Notes: I have not seen any of season five and have done very well at remaining spoiler free until I can get my hands on the DVD’s (counting the days til January 10th) Any similarities to the actual season is coincidental. Special Thanks: Thanks to the actors who gave us these wonderful characters whom we all love. Without them, there would be no QAF. So thank you. Thanks also to Lorein for the challenge. Spoilers: None that I know of, please see NOTES. Warnings: None
Like I said before, it’s all about sex. At least that’s what I thought... until the impossible happened. Yup, that’s right, the impossible. The world stopped turning, pigs started flying, hell officially froze over........ and Brian Kinney was getting married. I know, hard to believe, right? I thought so too, until I got the announcement. The jet engine purred as Toronto Flight 980 touched down in Pittsburgh. Michael looked over at Ben, who was sleeping on his right, and then Hunter, sleeping on his left. He smiled softly, nudging Ben. “Hey, sleepyhead,” Michael said. “We’re on the ground.” Ben stretched. “Already?” he said. “We only came in from Canada.” Michael said nudging Hunter now. “Up.” “What the fuck,” Hunter yawned “Watch your mouth,” Michael said, getting up from his seat amd grabbing his carry on bag. “Did you tell your mother we were flying in?” Ben asked, stepping off the plane with the two men. Michael laughed. “Are you kidding? She told me.” Michael made his way to baggage claim, spotting the bags. “Along with... ‘It’s about fucking time you called’ and ‘Why haven’t you given me your new fucking number yet’ and....” “I think... I get the idea,” Ben laughed. “You’re lucking she didn’t fly to Toronto and track you down.” Michael’s eyes widened. “Don’t even joke like that.” he teased. Michael looked around the airport. “Well...” he said. “Home sweet Pittsburgh.” “Never thought I’d fucking be back here before Christmas.” Hunter said. “Hey, wise ass.” Michael said. “What’d I tell you?” “I know I know,” Hunter rolled his eyes. “Watch my fucking mouth.” Ben couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head. “Michael?!” Ben looked right at Michael, the look on the man’s face was a cross between shock and terror and surprise. “Ph my God, baby!” Debbie was quickly approaching them. She gathered Michael in her arms, seemingly inspecting him. “You’re like a fucking skeleton!” “Nice to see you too, Ma,” Michael said. “And still a wise ass.” Debbie said. She looked over at Ben, embracing him next. “Hi, baby.” “It’s so good to see you, Debbie,” Ben kissed her cheek. “Don’t forget to save some of that lovin’ for us,” Emmett stood with Ted, Melanie, Lindsay and the two kids. Michael laughed as Emmett pranced over and threw his arms around the smaller man. “Holy shit,” Michael said. “When did our flying in turn into a party?” “Well we miss ya, sweetie,” Emmett sad as he hugged Ben, leading what seemed like an assembly line of hugs and kissed. “Welcome home you guys,” Melanie said, handing Michael Jenny Rebecca. “She’s so big,” Michael marveled, holding the child close. “Who are, little miss, growing up while I’m not looking?” He kissed her tiny forehead. “Can you believe all this?” Ted asked. “Brian getting married.” “What, are you kidding?” Michael said. “I almost choked when I got the announcement.” “He thought it was a joke,” Hunter said. “That would have made the best fucking practical joke ever!” “We thought it was sweetie,” Emmett said. “But apparently... it’s the real deal.” “I just can’t believe... Brian...” Michael shook his head. “Married.” He paused. “How the hell did this happen? I never thought I’d live to see the day.” “None of us did.” Lindsay said honestly “Well what are we all standing around here for?” Debbie exclaimed. “We got a house. No point in blocking traffic.” She looked at Michael. “And you... I wanna get some food into you.” “Ma....” “Don’t argue with your mother,” Debbie said. “We’re going home.” >>>>>> The lights were all out, the shades pulled, making the loft pitch dark. Sunlight threatened to peak through the windows as Justin rolled over on to his right side. He had grown so accustomed to the slender, gorgeous body lying beside him. The man who at one point in Justin’s life had seemed unattainable. A man who he respected, adored and worshiped all at the same time. He had fallen in love with Brian that very first night. The night he taught Justin just what fucking was. The night he taught Justin that love was bullshit and that fucking the same guy more than once was taboo. Never in his wildest dreams had Justin imagined that the day would come that Brian would propose. Not to Justin, not to anyone. Marriage, for the longest time, was a joke, a pointless heterosexual ritual that was doomed from the start. Something had changed that. Brian had experienced so much in only a few years and almost miraculously, overnight, he developed a new philosophy on love. It was no longer bullshit. It was no longer an excuse. It actually existed for him, for he and Justin. Justin had never seen Brian sleep so deeply and peacefully, his bare chest rising and falling so rhythmically. He didn’t have the heart to wake him. Justin simply snuggled down, resting his head on Brian’s chest gently, and casting his arm across him. Brian’s breathing was methodical and gentle, Justin hearing each breath like the soft humming of tune as it soothed him back to sleep.