just so that you know, in late May 2007, the National Archives did, in fact release to the website ancestry.com…military records going back to 1607. Ancestry.com is usually where searches start when one is tracing family histories. As I understand from the news reports, the site spent three million dollars to digitize the information it received. You could access the information on the site for free until June 6, 2007. Ancestry.com is one of those sites that you usual pay an annual fee for unlimited access to their data. Obviously, Hunter and I did our research during this free period. (smile) The references in this story to the type of documents viewed are essentially true. Just a touch of art imitating life! (smile)
Chapter 3 – Impromptu Data Gathering Saturday Evening …(Day 55) On his way home, Hunter stopped in to see Debbie and Carl. It had been a week since he had visited. Because of the way things were now between Michael and Ben, he had avoided family dinners. Originally that seemed like the right thing to do. But after talking with Michael today, Hunter had a new perspective on family. He had truly missed seeing Debbie, so he rationalized that by just dropping in, on a Saturday night, was something neutral, and no one could accuse him of choosing sides. He knew that Michael would go first to Woody’s and then to Babylon, leaving the coast clear to see Debbie without any intrusions. Hunter climbed the steps to the porch and rang the doorbell. Carl answered the door and was pleasantly surprised to see him standing there. Carl reached out and hugged him and then, quickly ushered him into the house. Debbie too, came over as he entered and gave him one of her bone crushing hugs. In spite of the difficulty that Hunter had breathing, it was comforting to know that he was still loved. After the pleasantries were exchanged, Debbie returned to her latest creation in the kitchen, leaving Hunter to spend a few moments in the living room talking with Carl. Carl wanted to know how he was doing, and how Ben was. Hunter easily indicated that they both were doing okay. They talked about Hunter’s working at the store with Michael. Hunter talked a bit about school, and the two chatted easily for a while. Then Hunter asked Carl if he had ever served in the military. “I did a short stint in the Army. I even have a son, Carl Jr., who’s in the Air Force now. He decided long ago to make a career of it.” Carl informed him. “What made you ask?” Hunter told Carl all about ancestry.com and the release of military records going back to 1607. Carl found this an interesting tidbit of information, but like Michael, he didn’t actually share Hunter’s enthusiasm about the news. However, Carl gave Hunter all the information he had about the military experience for himself and his son. Carl also gave Hunter their dates of birth to facilitate his search. The two continue to chat for a little while longer about nothing in particular. Then Hunter decided it was time to go see Debbie in the kitchen. As Hunter stood up, he walked past the mantle. He’d looked at the small shrine on display there. It contained the Purple Heart awarded posthumously to Lt. John Michael Novotny for his service in Viet Nam. It was hard for Hunter to think that this was his grandfather, so to speak. Hunter looked at the picture without saying anything. He was thinking this man in the picture bore no physical resemblance to Michael at all. He’d always thought that fact was odd since most kids tend to look like their parents…Justin looked like Jennifer…Gus definitely looked like Brian… JR looked like both Michael and Melanie. “What are you doing?” Debbie innocently asked, as she walked over to him. “Nothing, Debbie, I’m just looking at the picture of Michael’s father,” he answered. “Oh yeah, that…” Debbie said, coming over to the mantel. She lovingly ran her fingers over the picture and looked at the Purple Heart. She readjusted the rosary draped across the picture frame. “Michael and I were talking about his father today,” Hunter casually mentioned. “You were? What did Michael say?” “Nothing really…he was just telling me how much he missed having a dad. I think that’s part of the reason that he wants to be a more of father to JR. I think it’s because he missed, getting to know his own father.” “I see,” Debbie said quietly, now deeply in her own thoughts. “Michael probably did miss not having a father. I tried to do everything for him, but I guess there’s only so much a mother can do,” she said sadly. “He’s always talked about how important all the things you did to raise him were. I think that he just missed something that other kids had. We were just talking,” Hunter reiterated. “He was also telling me what it was like to grow up with Brian too.” “Yes, they were practically inseparable from the time they were 14. I know Michael had hopes and dreams,” she said, letting her voice trail off. “It’s too bad that those hopes and dreams cost him Ben.” “I know,” Hunter said softly. “Now, why don’t you let me fix you a snack before you continue that long trek home,” she teased. “But Debbie, it’s only a few blocks,” Hunter pointed out, feeling it was definitely necessary to remind her, so that she wouldn’t try to overfeed him. Needless to say, she paid no attention to his reminder, and from experience he knew that further arguments were going be futile. Hunter settled down to enjoy the inevitably oversized snack that Debbie had prepared. As he was doing so, he thought about Brian. Hunter knew that Brian and Michael had been like brothers for over 20 years, but that wasn’t what he was thinking about at the moment. No…Hunter thought about Brian’s trim body and smiled. He wondered how Brian managed to keep his body so trim and in shape, after eating a lifetime of meals like this with Debbie. Then Hunter smiled to himself…as he realized over those years, Brian had other activities to help maintain his weight. He continued to smile as he took his bite of food. *** After Hunter finished eating, he said his goodbyes and headed home to Ben. This left Debbie alone with her thoughts as she continued to bustle in the kitchen. Something was troubling Debbie. She walked over the mantle and once again looked at the picture and the Purple Heart in the shrine that she’d lovingly created. Running her fingers over it all once again, she couldn’t avoid feelings of sadness. Talking to Hunter had definitely opened old wounds. She remembered some of the things Hunter had said. Debbie realized that Michael was 35 years old, and yet to this day, there was still a gaping hole in his heart for the father that he never knew. The sound of Carl’s voice, brought Debbie out of her thoughts when he simply asked, “Debbie honey, are you okay? You seem a little quiet.” “No Carl, I’m fine. I just have a lot on my mind.” “I know…you’re still worried about Michael, aren’t you?” “With good reason,” she said quietly. “Give it some time, Debbie,” Carl suggested. “Ben and Michael really love each other. I know this has to be hard on both of them. But this is what Ben needed to do for now. Time is a wonderful healer. But no matter what, Ben and Hunter are both still part of this family.” “Yes they are. I just keep wishing…if only…” Debbie said wistfully. “Don’t do that. If you keep thinking like that, things will never get better. If only is past…now we’re dealing with what is.” “I know you’re right,” she agreed with a sigh. Debbie settled down on the sofa next to him, and Carl lovingly pulled her into a bear hug that would rival one of her own. “Carl, I can’t breathe,” she mumbled with a laugh. “I learned from the best,” Carl teased as he gently released her, and then leaned in for a kiss.