A/N: I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short, but I promise the next ones will be much longer, and thank you for your reviews. Also a huge THANK YOU to eleni for her chapter title suggestion. ______________________________________________________________ "I'm sorry Sunshine, I'd love to take you in, but my house is full right now.", at that statement I look up from my spot in Justin's lap and stare at Debbie. "Why the fuck is your house full, you've always made a place to stay for anyone.", I frown and growl at Debbie who only raises an eyebrow at me when I bark and then she smirks. She looks back at Justin and then again at me, before she pulls a key-chain out of her left apron pocket. I frown when she starts to remove one of them, and that's when I notice which key it is. I look up at Debbie who seems to know what I'm thinking and she smirks at me in a devilish manner. She reaches over with one hand and pats me behind my ear while she speaks to Justin. I look over at him and notice that he has a lost expression on his face. He doesn't seem to notice that Debbie is talking to him, while she doesn't notice that he isn't listening. I bark, so that the both of them are pulled out of their thoughts. "Justin, are you listening to me?", worry is written on Debbie's face when she covers his hand with the same one she'd used to pat my head. "Huh?", dumbstruck Justin looks up from the - oh so interesting - menu at Debbie's face. "I told you that I'll give you the keys to the loft of my son's best friend.", with that said she lays the keys to MY LOFT in the kid's hands. What the fuck?! Does she know what she just did? My loft will be a mess as soon as the kid moves in there. I bark and growl showing my displeasure, which only makes Debbie laugh. Ha-fucking-ha. "I don't think Coop likes the idea.", Justin whispers and pats me behind my ears, to calm me down. "Don't worry about him, he will get used to it.", the fuck I will, I can already see my Mice van de Rohe table shattered in pieces. I mean, come on. I've seen the dumpster he lived in with greasy guy. He isn't used to the kind of standards I have. That kid will have a heart-attack when he enters my loft. All that fancy, expensive stuff. The kid will be spoiled rotten. Justin looks down at me when I stop the barking and growling. "What about the owner? Won't he be surprised when I enter his loft unannounced?", yes he will Sunshine, he's right here listening. "Naah, he's out of town, and he's very generous. He won't mind. He told me to give the key to anyone I want.", I did? You're lying, Deb. Without blushing. I'd never give my spare key to anyone. Am I nuts? My loft would be empty in an instant. If I was going to do something like that I might as well put an ad in the paper 'Interested in expensive designer furniture for free? Come to 6 Tremont Street '. And since when am I generous? I growl again, to show Deb that I mind. What the fuck does she think she's doing? I mean hello? I'm right here listening. It's not that I'm miles away and can't hear anything she's saying. Oh Deb, you're in for a tongue lashing when I'm a human again. "Okay, the only thing left to say is. Enjoy your stay, while it lasts and the building is on the corner of Tremont. You can't miss it. It's a warehouse. Top floor.", with that said she pats me on my head for a last time and looks at me with a serious expression in her eyes. I roll my eyes and sigh. "It's okay Deb. He can stay, BUT. He has to move out as soon as I'm human again.", I say and Deb hears me bark. In response she only nods her head as if she had understood me and stands up. "Okay, Coop, let's go.", with that he grabs my leash and tugs on it, so that I get on my feet and follow him out. °*°*°*°*°*°*°*° When the blond put the key in the lock, he had to take a deep breath. It didn't happen everyday, that he lost his boyfriend, lost his home, and found another one in a couple of hours. All because of his new found friend Cooper. He didn't do anything, nevertheless his life seemed to change the second he'd laid eyes on the black Labrador Retriever. Somehow the entrance to the building seemed familiar to Justin. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but somehow he had the feeling that he'd been here before. With a last deep breath he pulled the door to the loft open and stopped breathing completely. This just couldn't be happening... °*°*°*°*°*°*°*°