WPS 4 Brian “Heath, you can’t just barge into my office and expect me to just drop everything just to ‘reminisce’ about ‘the good old days’ which by the way, I don’t fucking remember?” I tell him never looking up from the boards. “Oh come on Brian. It’s kinda funny. I mean I’m sitting here thinking about how wild we were that night.” Heath smiles at me. “Well it must not have been too wild if I don’t remember it.” I sarcastically snare out. “Brian, this is so stupid. Look we all know the great Brian Kinney wouldn’t marry someone he didn’t want to marry.” Heath looks down at the ring on his finger, which I know I didn’t put there. “I didn’t even remember that night which is odd for me since I usually remember everything I do.” I let out. “As well as that ring, I think I would know if I bought you a damn ring.” Looking at it once more he smiles, “I got it after we got married. I had it engraved with HRK.” Handing me one it has a ‘BKR’ engraved, looking at him he smirks. “Brian Kinney-Riley.” I put it back into the box and toss it to him. “I won’t need this. We are getting divorced.” “Brian,” he stands up walking over to me. “Come on, just give us a chance.” “Fuck you, I’m in love with Justin.” He sits on the desk. “But you married me first.” He tells me with a smile that I want to knock off his face. “MARRIED!” We both look at the door to see Michael standing there with a stunned look on his face. “Yes, married, and who are you?” Heath demands as I look straight at him I rub my temples, sitting back down. “I’m his best friend and if you were married I would know about it.” Mikey gets in between us. “Michael.” I say to him but he doesn’t listen. “Look, I don’t know who you are but he is engaged to Justin, who by all means deserves him after everything they’ve been through. It took me forever to like him.” Heath gets up and stands in front of him. “Listen to me you little twerp.” But before he could go on Michael once again chimes in. “No you listen, Brian wouldn’t have done that and not told me about it. I have known him,” But before Mikey could say more Heath puts his hand on his shoulder. “Listen to me, not everything people do gets back to their best friends. There are things not even he wants you to know about. Now, back the fuck off him, stop whining and let go of his breast because he isn’t your fucking mother and he isn’t your keeper.” Seeing Michael look at me for me to jump in I raise my eyebrows. “Are you going to let him talk to me like that? And what about Justin?” “Justin,” I start to say but Heath once again butts in. “Justin will find out when BRIAN tells him. As for ‘letting’ me talk to you like this, he is my husband, not my keeper and I have a mouth and I can say and do with it, as I want. And that includes putting Brian’s little whining best friend in his place.” I have to say I’m impressed about how he handles himself. “Brian.” Michael whines but Heath just looks at him, shutting him up. “I will call you later Mikey.” I tell him as he walks out. Michael I can’t believe Brian didn’t tell me about this. Something is wrong with this. I reach the comic book store to see Justin standing there waiting on me. “Hey Michael. I wanted to show you the new sketches for the next Rage comic.” Smiling that smile I have come to really like. “Sure.” I put an arm around him, walking to the door. Once inside he takes them out as we sit at the counter. Putting my hand on his back he looks at me. “You are so fucking talented.” “Thanks. I was thinking about how Rage reacts to JT wanting kids.” Smiling he looks at me. “Are you wanting life to imitate art again?” Thinking back to what I found out from going to see Brian. “I don’t know, maybe someday. I can’t believe he asked me to marry him.” Smiling his sunshine smile. “Well you know I'm for it, but Justin, if it doesn’t work out, you will be fine.” Moving away from me. “Michael give it a rest. I know you don’t like me, and aren’t really wanting us to get married, but Brian is going to marry me.” Looking at him I want to scream. “I act like I don’t like you Justin.” Looking over to me he gets up. “Bullshit. You have never been able to stand me. You act like it at times and then like the other day in the diner, you pretty much screamed at me that Brian will never marry me and will back out of it in the end.” “Justin, look there is something you need to know.” I start to tell him about Brian and Heath but Justin cuts me off. “No Michael, I won’t listen to this. One day you like me the next you are down my throat. But one thing always stays the same, the fact you don’t think I will marry Brian.” He picks up his backpack and walks to the door. “Justin, I just don’t think he will be ready.” “Whatever, later Michael.” Walking out of the door he is gone. And I will make sure you know the real Brian Kinney but I need to get the proof first. Like a copy of the marriage license.