Justin's POV
"Hey, good looking, I can tell you had a great night," Ethan remarks walking up to me on campus. I lower my head so my eyes can be seen over my sunglasses. I glare at him bitterly. He just smiles back. "So tell me, does the man live up to his legend?" "That and them some," I reply as my mind wonders off back to last night with Brian. The asshole's cocky attitude, his dirty mind, his sexy looks, his sweet lips . . . "Justin?" I shake myself out of those disturbing thoughts. "It was horrible. I really don't how I'm going to survive this weekend without killing him. I already punched him for being an ass." "No way!" "Yes, way. In fact, I think I scarred him for life with Daphne's ring," I respond, holding up my right hand, showcasing the ring. "No shit," he chuckles in shock and amusement. "Tell me about it. Oh fuck, Ethan, you were right. He's back for Michael. He’s hell-bound and determined to take Michael away from me. I don't how much more I can take. And I sure as hell don't know what I'm going to do if I lose him . . . or Gus." Ethan wraps his arm me. "Brian's got nothing on you." "Oh, you haven't met him. That man is fucking impossible." "Maybe not, but I still think you’re thinking far too much into this." Thinking too much? Thinking too much? I'm not thinking too much. He's clearly not thinking enough. "I highly doubt that." I break the contact between us, moving Ethan’s arm off of my shoulders. “I'm being realistic here. I mean, how am I going to compete with the love of Michael's life?” "Look, I don't think it's very likely that Michael will leave you for him. And if he does, then he’s a fool, and you totally deserved better," he assures me, but it brings me little comfort. Do I even stand a chance against Brian? What's going to happen to me when I lose them – Michael and Gus – my family? “Where am I going to go after this all falls apart? I've got no one." "Not true! You've got me, and if your worst fears come true, you can always crash with me. My place isn't a five star apartment, but I'll leave the light on for you," he winks. I lightly nudge him away, shaking my head.
)=( Brian's POV
Walking into the diner, I spot Mikey over in the booth where we used to always sit if it was available. Before I can even step one foot in Mikey’s direction, I’m ambushed by his red wigged mother. "Brian Fucking Kinney . . ." she folds her arms across her chest, blocking my path to her son, "so the rumors are true. You are really back, aren't you?" "I'm standing in front of you, aren't I, Debbie?" "Still an asshole I see," she remarks shaking her head. I shrug, giving her my charming Kinney smirk. "Come here, you asshole, and give me a hug," she orders. Debbie quickly tries to put me in an early grave as she squeezes the life from me. "Air, Deb . . ." I mumble. "I need air." But she doesn't let go of me; instead, she holds me tighter. Christ . . . "Deb . . ." "Listen up, Brian," She whispers sweetly into my ear, though her teeth are clenched. "I'm on to you. I know why you are here." "You do? Hm. Well, I thought that was obvious since this is a diner." She ignores my comment and continues, "I'm only going to tell you once so listen carefully. If you fucking mess up Michael's relationship with my future son-in-law, I swear – Lord give me the strength – I’ll cut off your balls and leave you to bleed to death. Got it?" "I missed you too." "Got it?" "I get the picture." She lets go of me. "God, it's good to have you back," she smiles patting my cheek lightly before going back to work without a care in the world. "That went well," I whisper to myself with a tongue in cheek smirk. I take a moment to compose myself before sitting across from Mikey. "So where's your other half? Don't tell me he got cold feet already." Michael glares at me, but smiles. "Justin should be here shortly. He didn't get out of class until a few minutes ago." I nod slightly. "Debbie, can I get some coffee, like today?" "Don't get your panties in a twist. You are not the only one in this diner." "Yeah, but I'm best looking one." She rolls her eyes. "Kiki, would you please get the royal pain in my ass some coffee, so he'll stop his bitching?" "Sure thing, Deb. It'd be my pleasure." The ugly she-man tip-toes her way to coffee pot and brings me a cup of coffee. "Would you like some cream with that, baby cakes?" She bats her long, fake eyelashes. "No. Black is fine." She’s got to be kidding! She wouldn’t get any action from me even if I was high and wasted. "Okay, sweet heart, but if you change your mind, just holler." She winks. Riiiiight . . . It would take more than a cold day in hell and a shit-load of drugs. Sometimes, being this beautiful has its draws backs. "So tell me how did you meet him?" "Him? Justin?" Oh, Mikey questions. I’m glad I speak the Mikey lingo. "Is there someone else?" I arch an eyebrow. "No, of course not, Brian. I met Justin here. Well, technically outside the diner. The same night you left town actually." "Really?" Imagine that. "Yeah," he sighs in a dreamy state. "You really didn't waste a lot of time." "Brian, it wasn't like that . . . you should have seen him that night." "Let me guess, the dreamy eyed school boy looked like something out of an ad commercial?" "Brian . . ." "Are you the top now, Mikey, or do you still bottom?" "BRIAN . . ." "Oh, come on . . . Since when did you stop sharing your sex details?" He stays quiet for a moment, pondering what I said. One . . . Two . . . "I'm both if you must know." "I thought you didn't care much for topping." "I'm not a complete bottom, Brian. I never was. Besides, you haven't seen Justin's cute, round butt." Oh, I have, Mikey, thanks to you. In fact, I’ve seen a lot more than just his delectable bubble butt. A lot more. My thoughts wander back to this morning . . . Sure enough, blondie slept right through his screaming alarm clock. God, he could probably sleep through anything. The possibilities seem endless of the ways I could really take advantage of this situation. I sigh. It’s almost a shame to wake sleeping beauty up from his deep slumber. He seems so peaceful, lightly snoring away . . . but it's time to get his lazy ass out of bed. Now just how am I supposed to wake him? Hmm . . . In one swift movement, I slap my hand hard against his bare ass. Very startled, Justin lets out a cry and jumps out of bed, landing unceremoniously on the hard floor. I grin as I walk to the other side of the bed to hover over Justin, who’s groaning and lying on his back. "Good mornin' there, blondie." Justin lifts his head up and focuses on me for second. Then he lays his head back down, covering his face with his hands mumbling, "Fucking asshole." "Tisk, tisk, what language for first thing in the morning. Not to mention that it’s no way to treat someone who’s going out of their way to help you out." He flips me the bird. He's definitely not a morning person. "You better move it into another gear there, blondie, or you'll to be late for school." "Shit . . ." He forces himself to sit up. "Here, drink this." I try to hand him a glass of some God awful crap to drink, but he looks up at me suspiciously. Okay, this stuff may look like three week old shit, but it works like magic for hangovers. "What is that?" he asks, hesitant to take it. "Breakfast. It will help your head. It takes about an hour or so to work, but it does work." Holding it to his face, he remarks, "It smells like shit." "Tastes like shit too." While he continues to investigate the drink, my gaze moves downward, feasting on blondie's semi-hard 8 inch, no, make that 8 1/2 inch cock. I fold my lips inward. "Would you like me to take care of that too?" "Huh? Fuck. No . . .” His hands and arms move to quickly cover himself up. "Do you mind?" "No, not at all," I smirk meeting his icy glare. "Is that a ‘no’ then?" "Get the hell out! Get out!" he yells. "Fine, but if you change your mind, I'll be in the shower." Casting one more glance at Justin's body, I turn around and head to the bathroom to cool off my aching cock – which is too raw at the moment to jerk off. Mikey’s loud sigh breaks my thoughts. "I don't know. I just can't get enough of it. But I swear I don't how much longer I will be able to keep up with him. He's like a machine." "Awe . . . youth." "I bet he could give you a run for your money." "That would be a bet you would lose." A bet I wish I could do.
)=( Justin's POV
"Is there something else bothering you, besides your new house guest?" Ethan asks as we walk to the Toyota. I hesitate for a moment, unsure if I should tell anyone. But this is Ethan, he isn't just anyone. He’s my best and only friend. I can trust him. "You can't tell Mikey. He would totally flip out and that's the last thing I need right now. Things are bad enough with the wedding right around the corner." "Don't worry, your Michael and I have barely had a real conversion. And I doubt we will ever will." It's true. I'm sure why but Michael has never liked Ethan that much. In fact, Michael makes specific efforts to avoid him as much as possible. "You can't tell anyone," I say eyeing him, and he nods. I sigh and take a deep breath. "I blacked out the other day when I was with Brian." "Well, with getting wasted . . ." "No, Ethan, this was before . . ." "Before . . . Oh, God. You mean you are having panic attacks again?" "I had a black out, that's all." He thinks before speaking again. "What did Brian say?" "Nothing." "Won't he tell Mikey though?" "No, he won't." At least, I'm pretty sure he won't. "Why not?" I shrug. "He just won't." Because that would mean explaining why he kissed me. "Are going to see Dr. Wright?" "NO! I'm okay. Really." That's the last thing I need. "But . . ." "Look, Ethan, I'm done with all that shit. And there's no way I'm going back on those fucking pills. I'm not a head case, Ethan."
)=( Mikey's POV
"Shit!" I exclaim at the sight by the door as Justin comes into the diner. "Where?" Brian asks sniffing the air. "It's Ian." "Who's Ian?" "The cheesy fiddler player that has a big crush on Justin," I point to creature on two legs following Justin in. "I can't believe Justin brought him. I can't wait until we're married, and that greasy little weasel can fuck off." "Don't tell me you’re marrying blondie to mark your territory." I turn to Brian. "It's not the only reason," I say honestly. Really, it isn't. "Christ, Mikey." "Shut up. Just shut up!" I warn, getting up to greet Justin with passionate kiss in front of the leech. I hope he enjoys the show. "Hmm . . ." Justin moans as we break contact with our lips. I hold Justin tightly against me as I lead us to the booth. "Hi, Michael," it speaks. I shoot him a short, but deadly glare. "Oh, hi, Ethan. I didn't see you there," I lie. "You don't mind if Ethan joins us, do you?" Justin inquires with pleading eyes. Yes, I do! "Of course not, but we did already order. I didn't know we would have company." "That's okay," it speaks again. "You did? What did you order for me?" Justin frowns. "A bacon cheddar burger with extra pickles, seasoned fries with cheese, and a chocolate milk shake." What else? "Mmm . . . a man after my own heart," he says and rewards me with a tongue twisting kiss. Clearing his throat, Brian remarks, "You know, people are trying to eat here." We both roll our eyes at each other, and Justin sticks his tongue out at Brian as he slips into the booth on the opposite side of him. I shake my head and sit next to him. Ethan hovers over Brian. "So this was the Stud of Liberty Avenue?" How dare he . . . "Is. I still am the Stud of Liberty Avenue," Brian says sharply as he gets up to let that little shit in. Who the hell does Ian think he is?
)=( Justin's POV
When Brian's cell goes off, he disappears outside of diner. With Ethan getting up to talk to someone who recognizes him, Michael and I find ourselves alone. "So I'm curious to know why you punched Brian the other day," Michael states. I look wearily at him. I wonder what Brian told him. Did he tell him everything? No, he didn't or Michael would be asking, wouldn’t he? Should I lie to him? Then what would I say the reason was? Shit, I'm fucked. "He kissed me," I mumble no louder than a whisper. "What?" "Brian kissed me, okay?" I groan looking away. "Kissed you? And you punched him for that?" I nod holding a hand over each eye, resting my elbows on the table. I hear him chuckling, and I muster up the courage to look a him. "You don't believe me?" "Oh, I believe you," he grins. "So you aren't mad?" "No, why would I be mad?" I shrug. "Brian, can really do some stupid things when he’s drunk. I should know." Only he wasn't drunk, Michael. "Look, I think it was kinda sweet that you punched him for kissing you." "Sweet?" "Yah . . . It shows that you love me." I smirk. "I can think of other ways to show you my love," I say fondling his crotch.
)=( Brian's POV
When I get back to the booth, I find only Ian. Debbie comes over with a fresh pot of coffee. "Where's my boys?" "I was just going to ask the same thing, Deb," I tell her as we both look at Ian. "Where do you think they are?" Ian replies with a sigh. Well . . . There really aren’t that many choices, and I know where I would be. I think I lost my appetite, like had one in the first place. "SUNSHINE, GET YOUR DICK OUT OF MY SON!" The whole diner goes silent. "AND BOTH OF YOU GET YOUR ASSES BACK OVER BEFORE YOUR FOOD GETS COLD!" "My, my, Debbie, could you have said that a little louder? I don't the customers by the door could hear you," I chuckle. "Hey, they're my boys. It's my duty as a mother to embarrass them when the opportunity presents itself. Besides, the bathroom is not the back room of Babylon. This is a public establishment. Plus, Sunshine knows better than to fuck the customers. "He works here?" Figures. "You would think they would have learnt by now." She shakes her head. "DON'T MAKE ME GO IN THERE YOU TWO!" she yells with smile as she walks over to another booth. "Brian . . ." Ian begins. "Not interested," I say shortly. "How can you not be interested when you don't even know what I was going to propose?" I arch my eyebrow. "Fine. What are you proposing, Ian?" "Ethan?" "Whatever, Ian." He sighs. "I think we should work together to achieve our common goal." "And what goal would that be?" I ask flatly, stirring sugar into my coffee. "To stop this wedding from happening." I chuckle softly, "And what makes you think I'm against the wedding?" "Why else would you be here?" Studying him carefully, sizing up the young man, I ask "If that was the case, why do you think I would need your help?" "You know Michael, but I know Justin. You're a business man. Wouldn't it make more sense that we work together?" The hoots and hollers from the diner patrons cause us to break up our little conversation and direct our attention towards Mikey and blondie who are blushing brightly as they walk back to us. "Well, it's about time. I hope you two washed up," Debbie remarks. "Ma . . ." Michael whines. "Cut it out already. We don't need you to make us the talk of the town." "Well, honey, you should have thought of that before you decided to fuck in public." "Listen to your mother, Mikey," I chip in. "What? Are you agreeing with my mother?" Mikey says in disbelief. "Well, once in a blue moon she's right." Instantly I receive a hit in the back of my head. "I'm always right," Debbie states. "Debbie, where’s our food? I thought you said it was getting cold out here," Justin pouts. "I'm staving." "I wonder why?" I mumble, earning me glares from all four of them and another slap to my head from Debbie. "Coming right up, Sunshine," Deb says to blondie, pinching his cheek. "Sunshine?" I cough. That's the second time she has called him Sunshine, and I'm intrigued to know the reason for that pet name. "And what is wrong with Sunshine?" Deb demands. "Nothing." She stares me down for moment before heading off to find our plates.