Well some people liked it and some people didn’t but let’s face it folks like it or not, it ended. Now anyone who has read my stories already knows how I feel about an ending that didn’t have Brian and Justin together, vague fuzzy future reunion aside, so I’ve started my newest story. It will be my attempt to fix what I didn’t like about the ending of this wonderful series. The title is: It’s Only Time I hope to start posting in a few weeks. I just wanted to give you all a heads up. I also want to thank all those readers who have been writing me to encourage me to start a new story. Well its started now let’s hope the muse stays with me. It will be rated NC-17 no doubt. It starts with Justin in New York and Brian in Pittsburgh. Each is struggling in their lives apart from one another. Typical Mouse angst thrown in as they work back towards one another, it’s too early to know any more about it, but I’m sure the muse has it all worked out for me. I just need to shut up and type. INTRODUCTION: Time. It’s a four letter word that conveys so little and yet so much. Time can fly by like summer vacation or it can drag on like slides of your neighbor’s trip to Yellowstone. But either way, it remains an elusive entity that in the same moment may cheat a man of his life long dream while in the same moment dangling the promise of prosperity before another man’s eyes. It possesses both the joyous possibility of hope and the sorrowful inevitability of grief. What most men fail to realize though is that man is not completely at the mercy of Time. No, for there are rare moments in ones existence when time stands still and man becomes its master. When he can stare the hours of his life squarely in the eye and determine what he must do in order to make the most of his time. Some men seize this power readily, bending time to their will, while others struggle under the monotonous ticking of clocks constantly reminding them that with each tick he’s becoming a little slower, a little older, a little less. Do not despair though for every man will eventually wake, throw off his self imposed chains, and seize the power that has always been but a moment away. It is on that morning when a man possesses the power to make his life what he wishes, throwing off the world’s constraints of convention and accepts that he is the master of his own destiny. It is in that moment when a man finally accepts that minutes, hours, days, years, don’t really matter, after all it's only time.