Brian: "Goddamn it, you fucking faggot!" Chris Hobbs yelled as he tried to get a punch in, but it was no use, Brian was just to strong and quick for him. Chris was just swinging his arms like an ape man would do, hoping to at least get one hit in. Then he saw a fist coming straight at his face. Brian punched him square in the nose. "You fucking goddamn faggot whore, you broke my fucking nose." Chris screamed in agony. Chris backed into a locker in the locker room as he was trying to back away from Brian to try to avoid getting punched again. Chris was tying desperately to stop the bleeding from his nose, while keeping a sharp eye on Brian. "Christ, fucking suck it up, I didn't brake your fucking nose you big pussy" Brian said, rolling his eyes. Then he faintly heard someone yell that the principal was coming, and Brian freaked. He knew it was his own fault since he was the one who threw the first punch, but he was getting fucking sick of always listening to Chris's fag jokes and comments towards him all the time, so he decided that Chris should be taught a lesson. If you asked Brian, Chris deserved it. Then, when Brian turned his head away and wasn't looking at Chris, Chris quickly ran towards his sports bag and quickly pulled out a long metal baseball bat out and showed it to Brian, when Brian turned to look at him again, waving it in his hand in a threatening way, while he had a big smirk on his face like he knew he had already won. But Brian didn't even seemed fazed by what Chris was trying to imply. That confused and angered Chris even more, so Chris swung the bat, aiming for Brian's head, but Brian ducked and pulled an object from his back pocket. Chris saw the object that Brian now had in his hand, was a blade knife. Chris backed away more. Brian smirked when he saw Chris back away, with wide eyes filled with fear, and immediately drop the bat. Brian was still smirking when he waved the knife in his hand like Chris had done to him with bat, but this time Chris was fazed, and Brian could tell he regretted getting on Brian's bad side. "Mr. Kinney! Put that knife down." Brian jerked his head towards the voice and saw it was Principal Thomas. Brian groaned. He looked back at Chris who looked, both, frightened and relieved. He put the knife back in his pocket and winked at Principal Thomas. "Whatever you say, Principal Thomas." Brian said in a low seductive voice. He saw Principal Thomas's lips slightly curve up, and saw the principal trying to suppress a grin. He knew that Principal Thomas was gay. It was completely obvious by the way he starred at Brian all the time while licking his lips. And Brian knew that he could have a detention instead of being kicked out of school once more, like all the other principals in his other schools have done. He had been kicked out of 7 schools for carrying a concealed weapon. Brian had a plan. Now, Brian wasn't into fucking teachers or principals or anything like that, that would be a huge mistake, but he could seduce Principal Thomas in to just letting him have a detention instead of being kicked out again, but he would not fuck the principal. Brian knew were to draw the line.