Thanks to Rose Thorn for the banner.
Angela’s POV I open my eyes and grunt in pain. My hands automatically reach towards my belly. I sigh and start crying. I can’t help it. This can’t be happening to me. I don’t know what these people want. I was home making dinner for when Charlie came home but then they came. I thought they were selling something and I was so stupid to invite them into my home. I remember how they grabbed me like I didn’t weigh anything and took me away. I think they want my baby to sell it or something. God, how am I going to get out of this? The door to the room I’m in opens and a woman and a man come inside. She looks like an angel and the smile on her face feels warms and real but I’m sure it's not. She was one of the people at my house. She's a fucking bitch, is what she is. “Hi,” she says. “I’m Stephanie.” I keep quiet. If she comes anywhere near my baby I’ll fucking beat her ass up. I can so take this skinny bitch. “You don’t have to be afraid,” she tells me. “She has to be,” he says. “Master,” she says giggling a bit. “We don’t want to scare her.” “I don’t fucking care about her,” he hisses. “I want to know if she can feed Justin, if not, you will kill her.” “Okay, okay,” she says and looks at me once again. “You’re about a week from giving birth, are you not?” I don’t say anything. “We have a baby that’s very hungry,” she says. I frown at that. “Kevin!” he yells. “What?” another man comes, this one is blond and he’s holding a baby. “Give Justin to her,” the man tells him. “He’s ours,” this man protests, almost like a child. “Now,” the man, which by now I’ve deduced is the one in charge, growls at him. “Okay,” the man named Kevin says. I can’t help but smile as I hold the little bundle of in my arms. Then I look at them with a questioning face. “We want you to feed him,” she says. “Please.” “He fell asleep crying,” the leader says and it’s the first time I hear concern in his voice. “Is that bad? Is he going to be okay?” “I’m sure he will be,” I say and I caress the baby’s face. His face scrunches up before he starts wiggling in my arms and then opens his eyes. The first thing he does is start crying like I’ve done something horrible to him. “What are you doing?” the brunet asks me as if I’m to blame. “Feed him,” she tells me and I have no other choice but to do so. I feel very uncomfortable having to do this while they watch me. Nobody has seen my naked breasts except for my husband. It’s pretty unnerving…boy, can this kid suck. Jesus, he must be starving. “How old is he?” I ask. “One day old,” Kevin says proudly. “Our little light.” The leader shakes his head. “Go to your room, Kevin. Now.” “But daddy,” Kevin whimpers. “I want my pretty.” “I let you hold him, now go,” he tells him. Kevin pouts as he stomps away. I have no fucking clue what the fuck is going on here. I hope that Charlie calls the cops as soon as he arrives home. I want to go home and something tells me that this baby in my arms doesn’t belong to them. They don’t look anything alike. “Where is his mother?” I ask. “She’s dead,” the brunet answers me. Okay then, that’s not good. “So, uh, did you adopt him? I mean…okay, I know is none of my business but what the fuck is going on? You took me away from my home to feed this kid and that is just fucking weird. You guys could have gone to the store and gotten formula,” I say and for a moment they look shocked. “Why didn’t you go and get formula?” he asks as he looks at her. “Because I wasn’t thinking straight,” Stephanie tells him. “Pete and I followed her to her house once we got to the city. It seemed like the thing to do.” It SEEMED like the thing to do? What a fucking bitch! Ugh, let me not get started. “In my time, you fed a baby like this. I really haven’t been keeping track on how babies are fed these days. This is new to me, master,” she says. The man nods and looks back at me and the child. “Plus I guess it’s a good thing, he needs a woman’s touch,” Stephanie says. “He needs no one’s touch but mine,” he growls at her. “Sorry, master,” Stephanie tells him, lowering her look. “I was only thinking the best for him.” “Mmm,” he mutters and comes closer. Nobody leaves as the little guy feeds. When my right breast starts to hurt, I change him. I don’t know how long we’ve been here but by the time this little guy stops, I am so tired. He’s taken away from me and yet again, I find myself alone in the room. I get up and I try to get out but the door has been locked. I move to the windows but they are not budging. I go towards the other door in the room and the faintest spark of hope fills me. I open the door and find that there is nothing but a bathroom in there. I go inside trying to find something to use as a weapon but there is nothing. I go back and sit on the bed that I was in. I look at the blue carpet trying to relax. I am so scared of what they are going to do to me and my baby. I start crying, wanting to be stronger but I’m not. I get on the floor and start praying to God so he helps me be strong. After what it fells like forever, the door is opened and someone I’ve never seen comes inside and puts food on the bed. I stare at the food and want to eat it but I don’t know what’s in it. I ignore it and just get on the bed. I lay back and before I know what’s going on, I fall asleep. When I wake up again, the man is in there with the baby and some other man, a red head this time. “You know what I was thinking, master,” he says. “What?” he asks. “That we need to buy baby stuff,” he says. “Hi,” he says looking at me. “I’m Maximilian.” “I’m Angela,” I tell him, not sure why. “Here,” the leader says, handing me the whimpering baby. “I think he’s hungry again.” “How long has it been?” I ask him. “About three hours,” he answers. “He’s been sleeping and when he woke up we gave him a bath.” “Okay,” I say and yet again, start feeding him. “Are you hungry?” Maximilian asks me as he stares at the food that was meant for me, still untouched. “Not really,” I tell him. “You have to eat,” the leader tells me. “We’ll bring you something else. You have to keep your strength so you can feed my boy.” “So, you’re the father,” I say. “No,” he tells me. “He’s just mine.” I frown, not sure what to make of his words but the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I swallow and focus my attention at the beautiful blond in my arms. I smile, thinking how great it’s going to feel when it’s my own baby. “I’m going to go and see if Stephanie has things ready for her,” Maximilian tells us. “Can we sleep with him tonight, Master?” “No,” he says. “He’s staying with me and no one else.” “But…” he starts to say and one look from the brunet stops him. “Okay,” he says before leaving us. As he steps out someone else comes in. “Brian,” he says. The leader, which now I know his name is Brian, stays focused on me and Justin. “I’ve been wondering what you’re doing here, Sebastian,” Brian, says. The man laughs. “Don’t tell me. You knew when I arrived.” “I felt you a mile away,” Brian tells him and grins as he turns to look at the new person here. “Well, I’m not surprised,” the man says. “I have some bad news,” this man informs him. “They want me dead?” the brunet asks with a smirk. This other guy comes closer to me and frowns as he looks at the baby. “Uh, there are some that do only because of the lies that Jericho has said. He’s telling everyone about what Justin did and how you’re not following the rules. Plus there is this rumor, that Justin is the end of our existence,” he says and keeps staring at the child. “They want him out but he kept telling them how you wouldn’t allow it. So if they have to kill you to get to him, they will.” I can’t help but pull the blond closer to me. “Let them come then,” Brian tells him. “I won’t let them destroy my family. Anyone that opposes me will go down. If they want a war, they will have one.” What the fuck are they talking about? Have they lost their minds? “Brian, what the fuck is going on? Is that…is that…is that Justin?” This Sebastian character asks. “I can smell him. It’s him but…what the fuck?” Brian comes closer to me and the baby and he smiles. “Yes, it is. Isn’t he precious?” “What have you been up to?” Sebastian’s asks and then shakes his head. “No, I don’t want to know.” “Master,” another, yet gorgeous guy, comes into the room. What is going on here? They all look like fucking models or movie stars in here. I feel like I'm in the middle of a movie, or wherever beautiful people hang around. “What is it?” Brian asks arching a brow. “I’m settling everyone on the third floor,” he says. “Fine,” he says. “Everyone will be on guard. The best will be guarding Justin.” The man nods and then exits the room. “Who is she?” Sebastian asks. “Nobody,” he says. Fucker. I ignore them and watch as the baby feeds from me. His eyes are closing and I can’t help but smile. Brian is right, this baby is precious. I finally take a look around my surroundings and know that these people are rich beyond my wildest dreams. “I need to go see that everyone is settling alright,” Sebastian says. “Contact everyone we know,” Brian tells him. “Warn them. Then find out who is with us and who I need to kill.” My stomach tightens with his words but I don’t let them see that. I have to be strong. I need to get out of here and find a way to take this baby with me. “It’s done,” Sebastian says before he leaves. I look up at Brian as we are alone in the room. He moves to pull a chair close to us. Then he sits down and stares at Justin. “Mmm, so,” he says as he rubs his chin. “There are some rules here.” I frown, not sure what is going on yet. “If you try to escape, I will kill you,” he says. I go rigid right away. “If you make trouble for us, I will kill you and find someone else to feed him,” he informs me. I swallow at this. I know he’s not joking. The intensity in his eyes let’s me know so. “If you do anything to hurt him, I will torture you for the rest of your pathetic existence,” he growls. “I would never harm him,” I quickly say. “Have you gone insane?” I ask him. “He’s an innocent creature.” He smirks and leans back. “That’s because you don’t know him like I do.” “What?” I ask frowning. I caress Justin’s arm as he feeds from me. “You pathetic little humans,” Brian says leaning forward and I see as he grows fangs. This can’t be fucking happening. What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? This has to be like a show. That one where they tried to scare the living shit out of you. It has to be. There is no other explanation. His eyes shine and my mind goes blank. I get up in a second and move to the wall with Justin secured in my arms. “Sit down,” he tells me. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. “I’m not done, so sit down,” he hisses. I can’t move from where I am. I just can’t. I guess he knows that because he gets up and starts walking towards me. “Give him to me,” he tells me. “No,” I say. “Stay the fuck away.” He smirks and nods. “I like that you would fight for him like that. I guess, I could have you around,” he tells me. “What…what are you?” I finally ask. “Is that some kind of trick?” “There is more to life than you know of,” he tells me. “Sir,” I say not sure what else to call him right now. “Uh, are you going to harm me and my baby?” “Not if you obey the rules,” he assures me. “What about when my baby is born?” I ask him. “Are you going to take her away from me?” “How do you know it’s a girl?” Brian asks me. “The ultrasound,” I explain. “We found out three months ago.” And why am I talking to him? Oh, Angela, you've lost your mind. “Mmm, so you got a thing for that now,” he murmurs to himself. Then smirks at me and I can see his fangs. “I won’t harm your daughter.” Oh my god. “You’re a…you’re a creature…a…a…a…” I try to say it but I can’t. “Creature of the night?” he asks as he goes back to sit down. “A vampire?” He’s a fucking vampire! It can’t be. This is so not real. I think I went into labor and fell into a fucking coma. That’s what happened and it feels so real because they had to feed my baby girl somehow and that’s what I’m feeling and…okay, I’m so totally babbling. Keep it together woman. Think! Relax and breathe. There has to be an explanation for this. There has to be. “I’m not going to harm you,” he says. “Sit please.” “Uh,” I say. “I’ll stay here.” He shrugs and comes close to me. I stop breathing and he chuckles. He’s enjoying this way too much. Oh my god. What if he kills Justin? Oh god! What am I going to do?! I can’t let him have Justin. “We will give you a room for yourself. We’ll feed you and you will have clothes and whatever you need that I feel you can have," he says to me. "I'll make sure that you will like it here." This is so not happening. Why is he talking like I'm going to live here for the rest of my life? “And what about my home?” I ask. “My husband is waiting for me.” He shakes his head. “He’s dead.” I stare at him for a while. I just felt my heart plummeting to the floor. “What did you just say?” I ask very slowly. “He’s dead,” he repeats. “He got home at a bad moment.” “No,” I whisper as the tears start to fall and before I know what’s going on I’m crumbling to the floor, but I never reach it. When I look up, my eyes open wide when I realize that he’s holding me. Then he walks with me to the bed and helps me sit down. Then he takes Justin away from me. I try to reach for him but he doesn’t let me. "I don't need you getting hurt and bleeding all over the place," he tells me. "Your purpose here is to watch out for my golden boy." I'm not really thinking anymore. I try to punch him on the face, which if I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have done. He grabs me by the neck and keeps me at arms length while still having Justin on his other arm cradling him against his chest. “You will behave if you don’t want me to kill you,” he hisses. “You have your baby still. Think about that.” I freeze and he lets me go. I stare at him and can’t help the tears that I’m spilling. I look at the baby in his arms and promise myself that I have to find a way for us to get out of this hell. I control my tears and push them back. I won’t let him see me crumble. “You’re a strong person,” he tells me suddenly. “What?” I ask and I know I could care less what he has to say, but part of me wonders. “Most people would try to run away,” he says and moves back. “Start screaming for mercy for me not to kill them.” “You said you weren’t going to,” I point out. “Well, you tried to hit me,” he tells me. “You didn’t go over that rule yet,” I say coldly. He chuckles at that. Fucker! “Please, God, help me,” I whisper to myself. Then he starts full out laughing. “God,” he muses. “Yeah, he has better things to do than to worry about you cows.” I shake my head. “He does care.” “You tell yourself whatever you want,” he says as he starts walking to the door. “But I’m older and wiser. I know how these things work. Everyone has a secret agenda.” I don’t care what he says. “You know,” he says, stopping and turning around to look at me. “You could have everything you want,” he whispers. “I could give you a new life.” I shake my head quickly. I know what he’s offering. “You can see your girl growing up and having a family of her own, see your grandchildren and great grandchildren,” he says. “Wouldn’t that be something?” I actually think about it, but I can’t help it. It would be wonderful but it’s not meant to happen like that. “It’s great to see your family growing,” he tells me. “What would you know?” I ask glaring at him. “You, you destroyed mine.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “I have kids and they have kids and those kids have kids.” It takes me a moment to make sense of what he’s saying. Then my eyes open wide. “How many of you are there?” “You’re a smart woman,” he concludes. “I wouldn’t mind in the least having you in my family.” “It’s not going to happen,” I inform him. Brian shrugs and goes towards the door. “Are there…a lot of you in the world?” I ask. “There are a lot of things in this word that you don’t know about,” he tells me. “But it's not like you or your kind has to worry about it. We have more important things to do with our time than to worry about stupid cows.” I so hate this man…creature, whatever he is. I know my God would pull through when I need him. I have faith that he will. That’s why I’m still alive. I look down and sigh. My eyes start to water when I start thinking about Charlie yet again. Maybe he’s lying to me. Maybe I will get to see him again and we’ll be a family like we’re supposed to. As I hear the door closing I give up. I let it all out. I cry until there are no more tears to shed. Then I tell myself that I have to be strong for my daughter. One day God will bring this monster down. One day I'll be free again and she will have the life she was supposed to along with Justin. I'll make sure to save him.