Justin I can’t believe my asshole of a father left that stupid club to me. I had to fly over from New York to listen to some old perv reading his will. I could care less about what dear old dad' wanted me to have. Let me tell you something more about my dad. He's called the “Sap” he's always been some stupid old guy who was interested in twinks asses. He's not my real father, thank god for that. He adopted me when I was little. He was my mothers brother. My real parents died on a plane crash when I was like 4. I have no siblings so they sent me off, alone, to my uncle. I didn’t see him much growing up and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. I know I only talk about bad stuf,f but when it comes to him I really don’t have much love for him. My first livid memory I have of him was when I was 6 and I heard noises coming from downstairs. So I got up from my bed and went to see what all the commotion was about. And there was dear old dad getting sucked off by a boy yes a boy. He couldn’t have been more then 15. I was so grossed out. And there are so many things after that he did that weren’t my taste. When I was 18 I got accepted in NYU so I went there and got my degree in art and got some other diploma’s too. I stayed there. I never came back. Now I’m 25 and here I am back in the Pitts. The fucker's dead and I got his gay club ‘Babylon’, don’t be mistaken, I'm gay; but I was never into any dance or party scenes. I’m more relaxed and into reading and soft music and all that. Not only did I get the club I also got his apartment it’s somewhere on Tremont and Fuller street. Don’t know where it is since I've never been there. I’ll have to look it up and check the place out. Right now I just want to kick back and relax… oh and call room service. I’m feeling some ice cream will do. _______________________________________ Brian was just closing down his laptop when he heard a knock on his door. He stood up to get it. ”What are you doing here?” Brian asked the tall flamboyant man who was standing in his doorway. ”Me? Nothing. I’m just here with some news.” The guy said. ”Ok Emmett don’t play games. What is it?” ”Sap's dead.” ”I know that, he was buried this morning and frankly I don’t give a shit if that fucker's dead. All I want is that club. Did you ask how much it was to buy it?” ”Oh yeah I did. And it seems there's going to be some completions.” Emmett said while walking trough the door and seating himself on the couch. ”Can I have a drink?” he asked. So Brian went to the fridge to get a bottle of water for him. ”What do you mean by 'completions'? I thought I told everyone to back the fuck off from the club. It’s mine.” ”Yeah you did. But do you know Justin Taylor?” Brian thought for a minute then shook his head. “No I don’t know him. Who is he?" ”He… my dear friend is ‘Sap’s ‘ son. Sap wrote a will and he gave everything to Justin. Even his club.” Emmett took a drink. ”You got to be fucking kidding me.” ” I kid you not. So my advice is to ‘talk’ to the kid. Pay him a visit and see if he can hand the club over to you for a decent price. Find out what it means to him and play your cards right Brian. People of Liberty will be pissed if you loose again. You already lost the Baths for us. Don’t fuck this one up.” With that Emmett got up gave Brian a kiss on the cheek and left the loft. So… Brian thinks to himself. I need to find out where this little 'Justin' lives.