Brian was sitting in his office with his head between his knees trying to catch his breath. He felt like he was going to pass out. He bought the morning newspaper at a newsstand by his favorite coffee shop on his way to work that morning. He had a lot of work to do and a meeting at ten with Vance Gardner to go over the new account he just landed and hopefully it will make him a full partner. But right now he just had to concentrate on getting rid of the major headache he was getting since he read his marriage announcement in the paper. He was going into a full panic attack thinking of all the people reading the paper. "Hey boss!" yelled Cynthia as she walked in the door to Brian's office after a short knock. "Boss are you ok?" "Cynthia" said Brian as he got up and walked over to Cynthia. "I think I'm having a heart heart is racing and my chest hurts! "Brian said in full drama queen mode. "Brian are you ok? What happened?" Cynthia asked. "The paper..I read the paper and now..shit Cyn what the hell am I going to do?" Brian walked back to his desk to pick up the paper to give to Cynthia. Standing in front of his secretary he held the paper in front of her face so she can read his wedding announcement. "Holy shit Brian is it true?" "Ya I meet him while I was in Vermont. I got really drunk Friday night and when I woke up Saturday morning I was laying next to some guy I met and married the night before. Thank god he was hot and Cyn..I mean he was absolutely beautiful and absolutely 18." "Wait a minute he is only 18!" Cynthia asked. "Ya." "Holy Brian Kinney got married...never thought I would see the day." "Me neither." "Well that explains the phone calls." "What phone calls?" Brian asked. "Well Michael is on line two and he said it is extremely important that he speaks to you." "And I'm going to regret this by asking, but who is on line one?" "Your mother." "Shit.... well tell my mother I'm in a meeting and I'll take Michael's call...better get it over with if I want to get anything done because he will continue to call and harass you if I don't talk to him the first time he calls." Said Brian as he walked back to his desk and taking a seat. "Oh thank you Brian, its not that I don't like your friend its just he is a bit whinny if you are to busy to talk." Said Cynthia as she walked out the door. Brian took a deep breath closed his eyes and counted slowly to ten and then back to one as he tried to get him self under control and his walls back up before he talked to his best friend. "Hey Mikey what's new with you?" "Brian have you read the morning paper? Some asshole put a wedding announcement in the paper saying you two are married and shit...." " Mikey" "Bri don't worry though...." "Mikey" "We will get the paper to print an ad saying it was a misprint and then we will get a lawyer and sue that asshole for slander against you. We will get it all straightened out and he will pay dearly for playing this sick joke on us!" "MICHAEL!" "What Bri?" "It's not a joke" Said Brian pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and his forefinger. Wishing for the hundredth time that day he could just lock his office door and cut his phone line and hide from the whole world and it wasn't even nine in the morning yet. "What? Of course it's a joke! Brian Kinney doesn't believe in marriage or love or fucking a trick more that once. Those are the rules and you always follow the rules" Nervously laughed Michael. "Yes they are my rules Michael and I can make them and break them. And I'm telling you Michael what it reads in the paper is true. I did get married he lives with me and his name is Justin Taylor. His parents are Craig and Jennifer Taylor and he will start PIFA in just a few weeks" "So I had to read it in the paper. You couldn't even tell your best friend you met some guy and getting married well fuck you Brian. Best friends tell each other these things." Michael yelled. "Fuck you too Mikey its not like I planned on getting married it just happened and it wasn't like I woke up Friday morning and say if my life isn't fucked as it is lets go get married. Because Mikey I didn't plan it and I didn't want it but I am and I can't change it...I promised Mikey....I promised his fucking parents that we would stay together for one year to try to make it work and when I looked at Justin and the trust in his eyes makes me want to makes me want to make it fucked is that...I'm Brian fucking Kinney for fuck sake I'm not supposed to care...I'm not supposed to give a shit what some twink thinks but god help me I do care and I do care what he thinks of me and what he feels for me because I hope he feels the same way I do." Said Brian whispering the last of his speech losing the battle to fight with Mikey and he just laid his head on his desk. "Wow it true...Brian Kinney finally grew up and fell in love..maybe there is hope for the rest of us fags on Liberty Avenue." "Fuck you Michael I never said the L-word I just said I care about him." Brian growled in to the phone. "Ya well for you its close enough. To tell some one you care it's like an apocalypse or some thing." Michael laughed. "Keep talking bullshit Mikey and I'm hanging up right now." Said Brian quickly losing his patience. "Ya well I am hanging up I got phone calls to make and some sweet little tidbits to tell..." "You better not Michael or I will have your balls and not in a pleasure feeling way!" "Ok...Ok I won't say a are you going to Babylon later." "No I'm staying home I have a lot of work to catch up on" "Or you are going to stay home and fuck your new husband. So when are we going to meet the new husband or are you going to leave him tied to your bed for the next year..and speaking of that won't it get a bit crowded with the new husband and the evening trick in your bed." Brian instantly got pissed and thought it was just best at this point to get off the phone with Michael. "I got to go Mikey I have to finish my presentation before my to you later." Brian hung up the phone before Michael had time to say any thing back but he had said enough all ready and he had brought up some good could he give up tricking...could he even make his marriage work. He never wanted to get married but now that it has been thrust upon him could he take a chance...should he take a chance..hell ya he thought why not at this point he had nothing to lose and he was getting bored with the tricking and Justin was awesome in bed and it would feel great to come home to someone after a long day at work and they would be there and have dinner ready for you and hand you the evening paper, your pipe and slippers, ok so it would be the TV remote, his cigarettes and a glass of beam but still........what the fuck is he thinking......not a chance in hell could he give up tricking ...all those hot mouths and tight asshole waiting for him in the back room of Babylon and the last bathroom stall at Woody's and the Bath's.....Oh ya he was still Brian Fucking Kinney he was getting worried there for a minute with his night mare hetero thoughts. He would just have to make it very clear to his new husband that even though they were now married he had no intensions to change his evil ways oh no he would give him just enough respect not to bring them home. And he would be home by 4 am..or 3am...and he will have them call his cell phone only..or may be he won't give out his number at all. First names only! Yep there was a good new rule...or maybe no names exchanged..and HE would do all the he thought...NO kissing on the mouth. He would save that for his new boy. So he still had all the control..He..Brian Kinney would limit his tricking.........and not do it in front of Justin and no numbers names..home by 3am and damn did he feel good now that he got all that cleared in his head.Yep he was still boss! Not whipped! Shit how to tell Justin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michael had to call the rest of the boys and give them the latest scoop on Brian. He wasn't gossiping he thought, not to save his friend. No he thought it was intervention. This Justin Taylor had to go. Brian was making a terrible mistake and he was going to help him see that. He knew what Brian was thinking that his parents had a shitty marriage and they stayed together all those years for appearances only. And by not getting married he wouldn't be held down like his father was. But something changed that and he knew it had to do with this Taylor guy. He was going to find out what the hell was going on and why they got married. It's not like Brian got this guy pregnant and they had to get married. Brian did tell him he didn't want to get married and he promised the guy's parents that they would stay together for a year. What the hell was that? OK! So he knew why he was pissed and it's not all about this guy. It's about Brian. Well Brian and him. He has always loved Brian. Ever since they were teenagers and he knew that someday Brian would wake up and realizes that he loved him back. They were destined to be together. So telling Ted and Emmett it was true that Brian did in fact get married he put the seed of suspicion into their heads and they where going to track down Brian tonight and get him to see reason. The reason in which to get rid of that guy and end the marriage as quickly as possible because as he told the boys Justin Taylor was a gold digger and can't be trusted. He had already heard rumors all over Liberty Avenue about how he is not only a whore but has been known to hustle his ass for drugs. And was in the market (well until recently) for a rich husband to take care of him. And Michael should know he called several of the biggest gossiping queens on the avenue to spread them.