“So was Michael still pissed at you when he left?” Justin asked around his toothbrush. “Who the hell knows with him anymore?” Brian shrugged. “Well, at least he wasn’t pouting.” Justin said then thought a second. “Not where anyone could see him anyway.” “I think he and Ben were pow-wowing in the living room.” Brian said. “They seemed to be in pretty deep conversation when I walked passed just before everyone started to leave.” “So, what were you going to say that you didn’t say?” Justin asked as he was pulling on his jeans. “When?” “You know when.” Justin said pursing his lips. “You said that Michael had said things once before. When?” “I told you it was a long time ago.” Brian countered. “I’m starving. Let’s go get brunch at the diner.” “Brian, spill.” Seeing the resolve on Justin’s face, Brian sat down on the end of the bed and started pulling on his socks. He didn’t say anything for a while not sure how he should start. “It was at Mel and Lindsay’s anniversary party.” Brian began. “Right after you went with Ethan.” Brian looked over at Justin, but his face stayed neutral. “You were standing with him and Michael came over and started telling me that you had some nerve showing up at the party with your new boyfriend. I told him that we were never married and that you could leave anytime you wanted. Which was true.” Justin nodded dropping his gaze to the floor. “Anyway, Michael just kept on talking about how ungrateful you were and that all you did was take from me, blah, blah, blah.” Brian finished pulling on his socks and pulled his shoes to him. “I kept telling him to be quiet. I really didn’t want to hear his bullshit. I had enough to deal with.” Justin nodded. “Then. . . then, he said something about this being how you repaid me for saving your life and that it wasn’t worth it.” Brian closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair. “He said that I should have just left you lying there -.” Brian’s voice cracked. “I couldn’t believe what he was saying. What he was implying. I – I loved you and he was saying that your life wasn’t worth saving.” Justin sat next to Brian putting his arm around him. “Of all the times my father hit me, no punch he ever threw hurt as bad as my best friend telling me that the person I loved wasn’t worth it.” “You never told anyone?” Justin asked. Brian shook his head no. “Why?” “Because they wouldn’t have believed me or they would have told me I was exaggerating or some other bullshit.” Brian said with a sigh as he pulled his shoes on. “He even apologized later on, but I never forgot, you know?” “Yeah.” “And, then he gets his panties in a twist over they fact that I get along so well with Jenny.” Brian exhaled. “I love the hell out of that little girl. She and Gus are, well, it’s like they’re both mine. I couldn’t live without either one of them in my life.” “And, you shouldn’t have to.” Justin stated. “Michael’ll get over it eventually.” “I know.” Brian said softly putting his hand behind Justin’s head and pulling him into a kiss then laid his forehead against Justin’s. “I do, you know.” “I know.” Justin said. “Come on let’s go eat.” Brian smiled and allowed Justin to pull him up off the bed and toward the bedroom door. -- Brian, Justin, and John walked into the diner at about 10 o’clock. John had been complaining the whole way that he was starving and had to wait forever for the ‘rents’ to wake up and feed him. Brian shook his head gave the boy one of his patented tongue-cheek-smiles before playfully cuffing him upside the head. John just laughed and took the first booth he came to. “Good Morning, friends and family.” Debbie said as she walked over to take their order. She filled the coffee cups in front of Justin and Brian without asking if they wanted it. “So, what will it be?” “Pancakes.” John said before anyone else could speak. “With maple syrup and sausage on the side. And, an extra large glass of milk.” “Where you gonna put all that, Squirt.” Brian asked nudging the boy in the side. “My ass. Where else?” John said dissolving into laugher eluding Justin’s attempt to pop him on the head. “What about you, Sunshine?” “I’d like a ham and cheese omelet with hash browns and toast on the side and a large orange juice.” Justin said looking at John who was snickering behind his hand. “No remarks.” John just shrugged. “Kiddo?” Debbie asked chuckling and shaking her head at them. “More coffee.” He said having already drained the first cup. “And, I’d like a bagel with low-fat cream cheese with the fruit plate.” “Coming right up.” She said as she walked toward the kitchen to put their order in. “My By!” Brian looked up to see Melanie walking into the diner loaded down with Jenny’s stuff. “Need some help?” Brian said standing up and taking Jenny before she slid out of Melanie’s arms. “Thanks.” Melanie said. “I’ve been fighting with this damned – oops.” She looked at Jenny. “I’ve been fighting with this dumb stroller and I can’t seem to get it to lock.” “Let me try.” Justin said. He opened in and stepped on the locking bar. “There you go.” “Thanks.” Melanie said sitting down next to Brian. “Where are you going?” Brian chuckling. “Safari?” “My parents.” Melanie said. “I always feel like I’m going into battle, though.” “I thought you got along with your parents.” Justin commented. “I do.” Melanie explained. “It’s just getting everything I need for Jenny and myself, it’s exhausting.” “Are you driving alone?” Brian asked concerned. “Yeah, but, I really want to see my folks.” Melanie said looking wistful. “And, when I get there, my mother immediately tells me to go to sleep and she’ll take care of Jenny.” “An added bonus.” “You bet your ass.” Melanie put her hand to her mouth. “I really need to stop that.” She chuckled. “Jenny is a sponge when it comes to swear words.” “So is Gus.” Justin said looking at Brian. “I know.” Melanie said smiling. “I’m surprised between the two of us,” she said indicating herself and Brian, “his first word wasn’t fuck.” She whispered the last word even though Jenny was completely enthralled by the zipper on Brian’s jacket. Brian laughed causing Jenny to giggle even though she had no idea what she was laughing about. “Don’t worry, though. I have everyone’s cell phone number and work phone number and home phone number. If I have any trouble at all, I know someone will be there to help.” “Hey, Mel.” Debbie called then immediately put her order pad away and picked Jenny up out of Brian’s arms. “And, how is the world’s most beautiful baby girl.” “She is teething again.” Melanie said. “She will chew on anything. Speaking of which, Debbie, could I get some coffee and oatmeal for me and toast and apple sauce for Jenny.” “Sure thing, Sweetums.” Debbie said kissing Jenny on her pudgy cheeks. “I’ll get her a high chair, too.” Debbie said handing Jenny to Melanie. “How long you going to be at your parents?” Brian asked. “Well, I decided to take a week off from work, so I’ll be there for 2 or 3 days.” Melanie said as she wrestled Jenny into the high chair Debbie brought over. “Since Jenny was born, I’ve cut back even further on my case load, so I have the time. I might as well take it, right?” Brian nodded. “Here you go.” Debbie said handing Melanie her food along with Jenny’s. “Hey, we ordered first.” John said. “You won’t starve to death anytime soon, there, Bucko.” Debbie said. “It’ll be ready in a few.” She disappeared as John slumped in his seat to pout. “Stop it.” Brian chided. “But, I’m starving.” John whined. “You’ll live.” Brian returned. “Bite?” Jenny said offering John a bite of her toast. “No thank you, sweetie.” Brian said softly. “You eat your breakfast. John’ll get his in a minute.” Jenny seemed happy with that and went back to eating. Several minutes later, Debbie returned with their food. John dug into his as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks. “Hey, slow down there, Tex.” Brian admonished. “You can’t be that hungry.” John just grinned and went back to attacking his breakfast. “So, what are you guys up to today?” Debbie asked in general. “Off to visit the grandparents.” Melanie said. “And a bit of a break for me, too.” “You know you can always count on me for a break, too, Sweetie.” Debbie said brushing Jenny’s hair out of her face. “I know, but Mom and Dad don’t get to see Jenny as often?” Melanie said sounding distinctly guilty. “Well, they are her grandparents, too.” Debbie smiled. “And, who am I to deprive them of my beautiful grandchild.” Brian saw Melanie’s eyes darken but refrained from asking anything while Debbie was around. “What about the three amigos, what are you three up to today?” “As little as possible.” Justin said. “We’re all still beat from yesterday.” “I’m going to spend the day in the pool again.” John said around a mouthful of food. “Aren’t your text books going to get wet?” Justin asked. John frowned. “I know for a fact you have a math test tomorrow that you need to study for.” John rolled his eyes. “Are you okay?” Brian asked quietly once Debbie had left to wait on another customer. “Yeah.” Melanie said unconvincingly. “You sure?” Brian said arching his eyebrows. Melanie smiled knowing what Brian was really asking and nodded. “Well, if you need to talk -.” Brian trailed off as he put his hand on her shoulder. “I know.” Melanie said placing her hand over his. “And, thanks.” -- “So, can I go swimming for a little while?” John asked the minute they got back to the house. “For an hour or so, but then it’s time to hit the books, got it?” Brian said. John nodded running up the stairs to get his suit on. “I think I’m going to swim, too.” Justin said. “What about you?” “Maybe.” Brian said. “I’ll put on my suit, but I do have a couple things to look over before my meeting with Leo tomorrow.” “So, you are going in.” Justin said. “Have to.” Brian said. “Forgot about Leo Brown. We’re meeting for brunch.” “Brunch?” “Yeah, Leo calls it that so he can drink before noon.” Brian chuckled. Justin rolled his eyes. “It isn’t until eleven, though, and if I do the preliminaries tonight, then I have all morning.” “Um-huh.” Justin added seductively. “Who knows what we could get up to before your meeting and my first class?” “You need help getting your suit on?” Brian asked innocently. “Maybe.” “Maybe, I’ll come up an help you.” “Maybe I’ll let you.” “I can hear you.” John called from upstairs. “Maybe you’ll learn something.” Brian shot back. “Yuck.” John said causing Justin and Brian both to laugh as they mounted the stairs to their bedroom. -- Brian was sitting on a chaise lounge by the pool nearly asleep when his cell phone rang. He thought about blowing off, but knew that most of the calls to his cell were business related. “Hello.” “Hey.” Brian heard Michael’s voice and restrained himself of sighing. “What’s up, Mickey?” “Nothing.” Michael said. “I was wondering if you might want to grab a drink at Woody’s maybe play some pool.” “I don’t know.” Brian said. “I’m still pretty beat and I have a meeting to get ready for tomorrow.” “Just one drink.” Michael said in a voice bordering on a whine. “We hardly ever hang out together anymore, you know.” “Yeah.” Brian admitted. “Hang on.” “What, you gotta check with the little woman?” Michael asked sarcastically. “Mikey.” Brian warned. “What?” “Don’t act stupid.” Brian countered. “You need to stop and stop right fucking now.” “I’m not doing anything.” Michael pouted. “Yes, you are.” Brian said flatly. “You’re being a total shit.” “Fuck you.” “No, fuck you, Michael.” Brian hung up frowning. “Christ!” He said tossing his cell phone on the ground by his flip-flops. “Problem?” Justin asked standing over Brian blocking the sun. “Michael.” Brian began. “‘Nuff said.” Justin said softly as he climbed into Brian’s lap. “I need to find out what the fuck his problem is.” Brian said. “Why not go see him?” Justin offered. “Face to face is always better than arguing over the phone.” “I think I will.” Brian said patting Justin on the ass cheek. “Hop up.” Justin stood as Brian headed toward the house. “I don’t know what time I’ll be home.” Brian said turning just before he got to the door. “Don’t worry about it.” Justin said. “Go try and fix things with Michael. I’ll be here when you get back.” -- Brian stood outside Michael’s apartment for a while just staring at the number on the door. He wasn’t sure how his friend would receive him right now, but he knew he had to try and fix things. He took a deep breath then knocked on the door. “Hey sexy.” Hunter said when he opened the door. Brian rolled his eyes. “Is Michael home?” “I’m right here.” Michael said pulling the door all the way open. “Go finish your homework.” He said to Hunter. Hunter just smiled sweetly at Michael, blew a kiss to Brian and sauntered to his room. “What do you want?” Michael asked as he motioned for Brian to come in. “I want to talk to you.” Brian said. “Maybe together we can figure out what crawled up your ass and died.” “There isn’t anything wrong with me.” Michael said emphasizing the last word. “Which means there’s something wrong with me?” “I barely know you any more.” Michael muttered. “You have this ‘life’ with Justin and John that I’m just not part of any more.” “What about you?” Brian said shocked. “With the wife and kid?” “That’s different.” Michael countered. “What I have with Ben is different than what you have with Justin.” “Really?” “Yeah.” Michael said matter of factly. “Ben and I love each other. We were together long before Hunter came along. You and Justin got back together because of John.” “Is that what you think?” “It’s what I know.” Michael said crossing his arms across his chest. “You would never have gotten back with him if it wasn’t for you getting custody of your nephew.” “Is that a fact?” Michael nodded. “Well, for your information, Mr. I-know-Brian-better-than-anyone-because-I’m-his-best-friend, I was fucking miserable without him.” Brian shook his head. “You claim to know me so damned well, what, did you miss the fact that I was a fall down fucking mess after he left. And, that no amount of booze, or drugs, or cock could dull the pain. There wasn’t enough pain management in the world to dull what I felt.” Michael could only stare at Brian. “And, then in the midst of it all, I lose my mother, my sister and one of my nephews is in critical condition and not expected to live.” Brian ran his hand through his hair. “And, the only person I could think to call was Justin. Not you, my ‘best friend in the whole wide world’, but my ex. The man who ripped my heart out by leaving me for some greasy fiddle player.” Brian moved closer to Michael. “And, do you know why I called him?” Michael shook his head. “Because he was the only one who would let me lean on him and be able to take care of me.” Michael looked as if he was about to say something but Brian continued before he could. “Because he would prop me up, help me keep myself together without making it about him.” “That’s not fair.” “Isn’t it?” Brian said. “You have always made the things I do about you.” Michael shook his head. “What about David?” Michael glared at Brian. “If you had known that my job in New York had fallen through, would you still have gone to Portland with him?” Brian asked. “Or, would you have found a reason to stay? And, Ben, hell, the fact that I fucked him a million years ago, damn near broke you two up. And, then when I find out I have cancer, what was your first response?” Michael looked away. “It wasn’t, ‘what can I do for you?’ or ‘are you going to be okay?’, no, the first question I get is, ‘when were you going to tell me?’ You make every fucking thing about you.” Brian blew out an angry breath. “And, everyone thinks that I’m selfish. I’m the asshole who only cares about himself.” “You’re just so different lately.” “Well, it’s about time you noticed.” Brian scoffed. “In case it’s escaped your attention, a whole lot has happened in the last few years.” Michael continued to stare at his shoes. “Truth be known, it all started under a street lamp. When he came into my life. He showed up and changed every fucking thing.” Brian sat down heavily in a chair at the table. “I broke my rules for him; because of him. And, I continue to break rules because him. Because, because, Mikey, I love him. I probably have since the beginning. Maybe I’m a little slow on the uptake or maybe I’m just stubborn as hell, but looking back now, I know it’s true. I love him and I can see myself being with him for – God help me – the rest of my life. Isn’t that what you have with Ben? Doesn’t that pretty much make us even in the relationship department?” “I guess.” “Well, thanks for that resounding vote of confidence.” Michael huffed but didn’t respond. “And, this shit about JR. What the fuck, Mikey? Why don’t you want me to get along with your daughter? You get along just fine with Gus. And, do I throw a hiss fit because of it? No. Why would I? Do I think you’re a threat to me as a father? No. Do you?” “Do I what?” “Do you think that I am some kind of threat to you as a father?” Brian repeated slowly. Michael didn’t answer, but Brian could read it all over his face. “Are you shitting me?” “She just seems to have so much more fun around you.” Michael admitted. “Because I hang her upside down like Gus or because I pulled you and JR up out of the water after you fucked up?” Brian asked harshly. “I didn’t fuck up.” “So, you meant to drag your daughter under water?” “Fuck you.” “Try a new one, Mickey, that record’s broken.” “Why does everything come so fucking easy to you?” Michael shouted. “You didn’t even want to be a father. You were just supposed to be a sperm donor. Then all of a sudden you’re like a real dad to Gus. I would never have thought of you taking care of your nephew for any reason and now, shit, I see you with him and you look like you get a long so well. And, you and Justin just seem to click and make things work. Like it’s just so damned easy.” “Easy?” Brian said with a surprised laugh. “You think this is easy?” Michael shrugged. “When have I ever been easy to live with Michael? It’s work. Hard work. Every fucking day.” Brian ran his hand through his hair. “But, do you know why I do it? Do you, Michael?” Michael shrugged again. “I do it because I need to. I need them, Michael. And, it feels good for them to want and need me. And, when JR comes running to me, that feels pretty damned good as well.” “She loves you more than me.” Michael pouted. “She’s a baby, Michael.” Brian countered. “She’s only a little over a year old, for crying out loud. She loves anyone who can make her happy. Anyone who will just play with her, sit and hold her, feed her, change her.” “But -.” “No, Michael, no buts.” Brian interrupted. “She’s your kid, there is no doubting that. But, she’s also apart of this big fucked up family of ours.” Brian moved closer to Michael. “And, I like being her My By. Because she’s a part of you.” “Because you love me.” Michael smirked. “Because I love you.” Brian confirmed. Michael nodded and Brian pulled him into an embrace. “Oh, and Michael.” Brian said as he pulled away. “Lay off the shit about Justin. He’s not your enemy, you know?” “I know.” Michael sighed. “It’s just he has -.” “Me.” Brian said firmly. “And, he’s going to be around for a long, long time. Get used to it.” Michael nodded. “I gotta get home. I still have stuff to do for my meeting tomorrow.” “Lunch tomorrow?” Michael asked. “Sure. See you at the diner.” Michael smiled as Brian walked to the door. Brian turned and kissed him then headed down the stairs and to the car. His mind already on the hot blond waiting for him. End.