Chapt 3 Brian kept his word and was sitting right at Justin’s side when the boy awoke the next morning. At first he thought he was still dreaming but then the visit from yesterday seeped into his brain. He smiled remembering the high he felt the first moment he realized that Brian Kinney had flown across the country to check up on him. Not only that but he had been reading and enjoying all of his letters. “What are you smiling about? Did you forget where you are?” Brian asked. “Nope, just remembered who I was with,” Justin replied. Brian wanted to be annoyed with the statement but found himself returning the smile instead. There was something almost contagious about the way Justin looked at him. It was like Christmas day and Brian was his shiny new toy. He had always been considered as more of a used up sweater so it was a welcome change. “Well, you certainly know how to get someone’s attention. Next time you feel like shit, don’t wait until you’re on fucking death’s door before going to the hospital. I’d throttle your tight little ass if I wasn’t afraid you’d keel over halfway through your punishment.” “Very funny,” Justin said with a cough. Brian looked at him warily causing Justin to avoid eye contact and suddenly find the blank wall very interesting. “You can’t hide from me, so don’t even try it. I already spoke to your doctor this morning and lucky for you he said you’ve made a remarkable recovery and should be released by tomorrow morning. I’ll come pick you up at noon so you better be ready.” “Does that mean you’ll be sticking around for a while?” Justin asked hopefully. “No can do Sunshine, I’ve got an office to return to with a full work load piling up as we speak. I told the senior partner that I had a family emergency but he expects me back as soon as possible. I’ve got a few days though before I have to leave. Should be just enough time to get you home and make certain you rest.” “Did you really say I was family?” Justin asked softly. Brian was uncomfortable under the intensity of the boy’s gaze. “Well of course, what else was I going to say? My one time trick was in the hospital and I have to fly across the country to make sure he’s taken care of?” Justin shrugged, not completely happy with the answer but refused to let anything dampen his spirits. There was nothing Brian Kinney could say that would make his cross- country trip any less real and they both knew it. They continued to make small talk until the doctor arrived. He was an older man with thin graying hair and a warm smile. “Well hello there Mister Taylor, how are you feeling today? You look much better,” Doctor Stevens commented. “I feel much better, thanks. Now if you can just sign my exit papers I’ll be out of your hair,” Justin replied. “Not so fast young man, it was this cavalier attitude about your health that got you into this situation. I want to conduct a few more tests and if everything goes as planned then you should be released tomorrow morning to Mr. Kinney’s care,” Dr. Stevens explained. Justin burst out, “Wait a minute, I feel fine and Mr. Kinney won’t even be in town long enough to…” “I’ll make sure he is taken care of. That should work out fine with my travel plans,” Brian interrupted. Justin wanted to say no but one look at Brian’s face and he knew it was a battle he wouldn’t win. “Fine, little helpless Justin will wait patiently on his death bed for the OK to move on with his frail existence,” Justin said with a huff. “Just remember your wonderful stay with us the next time you feel sick and decide to wait it out. I’ll leave you now and be back in a few hours,” Dr Stevens said and headed out the door. “He likes you,” Brian teased. “I can’t fucking help it. I hate hospitals,” Justin whined. “So don’t we all but he’s right. It would have never gotten this bad if you had been taking better care of yourself. Now we all deal with the consequences.” As bitter as Justin was, he liked that Brian was considering his journey to health a two person job. It made another night in the hospital sound a little less horrible, if at the end of it he would be able to spend time with Brian. The rest of the day was filled with tests while Brian was busy temporarily moving some of Justin’s things to his hotel suite. Brian wanted him to be as comfortable as possible. He also had to make a few calls, including his office to let them know he was taking the rest of the week off. He figured by Sunday Justin would be able to move around enough on his own to not need his supervision. By the next day, Justin was chomping at the bit to get out of there and practically jumped out of bed the moment Brian walked through the door. “Where have you been? They said I couldn’t go anywhere until you signed a bunch of papers. I’ve been waiting all morning and you’re late,” Justin accused. “By ten minutes,” Brian said with a laugh, “Jesus, Justin there was an accident on the freeway on my way over here. I could always leave your ass here if you want to keep on bitching.” “No thanks, you promised to spring me and I’m gonna hold you to that.” Brian tried to hold back a smile but it was useless. He couldn’t help it when they were together. It was a strange feeling that he couldn’t seem to figure out. He chalked it up to relief that Justin was finally getting out of there. The car ride was silent, neither man wanting to talk about what the future held. Justin could immediately tell that he wasn’t heading back to the dorms but he wasn’t sure where they were really going. When they pulled up to the hotel, Justin realized that Brian was actually going to keep his word and help him to heal. He wanted to hoot and holler I triumph but the lingering fever stifled his party for one. Brian jumped out of the car first and hurried over to the passenger side for Justin. Once the door was open, Brian offered his hand to help Justin out. Justin took it gratefully, allowing Brian to support most of his weight as they entered the lobby. Secretly Justin loved the feel of Brian’s hand on his lower back. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed it until now. As much as he was enjoying their friendship, he couldn’t stop the small part in his heart from hoping that one day it would be more. Justin fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow, so Brian took the opportunity to get some work done and give Debbie a call. He grabbed the phone in the living room part of the suite and dialed the familiar number. “Hey Deb, it’s Brian.” “Thank god, where are you? I just stopped by the hospital and heard Justin had checked out. I don’t think he should be alone yet. He might try something stupid and never heal,” Deb rambled on. “I know, that’s why I brought him back to my hotel room. I’m going to stay a few extras days to watch over him and make sure he stays in bed.” “That’s not the kind of care he needs,” Debbie reprimanded. “Jesus Deb, he can’t even keep his eyes open so you don’t have to worry about me fucking him,” Brian scowled. “Really? You’re just gonna feed him, give him his medicine, monitor his vitals? You’re not exactly Florence Nightingale.” “No shit, but how fucking hard can it be? Room service will take care of the food. He can take his own medicine all I have to do is read the goddamn bottle to find out when. I know how to work a thermometer. He’ll be well in no time and then I can get back to my fucking life out west,” Brian said in annoyance. “You’re a good man Brian. Justin’s lucky to have you.” “Bullshit, but he’s even more annoying sick than well so I’m doing what’s necessary,” Brian grumbled, not quite sure how to take Debbie’s compliment. “I got your number, Kinney and don’t forget it. Now you go and take care of my little Sunshine. We’ll talk tomorrow.” “Yes Mother,” Brian replied and hung up. It really did annoy the shit out of him when people seemed to believe they knew what made him tick. It was impossible though, since he had a hard enough time figuring it out himself. Justin slept for the rest of the afternoon and Brian was able to work on a few proposal ideas for the Tide account. He shot off a quick email to Cynthia before checking in on Justin. He looked almost angelic, lying peacefully in the center of the bed. His blonde hair formed a halo around him and the soft sound of his breathing was almost melodic. Brian twitched, trying to rid himself of his horrible lesbianic thoughts. Of course, that’s when Justin woke up. “What’s up with you? Got ants in your pants,” Justin asked with a laugh. “No, just cabin fever. I think I need to get out of here for a moment and get some air,” Brian explained. “Good, can you stop at the diner and get me some lemon squares while you’re out?” “No, order fucking room service.” “But I want lemon squares,” Justin whined. “Well too fucking bad,” Brian replied. “I won’t be able to rest until I have one. It’s an insane craving. Hell, I’ll even walk there myself if I have to,” Justin threatened and starting pulling the sheets away from his body. “No you won’t, you’re supposed to stay in bed. Doctor’s orders,” Brian demanded. “Then you’ll have to go for me. That’s all there is to it. Unless of course you change your mind and don’t mind me going myself,” Justin suggested, once again reaching for the sheets. “Fuck! I’ll go just get back in the goddamn bed and shut the fuck up. I liked you better when you were sleeping,” Brian complained and stomped out the door. Justin laughed smugly, thrilled with Brian’s compliance. Snuggling under the covers, Justin decided that being sick wasn’t too bad after all. Well, as long as Brian Kinney was the one taking care of him. Brian swore under his breath almost the entire drive to the diner. He couldn’t believe the little scheming shit had actually gotten him to run his fucking errand. But Justin really did need to stay in bed and if he was being so adamant about going then Brian had to do something. So here he was, waiting at the counter for lemon squares and a coffee. He refused to let this little trip out be completely about Justin. He thought luck might actually be on his side until the door behind him opened and a loud familiar whine could be heard above all the clamor. “Brian, what are you doing here? When did you get back in town? How long are you here for? Why didn’t you call?” “Jesus Mikey, take a fucking breath. It’s only been a couple of days and I’m not staying that long. Just enough time to take care of a few things that needed my attention,” Brian stated calmly. “A few days? You’ve been in town a few days and haven’t called me?” Michael asked in confusion. “Like I said, it’s business. I didn’t tell you because I haven’t had a free moment to do anything since I got back and I won’t be around long enough to make this a social trip.” Brian turned back to the counter, when Kiki returned with his order. “Now you tell Justin we’re all worried about him and hope he’s well enough to get that cute little bubble but back to work. Deb told me all about you flying out here to take care of him. It’s all incredibly romantic.” Kiki chirped. “It’s fucking lemon squares and there’s nothing romantic about it. I was just afraid the kid would turn up dead the way everyone here has been taking such good care of him,” Brian huffed and hurried out of the diner, Michael close on his heels. “Brian wait! Who’s Justin and what does he have to do with you?” “No one and nothing. Mikey, I don’t have time for this right now. How about I give you a call later and maybe I’ll have time for one drink before I go back?” Brian asked, hoping to escape without going into any details. “Sure, but not before I find out who Justin is and why it’s your responsibility to take care of him,” Michael insisted. Brian sighed. “Fine, you win. He’s just a guy I know that got pretty sick and ended up at the hospital. I flew out to make sure he didn’t die or anything. End of story. Are you happy?” “Wait, are you talking about Justin from the diner? The blonde kid that Mom has taken under her wing and Emmett always flirts with?” “Emmett? You’re fucking kidding right?” “So that’s who you flew all the way cross country to see? That kid? What does that mean?” Michael asked. “It doesn’t mean anything,” Brian stated. He was not happy with where this conversation seemed to be going. He had never talked to anyone about Justin, except for Debbie and that was only because he had to. What Michael was suggesting was far beyond anywhere his mind was going at the moment. Michael was waiting for him to say more but there was no way Brian was going to continue this conversation. “Mikey, let it drop. I’m serious. You’re making more out of this than there needs to be. I’m going back to Seattle in a few days and that’s it. If you want to meet up than call me but this subject is closed,” Brian said with finality and walked to his car. Michael was left standing on the curb in complete shock.