A Few Things You Should Know: This is loosely set in the early 1800’s during the end of the Napoleonic wars. I am not an expert in any of the things I've written. This is fiction what I've written is all fictional. Some of the names I have used are real, some of the people & events I've mentioned existed and actually happened… forgive me if I've used something I shouldn’t have or if I've offended anyone I didn’t mean to. The Ton is the name given to the group of the fashionable nobility in England White’s is a Gentlemen’s club for men of the English nobility. The White Swan was one of the first Gay bars in London it existed in the early 1800’s Brian speaks Irish Gaelic the translations of his words are in () I haven't used any characters other than Brian, Justin and Gus, Jennifer, Craig and Molly with reference to Jack and Joan. There is unprotected sex in this Fic. HIV didn’t exist and boys don’t get pregnant so there isn’t any need for condoms, which in those days were rare and called French letters which is also a bit of a mouthful. So that is all. I hope everyone enjoys it and tells me what they think. Whether you read it in an hour or next month I'd still love to hear your thoughts. My Many Thanks to my Beta Big J Thanks Niquita_gia Prologue Master Justin Taylor was all of seventeen years old and quite grown up for his age considering he’d been responsible for his household since he had turned fourteen. Prior to that he’d been able to enjoy his youth while the Baron, within whose lands their property was enclosed helped run his Mother’s small estate. William Joseph Petre, 13th Baron Petre, better known, as Great Uncle Joseph had been Justin’s tutor, mentor and best friend from a very young age. Uncle Joseph was a retired Oxford scholar whose love of learning and teaching had never left him. In his poor niece’s son he had found his most avid student. Justin’s sweet disposition, golden beauty and natural intelligence endeared him to the older generation and he was without a doubt his uncle’s favorite. As is not unheard of with rich personages who have decided to dwell within their intellectual endeavors rather than take on a more social or political interest in the world, Lord Petre had long lived in the country. He rarely traveled to town and left all social responsibilities, which went hand in hand with a title – to his wife and later to his children. They were to inherit, of course. There was nothing he could do to avoid that and his eldest; Bernard Henry Philip Petre would not make a terrible 14th Baron. That meant he would not run the estate to ruin. Maintaining its upkeep was important so that his lavish lifestyle in London would not be jeopardized. His children sadly had taken after his late wife but Joseph assumed part of the responsibility, as during their infancy he had been more interested in his books than in their upbringing. Jennifer Taylor had been Joseph’s favourite sister’s youngest daughter and having made the advantageous marriage society demanded of her had found that life as a rich mans’ wife was a little more arduous than she had been prepared for. Mr Craig Taylor had promptly settled her in his small, out of the way country home. Then after he had ensured the future of his name and fortune by impregnating her with his heir, had promptly left to continue enjoying his life and money in town with his various mistresses. It had been coincidence that left her within riding distance of her uncle and he had aided her as her son grew older and her husband more distant and her annuity smaller. The Baron had taken Justin under his wing as a young child of six but his quick mind and innate curiosity had quickly made them cohorts as they sat together for hours every day in his library, delving into any subject they could wish for. That was until Justin turned eleven and started helping his mother with the upkeep of their small home and caring for his young sister, then the time they spent together was cut shorter. After that it was in the evenings and weekends that Justin expanded his knowledge of Latin and Greek, Philosophy, Mathematics, Geography and literature, all the learning he could wish for. He absorbed knowledge easily and eagerly. But Uncle Joseph was old and his death, when Justin was fourteen was not unexpected. Solely in charge of caring for the women in his household and the people who lived and worked on his lands Justin’s childhood was lost to his responsibilities. ------- Ingstone was a small, isolated parish. Neighbours were all acquainted, they loved and hated each other passionately depending on the mood of the week and went to church every Sunday with the hopes that all should be forgiven and all their problems solved. It was partially due to this small village environment that from an early age Justin found himself the centre of village life quite often. To some degree it was because of their small intimate community that Justin found himself regularly helping Lady Talbot whose land bordered his own. She lived solitarily with her three servants and her newborn baby, heir to a Barony in Ireland. Since his birth she had been weak and Justin kept her company three nights a week and read to her. If she were feeling strong they would sit in the garden talking and gossiping over happenings in the village or, if she were in an especially wistful disposition she would tell him stories of her husband. Lord Talbot of Malahide was everything that was good, strong and handsome. In Justin’s opinion he was far too good to be true, but he left things as they were, not willing to question the Lady. His son though, made it hard to doubt the Lady’s word too harshly because he was beautiful. Large brown eyes and dark olive skin, happy and mild mannered and although he would never say it out loud, the toddler was one of the reasons he felt so compelled to visit with Lady Talbot. Justin would arrive two or three hours before he was expected, letting the Nurse have a well earned break while he sat, played and read with the child. Things were comfortable. Life was precariously balanced but the winter after Justin turned seventeen Lady Talbot took sick with a fever. It affected her weakened condition worse than it should have. It was on a Wednesday, early in the afternoon and Justin was quietly reading from a novel. He was seated in a large comfortable chair near the fire and cradling the baby boy in his arms as he slept, when Lady Talbot called out for him. “Justin, are you there?” “Yes my Lady” he replied. He got up and placed the babe in his cradle and walked slowly to sit beside her. Her eyes were dark, unfocused and she was pale and clammy for the fever had not yet broken, as it should have. She smiled weakly and took hold of his hand. “You’re a darling boy to read to me in this fashion.” She began her voice sounding dry and brittle after her long time in convalescence. “Hardly a boy Lady Talbot.” She smiled at him indulgently and Justin sighed with the knowledge that his youthful looks worked against him when compared to his hefty responsibilities. She coughed and clutched at his hand. “Justin, I must beg a favour of you.” Curious, he watched her and listened intently. “I will not be long in this world, you must call for a doctor.” He immediately rose to fetch the maid so that she could spell him while he rode into the village for the doctor but she stopped him. “No listen first, then you may go.” So he sat anxiously as she continued. “There are no men in this household and no one that I can trust with this. I have tried sending for my husband but he must be on the continent for he has not replied to my missives. You must go to London for me and take Gus with you.” His eyes widened and immediately he started to reject the possibility but she interrupted. “You must. It is the only way. Gus must be with his father. This household is incapable of caring for him.” “Lady Elizabeth you know I… ” He began to contest but she interrupted him again. “No! You must. promise me Justin. Promise me that you will take my son to his father immediately. A boy must be with his father. Can you promise me?” “You are ill My Lady and I can not…” “Justin please, it is my only wish.” Justin frowned in consternation, wondering why women were so overly dramatic. Then he flushed with mortification when he realised the turn his thoughts were taking. “I promise Lady Elizabeth.” “You may go for the doctor now Justin.” He stood and rushed towards the door only to hesitate when he heard her call after him. “Don’t forget to get the priest.” He shut his eyes in regret and sorrow and his heart beat with apprehension. He ran quickly down the back stairs into the kitchen. Lady Talbot’s maid was drinking tea at the table and fiddling with her sewing but she looked up as he entered. She must have noticed the look on his face for she dropped her sewing and rushed immediately up towards her Lady’s chambers without saying a word. His mare was ready and waiting for him. He tightened her girth, put his foot in the stirrup and swung himself into her saddle. She was already cantering before he had settled into her seat. -------- “All will be well. You will be back within the week.” Jennifer claimed as she made last minute adjustments to his pack, rechecking all his clothing and food. Gus fussed in the arms of Mary the housekeeper who looked on the verge of tears. She had been happy to have a child in her care once again. “Mother, you know that won’t be so. When Lady Elizabeth was… when she was living it mattered nought who cared for the surrounding land for it was of little importance to her. Now half of Ingstone land is under a new master’s authority and he may not be as lenient. I shall have to inform him of the changes I have made and try to make him accept some advice in a few matters and not to mention the fact that jointly we seem to make more of a profit than we would separately and not to mention…” Justin shut his eyes in an effort to stop his mind from working too hard, “I will have to try and convince him to keep the workmen as they are. It is the least I can do. You know it shall be more than a week and whilst I'm in London there are so many things that I might as well do. I must speak to the bank, our solicitors and I might as well go see my tailor… or Fathers’ tailor. I think it has been too long between visits for me to consider him my tailor. Maybe I shall get a new one all together.” Justin smiled down at his mother and kissed her cheek. “You will be fine Mother,” he reassured her, “Thomas knows what I need done in the stables. I gave Mr Mathers all of his instructions for the next two months or more just in case I am gone for longer than we expect. Mr Sunner has everything under control in the fields. All of them know that if there are any problems they should direct any problems to the care of the solicitor, Mr Philips. Everyone is capable. Don’t you trust me enough to have everything under control?” he teased gently. “You will write weekly.” She demanded. “I will.” He grinned as he put his foot in the stirrup. “…And buy something nice for your sister.” demanded the blond she-devil who was suddenly clutching at his boot. “Only if you are very good. And don’t think that I won’t know about it immediately if you steal any of the apples in the orchard again.” Justin tapped his nose and Molly looked up at him suspiciously. Jennifer handed Gus over to him, walked around to the mounting step, climbed up and helped Justin adjust the baby sling so that both of them would be comfortable on their journey. He checked that everything was as it should be and turned his mare, Llamrei. As was wont he did not turn at the gate to wave goodbye. He knew that Molly would torture him endlessly on his return if he did. For it would be breaking tradition the next time he saw his home it would be because he was returning and not before.