The following morning, the intercom on Brian desk buzzed. Rolling his eyes, he pushed the button to answer. “What?” “Justin’s on line one.” Cynthia said unaffected by Brian’s brusque response. “Thanks.” Brian said already reaching for the receiver. “What’s wrong?” “Well, hello to you, too.” Justin teased. Brian could almost see the smile on the other man’s face. “Hello, Justin.” Brian said pleasantly. “Now, what’s wrong?” “Nothing.” Justin chuckled. “I was going to start calling around for prices on catering and I wanted to know what kind of food you think we should serve.” “Nothing too messy.” Brian said firmly. “Probably be best to have party trays with meats and cheese, vegetables and dips, you know, stuff like that.” “So, you’re thinking, picnic stuff?” Justin asked. “No, more like dinner party stuff. Hot hors d’oeuvres maybe.” Brian countered. “Nice food only served in such a way as to not be too messy and more hands only friendly. And, we have Gus and Jenny to think about, too. It has to be something they both like and won’t make too big a mess eating.” “Like the summer socials at the country club?” Justin asked. “I wouldn’t know about that.” Brian teased. “But, it shouldn’t be too stuffy either. This is ‘The Family’ after all. We’re not trying to impress anyone.” “But, we want it to be nice.” “Of course.” “Maybe I could talk to my Mom.” Justin said more to himself than Brian. “She and my Dad used to have people over for stuff like this all the time.” “Just so long as Jennifer knows that this is to remain between us until everything is settled and ready.” Brian reminded. “No problem.” Justin stated confidently. “Mom knows you.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “What I mean is Mom knows you don’t want a three ringed circus.” Justin assured hurriedly. “Something understated, but fabulous.” “Just like me.” Brian said causing Justin to laugh. “I’ll call mom on my break.” “Are you working at the diner today?” “Yeah, I’m on my way there now.” “When do you get off?” “Six.” “John and I’ll come there. We can have dinner together.” “Sounds like a plan.” Justin said smiling. Brian could actually hear the other man smiling. “Later.” “Later.” Brian smiled as he hung up the phone. -- When Brian and John arrived at the diner a few minutes before six, Justin was swamped with people and only had enough time to say, hi, give Brian a quick peck on the lips and hurry off to pick up another order. “Brian.” Michael waved him to the booth he was sitting at with Hunter. Brian motioned John to go ahead of him and they moved over to where the other two men were sitting then slid in the booth opposite them. “I haven’t seen you all week.” Michael said in an accusatory tone of voice. “I’ve been busy.” Brian stated flatly. “I do have a business to run, you know.” “Yeah, but you never returned my calls.” Michael pouted. Hunter looked at John and started silently mocking Michael making the younger boy smile. Michael looked over at Hunter who was pretending to look at the menu. “Like, I said Mikey, I’ve been busy.” Brian repeated. Hunter rolled his eyes and John coughed trying to hide a laugh. Michael looked over at Hunter again, but now Hunter seemed intensely interested in the picture on the wall. Brian pressed his lips together trying to squelch his own desire to laugh at Hunter as Justin came over to the table. “Whew.” He sighed as he leaned against Brian. “I am beat. Diva called in sick and I’m working two sections. It’s killing me.” “But, the tips are good, right?” Hunter chimed in. “I always get good tips.” Justin smirked. “Cause I’m cute.” Hunter snorted a laugh, Michael rolled his eyes, John snickered and Brian just shook his head. “So, what would you like for dinner?” He pulled his order pad out of his apron and the pencil from behind his ear. “Is the roast beef special any good?” Hunter asked. “It is excellent today.” Justin said. “Customers have been raving about it.” “Cool. I want that with a glass of milk.” “That sounds pretty good to me, too.” John said nodding. “I’m starving.” “Make that three.” Michael said. “Brian?” “I’ll have the turkey meatloaf platter with unsweetened ice tea.” He looked up at Justin. “What about you?” “I don’t know if I’m going to get off on time now, Trudy called in sick, too. I think they have the flu or something.” Justin said. “I’m here.” Debbie called as she came in the door dressed for work. “Hey, Deb.” “Ma?” Michael began. “Didn’t you work just this morning?” “Yeah, but Trudy called in sick.” Debbie countered. “I can’t let Justin work all night. He has school in the morning.” “He’s younger than you.” Michael protested. “I’m going to ignore that.” Debbie said as she hung her coat up behind the counter and tied on her apron. “Sunshine, your relief is here, so sit down and eat with your family.” “Deb’s it’s okay. Really.” “No, it isn’t.” Debbie said untying Justin apron and tugging it off. “Sit. Eat.” “Yes, ma’am.” “Now, what did you want for dinner, Baby?” “The roast beef sounds good to me.” “Alrighty, four Pink Plate Specials and one turkey meatloaf coming up.” “She’s going to kill herself, I swear.” Michael muttered as Debbie walked to the kitchen to put the orders in. “She always pushes herself too hard.” “She’s a big girl, Mikey.” “Yeah, but Justin is still a lot younger than her.” “And, he’s been here since 10 this morning, so you’re point is?” “There isn’t any reason why Mom should have to work so hard.” “But, it’s okay for Justin to run himself into the ground?” “That’s not what I said.” “Why don’t I get a job here?” Hunter offered. “I’m cute, too. I could get loads of tips.” “You don’t need to work.” Michael countered. “You have school.” “And, I don’t?” Justin asked looking at Michael like he’d grown a second head.” “That’s not what I meant.” “Then, what do you mean, Michael?” Brian said not quite keeping the edge of anger out of his voice. “Just forget it.” Michael grumped lowering his head to stare at his folded hands. A few minutes later, Debbie returned to their table with their orders. She noticed Michael sulking and rolled her eyes. Hunter snorted a laugh that he blamed an allergic reaction to dust. Michael picked up his fork and began to eat grumpily. “Oh, I got my mid-term report card today.” John said as he fished it out of his coat pocket and handed it to Brian. “Four A’s and two B’s. Not too shabby, huh?” “That’s great, dude.” Hunter said honestly impressed. “Did you get yours?” Michael asked. “Yeah, it’s in my pocket.” Hunter said pulling a crumpled piece of paper from the back pocket of his jeans. “Two A’s, three B’s and two C’s.” “What’d you get the C’s in?” Michael asked taking the paper from Hunter. “History and Spanish.” Hunter grumped. “What do I care about a bunch of stuff that happened 200 years ago anyway? And, I’m never going to need Spanish.” “¿Cómo quiere usted su comida?” Brian said. “What?” “¿Qué?” “You’re a freak.” Hunter said through a mouthful of food. “You speak Spanish?” Justin asked giving Brian a strange look. “Poquito.” Brian said smiling. Justin leaned in capturing Brian’s lips. “Oh, please.” Hunter gagged. “Get a room.” Justin smiled as he pulled away from Brian then stuck his tongue out at Hunter causing John to burst out laughing. Brian laughed and shook his head. -- When the doorbell rang that evening, Justin knew who it was. He’d called Jennifer on one of his breaks at the diner and she had agreed to come over. “Hi, Mom.” Justin said giving his mother a kiss on the cheek. “Hi, Sweetie.” Jennifer said returning the kiss then looking at Justin more closely. “You looked tired.” “Long day.” Justin said. “Come on into the kitchen and I’ll make us some tea.” “Hey Jennifer.” Brian called from the living room as they passed. “Hello, Brian.” Jennifer called back giving the man a small wave. “Hello, Mrs. Taylor.” John said as Jennifer entered the kitchen with Justin. “Hello, John.” Jennifer said. “You know, you can call me Jennifer if you want to.” “I don’t know.” John said wrinkling his nose. “It doesn’t seem right to just call you by your first name and all.” “Well, we’ll just have to figure out something that isn’t quite so formal.” Jennifer said smiling. “John, can you finish your homework in your room.” Justin asked. “I’m all finished.” John said. “I’ll just go veg-out in front of the Playstation. Nice to see you again Mrs., um, Jennifer.” “He’s such a nice young man.” Jennifer said once John had left. “Yeah, not that he can’t be a pain in the ass, too.” Justin said affectionately. “So, I wanted to ask you for some advice on something.” He said as he placed a cup of tea in front of his mother. “Oh?” Jennifer asked a little surprised. “Well,” Justin began, “Brian and I don’t really have an anniversary or anything, but Brian thought it’d be cool to have a ‘Family Celebration’ day.” “Really?” “Well, John asked us if we celebrated an anniversary and when we said we didn’t, he said that we should.” Justin explained. “Brian figured that John wants to celebrate us as a family, thus the ‘Family Celebration’ day.” “Well, that’s kind of surprising coming from Brian.” Jennifer said before she thought about how it sounded. “That’s okay, Jennifer.” Brian said from the kitchen door. “It kind of surprised me, too.” “I’m sorry.” Jennifer said embarrassed. “That must have sounded awful.” “No, it sounded about right actually.” Brian smirked. “I think John needs to feel involved in real family stuff. That and the fact that he knows we haven’t really celebrated any birthdays or an anniversary for Justin and I.” Jennifer nodded mutely. “I think he needs to feel like we are a real family. If that makes any sense.” “Actually it does.” Jennifer said. “We want to have it here.” Justin said. “And I kinda need your expertise on how to throw a casual dinner party. You know, like those get togethers you and Dad used to have.” “Only not too stuffy.” Brian interjected. “Simple but fabulous.” “I think we can do that.” Jennifer said. “It’s pretty easy and relatively inexpensive.” Brian looked at her oddly. “Not that expense is a problem, but I know all the tricks of the trade so to speak about simple yet fabulous get togethers.” “I remember you and Dad doing that all the time when I was younger.” Justin said. “Yes, and it could be a royal pain in the butt.” Jennifer said matter of factly. “However, I learned about using frozen hors d’oeuvres that you could just pop in the oven a few minutes before serving. And, party trays I could make myself that were always 10 times better than some of the trays caterers and specialty stores make. And, of course, I had to have foods that you and your sister would eat along with whatever children showed up with their parents.” “That sounds exactly like what we want.” Justin said. “So, you’ll help me?” “Of course.” “Only, can you keep this under your hat until we have everything settled and ready to go?” Brian asked. “From the rest of the ‘Family’ and from John.” “If that’s how you want it, sure, no problem.” Jennifer said nodding. “But, why all the secrecy?” “Well, if we have any problems and have to cancel,” Brian explained, “we won’t have a fiasco on our hands like Mel and Lindsay’s wedding.” Jennifer smiled. “Right. I heard about that.” She looked at Justin. “But, I also hear you all did a wonderful job of getting the wedding back on track.” “Brian’s the master.” Justin said taking a sip from his tea. “Justin, I sure your mother doesn’t need to know about that.” Brian teased causing Justin to choke on his tea and Jennifer to laugh out loud in spite of the blush tinting her face. End chapter 2.