Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket PB: Liberty, Rory, and Helen. Beta: Rory!!!! Author Note: This is based in Season 1 after episode 11. Quotes from Also all quotes are in Italic. I own nothing, Cowlip and Showtime do, and I am just playing with our boys. WRNS: MPREG, NC-17, Read at risk of being upset, Drama, Angst, POV, Cannon at first then AU “Well? Aren't you going to make your big exit too?” Brian asked Justin. “No.” Justin said matter-of-factly. “You're going to need someone to help you clean up this mess.” After the family left, Brian and Justin kept partying. Between the large amount of alcohol they consumed added with the drugs the two were way beyond stoned and drunk through out the night. They were flying on a different universe entirely and were in a completely different state of reality. When the party finally broke it was around three in the morning. Brian and Justin were both wasted but horny as hell. Their inebriation didn’t dampen their sexual desire, it only fueled it. The hot passionate sex started on floor and continued through out the loft. Somehow they ended up in the bed. Blissed out of their minds, as if they had no care in the world, the couple fell into a deep sleep. What they never noticed, due to their high, was the fact that Brian had not wore a condom the whole time. That night; when a friendship had ended, a new life had been created. The next morning Brian woke up, still feeling groggy from the previous nights activities. He took a moment to admire Justin’s jean clad ass. The boy was passed out fully clothed in his bed. The night before was hazy, but he could’ve sworn they fucked. He made his way into the living room and found Debbie out there picking up Mikey's birthday presents. “He asked me to pick up the stuff he left.” Debbie explained to Brian. Brian just looked at her. “Hey sunshine!” She said turning her attention towards the bedroom. “You got some tables to bust.” Before Justin has time to really process being awake he feels the familiar burn in his ass that only Brian is able to cause. But the rest of his body feels pretty good. “I don't feel sick. Margaritas are definitely my drink.” He observes. “Get up!” Brian yells back at him. Justin scampers into the bathroom. Wondering briefly why he slept with his clothes on. Brian takes a long swig out of a bottle of scotch. He notices Debbie eyeing him disapprovingly and says sheepishly, “You want some coffee?” “No, thanks.” She answers putting her hands on her hips. “Christ,” She begins, “I was pissed at you last night. Everybody was, is. But right in the middle of my cussing you out, I finally figured it out. You can't do anything quietly. Can you? Everything's got to be a spectacle. A drama. You couldn't have pushed him softly. You had to shove him off a fucking cliff.” Debbie says exasperated. “Yeah, I had to.” Brian answers her. “Otherwise, he would have followed me around forever.” “Yeah, I guess he would have.” Debbie agrees. “Justin!” She yells once again turning her attention to the blond boy. “I'm brushing my teeth!” Justin yells from the bathroom. Debbie gives Brian a disbelieving look. “You loaned him your toothbrush?” “I have a supply.” Brian answers her question and then continues back to their previous conversation. “It was the only way.” He tells her. “This David, he is good for him.” Debbie says this in a way that seems like saying it aloud will convince her. “Yeah, that won't last.” Brian says with certainty. “Maybe not,” Debbie says, “but he should last give it a try.” “So, how's he doin'?” Brian asks in a softer tone. “Tryin’ to figure out why his best friend would betray him.” She answers. “But he doesn't realize that it's the best thing that could ever happen. That you did him a favor. That maybe now he can finally have a chance to have a life.” Justin walks out of the bedroom interrupting Brian and Debbie’s talk. “Okay I’m ready to go.” He says. Debbie hugs and kisses Brian. “You take care, kiddo. Thank you.” Justin and Debbie leave and Brian looks around tiredly at the torn up loft. Instead of cleaning it up he walks past it all and up the stairs to his bedroom where he collapses on the bed in a heap. 4 weeks later Justin is in the bathroom at Debbie’s house. He’s looking at his face in the mirror. For some reason he had been breaking out a lot more than usual. He was also was feeling really out of sorts about two weeks ago, but that went away. He just wasn’t feeling like himself. That day, right in the middle of lunch Daphne said to him, “You look a little tried.” And he just started crying. Just like that. For no reason he broke down sobbing. He didn’t understand it. He was always a little emotional and broke out when he had his monthly hormone overcharge but that had been really kind of ridiculous. He decided to ignore it and went on with his day. Trying hard not to think about what was wrong with him. The rest of the gang had returned to normal over the weeks. Brian and Michael had made up. Emmett had seen and come back from seeing ‘the light’. Brian and Justin had continued to fuck nearly every time they’d gotten around each other. Justin was even more horny than usual. Things were going good, except Justin was still having problems with his emotions and with controlling the acne. ‘I am going to school and working. I am too busy.’ He reasoned with himself whenever he thought about everything. ‘I really should go to the doctor but maybe it will go away. I need it to go away.’ He told himself. And continued on like there wasn’t something inside of him trying to get out and force it into his reality. 2 weeks later Justin’s POV Shit! I was barfing yet again in the bathroom. Thankfully, Deb and Vic weren’t home but I forgot that Daphne was supposed to come over. I thought I was alone in the bathroom. Subsequently getting rid of everything I ate in the last week when surprisingly I felt circles being rubbed on my back. I turned my aching head and saw that it was Daphne. About 15 minutes later I was finally done feeling sick. I don’t remember exactly how I got from the bathroom but some how I was laying on my bed. I was really feeling exhausted. I looked over and saw that Daphne was giving me ‘this’ look. “Are you okay?” She asked, still looking at me strangely. “I feel like I just puked everything I’ve eaten in the last year.” I told her with a raspy voice. Damn did my throat hurt. Daphne made a face. “That’s gross.” “I want to die!” I told her. Cause really, right then I did. Surely death couldn’t feel as bad as I was feeling, could it? “Justin?” She said my name wearily. “Have you been to the doctor?” “Yes. They said I was fine.” I answered morosely. So what if I was lying. I didn’t want to get into this Daphne eyed me critically. “Have you taken a pregnancy test?” I shoot up from my position at her words. My eyes were probably bugging out of my head at the suggestion. “What?” “Pre-gn-ant.” She enunciates. “Do I have to speak slower for you?” She says noticing my exasperated look. I throw a pillow at her and hit her in her smug looking face. “Bitch!” Daphne takes the pillow away and looks at me seriously. “Well, could you be?” Chills run up and down my spine. “I don’t know. I didn’t really go I mean, I called my doctor but he said it could be the flu.” Daphne sighs, “How long have you felt like this Justin?” I think back and answer. “Umm…six weeks.” “Justin it’s time to take the test.” She tells me softly but assured. “No it’s not.” I state. “Yes it is.” She argues. I nod my head at her and swallow down the lump in my throat. She gives me a hug and tells me. “Come on, we’re going shopping.” “For what?” I ask dumbly. She pulls back and stands up grabbing my hand and pulling me off of the bed. Inside the store I try to not think about the reason we’re there. The facts that it could all possibly be true. That I could very well be pregnant. “Daphne, I don’t need one.” I try. “Well, either way, this will prove it now wont it?” She says while rolling her eyes at me and grabbing the box containing the test. Daphne drags me to the checks out and we head back to the house. Both of us are quiet on the ride back. Clearly we are lost in the thoughts of what the test will show. I hope that I’m not pregnant over and over. I think about all the facts and what the fuck would happen if I am. It’s all so overwhelming. After I take the test as instructed, we lay down on my bed and wait for the news that could change my life forever. “What are you going to do to if it’s positive?” Daphne asks, breaking the silence. “I’ll see a real doctor to make sure.” I tell her, having no other answer. “Are you going to keep it?” She whispers. “How can I not?” I respond. “It’s Mine and Brian’s child.” I realize that I just answered her as if I believe I really am pregnant. “Do you want to?” She asks. “Yeah I do.” I answer firmly. [beep beep beep beep] I stop the reminder on my watch and sit up. “It’s now or never.” I pick up the stick from the nightstand and close my eyes when I see the result. “Fuck.” “You are; aren’t you?” She says needlessly. “Yeah.” I whisper, feeling my whole world change. “Is there a Doctor you can go see about this Justin?” Daphne says worriedly. “You need to find out for sure. “At the clinic on Liberty there is a male frailties expert.” I overheard some men talking about it at the diner once. “Her name is Dr. Lee. She specializes in male reproduction. She is the best in the Pitts.” “Do you want me to go with you?” Daphne asks and I’m glad she’s willing to go. “Yeah,” I say, grateful for her support. “I need to know for sure before I talk to Brian.” TBC