VERY IMPORTANT Whatever is underlined is something that it’s being said, but not out loud. Whatever is underlined plus in italics is something that it’s being said in both forms. Whatever is in bold letters is written down.
Eric screamed and Gus shouted. Brian looked back at them and both boys looked startled, but then smiled at Brian. Brian arched a brow and smiled back at them. He looked back to the front and waited for the light to change. “You have to put it here.” Gus was saying at Eric in the back. Brian was trying to get to PIFA to pick Justin up. He looked at his watch and saw that he had plenty of time. He started driving again once the light changed and was in the middle of the intersection when the jeep got hit by another car. The hit was on the front on Brian’s side. Brian bumped his head on the steering wheel and could hear his boys screaming and crying. After a while, Gus started calling him and he told him he was okay. Gus calmed a little, but Eric kept screaming. Brian tried to move but found he couldn’t when the pain shot through his body. The last thing he remembered was Gus telling Eric that it was okay. *** Justin got home and went in. Jennifer turned around startled. “Justin!” Jennifer said. “What are you doing here?” Justin looked at her like she was crazy. “I live here.” Justin told her. “I know.” Jennifer told him. “Brian said he was going to pick you up. He is with Eric and Gus.” Justin frowned and took out his cell phone. He wrote a message and waited. He waited for fifteen minute before trying again. He was getting impatient. Justin watched as his mother walked to the house phone and picked it up. He watched her going pale and he knew something had happened. *** “We are trying to find Brian Kinney. He was brought here with two kids.” Jennifer said. The nurse looked in the computer and then directed them to Brian’s room. When Jennifer and Justin got there Michael, Ben and Emmett were inside. “Hey. Everything is okay.” Michael said. “He was up just a couple of second ego. He just got a concussion.” Justin breathed easier and then looked around. “Where are the boys?” Justin asked. Michael frowned and then smiled and nodded. “Right, the boys. They are in the next room. Gus has a couple of scratches from the glass that shattered and Eric is okay. They tried to separate them, but they screamed and fought everyone that came close to them.” Justin smiled and nodded. He walked over to Brian and kissed him on the forehead before he went out to get his son and Gus. Jennifer went with him and they found Lindsay and Mel with them. “Hey.” Lindsay said. “They are all okay.” Justin smiled at her and walked over to Gus and Eric. “Dada.” Eric said smiling. “Bi bum.” “I know.” Justin told him and picked him up. “Where is my dad?” Gus asked. “I want to see him.” “Daddy is sleeping.” Justin said. Gus pouted. “I’m sure it will be okay.” Lindsay said, but Justin didn’t know because he was looking at Gus and Eric. Jennifer walked over to Justin and touched his arm. Justin looked at her. “Lindsay is taking Gus to see Brian.” Jennifer said. Justin nodded and then looked at Lindsay and smiled. They went back with their kids to Brian’s room. By then Debbie was there with Vic and Ted, giving everyone a coffee. “Daddy?” Eric asked, trying to reach for Brian. “Daddy is sleeping.” “No.” Eric said and pouted. “Up.” Justin just let Eric sit next to Brian. Eric lay next to Brian and took Brian’s hand. Gus did the same in the other side. “What happen?” Jennifer asked. “Drunk driver. He says he didn’t see the jeep.” Michael said. “The cops took him away. Nothing happened to him.” “It figures.” Emmett said. “Anything could have happened to Brian and the boys. “Don’t say that.” Melanie told them. “They are okay.” Jennifer said relieved. They looked back when they heard the sobs. Justin had his head buried on Brian’s chest crying. They left one by one, giving Justin some privacy. Justin looked at Brian and was so happy that nothing had happened to the man. He cleaned his tears and smiled when he saw that the boys were getting affected by it. “Daddy is going to be okay.” Justin assured them. Gus nodded and Eric went back to holding Brian’s hand and calling him from time to time to see if his daddy would wake up. *** “How are you feeling?” Michael asked. “I’m fucking fine and if anyone asks me that again, I’m going to rip their fucking heads off.” Brian hissed. “He’s fine.” Ted said sarcastically. Emmett and Ben laughed. “He’s an asshole.” Melanie said. “We are worried and he treats us like shit.” Brian rolled his eyes. “Could all of you leave? I’m okay.” Brian assured them. “I’ll stay with you.” “Justin is here.” Brian said. “Why is he sleeping at this time of the day?” Ted asked. Brian smirked. “Oh my god. Let’s go. He perfectly okay.” Melanie said. Lindsay nodded. “Get better soon, Bri.” Lindsay told him and kissed him on the cheek. Brian nodded and watched her go. “Now you guys. Come on.” Brian said. “Okay, okay.” Michael said. “If you need anything, call us.” Brian nodded and got up from the couch after the third try. The painkillers were wearing off and he was in a lot of pain. He walked to his bedroom and lay next to Justin. He caressed Justin’s face and smiled. He realized what he could have lost. Realized how short time was, he was going to make sure he enjoy all the time he had very well. *** Craig knocked on the door and waited. Jennifer opened the door and stared at Craig like he was from another planet. “What are you doing here?” Jennifer asked. “I came to talk to you guys.” Craig said. Jennifer nodded and let him come in. “How you been?” Craig asked. “Okay.” Jennifer said. Craig looked at the little boy that walked up to him and grabbed his leg. “Hi.” Eric said smiling. Craig looked at him before he bent down and picked him up. “He’s so big already.” Craig said. Jennifer nodded. “He looks just like Justin when little.” Craig pointed out. “Craig.” “What?” Craig asked. “What are you doing here?” Jennifer asked. Craig took a deep breath. “I miss you.” Craig told her. She smiled sadly. “I miss you too.” Jennifer told him. “But…I’m not going to change to please you.” “I know.” Craig said and put Eric down who went to where he had been playing with his toys. “Where is Justin?” Craig asked. “He’s out.” Jennifer told him. “I would like to see him. Is he doing okay?” Craig asked. Jennifer nodded. “Good.” Jennifer looked at her ex husband and could see that he was skinnier and look older. “Do you want anything to drink?” Jennifer asked. “No. I should go.” Craig said. Jennifer smiled. “It was good seeing you.” Jennifer told him. “I’ll try to come more often.” Craig said looking at Eric. Jennifer nodded. “I know I made a mistake. I’m trying here.” Craig said. Jennifer smiled at him. She thought that maybe things would be better. *** “Justin! Justin!” Brian said. “Justin…what the fucks am I doing yelling at him?” Brian asked himself as he took a pillow and threw it at Justin. Justin turned around and glared at Brian after he had been hit on the head. “Sorry. Eric is crying.” Brian told him. Justin moved quickly to the living room and picked Eric up from his crib. Brian would have gone himself but he was feeling a little dizzy and he could feel the pain throbbing at his ribs. He wanted more painkillers, but Justin had said no. “Dak.” Eric told his father. Justin walked with him and Brian took Eric. “Dak.” Eric said with teary eyes. “You are afraid of the dark, baby?” Brian said. “That’s okay, Daddy will protect you.” Justin smiled at them before he moved to the kitchen to prepare Brian something to eat. He came back to find Eric playing with Brian’s buttons. He put a plate of food next to Brian and picked Eric up, giving him his bottle. Eric took it, but reached back for Brian. “Give him here.” Brian said and took Eric. Brian sat Eric next to him and the kid sat still. Eric extended his hand and gestured to Justin the same way he always did. He wanted his father close to him too. Justin smiled and got in bed. He made sure that both of his boys ate their food. “Aren’t you hungry?” Brian asked as he put his empty plate away. Justin shook his head. “What’s been in your mind?” Brian asked. “My father came to see me.” Justin said. “Oh.” Brian said. “What did he want?” “He says he wants to be part of my life.” Justin told him. “Do you want that?” Justin shrugged. “I do. I’m just scared that he is going to hurt me again or Eric.” Justin said. “I think you should give him a chance if you really want it.” Brian said. Justin smiled. “Would you like to meet him?” Justin asked. Brian frowned and looked at Justin like he was crazy. He looked at Eric who was falling asleep in his arms. He took a deep breath and nodded. “Really?” Brian nodded. “Does he know about me?” Brian asked moving “I told him. He said he was happy.” Justin said. Brian nodded and hoped that Craig Taylor wouldn’t hurt his son or he was going to make sure the man paid for hurting his blond. *** Dinner so far was going great. But that could have been mainly because Craig hadn’t come. Eric was imitating everything Brian did and said. Jennifer thought it was cute and Brian was going out of his mind. He couldn’t believe that Eric hadn’t gotten tired of doing that. “Play.” Eric said. Jennifer smiled. “He’s starting to talk more clearly.” Jennifer said smiling. There was a knock on the door and Brian looked at his watch. Craig was two hours late if that was him. Jennifer walked to the door and opened it. Craig walked in and looked at Justin with a smile before he looked at Brian and frowned. He turned around and looked at Jennifer. “How old is he?” Craig asked. “That doesn’t really matter.” Jennifer said. “What is he doing here?” Craig asked. Jennifer took a deep breath and tried to relax. “You are late.” Jennifer said changing the subject. “I had to do something at the office.” Craig told her. “Come on. I’ll serve you.” Jennifer said. Craig sat at the table and nodded towards Brian. “How you been? ” Craig asked. “Good. ” Justin told him. “You didn’t tell me he was older than you. ” Craig said. Brian raised a brow and Justin shrugged. “Age doesn’t matter. We love each other. ” Justin said. “And he is good to Eric. ” Craig nodded. “Are you sure he’s not here just because you are young and smart? ” Craig asked. “And let’s not forget the good looks too. ” Brian said. “Let’s not forget that.” “Fuck.” Craig said. “Fuc.” Eric repeated. Brian looked at Eric and smirked. Justin didn’t even know what his son had said. “Don’t repeat that, Eric.” Jennifer said as she put a plate in front of Craig. “Sorry.” Craig said. Craig ate his food while he talked with Jennifer and Justin, but ignored Brian. Justin knew what his father was doing, but didn’t say anything. Jennifer was getting irritated by Craig’s behavior while Brian simply didn’t care. When they were done, they moved into the living room. “Do you want some coffee too, Brian?” Jennifer asked. Brian shook his head and sat down next to Justin. Craig sat across from them while Jennifer went into the kitchen. “Eric is getting big.” Craig said looking at Justin. Justin smiled and nodded. Jennifer came back with Craig’s coffee and sat down with hers. They talked for a while about Eric and then school. Brian looked at his watched and felt like he had enough. He got up and Justin got up after him. “I’m going to go. I’ll call you later.” Brian said. “Goodnight, Brian.” Jennifer said. Brian walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek goodnight. Then he picked Eric up and tickled the boy before he kissed him on the forehead and put him back down. Eric walked behind him. Brian smiled and kissed Justin goodbye. “Do you have to do in front of my grandson?” Craig asked. Jennifer took a deep breath and controlled herself. “Do you have a problem with it?” Brian asked. “Yeah. I prefer if he didn’t see that.” “What right do you have to say anything?” Brian asked angrily. “I have more rights than you could ever have.” Craig spat out. “Dada.” Eric said walking over to Justin not liking the tone of the two men. Justin picked his son and moved so he could see clearly what his father and Brian where saying. “I have more rights than you.” Brian told him. “I don’t care about you. You will be gone someday.” “No Craig. You are confusing me with you.” Brian spat out. Brian was losing his patience. “You are just using my son. He could be a normal kid if it wasn’t for perverts like you pulling him into your disgusting world.” Craig hissed. “Don’t you fucking dare.” Brian hissed. “It’s true. God knows if you have done anything to Eric.” “Fuck you.” Brian hissed as he grabbed Craig by the collar. “You are a fucking animal.” Craig told him and tried to get away from Brian’s hold. “No! No!” Eric screamed and started crying. “Daddy! Daddy!” “Stop it.” Jennifer said. “You are scaring him.” Brian pulled away from Craig and walked towards Justin and Eric. He picked up the little boy and hugged him. “I’m so sorry. It’s okay.” Brian told him. Craig glared at him. “Get out of my house, Craig.” Jennifer told him. “But Jen…he…” “Nothing.” Jennifer told him. “Get out.” Craig took a deep breath and looked at Justin who was staring at him with a sad face. He looked at Brian who was glaring at him and Eric who was not happy. He turned around and left. “I’m sorry.” Brian said to Justin. “It wasn’t your fault, Brian.” Jennifer said and took a deep breath. Jennifer left for her room. She needed to relax a bit. “I can’t believe he said those things. ” Justin said. “It doesn’t matter.” Brian said. “What matters is that you are okay.” Justin smiled and nodded. “Call me when you get home. ” Justin said. “Nah. I think I’ll stay for the night.” Brian said, kissing him again. “Ki.” Eric said. Brian smiled and kissed Eric on the cheek. The boy giggled and then asked a kiss from his other father. He clapped his hands before he rested his head on Brian’s shoulder and grabbed Justin’s index finger when his dada caressed his face. The bad man was gone and his two daddies were okay.